Theory-craft: The Invunerable


Scarab Sages

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I had an idea today that I have no idea how to pull off. How would you build a character that is immune to as many things as possible? I'm talking special attacks, spells, poison, disease, conditions, and anything or everything else. No level limit so go hog wild to 20 if you want with wealth to match.
I haven't had time to sit down and try this myself yet, but will try as soon as I can. Just thought I'd throw this up on the boards to see if anyone had any juicy ideas. My first instinct was some kind of paladin or monk, maybe a mix of the two?

Dwarf Witchunter Inquisitor with Steel Soul and Glory of Old

High Will/Fort saves progression (+12)
+5 Racial vs Magic
+5 Knowledgeable Defense
+5 Cloak of Resistance
14/16 Con/Wis (+2/+3)
Belt/Headband +6 (+3save)
= +32 Fort/+33 Will

So you only fail saves on a 1.
The STALWART class ability says whenever you make a save that allows a save for a reduced effect you instead take No effect.

Then if you take the Travel domain that gets you Freedom of Movement.

So you ignore Magic/Obstacles.

Alchemist. Plain and simple. A player in our group is an alchemist and he has YONS of immunities and save bonuses vs pretty much anything as an alchemist. Not sure how, but there are plenty of good things they can do.

STR Ranger wrote:

Dwarf Witchunter Inquisitor with Steel Soul and Glory of Old

High Will/Fort saves progression (+12)
+5 Racial vs Magic
+5 Knowledgeable Defense
+5 Cloak of Resistance
14/16 Con/Wis (+2/+3)
Belt/Headband +6 (+3save)
= +32 Fort/+33 Will

So you only fail saves on a 1.
The STALWART class ability says whenever you make a save that allows a save for a reduced effect you instead take No effect.

Then if you take the Travel domain that gets you Freedom of Movement.

So you ignore Magic/Obstacles.


A dip in paladin which could help too, for fear immunity and slightly better saves. I'd also take a ring of evasion, just to be sure, since your saves should be still decent even in that department.

spelling errors in thread titles always remind me of the third edition barbarians for some reason.

Anyhow I believe the OP asked for complete immunities, not "very high saves". It´s easiest through race, so venturing in the bestiary would be my first step.
The second question you have to ask yourself is if you prefer several immunities to small conditions or rather 1-2 of the big ones.
The unbreakable fighter has a great capstone ability of being immune to mind-effects, quite broad. There is also a monk with the capstone of being immune to death effects and negative levels I believe.

A beast-bonded witch with a construct familiar is close to being a construct herself and profits of a ton of immunities.

So my entry is for elemental martial artist:
as monk: immunity to fatigue, immunity to exhaustion, immunity to stunning, immunity to death effects and energy drain.
as elemental:Immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
and as secondary "immunities":
flanking, sneak attack, everything that causes eating, sleeping or breathing problems. (example: choke spell)

Galadeus the Unkillable

Drow Oracle 1/Paladin 3/Monk 1/Horizon Walker 3/Ranger (Infiltrator) 2/ Shadow Dancer 10

Stats - 20 point buy (+5 Stats from level Ups)

Str 7, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 22, Cha 30

BAB +15
AC: 52 (Pit Fiend hits on a 20 only)
10 Base
1 Dodge
5 Dex
6 Wisdom
8 Bracers
5 Ring
5 Amulet
1 Robe
7 Shield
4 Combat Expertise

Saves - Fort +34, Ref +34, Will +34

Defensive abilities
DR 10/-, Spell Resistance 31, Immune to (Sleep, Disease, Sickened, Tracking?, Fear, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Poison, Bleed), Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Slippery Mind, Fire Resist 10, Freedom of Movement

