If your fighter gets 5 skills per level.


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What are you 5 most Important skills you like and why?

Perception survival a craft or proffesion sense motive and the last one based on build

Stealth (thanks to armor training, you can be as good as a Rogue for sneaking), Climb (at least until you have a reliable way to fly/levitate/spider climb), Acrobatics (jump over difficult terrain), Perception (because it's the most useful skill in Pathfinder) and Intimidate (for not being totally useless in town and intimidating your opponent in battle).

Scarab Sages

Perception (it should be a class skill for fighters and is in my games), intimidate (for some social ability and for coupling with feats for demoralise), a knowledge skill (I tend to go for local and use a trait for a class skill), stealth (needing to sneak always comes up and splitting the party almost always ends in tears). Then whatever else really, acrobatics, survival, a couple of ranks each in climb and swim.

I agree with minoritarian, if you are going to sneak on the bad guys, all party members should do it, not only one of them.

1. Perception
2.+3. Stealth & Acrobatics
4. Survival

A fighter in mithral full plate with full move, stealth, acrobatics?

Sovereign Court

Put a point in all the skills that probably work well enough with just a point to activate the class skill bonus (Climb, Swim).

Survival if there's no ranger or druid in the party.

Perception, definitely.

Acrobatics: 3 ranks, in case you ever need to fight defensively. Don't put more than 3 in unless you intend to max it.

Stealth, Ride: these only work if you max them. If you do, it's nice.

Profession: Sailor could be useful.

Handle Animal is nice if you can get your score up to a +10, so you can do most training with a Take 10. Also cute if you want to train some monster mount.

Sense Motive: can be useful against rogue-y types with odd attacks/mind tricks.

Intimidate: because you should be able to deal with rowdy people in a bar

Diplomacy (Bluff, Sense Motive, Intimidate): necessary if you want to become overlord in your own right, instead of being the bard's bodyguard. Because people expect leaders to deliver speeches themselves and conduct some negotiations personally.

Ascalaphus wrote:
Acrobatics: 3 ranks, in case you ever need to fight defensively. Don't put more than 3 in unless you intend to max it.

This! I think that acrobatics is THE most useful skill for a Fighter. +3 to AC when fighting defensively (or +6 when using the full-defense action) his a huge bonus. Think about it: Combat Expertise gives you a +1 AC for every -1 you take as a penalty on your attack rolls, while 3 ranks acrobatics can give you +3 to AC if you chose to take a -4 penalty on your attack rolls, which is 75% as good as Combat Expertise, but doesn't cost you any feat. But it gets even more interesting when you start combining fighting defensively (or the full-defense action) with mobility, giving you a +7 (or +10) bonus to AC against AoOs you provoke while moving. Incite your opponents to waste their AoOs on you to let your comrades move freely around the battlefield.

STR Ranger wrote:
What are you 5 most Important skills you like and why?

Depends on what you want to do. My fighter does get 5 per level and acts as the party face and scout, so diplomacy and perception are maxed with acrobatics and stealth close behind. I have a few in climb, swim, survival, and engineering as well.

Shadow Lodge

knowledge dungeenering
knowledge engineering
Use magical device

As a side note when I play fighters I prefer humans with an INT of 13+ so I can get more skill ranks and access to the Combat Expertise chain.

Regardless of the character concept of the fighter I'm playing I'll max out perception and put three ranks in acrobatics.

After that I'll put a few ranks into climb and swim (counting on Armor Training and a high Strength to make sure I have a reasonable modifier), handle animal+ride (so I can proficiently travel overland on a horse) and a few ranks in survival (sooner if the party doesn't have a barbarian, druid or ranger). After these basic needs are met then I'll start pouring ranks into the two fighter knowledges (dungeoneering and engineering) and make an investment in craft (weapons).

Grand Lodge

A social skill isn't bad either but yeah, Perception, Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival

Sovereign Court

If you want to be a "classical" fighter; lord of the land, general of the army style, then you need Ride, Diplomacy and a bit of Intimidate and Handle Animal. Sense Motive and Bluff are dishonorable-ish and you don't have to be good at them (but you need a sidekick who IS good at them).

That's not a particularly easy set of skills. You could use Cosmopolitan to make Diplomacy a class skill, along with perhaps Perception of Knowledge: Nobility/History/Geography.

Ascalaphus wrote:

If you want to be a "classical" fighter; lord of the land, general of the army style, then you need Ride, Diplomacy and a bit of Intimidate and Handle Animal. Sense Motive and Bluff are dishonorable-ish and you don't have to be good at them (but you need a sidekick who IS good at them).

That's not a particularly easy set of skills. You could use Cosmopolitan to make Diplomacy a class skill, along with perhaps Perception of Knowledge: Nobility/History/Geography.

If you want that guy then you should also consider the Cavalier class (which IMO is a great mounted noble warrior, leader-of-men type). He gets diplomacy as a class skill and has two more ranks per level to boot.

Lantern Lodge

climb, acrobatics, swim, perception, and sense motive

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Craft: Basketweaving
Craft: Sammiches
Perform: Vuvuzela
Perform: Interpretive Dance

Sovereign Court

Humphrey Boggard wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

If you want to be a "classical" fighter; lord of the land, general of the army style, then you need Ride, Diplomacy and a bit of Intimidate and Handle Animal. Sense Motive and Bluff are dishonorable-ish and you don't have to be good at them (but you need a sidekick who IS good at them).

