Potential need for a new player for homebrew PbP


Hey all

There is a decent chance that I am losing a player in my HB PbP. Looking for a healer type, that is a race that lives underground, but can manage to function in Absalom on the streets, starting at level 5.

All the info is here in the original recruitment thread. Take a look at the first page details, and then the last page for the new requirements.


I will know in a day or so if we are losing the other, but wanted to give a heads up in case people are interested.

Lolz, I saw this and thought, hey I'm in one of his other campaigns, it's cool so I'll check this one out. Then I realized it was the campaign i'm already. Sad day.

I'm interested!

New to PBP, if that's alright, though I've looked around a bit.

Edit: I've picked out a Gillman Non-deity Healing/Water(Oceans) Cleric myself. Or possibly a Druid if we already have a Cleric.

Dark Archive

Perhaps an orc witch. Came from a more tribe that had been living under Absolam. He was always viewed as strange because he would help the weaker orcs even though he could have bosses them around. Apprenticed to the tribes shaman. One day when he was out ontop of things gathering things his tribe needed (herbs and such). His tribe was wiped out by a rival tribe, he gathered what he could and made his way up into the sewers. There he collapsed. He was found by an old blind witch whose patron had had her familar lead her there she took care of him and taught him to summon his familiar thus under her tutalage he became a Witch and learned that he was right and might doesn't always make right?

What say you mister MiniGM?? If you like I can stat up later. Just don't want to stat if the concept doesn't fit. Also as far as rules hedge witch archetype to give me more cure power and perhaps scarred witch doctor also.

If this doesn't work I have a few more ideas. The underground race is the hardest part.

Also how do you feel about us crafting?

both are sound ideas.

rashly I will have to read up on the gill man not familiar with them.

divine the only question i have is how will a full orc get along in absalom?

Also let me guide both of you to this thread, it is easier for me to track I only started this one so people realized it was a reopening, and not just another congrats to the selected thread. I will still check here of course, but the other shows up in the campaign. There you can also take a look at who is in the game.

@entropy What are you doing here? Aren't you busy getting killed yet? :)

Gronk tells you, the end times are comming.
Gronk shows you, signs of the obliviation.
Gronk make you, believe all things die.

So says Groteus. So shall it be.

The world is ending. Groteus does not need you bad people making things worse. Shame and lamentations. The time of repentance is at hand.

{{ If chosen, can quickly update to your character requirements and level since the choices have already been made. Posted both places since I wasn't sure which you really wanted them in. }}

Dark Archive

I propose to you Nareth, follower of Zon-Kuthon, raised by dwarves and just recently exposed to the world above ground.

I'm taking a subdomain that allows me to heal with negative energy. It's an amazing strategy that (if set up correctly) will allow me to channel energy to heal the party and damage enemies in one move.

edit: Do I need to quite literally be an underground race, or just raised underground and similar to them?

another edit: he's lv 1 with a 20pt buy, I'll fix those details later if the character concept is liked

Dark Archive

bah, looking for a good deep underground race for a cleric, so many bad charisma scores lol

edit: The Svirfneblin look like an interesting race, however the -4 to charisma makes me shy away from being a good healer. could i perhaps put the -4 into int instead?

Hey Nareth, the post was filled, I posted it on the ther recruitment thread but failed to here, sorry about that, my mistake hope you didn't spend too much time on developing him

Dark Archive

oh no worries, this was a previously generated character that didn't make it into another game, i wasn't going to change details until the concept was at least liked. sorry for bothering you!

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