Drow - Immune to Sleep, SR 31
Oracle Mystery - Heavens
Oracle Orisons
Oracle Curse - Wasting (Immune to Disease, Sickened)
Oracle Revelation - Lure of Heavens (Immune to Track? Lol)
Paladin Aura of Good
Paladin Detect Evil
Paladin Smite Evil 1/day
Paladin Divine Grace
Paladin Lay on Hands 1/day (Mercy Irrelevant - Remove Shaken)
Paladin Aura of Courage (Immune to Fear)
Paladin Divine Health (Immune to Diseases)
Monk Flurry of Blows
Monk Stunning Fist
Monk Unarmed Strike
HW Favored Terrain - Desert +4, Cold +2
HW Terrain Mastery Desert (Immune to Exhaustion)
HW Terrain Dominance Desert (Immune to Fatigue, Fire Resist 10)
Ranger Favored Enemy Orc
Ranger Track
Ranger Wild Empathy
Shadowdancer Hide in Plain Sight
Shadowdancer Evasion
Shadowdancer Darkvision
Shadowdancer Uncanny Dodge
Shadowdancer Rogue Talents (3x)
Shadowdancer Shaddow Illusion
Shadowdancer Summon Shadow
Shadowdancer Shadow Call
Shadowdancer Shadow Jump 320ft
Shadowdancer Defensive Roll
Shadowdancer Improved Uncanny Dodge
Shadowdancer Slippery Mind
Shadowdancer Shadow Power
Shadowdancer Improved Evasion
Shadowdancer Shadow Master

Feats -
1 Endurance
3 Combat Reflexes
5 Drow Noble
Monk Bonus Feat - Dodge
7 Mobility
9 Drow Noble Improved
Ranger Style Feat - Shield Focus
11 Missile Shield
13 Drow Noble Greater
15 Noble Spell Resistance
17 Great Fortitude
19 Combat Expertise

Items 223k
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25k)
Headband of Mental Superiority +6 (144k)
Belt of Physical Prowess +6 Dex, Con (90k)
Ring of Protection +5, Regeneration (140k)
Ring of Freedom of Movement (40k)
Bracers of Armor +8 (64k)
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (50k)
Gamboge Nodule Ioun Stone (54k)
Monks Robe (13k)
+5 Heavy Fort Klar (100k)

Still 223k gold left to spend. I believe this character has pretty much everything he needs to be a defensive power house. He doesn't fail any save that I know of, and his AC is near unhittable. Then we have his 31 Spell Resistance which is quite beastly. The rest of the money would be spent on wands scrolls of random useful spells like prot from fire/acid/elec/cold. Stoneskin isn't really needed as you have a natural DR 10/-. Pretty decent attempt at a survivalist character I think. Also still has 3 rogue talents unused.

super long post condensed into spoiler form:

Dwarf Fighter (Unbreakable) 13/Paladin 5/Rogue 2 with
11 STR/14 DEX/16 CON/7 INT/9 WIS/16 CHA (all 5 level bonuses into Charisma) - 20-Point Buy (Dwarf is +2 Con and +2 Wis, -2 Cha)
Has Headband of Mental Superiority and Belt of Physical Perfection (+6 everything), Tomes of Charisma and Wisdom (+5), and Manuals of Dexterity and Constitution (+4)
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Steel Soul
Trait(s): Glory of Old
+5 From level bonuses
+5 From Tome of Leadership and Influence
+6 From Headband of Superiority
=32 Charisma (+11 Charisma)

+8 Fighter
+4 Paladin
+11 Divine Grace
+8 Constitution
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+2 Great Fortitude
(+4 Racial bonus from Steel Soul when magical)
(+1 Trait bonus from Glory of Old)
+1 Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism (Cracked, Saves)
+1 Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
=+40 Fortitude, +45 vs spells (At Fighter 13, gains Stalwart, essentially Evasion for Fortitude saves.)

+4 Fighter
+3 Rogue
+1 Paladin
+11 Divine Grace
+7 Dexterity
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+2 Lightning Reflexes
(+4 Racial bonus from Steel Soul when magical)
(+1 Trait bonus from Glory of Old)
+1 Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism (Cracked, Saves)
+1 Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
=+35 Reflex, +40 vs spells (Yay for evasion at Rogue 2)

+4 Paladin
+4 Fighter
+11 Divine Grace
+5 Wisdom
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+2 Iron Will
(+4 Racial bonus from Steel Soul when magical)
(+1 Trait bonus from Glory of Old)
+1 Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism (Cracked, Saves)
=+33, +38 vs spells, +36 vs mind effects, +41 vs mind effect spells (At Fighter 13, gains Stalwart, essentially Evasion for Will saves.)

