DeJoker |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Going to be creating a game for a beginner and their friend that will start at Level one and the campaign will go from there.
This game will take place here on Paizo as a PbP and it will also be taking place on Discord using voice chat -- so if you are not on Discord and/or do not have voice chat you are probably not going to want to play this game.
The game will have "puzzles" in it as well as a bit of weirdness due to what one the players is wanting to play. It will also deal with trying to eradicate Goblins
That being said players will roll 3d6 take 2 and add 6 within the Discussion Channel for their initial attributes and then arrange them as they see fit.
I will be using aonprd.com for source material, however, there may be elements that could be restricted due to not only introducing a new player to Pathfinder 1e but also to role playing games in general.
Therefore if you an absolute newbie definitely feel free to apply and I will work with you to make a 3-dimensional character and hopefully have a lot fun.
However, if you are a power player I suggest you do not apply, as that would be unfair to the newbies, that is unless you are okay with not play an overly mechaniced PC.
Oh and lastly I take folks on a first come first served basis but with the caveat of just because you were first but then put nothing into creating a character then you may drop in the order in that queue.
Further the last time I opened a game this way I got 15 applicants and I was only taking at most 7 and by the time the characters were finished we only had 7 active players and of those 7 active players there is currently only 1 of the originals still in that game of 5 players. So what I am saying is do not be discouraged if you are not the first to post an interest for I have found someone posting an interest (aka what is called dotting) is about as much commit to the game as the amount of characters that were typed (aka a single dot).

RHMG Animator |

There are a few questions to be asked;
One: Background skills are they in use?
Two: Is Elephant in the room in use? (as it fixes some of the feat taxes)
Three: how would you deal with "heart attack Victims" (average stats (should be 13) being equal to or lower then say 10 total (an average monster baseline), as some folks have bad luck in rolling stats)
Four: You list the Archives for an available source and yet want to stop any power gaming,
why not just say CRB and list a few other books (with further restrictions if needed) to stop any power gaming plays.

DeJoker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay RHMG Animator and G-unit answers both of your series of questions below.
Okay yes I am using Background Skills but I hope they will be chosen to augment a characters background but that is not required.
Next I am using Traits - 2 plus an additional 1 if a meaningful drawback is taken.
I will update these items under the campaign tab
As for the elephant in the room (aka feat taxes) I am open to it but I am not 100% saying yes to all of it as that is not on aonprd.com -- keep in mind this is game is for complete newbie not only to Pathfinder 1e but role playing games in general. Still some adjustments I would definitely agree with those being the one about Weapon Finesse with weapons you have proficient with and I would expand Weapon Focus to a +1 To Hit and Damage making it actually worth a full Feat. As for the any other Feats both those covered by the elephant in the room and those not covered by the elephant in the room I am open to negotiation and upon agreeing to something I will record that under the Campaign tab.
As for not averaging a roll of 13 or higher with your attributes using the heightened system that I outlined I did specifically state you may choose to roll again until you average (in Discussion) a 13 or better average set of attributes. Thus no need for a "heart attack"
Note personally I do not care what your attributes end up being as frankly I can handle anything that the players end up being. All I am trying to do is make it not so mechanical (aka min-maxing) which is what the point buy system generates and I want folks to have characters that are heroic and fun to play. Sure at low levels those numbers can be fairly significant but eventually they are quite minor.
I mean if I wanted to perhaps balance it out even more I could limit your attribute bonuses to your level thus restricting that extreme boost some folks can get for a very high attribute until they are higher level and where it does not mean as much. Which is something I am now considering as I have never had this idea before but it is a very good game balancing element.
I do not feel I need to go beyond telling non-newbies to please do not power game because you all fully understand what that means as you already fully know how to fully exploit the mechanics. While true newbies will have no clue as to how to garner ever ounce of benefit from the mechanics so that they can exploit those mechanics and make their character far more powerful than a nominally created character. So that is why I am not restricting things beyond say please do not power game as this is a game that is also for a complete newbie.
As to the newbie -- they are looking at a fighter rogue combination we have not fully outlined the class they are wanting to play but yeah it will be a hybrid of some sort of those two classes.
There friend said they wanted to play a spell caster of some type that had eaten a magical po-ta-toe and this gave them their access to magic. Aka Boil em, smash em, stick em in a stew -- assuming you recognize that reference. Like I said something weird but still doable.
I am in the USA CT timezone (and they are in the US as well) but I am not sure when they will want to do the Discord version of the game as of yet. I will assume at this point sometime after 4pm CT but before 8pm CT weekdays and/or sometime on the Weekend and probably only for a couple of hours regardless of when. While I am hoping I can get them to do the majority online in a normal PbP fashion. They are just not familiar with playing a pure PbP game so I agreed to a hybrid version.
Next if you want to play in this game just put forth not only your character idea but anything you as a player would like to see in the game and would not like to see in the game. As I work to make a game that is fun for the players as I can run (and have ran) just about everything.
As to the setting, this is going to be greatly dependent on the players and what you all give me for what you would like to see in the game as well as would like not to see. Of course the current basic theme to the campaign is Goblins Must Die! so that will be a very strong element to the game and the setting if that helps any.
Also keep in mind if there is something you have wanted to play (that is heroic) but could not because there was no class for it then just outline what it is you are wanting to play and I will work with you and create a balanced class that covers that as closely as possible.