That's not a particularly easy set of skills. You could use Cosmopolitan to make Diplomacy a class skill, along with perhaps Perception of Knowledge: Nobility/History/Geography.

If you want that guy then you should also consider the Cavalier class (which IMO is a great mounted noble warrior, leader-of-men type). He gets diplomacy as a class skill and has two more ranks per level to boot.

Yeah, I know. I just don't like cavaliers all that much; I feel a regular fighter should be able to handle that. Fortunately, with the fighter quantity of feats, you can spare one or two to do it.

Use Magic Device. Enjoy your wands and more.

STR Ranger wrote:
What are you 5 most Important skills you like and why?


On lots of things.

What roles are already represented, what are you looking to do, etc.

Here are a few, blind:

Stealth: Can be very useful, especially if you can convince the party as a whole to have some measure of it. With a good DM, this can help dictate many, many encounters.

Intimidate: You can build around this one for in combat, and be quite fun to roleplay outside of combat.

Movement skills: Useful to be competent here. They are for the most part class skills and generally speak to STAT investments. Moreover they help make you be more independent and able to get to the bad guy.

Perception: Moderately useful, but in general there are others that will specialize here.

Sense Motive: Reasonable to wish to have, especially if others 'have better things' to spend skills upon.

Survival: Party dependent.

UMD: very nice to have in the late game, and reasonable early on to have a rank or three. In the late game a headband can give this.


Grand Lodge

1 rank of Climb
1 rank of Swim
Acrobatics (Rice Runner or Captain's Blade)
Diplomacy (World Traveler, Cosmopolitan)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge (Religion)

Other skills as appropriate or needed.

Note that the above skill list tends toward the Lore Warden centric, since they get extra benefits from both Acrobatics and the creature-related Knowledge skills. Along with having all Knowlege skills as class skills, and an extra two skill points per level.

Q: "If your Fighter gets 5 skill points per level?"

A: Then your fighter is a frikken genius!..FIRE the BARD!!

Additionally I like perception it gets a massive #1 in my book. Survival is always good and any others are used to tailor the character to the party needs and/or character concept.

I'm fond of:
Use Magic Device

and then spreading a couple of points in acrobatics, climb, ride and swim.


Rest, put in single ranks, or "one point wonders" into various class skills including survival, climb, and swim. Any remaining points into Fly.

I only play Pathfinder Society games. And based on what I've seen there, my choices would be, in this order:


Perception is of course the most-used skill, and being able to spot an ambush means not having to suffer through a round of being flat-footed while the enemy rogues take away 90% of your hit points.

Diplomacy, I'm sorry, but there are SO MANY TIMES that success in the mission hinges on making nice with some faction or another that this is really a required skill for EVERYONE. Plus 75% of the time, your Faction missions rely on your having decent Diplomacy. Without completing those Faction Missions, you won't get access to +2 weapons and armor until 9th level. With, and you might be able to get them around 5th.

Climb & Swim: Just getting the bare minimum is not enough. You are a fighter. You will be wearing heavy armor (and by heavy I mean weight, not class). Even getting your Fame Awards from your faction, you will not be able to access Mithril heavy armor until 7th level minimum. Until that time -- 18 modules -- you will need some method to get up and over walls and other vertical barriers, and you will need some ways to deal with what happens when you get dumped overboard (and remember, Absalom is on an island, you're almost constantly on a boat). You won't always be able to get +Climb/+Swim items, mainly because you're saving up for that +1 Holy weapon you need to ruin the day of all the Fiendish monsters that show up.

Acrobatics: Very useful for jumping over that pit trap that just opened up under your feet. Very useful for getting around debris and low obstacles which block you from getting to the enemy. If you are a high-mobility fighter you will want this feat, and you will want a LOT of it to counteract the heavy armor penalty you have.

Intimidate: Another social skill that's very useful in PFS adventures.

Some other skills mentioned:

UMD: What are you people smoking. UMD is one of the most useless skills for a fighter to get -- in PFS. You can't get wands of spells over 3rd level, and those are horrendously expensive -- and 1st level wands are nice toys, but hardly useful to a fighter. What spells are you going to put into it? CLW? Give the happy stick to someone who can use it and use your actions to deal damage & make yourself annoying to the enemy.

Survival: Haven't seen this one come up in PFS in, like, never.

Stealth: Another not as useful skill in PFS.

Knowledge Skills: Leave these to the folks who have a high INT and lots of skill points. Monster knowledge can be useful, bit so can just walking up and cleaving their skills. Let the wizards and clerics be the font of knowledge. You're there to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

Linguistics: If you really want this skill, get a Headband of Vast Intelligence. One extra language every level, for free? But it's easier to let the wizard or bard act as the translator.

In short, get Perception, then the skills that let you keep moving, then Diplomacy or Intimidation (preferably the former).

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John-Andre wrote:
Survival: Haven't seen this one come up in PFS in, like, never.

Then you must not have adventured in the frozen north much.

Profession: mercenary/adventurer (this can be really milked).
Heal (especially at low levels, can ease off on it later).
Perception (what was that noise?).
Survival (really agree on this, but many campaigns are set in temperate climates not so far from cities. They don't know what they are missing).
Sense Motive (you will be lied to, and probably set up).

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