EDIT: I think the guy above me won... What about CMD? Not sure where Freedom of Movement is coming from, but what if that's dispelled?
EDIT: Edit: Then again, Drows...

Lantern Lodge

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If the game is capped at level 20 which some games are and some are not then id say your best bet is the following:

Race: Half Elf
Class: Summoner (Synthesist Archetype)
Stats: Str = 10
Dex = 10
Con = 17 with racial modifier
Int = 13
Wis = 14
Cha = 14
when leveling add 3 to con and 2 to cha
take the Half Elf Favored Class Option for Summoner
Eidolon's base form Aquatic
Powers obtained via Eidolon = -Fast Healing x4
-Natural Armor x5
-Limbs x3
-Claws x3
-All 5 immunities
Feats = -Extra Evolution x5
-Combat Expertise
-Combat Reflexes
-Resilient Eidolon

this build with no items magical or other wise gives the following statistics at lv 20 when infused with your Eidolon:

Heath = 320 with out Eidolon and 485 when fused with it
Immunity to all damage excluding force, physical, positive and negative
Fast Healing 4
7 attacks a round at full bab each (15)
AC = 51 with out Combat Expertise and 56 with Combat Expertise
Self Healing via Class spell list

^no magic items^
if you want to equip crap you can do that math your self

Psion-Psycho wrote:

If the game is capped at level 20 which some games are and some are not then id say your best bet is the following:

The build might benefit from Undead Appearance. Immunity to: Disease, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.

Damage Reduction for added durability.

If using cheesy min-maxing dumping physicals, going venerable age, for a starting charisma of 25, adding in items and ability score increases. With two paladin levels, that becomes +13 to every save.
Or for the AC approach, a monk lvl for a wisdom bonus to AC around +10.

Clone spell. You may not be immune, but even death is temporary.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned an invulnerable rager barbarian with eater of magic.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I started my build this morning. Then I opened this thread and realized I was outclassed.

Appologies for the title. It was late and I was tired.

I'm really impressed with that multiclassed character class list. How long did it take you to figure that one out? I am most impressed with that summoner build. But then again it's a summoner and I shouldn't have expected any less.

And leave it to Tiny Coffe Golem to come up with a single-spell solution, even if it doesn't quite match what I'm looking for. :)

You can also magic jar (or use a beast bonded witch) an arbiter familiar.

Choon wrote:

And leave it to Tiny Coffe Golem to come up with a single-spell solution, even if it doesn't quite match what I'm looking for. :)

It's my gift and my curse.

Edit: There's also a 10th level alchemist archtype that effective allows you to have a lot of simacrlum and use those as your bodies. With just a little planning you're effectively immortal and can "die" as often as you want. ;-)

With that dwarf bit in the second post, add in an internal alchemist and now you breathe twice a day.

Maybe some paladin dips too

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You can fail any save with a roll of 1. Psion psycho had the right idea. The synthesist archetype has straight immunities. Take extra evolution as necessary to get as many as possible as well as favored clad bonuses that award ep. With the transmorgify spell you can change these multiple times a day in case you're missing something for a particular situation.

Lantern Lodge

Some1 post id like to see if any1 comes up with some thing on par with or better than my summoner please.

Psion-Psycho wrote:
Some1 post id like to see if any1 comes up with some thing on par with or better than my summoner please.

Leveled my Paladin/Synthesist up to 20.

Jonah Sunstar:

Jonah Sunstar
LG Female Paladin 2/Synthesist 18

Str 5
Dex 10/16
Con 18/24
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 22/28

Fort 20/23
Ref 15/18
Will 24

266 HP

Traits: Magical Knack
Eternal Hope (alternate Gnome Racial Feature)

1 Toughness
3 Weapon Finesse
5 Point Blank Shot
7 Rapid Shot
9 Manyshot
11 Deadly Aim
13 Dimensional Agility
15 Dimensional Assault
17 Dimensional Dervish
19 Extra Evolution