DeJoker |

Yeah you caught the reference -- although the actual lyrics say Po-ta-toes but I agree that could easily sound like Poe-Tay-Toes as well. So either or is fine by me. That being said I do not even have a clue as of yet what that is going to actually turn out to mean other than they want to be able to throw a potatoe and have it explode for damage.
As for your character I would simply encourage you to play something you think you would have the most fun playing and let me deal with making sure all the players get an equal share of the lime light.

DeJoker |

Okay a small update to the game players will start as Porcelin Ranked adventurers in the Adventurers Guild where they will be given tasks to complete and will be rewarded for completing these tasks.
Which initially will be simply coin but eventually may allow the players access to more advanced items currently possessed by the Adventurers Guild.
Again this is based on the request from the newbie as they wanted to play something like the Goblin Slayer Manga
If that helps you with what you create.

RHMG Animator |

I figured Goblin Slayer was referenced, and I read the Light Novels up to Volume 15 (about another say 10+ Manga Volumes ahead currently).
Sounds like the Newbie is trying their hand at two roles (Skilled and Assault) via Multi-Classing,
as though If they are aiming to be the "Goblin Slayer" of the Manga and Novels.
I'd say either Ranger or Slayer would work better for them, as a Fighter/Rogue as takes a hit to skill points, BAB, and saves compared to single classing a Ranger or Slayer which Goblin Slayer showed he has in spades. Also Ranger has the Favored Enemy class feature which matches very well with a Goblin Slayer along with his tracking skill. So using Hardcover books It would be easy to remake The Goblin Slayer, using either Ranger or Slayer.
As for me, I was aiming at an doing Fighter/Rogue or Barbarian/Rogue, but if some is aiming for that, it makes it harder to find a hole to fit.
So I'll be thinking on things for a bit.
From Lowest to Highest

DeJoker |

Look there is no reason that there cannot be another individual that is similar in nature but different and having more than one skilled fighter type is not a bad thing.
That being said I tend to work with players so that they do not need to multi-class becuase I find the guidelines for multi-classing greatly break the aesthetic of the game. Therefore if you looking to multi-class I would ask how many levels of each class you think you would take and what is it that you are striving to get from each class in order to make a single full class instead of two partial classes.
Also thanks for those insights I had not looked at those yet but the suggestions are quite viable for the reasons you stated and I will be looking at those as I work with the player.
Oh and yes thanks but I already had Guild Ranks and I am looking at how to equate them to character level or character level range. The easiest break down would be 2 levels per rank but I am not sure that is accurrate since it seems that the Goblin Slayer might have exceeded the level of Silver and equating the number of spell slots to Pathfinder 1e that appear Goblin Slayer seems to greatly downgrade the level of Silver so I am guessing each Guild Rank would have a range of levels and Goblin Slayer who is not concerned with that has simply became Silver Rank based purely on the number of Goblins and the difficulty of the Goblins that he has vanquished over time.
Still if any player has an idea on how the Guild Ranks ought to be ran based on that manga it would be greatly appreciated to hear from you.
Oh and be thee forewarned Goblins have levels just like PCs do they just have a racial class that they follow rather than the normal PC classes.

RHMG Animator |

Oh and be thee forewarned Goblins have levels just like PCs do they just have a racial class that they follow rather than the normal PC classes.
Yeah that was something that kinda poked holes in D&D and PF, where once you reached a certain level you never saw any of the weaker monsters.
The only exception to that was in the Red Hand of Doom where it was the same goblin over and over, but they acted differently as the game progressed, which made all the difference.*Red Hand of Doom is a adventure going from level 6 to level 12.
You you don't want slow pokes in the party at all, and note who worked on it....
I have something I that could use some testing on, A race with a racial paragon class.
I'll be also using Barbarian.

G-unit |

Okay, I’ve settled on a concept.
Human, Skald (Fated Champion archetype).
Quick question. In PFS play they let you switch out scribe scroll feat for the extra performance feat. Would you be willing to do allow this switch.
As far as what I’d like to see from the game. A little intrigued within the guild. Otherwise I’m open to anything.

