All Hail Vic Wertz: Cosmic Overlord

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

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For those who missed PaizoCon, he was impressive carrying around that special edition Rise of the Rune Lords. He looked every inch the cosmic entity capable of reducing the miniscule lives around him to dust with but the merest thought.

Plus, we need a new cult.

I was told there was food in this thread.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Wertz Paizo wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Scarab Sages

Sorry, I'm afraid the Cosmic Overlord has first dibs on consuming things around here. Think of we tiny motes of insignificance as his hors d'oeuvres.

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MissingNo wrote:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Wertz Paizo wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Ia! Ia! Wertz fhtagn!

I brought a Jell-O salad. I hope he likes it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Does cosmic overload mean Vic is burning down the universe? O_o

Oh, wait -- that's overlord. Never mind.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
thunderspirit wrote:
Does cosmic overload mean Vic is burning down the universe? O_o


Oh, wait -- that's overlord. Never mind.

... dammit.

Yeerg Arrgh.


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I accept virgin sacrifices and Visa or Mastercard.

Ready the sacrificial altar! We did scrub the old blood out of it didn't we?

Make the sacrifice clean their altar before we gut them like fish.


Did someone say fish? I brought olives stuffed with smoked salmon.

*offers canapes*

Hey guys can I hang out here?

Lo, he wakes, and his mighty brain-pulses do shake the very fabric of creation, for his name is an anagram of Wice Zrtv, and we all know what THAT means.

Great Young One wrote:
Hey guys can I hang out here?

Spawnling! Welcome to the celebration! Will this be your first disembowelment?

The Exchange

You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?

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yellowdingo wrote:
You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?

Ooh, I found our first sacrifice!

yellowdingo wrote:
You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?

Oh, we got conquered? Great!

*organizes conspiratory resistance*

Great grandfather (or was it great-great grand father?) would be proud...

MissingNo wrote:
Great Young One wrote:
Hey guys can I hang out here?
Spawnling! Welcome to the celebration! Will this be your first disembowelment?

I'm not really sure because time has no meaning to me. Either I've been around for a while and I've done this a lot or I just popped into existance. In the end it does not matter.

The Exchange

Cosmic Horror #332 wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?
Ooh, I found our first sacrifice!

Cracks open a Jar of Vegemite and smiles at the soon to be eaten Cosmic Horror #332: Prepare to be played with, food. Vegemite makes anything edible.

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yellowdingo wrote:
Cosmic Horror #332 wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?
Ooh, I found our first sacrifice!
Cracks open a Jar of Vegemite and smiles at the soon to be eaten Cosmic Horror #332: Prepare to be played with, food. Vegemite makes anything edible.

Not even a cosmic horror could make Vegemite edible


Rubber Ducky guy wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Cosmic Horror #332 wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
You surrendered to Overlord Vic Wertz like that...? How about A Brutal, Prolonged Resistance?
Ooh, I found our first sacrifice!
Cracks open a Jar of Vegemite and smiles at the soon to be eaten Cosmic Horror #332: Prepare to be played with, food. Vegemite makes anything edible.
Not even a cosmic horror could make Vegemite edible

Then I must be a true abomination, I love devouring Vegemite.

Also all hail Vic!


Lazy minions...

Evil Vic Wertz wrote:
Lazy minions...

Points at "Evil Vic Wertz" and howl-shrieks like Donald Sutherland at the end of his Invasion of the Body Snatchers

To the vegemite enthusiasts: the secret ingredient in Vegemite is Cosmic Horror #332 as an FYI. You are all ... subverted ...

I was perverted once.....

Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Evil Vic Wertz wrote:
Lazy minions...

Points at "Evil Vic Wertz" and howl-shrieks like Donald Sutherland at the end of his Invasion of the Body Snatchers

To the vegemite enthusiasts: the secret ingredient in Vegemite is Cosmic Horror #332 as an FYI. You are all ... subverted ...

If you eat me, and I eat you, does that violate the law of conservation of mass causing the universe to implode?

I sure hope so.

New cult, huh?

Yes, welcome. All Hail Our Cosmic Overlord!


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Is this the Office of the Cosmic Overlord? I have a complaint about the over-abundance of Awful Lawfulness in the universe! {shakes fist ineffectually}

We're working on it. Please hold! v%$2, 0*[|yu7# ?'}oW3!< `````````````````````````````````````````````````v~~p;&

Lawful what now?

I think it has something to do with turnips. Or maybe dolphins. I'm not really sure.

I'm going with the turnip thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

IT is time to put a cosmic overlord in our reasonably priced car.

Cosmic Horror #332 wrote:
I'm going with the turnip thing.

There's a show on the Disney Channel with anthropomorphic turnips. I'm betting the Cosmic Overlord is influencing the dreams of the writers.



I have decided to destroy this site in 3...2...1...

Evil Vic Wertz wrote:
I have decided to destroy this site in 3...2...1...

Apparently MacGruder disarmed the self-destruct. {shakes non-existent fist ineffectually}



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Chaos, Entropy, Madness, and Turnip.

Dark Archive

i think thats evil Vic...

I think that means we need more sacrifices!

Scarab Sages

ulgulanoth wrote:
i think thats evil Vic...

There's a difference?

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