6 Maze, Incendiary Cloud, Greater Hostile Juxtaposition, Walk through Space, Teleportation Circle
5 Wall of Iron, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion, Banishment, True Seeing
4 (5/day)- Wall of Stone, Dismissal, Greater Evolution Surge, Teleport, Hostile Juxtaposition, Hold Monster
3 (6/day)- Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic, Magic Jar, Restore Eidelon
2 (7/day)- Summon Eidelon, Haste, Glitterdust, Resist Energy, Slow, Misdirection
1 (8/day)- Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Protection from Evil, Protection from Chaos, Summon Minor Monster

Eidelon - Serpentine Form

Str 20
Dex 30/36
Con 20/26
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 22/28

AC: 58
Touch: 28

Fort: 35
Reflex: 37 (Evasion)
Will: 34 (+2 vs enchantments, fear, despair, illusion)
Initiative: +13

Limbs (arms) 2
+6 Dex 6
+4 Natural Armor 2
29 Spell Resistance 4
5 Immunities 10
Flight 2

Bracers of Armor +8 (64k)
Headband of Charisma +6 (36k)
Ring of Freedom of Movement, Deflection+5 (90k?)
Ring of Spell Turning (100k)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25k)
Necklace of Adaptation/Natural Armor + (9k)
Belt of Physical Might Dex/Con +6 (90k)
Intelligent Seeking Compound Longbow +5 (+5 Strength), Echolocation 1/day (?)
Agile Rapier +5 (lots k)
Efficient Quiver (1.8k)
Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod (170k)

Dex: +13

Defense wise, the highlights are

AC 58
Fort 35
Reflex 37
Will 34
Spell Resistance 29
Immunity to all five energy forms.
Eternal Hope: A gnome with eternal hope gets to reroll a 1 on a d20, once per day.
202 Eidelon HP
266 Gnome HP

Assuming a +5 magic weapon, her full attack with rapid shot at a foe within 30' is +33(two arrows)/+28/+23/+18/+13, plus a potential bite (with reach) and tail slap, both at +29 for d6+5. First arrow (if it hits), gets 2d8+22 (magic bows give damage bonus to their arrows, right?), each additional arrow is 1d8+12.

That doesn't seem like enough for level 20. Crunching those numbers forced me to realize that this build is in dire need of Deadly Aim, so I swapped it out for Combat Casting at level 11.

So, with Deadly Aim, our full attack now becomes (assuming 30' range, which should be a given with all the teleportation magic at her disposal) +29(two arrows)/+24/+19/+14/+9 First arrow (if it hits), gets 2d8+30, each additional arrow is 1d8+20. Hasted will bring that up a point and add an extra attack.

Doesn't seem like enough, so we can add Bracers of Archery enchantment to the Bracers of Armor for another 25k. This will bring our attacks up to +31/+26/+21/+18/+14 or +32/27/22/18/14/31 hasted. For damage we do 2d8+31/1d8+21. Crit? 4d8+62/2d8+42) Evil target? Smite for an extra 10 to the attack roll, and an extra point of damage for every hit. And deflection bonus doubles vs. that target, for an extra five points of AC and Touch AC from the target of the Smite.

I've never played a character up to 20; how does that seem? I still can't hit Psycho's aquatic beast, so I'll have to settle for Banishment (DC 25 Will) until the Eidelon is gone and only the half-elf remains. I calculate him to have at least a +18 Will save (with no gear), so that won't be too easy. I'd sooner find a beach and send dire sharks and crocodiles out to flank him, and maybe a trumpet archon to cast banishment and dismissal for me.

Psion-Psycho wrote:

If the game is capped at level 20 which some games are and some are not then id say your best bet is the following:

Race: Half Elf
Class: Summoner (Synthesist Archetype)
Stats: Str = 10
Dex = 10
Con = 17 with racial modifier
Int = 13
Wis = 14
Cha = 14
when leveling add 3 to con and 2 to cha
take the Half Elf Favored Class Option for Summoner
Eidolon's base form Aquatic
Powers obtained via Eidolon = -Fast Healing x4
-Natural Armor x5
-Limbs x3
-Claws x3
-All 5 immunities
Feats = -Extra Evolution x5
-Combat Expertise
-Combat Reflexes
-Resilient Eidolon

this build with no items magical or other wise gives the following statistics at lv 20 when infused with your Eidolon:

Heath = 320 with out Eidolon and 485 when fused with it
Immunity to all damage excluding force, physical, positive and negative
Fast Healing 4
7 attacks a round at full bab each (15)
AC = 51 with out Combat Expertise and 56 with Combat Expertise
Self Healing via Class spell list

^no magic items^
if you want to equip crap you can do that math your self

How are you getting 320 HP with a d8 creature and 20 Con? Are you rolling the HP or using the PFS system?

