Necromancer |

The patron sub-system will let you write up any sort of demon lord or dark god you care to revere (as well as more noble dwarven demi-gods and ancestors).
I personally think spiders and drow are very over done. You may note that our sample art here shows a spider-free drow.
But if PCs want to be spidery drow, there will be an example that includes a generic "spider queen" demonness without mention of the L-word.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Now I want to write up a true neutral dwarven culture steeped in magic and filled with arachnid iconography alongside a militant, low-magic lawful evil drow culture with a patriarchal bent.
Is it 2013 yet?

Fire Mountain Games |

Now I want to write up a true neutral dwarven culture steeped in magic and filled with arachnid iconography alongside a militant, low-magic lawful evil drow culture with a patriarchal bent.
You sir are now talking my language. I want a sand box robust enough to accomodate (with little or no work) some pretty weird takes on dwarven and drowish culture. Yes, you can play lawful good dwarven miner-soldiers vs. chaotic evil drow spider-demon worshippers.
That is definitely allowed and fully supported.
But there are other roads to find in these dark worlds of mystery, many much less well travelled.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games |
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The first thing the PCs will be doing is securing their homebase...
A humble village of svirneblin in dire need of aid. Whether they receive aid from you or need aid from you depends on which path you have chosen to take.
From that humble beginning will your empire be born.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Necromancer |

Just had an odd idea: how difficult would it be to export Throne to a scifi setting? Everything would still be subterranean, albeit on a minimal-surface-activity planet and featuring advanced tech alongside magic and alchemy.
Way of the Wicked was definitely suited for a classic-fantasy tech level, but Throne sounds a bit more versatile.

Fire Mountain Games |

We will be glad to cater to your drow love.
Make no mistake, "Throne of Night" will be written as a fantasy adventure campaign. We won't even directly be supporting firearms.
But that said, just like it wouldn't be that hard to turn "Skulls and Shackles" into a space pirates campaign, it won't be that hard to turn "Throne of Night" into a sci fi game. Factions of an underground mining operation battle rival factions and strange aliens for control of a planet rich in exotic minerals and ancient relics -- "Throne of Night" is there for you.
Anyways, hope that helps,
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Another exciting AP from Gary.
Don't you ever get some sleep ?
I'm a father, husband, small business owner and writer.
So, no.
Thanks to everyone for the interest. We've posted another exclusive preview on our facebook page -- a new dwarven trait -- impressive beard.
Check it out!
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games |

I hesitate to drill too far down into details yet about the Patron rules as I haven't written them yet! They are right now a bunch of notes and a couple of examples.
That said, my intention is to make a mini-game that all the PCs can participate in that creates a religious reason for the players to be united under one banner or cause.
Clerics will serve a pivotal role as they can directly commune with the patron (as their level increases) and receive its guidance. The Patron system will give other PCs in the party a real and mechanical reason to care about the clerics religiosity.
There will be more information as the rules develop and mature. I might even do an open playtest of these rules in coming months. No promises.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games |

Glad you are enjoying "Way of the Wicked"!
"Throne of Night" will definitely be set in its own, easily importable location. It details a relatively isolated section of the underworld and the location directly above it.
It is a snap to drop anywhere. That said, yes this AP and "Way of the Wicked" will have their points of (easily ignorable) connection.
More previews of the Patron system are in the works. I cannot yet answer your question because honestly I'm not sure. We will almost certainly do an open playtest however.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Arnwyn |

I just noticed this now.
Ummmm... WOW. This sounds like something that I've always wanted. Almost literally - I had a campaign outline named "Sailors of the Sunless Sea" some years ago, so this is sounding like really good stuff.
With that said - are there examples of a typical map from a Fire Mountain Games release? (Map 'quality' is very important to me, and is often the difference between a no-buy and a MUST HAVE NOW decision...)

Fire Mountain Games |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Today I took a little time off from working on Book V of "Way of the Wicked" to continue doing preliminary work on "Throne of Night", our next big project. Today it was all about nouns. My notes are full of things that don't have names yet only descriptors. So, I'm trying to nail down some names.
And I came up with quite a few I really like: The City of Xan in the heart of the Moldering Jungle; The Cradle of Charydbis, a dangerous stretch of dark water beyond the Sea of Ghosts; Fasturvalt, refuge of the deep gnomes; Taaryssia the City Without Mercy; the beautiful Queen Satha who sits upon the Merciless Throne.
What do you think?
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games |