RHMG Animator |

I've PMed the Racial Data and the racial Paragon class, and can modify them a bit more if needed.
I think every two levels being equal to certain ranks fits, as Goblin Lord were considered akin to a Gold or Platinum adventure
(this did come out from Goblin Slayer's mouth at the adventure hall when asking for help to defend the farm).
A mix of combat, role play, and some intrigue would be good.
And since I've read up to Volume 15, I will say let's toss in some rescuing of some slaves (maybe some nobles), and beating up some slavers as well as goblins.

RHMG Animator |

Hello! Newbie here, I'm very excited to finally get an understanding of the game and see how fun it is to play! Please bear with me as I have NEVER played the game before, nor BD3. Any tips and guidance would be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead of us!
I can help guide you to what you want to make, but I'd need to know what you want to make.
Also stats can be a bit of a driver for certain classes.....As some Classes are MAD (Multi Attribute Driven), some are SAD (Single Attribute Driven) with some in between.

DeJoker |

No I asked him to make his rolls here as such could all of you please make your attributes rolls here as that will make you an official applicant. I do not make players create a character first before accepting them as I feel that is wrong on so many levels one of those being respect and I respect all my players.
Yeah I apologise for my previous message as I had forgot about that.
Once that is done then please move to the discussion channel where we can continue talking about things.
Again I have one other player that hopefully will be joining soon so it looks like (unless anyone else joins) that we will be starting with 4 players -- gee that kind of works with that fatal group that started out with goblins rather than rats and bugs

RHMG Animator |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Warning game is Not Pathfinder 1e RaW (Rules as Written)"
The game is really a Homebrew using PF 1e as a reference and the GM is not using Archive of Nethys as is which they put in the Opening post.
Expect Customised races, and likely some tweaking to classes, feats, traits, spells and mechanics, in varying degrees.

DeJoker |

Yes this is not Pathfinder 1e RaW as there is no such thing as RaW but only GaW Guidelines as Written specifically stated by those Guidelines
But it should also be known that the individual complaining about RaW was wanting to play a completely Homebrew race that they had built from using the Race Building Guidelines which do not appear on Aonprd.
So basically RHMG Animator is posting an extremely hypocritcal statement in that he did not want a RaW game but because I was not letting him enter with is OP Race as it stood he began complaining about the other modifications I am using to make the game more fun for the other players.
But yes one should expect in this game that I am running explicitly for a couple of other players mostly that, like always, there will be modifications to the GaW (Guidelines as Written) per what those Guidelines say a GM should feel comfortable with doing. Use what works and discard or modify what does not.
So yes if a player wants to play a custom race (like RHMG Animator wanted to) then I will try to accomodate that.
If someone wants to play a custom/modified class then I will try to accomodate that.
As for Feats and Traits those tend to have the least amount of adjustments but then (again interestingly enough RHMG Animator requested the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax which again is not RaW nor GaW nor on Aonprd so more hypocrisy). Still I am going to use parts of the Elephant in the Room just not necessarily all of it.
As for Spells since there are currently no spell casters there really is no adjustments going on there but if there were any spell casters I would share with them my view on things in that venue and get their input on that. Most players have no issue with with any tweaks I make to spells.
As for mechanics I am not sure there are any actual changes there or at least none that I recall off the top of my head but I am sure we will cross that bridge once we get to it.
However when all is said and done all modifications get posted for easy look up under the campaign tab for players to reference anytime that they like.

RHMG Animator |

To be clear
One, Elephant in the Room was asked about if it was present, as it affects plans for character progression and now is generally asked about like Background skills, it is something to know about when planning a character.
Check a few PF 1e recruitments, and you'll likely see it being asked about if it is not already mentioned in the Opening post.
Two, When something is RaW (Rules as Written) it means the 98+% of the system and content stays "as is" from official sources, which is something that is assumed, unless expressly stated in the Opening Recruitment. Which GM did not do, and makes referencing the Archive of Nethys a bit pointless as the core races are really different, and classes are likely modified along with other content.
Three, I mentioned the Race was to be test run and what the GM sent back was not even close to what it was and they did not Understand the effects of some of their changes, like the costs and impacts of the Cold Sub-type mechanically in many areas, or fusing together two weaknesses, where one weakness is redundant because of the other. They also asked questions that already had the answer to it in my first PM to them about doing the test run of my race, to find out if it is or is not Over-Powered by actually running it as is in a Raw PF 1e game.
The GM also did not even know some racial features like Stalker which can be looked up in the PFRFD and find it's real worth.
But resigned new values to every racial feature to what they likely feel is right, then what it really likely is.
Which means I can't trust the GM's "Idea of Balance" when they don't know or understand the impacts of some of their choices. Especially when it seems they are a custom happy.
Which means this ain't Pathfinder 1e, but Homebrew using Pathfinder 1e as a reference.
And the Opening recruitment said it was Pathfinder 1e, with NO mention that it was majorly overhauled in the Opening Post.