Using the latter, and with two d10 Paladin levels as a headstart, I get

16(Paladin)+(5x18, Summoner levels)+(7x20, Con bonus)+20 (toughness)=266. That's with a 24 Con from a belt. Even the favored class bonus will only bring that up by 20 points, which is over 30 shy of your number for a straight summoner with no gear.

Speaking of favored class, I forgot mine. So add it to the Eidelon's HP, as per the Gnome racial option, to bring Jonah's total HP up to 486.

Sarf wrote:

Drow Oracle 1/Paladin 3/Monk 1/Horizon Walker 3/Ranger (Infiltrator) 2/ Shadow Dancer 10

AC: 52 (Pit Fiend hits on a 20 only)
10 Base
1 Dodge
5 Dex
6 Wisdom
8 Bracers
5 Ring
5 Amulet
1 Robe
7 Shield
4 Combat Expertise

I'm a little confused... How do you keep your Wis->AC via Monk while you have a shield equipped? Is that something changed in PF from 3.5?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Animated Shield?


I would assume that since you still incur ASF, armor check etc from the shield it counts as being wielded... even if your hand is free.

wow nice info possibilities here .. i am making a half-elf synthesist for wrath of the righteous so mythic i have chosen bipidal form/ slam as basic so cant change that , current task of the synthesist TANK ..

Other party members are .. a ratling witch , a paladin , a war priest. a cleric and a rogue/mage going trickster

My mythic path is gona be guardian , so any idea . advice , we are lvl 4 already and i am known to make crazy idea's the feat mwf is not permitted , i already asked the GM.

Champion of Irori - Monk Defenses + Paladin Defenses + stupid levels of AC and saves.

Be the GM's pet PC. You have the immunity of plot.


Isn't there some way to bind your mind and spirit to a golem? Golems are infamously immune to sooo much.

If you multiclass a lot, your saves get wicked high.

The Stalwart Feat gives you DR.

If you dip 3 levels in Bard with the Flamedancer Archetype, and then you get and Eversmoking Bottle, you can Blind all your opponents and give all your allies and yourself the ability to see through the smoke: 50% Miss Chance.

If you wear armor, use a shield, and have a high dex, your AC will be quite good.

If you take a level (or more in Inquisitor, one of the judgements gives you Fast Healing.

There is a Goblin Feat, Roll with It, that gives you sort of a Saving Throw vs. being hit in melee.

There is an armor enchantment that gives you SR, and many that give you ER.

So, we have high saves, SR & ER. We have a 50% Miss Chance, high AC, DR, Fast Healing, and Roll with It.

Crane Style Feats give you bonuses to fighting defensively,and you get to deflect attacks that hit.

A Cube of Force can keep out everything, or keep out things selectively, such as any nonliving object or any magic.

A Scarab of Protection gives you Spell Resistance 20.

Antimagic Shell. Say you have a Martial Artist Monk, and he has some jewelry boxes or party poppers Glyphed with Antimagic Shell.

Inside an extra-dimensional space, you are mostly not linked to the rest of the world by causality: so a Bag of Holding, a Portable Hole, or Rope Trick.

EldonGuyre wrote:
Isn't there some way to bind your mind and spirit to a golem? Golems are infamously immune to sooo much.

How about building an Iron Golem or something so that you can climb inside it and have total cover, you know, like Tranzor Z .

Take Improved Familiar. Get a Mephit Familiar with the Protector Archetype. Protector Familiars protec their masters with Shield Other. Mephits have Fast Healing.