Fire Mountain Games maps are all hand drawn in full color by our artist Michael Clarke.
You can see the map of Talingarde here.
And here's a map of the Lower Caverns of the Horn of Abaddon, taken from Book Two of "Way of the Wicked".
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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As someone who has bought the four available installments of Way of the Wicked and will definitely be buying the last two, maps are probably one of the few quibbles I have with FMG products. Download the free preview available here at Paizo, a map for the Kingdom of Talingarde should be in the preview.
My quibble lies with the location maps that are found throughout the modules. The maps are generally in color and very functional, but rarely does something really stand out about them. They don't draw the eye in the way that Ed Bourelle's maps for Ptolus or Christopher West's or Jared Blando's maps for Paizo do.
Please do not let that stop you from taking a look at Way of the Wicked though. The premise, monsters, characterizations, and writing are quite good and I am very happy with the path so far. I will definitely be taking a look at Throne of Night and hoping FMG is able to step up its game as far as cartography goes (again, this isn't meant as a fully fledged criticism, cartography in a published product can be very expensive and the cartographers mentioned above probably do not come cheap).
(doh, ninja'd by Gary)

Why do you do this to me, Gary? Have I done something to offend you? Why do you choose to continue releasing products of such awesome, that I am powerless to resist them.
As soon as this comes out, I must purchase it, even though I am only starting the second book for WotW. And because of that, I am not only going to be running a great adventure, but chomping at the bit to run another great adventure. You really hate me having downtime, don't you?

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Taaryssia the City Without Mercy; the beautiful Queen Satha who sits upon the Merciless Throne.
What do you think?
Rather than use Mercy/Merciless twice, perhaps 'City Without Mercy' but 'Heartless Throne?' (or Pitiless, Ruthless or Unrelenting Throne? Ooh, I think I like Unrelenting Throne best, although 'Unkind Throne' could work for a capricious wicked fey leader...)

gustavo iglesias |

My quibble lies with the location maps that are found throughout the modules. The maps are generally in color and very functional, but rarely does something really stand out about them. They don't draw the eye in the way that Ed Bourelle's maps for Ptolus or Christopher West's or Jared Blando's maps for Paizo do.
I took Enland as the base Map for Talingarde (with Hadrian's Wall being obviously the Watch Wall). I'm a bit nittpicky about fantasy maps normally, I don't like when rivers flow upwards a mountain or things like that. It's one of the few issues with "realism" in my fantasy games (I don't care if people survive 2000 feet falls, but I do if a river does not sound "real" in it's course. I'm a rare freak, I know)
I also have some minor issues with Brandescar Prison as it is made. The fact that Blackerly's room is like 60'x60', and four to five times bigger than the mess hall, or the PC being in cells that are excessivelly comfortable (60'x30', as it is writen), made me to take another different map for the prison too. With prisioners in a dungeon :)
That said, the maps of Farnholde, the horn, Valtaerne, and other minor locations are quite good. The Horn is excelent.
I hope they nail the maps in this one, there are not a lot of real world substitutes for the Darklands :P

Dr. Johnny Fever |
I'm going to be purchasing this one, as I did all of the excellent WotW (as least the ones that are available right now). My only concern is that there seems to be two polarized themes or paths available: good aligned dwarven types, and evil aligned drow types. My group usually falls more into the neutral mercenary/profit-motivated/self interest type, which I would think would lend itself well to a 'survival is hard in the harsh Underdark' environment. I'm hoping that the stories in ToD don't discourage a middle-of-the-road type group.
Also, I might as well ask this here even though it applies equally to Way of the Wicked. Gary, is there any chance that FMG can start providing HeroLab files for its adventures? For those of us running these adventures online using a VTT having the HL files provided to us is a HUGE timesaver. I do realize that providing this is time intensive and not a small endeavor on your part; I'd have no problem paying an additional charge for a separate purchase of HL files for FMG's stuff.
I'd pretty much break down in tears for HeroLab files for WotW at this point.
Keep up the great work!
EDIT: Also, kudos to FMG for providing player maps for a lot of WotW. PLEASE keep this trend up for ToD!!! Similar to having HL .por files available, having 'scraped' player maps (no room numbers, traps, secret doors, etc) is a tremendous boon to those of us running these adventures online.

Fire Mountain Games |

It will be six parts and go all the way to 20th level.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

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I am very excited about this AP!
How much will it focus on Dammerhall? Maybe I am misunderstanding the context but I always wanted an AP/adventure to explore or take back an ancient Dwarven city [Moria]. Will this AP involve a Dwarven city; from the central halls to the far-flung mines and outer gates? I always loved how the Fellowship could be walking for days through tunnels and halls but they were still in Moria.
I was just hoping for some clarification as I'm not sure if this is more of an Underdark campaign vs a Moria campaign.

