Build Challenge


I'm really bored today, so I want to test my optimizing skills. Someone suggest a random character idea and I'll try my hand a building the most interesting suggestion.

I would love to see a bleeding fist fighter. Stack as much bleeding damage as you could to an unarmed fighter.

Or see a melee built fire bomber. Focus on having elemental body on as much as possible and go from there! bonus if you can get him to make people explode and just set them on fire as much as possible.

Wizard with memmory loss due to mental disorder?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

A shield-using fighter who does something more exciting than "have a high AC."

Ranged cavalier. I was thinking of making one as a goblin, but didn't know what to do to make it work really well.

Now I can pass the buck onto some poor schmoe who's asked for potentially difficult builds!

I mean... Ahem... Good luck!

A Samsaran monk that somehow utilizes the whole rebirth idea and ties that into some sort of Buddhist themed something.

A sorcerer/wizard/witch that focus in touch attack and stay close his enemies.

Sovereign Court

A melee focused divine spellcaster with an Arbiter familiar that casts shield other on their master and hides in a box.

I can't do it without taking Practiced Spellcaster from 3.5...

Difficulty: max level of 9.

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