I wrote:
If you dip 3 levels in Bard with the Flamedancer Archetype, and then you get and Eversmoking Bottle, you can Blind all your opponents and give all your allies and yourself the ability to see through the smoke: 50% Miss Chance.

You can also Blind people with Dirty Tricks.

Blink, Blur, and Displacement also give you Miss Chances.

I've been working on a character build along these lines.

Father Maxwell MacKenzie
Uses a Silver Earthbreaker
Half Orc, Alt Trait, Sacred Tatooss (+1 Saves), Shaman's Apprentice (Endurance)

Level 1, 1Fighter1: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes BAB+1
2F2: Diehard, BAB+2
3F2I1: Stalwart

So, with Stalwart, when he uses Combat Expertise, he can get DR instead of an AC Bonus. The Inquisitor Judgement of Healing gives him Fast Healing 1 for the duration of any battle.

4F2I2: BAB+3
5F2I3: Broken Wing Gambit, Feat (Improved Dirty Trick? BAB+4

With Dirty Tricks, you can make your opponent Blind, so with a successful Dirty Trick, you get a 50% Miss Chance. With a high Dex and the right Armor, you have a good AC, and with Stalwart, he has DR 2/- at this point, and he has Fast Healing 1. His Reflex Saves aren't very good, but his Fort and Will Saves are, and Will Saves are the most important ones to have.

Broken Wing Gambit is a bit controversial, but it gives you an Attack of Opportunity whenever you are attacked.

6F2I3Cavalier1: Paired Opportunist, Tactician BAB+5

With Cavalier's Tactician, you get to give all your allies Paired Opportunist. Between that and Inquisitor Solo Tactics, you get to act as if all your allies had Paired Opportunist and Broken Wing Gambit so that whenever any of you are attacked, all of you get Attacks of Opportunity!

7F2I4C1: Vital Strike, BAB+6

You get Attacks of Opportunity for multiple opponents, but for your regular attacks, just do double damage with Vital Strike, that, my thinking.

8F2I5C1: Bane

Extra 2d6 Damage for your hammer.

9F2I5C1Living Monolith1: Ka Stone, Toughness, Iron Will
10F2I5C1L1Ranger1 Freebooter’s Bane BAB+7

Freebooter's Bane grants you and all your allies +1 Attack and Damage vs. any single opponent you designate as a Move Action for the rest of the combat, or until you change opponents. You also get to use a Wand of Lead Blades which gives Max's hammer a 1 step virtual size increase. between that and Living Monolith's Enlarge Person, the base Damage for his Silver Hammer is 4d6, 8d6 when using Vital Strike. +2d6 when using Bane. The level in Ranger also gives him a +2 Reflex Save, which he needs.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

6F2I3Cavalier1: Paired Opportunist, Tactician BAB+5

With Cavalier's Tactician, you get to give all your allies Paired Opportunist. Between that and Inquisitor Solo Tactics, you get to act as if all your allies had Paired Opportunist and Broken Wing Gambit so that whenever any of you are attacked, all of you get Attacks of Opportunity!

Unfortunately, Broken Wing Gambit requires you to activate the effect by using a free action, so your allies wouldn't be able to trigger the effect.

Broken Wing Gambit:
Benefit: Whenever you make a melee attack and hit your opponent, you can use a free action to grant that opponent a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against you until the end of your next turn or until your opponent attacks you, whichever happens first. If that opponent attacks you with this bonus, it provokes attacks of opportunity from your allies who have this feat.

Also. I'm not sure if you took any archetype for the fighter levels, but Drill Sergeant would give you the Tactician ability in place of Bravery at lv 2 so you don't need to dip into Cavalier for it.

Wonderstell wrote:
Unfortunately, Broken Wing Gambit requires you to activate the effect by using a free action, so your allies wouldn't be able to trigger the effect.

Ooh, good catch. Still, it triggers when Maxwell is attacked.

Wonderstell wrote:
Also. I'm not sure if you took any archetype for the fighter levels, but Drill Sergeant would give you the Tactician ability in place of Bravery at lv 2 so you don't need to dip into Cavalier for it.

I will have a look at Drill Sergeant!

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