DeJoker |

First and foremost -- two -- the game was never stated to be only RaW mainly because I do not believe in RaW as a thing for it does not actually exist and thus when stated it is basically a lie. Further I would simply have stated upfront if it would be GaW which would have been accurate had I even intended to do that. So nice lie and redirection RHMG Animator
Now three -- yes you mentioned the Race was to be a test run and you also stated you expected the game to be RaW (aka GaW) which is an oxymoron and thus a lie since you cannot not have both. Therefore the mere acceptance of a potential completely non-existent race for whatever reason means you definitely knew immediately that the game was not 98+% GaW nor did you want it to be that. Next, as I stated, yes I alterred that race to make it more balanced because it was (1) badly themed (2) over powered but then I am sure you knew this for I have been informed that you tried to use this race before and were denied for basically the same reason -- it was over powered -- now instead of just denying you and not letting you play it, I instead tried to work with you and make it a balanced race. Next I fully understood all the effects of all the changes I implemented you just did not like them because they nerfed your over powered race that you wanted to "test" aka play in a game you expected to be 98+% GaW. So again nice redirection but still a lie.
The other part about my not having payed 100% attention to you when juggling more than one player -- well surprise, surprise that happens. Yes I realize you felt you were all that and should be the center of attention but you were not nor will you ever be, regardless of whose game you join and especially not in a game that was specifically created for other players and simply opened up for anyone else that might want to join in.
Next yes I do not have all of the information within PF1e committed to memory and I did an extensive online search for Stalker and did not find it anywhere further your link does not even take you to it so it must not exist or must be extremely difficult to locate and further that is not Aonprd which you again stated you felt the game would be focused on 98+% so once more another bit of misdirection to try and hide your lies.
Next you can only not trust a GM's "Idea of Balance" when they do not let you run an obviously overpowered race which was designed to be specifically over powered so you could test your completely unbalanced race and most likely a min/maxed character that would have followed from it. Again more misdirection to hide your obvious lies.
Now we are back to the -- its not Pathfinder 1e out of the box -- disregarding that you wanted to play something definitely not out of the box -- that is hypocrisy and thus a lie about your intentions you are just hoping you can mask your lies with confusion.
Now the opening recruitment said it was Pathfinder 1e with NO mention of whether it was going to be predominately GaW or if it was not going to be such and you only became upset about it when you were not allowed to test your Over Powered extremely homebrewed race in a game that was not created for testing such a thing. For the recruitment clearly stated this was a game for a couple of specific players and all I was doing was opening it up to allow anyone potentially interested in playing -- because I run a very newbie friendly game and this one would be going through and helping a player learn the basic fundamentals of the game.
Again it did not state that there would be no modifications and being allowed to present a very customized homebrew race screams upfront that I am willing to play with the guidelines to make the game more fun for my players and you had the opportunity but obviously did not really want to play that customized homebrew race unless you could play the over powered version of that race. So again nice misdirection to try and cover up for all your lies.
Oh and this lets everyone else know, that strangely tend to follow me or at least recruitment and discussion threads in general, that you are a player that is up to no good. So good luck in getting that over powered race tested now -- especially since this is at least strike out number two and perhaps more with you trying to get to play it.
Lastly this is Pathfinder 1e and all that means is this uses the basic core of the mechanics found in Pathfinder 1e -- the skills, the classes, the races are all Pathfinder 1e rather than say DnD 5e which while a similar system has significant differences within the mechanics. Yeah not Pathfinder 1e GaW but again you knew that was not the case when you were allowed to submit your completely homebrew race -- so any complaints thereafter and your childish temper tantrum just shows how big lie you are spinning.
Further -- RHMG Animator -- do not post to this recruitment or this game anymore as you are no longer accepted here and any further posts by you will be reported as harrasment.

pinvendor |

Are you still accepting applicants for this? While I'm not a new player, I design characters based on concept rather than powergaming.
Also, as far as Discord is concerned, I wouldn't be available until later in the evening. I work until 5pm AZ MT/PDT or 7pm CDT, so I'll always be 2 hours behind CT and would still need time to get home some days as I work hybrid WFH, 2 days in office.
I prefer not to schedule time on the weekends as those are often filled for me unless the games are scheduled earlier in the morning like 9-10am (11am-12pm CDT) though even that may be tough on some occasions.
If my time restrictions don't disqualify me, let me know, and I can roll something up.