Fire Mountain Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Callous Jack,
Dammerhall the lost dwarven kingdom will be the major focus of "Book Three: Death or Dammerhall!" As you say, it will not be the focus of the entire adventure path. After all, there is much more to explore in the realms below than just one city.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

Dr. Johnny Fever |
There is one other trend that I loved about Way of the Wicked that I'm absolutely thrilled to see continue in Throne of Night: the campaign takes characters all the way up to 20th level. It's no secret that high level Pathfinder gaming has been pretty sparse pickings the last couple of years. Seeing Way of the Wicked take characters all of the way to 20th was a true joy and a big selling point for me and my gaming group.
To be painfully blunt, when we see adventure paths petering out before 17th level, it's a big turn off for my gaming group. While we enjoy low- to mid- level play as much as anyone, historically speaking my group really comes alive after level 12 or so with most of our characters.
So, FMG, please continue the trend of having your campaigns take characters all the way to 20th!!!
Of course, this dove-tails nicely with my previous post about hoping FMG will release Hero Lab files for its adventures, as the higher the level of the adventure, the more of a time saver it is for GMs like myself that only game using a Virtual Table Top...

Fire Mountain Games |

Callous Jack,
This month we are focused on Book VI of "Way of the Wicked". But I've still got a few a minor teasers we'll be dropping via our facebook page.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

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2 characters I would love to play, if I did not have to run this (after way of the Wicked).
Dwarven Musketeer or a Dwarven Alchemist (bomber, sapper, engineer).
I can see a whole party of Dwarven gunslinger types. Musketeers, pistoleers, cannon guys, bombers, etc...would be a ton of fun, roleplaying wise.
Cannot wait. I'll have to order as soon as possible, since I was late on the Way of the Wicked train...still reading all the PDF's...hoping to get print copies soon...
Great Job with the stories and the art guys...I kickstarted the creature cards as well...you definately have made a believer of this old dog...

Fire Mountain Games |

Thanks for the support and the kind words! They are greatly appreciated.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

Riv |

An evil campaign was not for my party, but I was very impressed by the quality Way of the Wicked and have been checking back every now and again to see what the next one would be. This one I am very, very interested in purchasing as soon as it is available.
As an online GM who runs primarily through maptools because of distance and time reasons, this looks great to me. I saw the maps linked above, are maps available as separate files or would I have to rip them out of the pdf? Also, I think Rite Publish put together a Maptool adventure, the Breaking of Forstor Nagar and was wondering what your opinion would be on FMG tailoring things for the online game? It's the first time I've seen somebody make a commercial adventure for an online game, a type of play that seems to be growing quickly.
Regardless, thanks for this and I'm super interested. I just stopped my AP subscription not too long ago, this may be the replacement I am looking for!

Umarian |
any new updates on this ap?
I wouldn't hold your breathe for an update. Gary has not been providing updates, or product, for his Kickstarter products. People have been posting on the Paizo boards, RPG.net, his facebook page, both KS projects, e-mail sent directly to him, e-mails through KS, and he won't respond to any of them. Though KS is showing that he logs on almost every day.
A lot of people are beginning to think that he took their money and ran.

Umarian |
Yeah he had also offered book 1 of the Way of the Wicked to the kickstarters, and I think told them he would send it when it was funded. That book has been done for a long time, and thy still haven't received it.
His other KSer, the Creature Cards, is almost 5 or 6 months late and he wont tell anyone what is going on with them either.
Delays are not a problem, and are expected with Kickstarter projects, but he won't communicate with people, and ignores direct questions. That is what has everyone upset.

Endzeitgeist |

And I think that's great! Don't get me wrong - I have the utmost confidence Gary will deliver - in spades and top-quality. He's a straight up guy as far as I can tell and it was neither my intent, nor purpose to slander him in any way or doubt his willingness to deliver.
But the silence is hurting his business and standing - and I really hope he'll start being more communicative with updates - especially for those who backed the cards (which I didn't). People in my experience are still antsy after RC and WotA and while both projects are now in capable hands/delivered (Yay for FGG/Lou Agresta and SGG/Owen K.C. Stephens!!!), I think they left their marks. Most gamers are awesome, understanding people and as long as they're kept in the loop, all's well - even if an update says "not much new, chipping away at x" - it's silence that makes people concerned and I'd HATE a stand-up guy and extremely talented designer like Gary to suffer from a mistake that is so easily fixed.
So yeah - that are my 2 cents. Here's to ToN - it will quite probably be damn awesome and I'm glad I backed it.