Negative energy affinity ???

Rules Questions

I was under the impression that as a Dhampir, I simply take damage from all sources of "positive" energy, and heal from all sources of "negative" energy.

However another player is claiming it's far more confusing than that.....

Positive energy channeled to harm undead = no effect, because I am not undead.

Positive energy channeled to heal living = acts as harm to the Dhampir.

Negative energy channeled to harm the living = Heals the dhampir.

Negative energy channeled to heal undead = no effect, again the Dhampir is not undead.

Can anyone clarify this issue for me ???

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nighttree wrote:

I was under the impression that as a Dhampir, I simply take damage from all sources of "positive" energy, and heal from all sources of "negative" energy.

However another player is claiming it's far more confusing than that.....

Positive energy channeled to harm undead = no effect, because I am not undead.

Positive energy channeled to heal living = acts as harm to the Dhampir.

Negative energy channeled to harm the living = Heals the dhampir.

Negative energy channeled to heal undead = no effect, again the Dhampir is not undead.

Can anyone clarify this issue for me ???

You have it backward. You are treated as undead for the purposes of positive and negative energy, so here's how it works:

Positive energy channeled to harm undead = harms you, because even though you're living, you're TREATED as undead

Positive energy channeled to heal living = no effect on you.

Negative energy channeled to harm the living = no effect on you

Negative energy channeled to heal undead = heals you.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The player had it the wrong way ound. The ability affects the dhampir as if they were undead.
So, positive to harm undead=harm the dhampir
negative to heal unded=heal the dhampir
otherwise, no effect.

Baically, if a positive energy effect says it harms undead it hams the dhapir and vice versa for negative energy.

Grand Lodge

You react to positive and negative energy as undead. The other player seems to have it completely backward.

Positive energy channeled to harm undead = harms the dhampir.

Positive energy channeled to heal living = no effect.

Negative energy channeled to harm the living = no effect.

Negative energy channeled to heal undead = heals the dhampir.

Now that makes a bit more sense to me.

So if I have the amulet in the race guide (Dhampir entry)...

Positive to heal living = no effect.
Positive to harm undead = 1/2 total heal (as temporary hit points).

Negative to harm living = no effect.
Negative to heal undead = full heal.

Correct ?

If I'm getting this right....the amulet's not really of any use to me.

How would a Dhampir defend itself from a team mate channeling positive to harm undead ???

nighttree wrote:
How would a Dhampir defend itself from a team mate channeling positive to harm undead ???

Tell the teammate to get the Selective Channeling feat before he does (or stay out of range of his channel ability).

Grand Lodge

nighttree wrote:

If I'm getting this right....the amulet's not really of any use to me.

How would a Dhampir defend itself from a team mate channeling positive to harm undead ???

The team mate should use Selective Channelling. If she channels positive and the party ever fights living opponents, she should have this feat anyway.

Try to make the save and take half, then say "Um, selective channel much?"

Seriously it's the same as the party sorc dropping a fireball on you. if he knows it hurts you he should not do it.

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nighttree wrote:

If I'm getting this right....the amulet's not really of any use to me.

How would a Dhampir defend itself from a team mate channeling positive to harm undead ???

Selective Channeling. Otherwise, they better watch it.

Also, on a side note (and already said), if the Dhampir channels positive energy, he can exclude himself, and not "heal", or damage himself.

EDIT: Ninja'd twice.

Marthian wrote:

Selective Channeling. Otherwise, they better watch it.

Also, on a side note (and already said), if the Dhampir channels positive energy, he can exclude himself, and not "heal", or damage himself.

EDIT: Ninja'd twice.

Good thing to....because he will be channeling positive energy to harm undead :P

To bad there is not a version of energy resistance for positive and negative energy.....

I'm considering just going human rather than risking being fried by "friendly fire".

Im laughing at this thread. Triple and quadruple ninjas galore!

The dhampir makes a will save to halve the result? Wonder if damphir can get channel resistance...

Grand Lodge

Sekret_One wrote:
The dhampir makes a will save to halve the result? Wonder if damphir can get channel resistance...

Sounds good for a racial trait.

Anything that effects undead, does not effect you.

Positive energy effecting living creatures = harm you

Negative energy effecting living creatures = heals you.

So, a negative energy channeling cleric who has negative energy affinity could channel, effecting living creatures, and hurt all the living things around him AND heal himself.

Grand Lodge

Rocky Williams 530 wrote:

Anything that effects undead, does not effect you.

Positive energy effecting living creatures = harm you

Negative energy effecting living creatures = heals you.

So, a negative energy channeling cleric who has negative energy affinity could channel, effecting living creatures, and hurt all the living things around him AND heal himself.

FAQ wrote:

Negative Energy Affinity: How is this ability (Bestiary 2, page 299) supposed to work?

The intent of this ability is that the creature is healed by negative energy (like an undead) and harmed by positive energy (like an undead); this is automatic and has nothing to do with the intent of the target or the energy-wielder. However, as written, the ability is a bit confusing because of the phrase “reacts to,” which doesn’t have a clear definition. This ability will be changed in the next printing of Bestiary 2.

Update: Page 299—In the description of the Negative Energy Affinity ability, replace the current entry with the following:

Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) The creature is alive, but is treated as undead for all effects that affect undead differently than living creatures, such as cure spells and channeled energy. Format: negative energy affinity; Location: Defensive Abilities.

—Sean K Reynolds, 02/08/12

My emphasis.

But see the 8th level Death's Embrace domain power for the Death domain.

Yes. I did read that, seeing as I linked the page. I still think what I said is right.

Maybe you guys are right. If that's the case, then the Command Undead feat will work on them, as will Halt Undead, and quite a few other things that work only on undead.

from what I understand it is treated as Undead only when it comes to Positive & Negative Energy. Meaning Cure & Inflict spell effects are reversed. And in the case of Channeled energy they are treated exactly like Undead. They are treated as living in respect to Command, Halt, and Turn/Rebuke Undead.

Starglim wrote:
nighttree wrote:

If I'm getting this right....the amulet's not really of any use to me.

How would a Dhampir defend itself from a team mate channeling positive to harm undead ???

The team mate should use Selective Channelling.

That's why dhampirs suck.

Just because there could be a dhampir pc every cleric has to spend a feat to learn selective channeling?

Grand Lodge

Um, Selective Channeling is a choice feat, whether your team contains a Dhampir or not.

Unless you like healing your enemies.

Rocky Williams 530 wrote:
Maybe you guys are right. If that's the case, then the Command Undead feat will work on them, as will Halt Undead, and quite a few other things that work only on undead.

What Starglim quoted was a Bestiary 2 FAQ/Update. The Advanced Race Guide's wording for a dhampir's NEA is narrower.

ARG, pg. 97 wrote:
Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.

The Command Undead and Turn Undead feats might work on dhampirs, since they use polarized energy; but not the command undead or halt undead spells.

Grand Lodge

Fredrik wrote:
Rocky Williams 530 wrote:
Maybe you guys are right. If that's the case, then the Command Undead feat will work on them, as will Halt Undead, and quite a few other things that work only on undead.

What Starglim quoted was a Bestiary 2 FAQ/Update. The Advanced Race Guide wording for the dhampir's NEA is less broad.

ARG, pg. 97 wrote:
Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.

I just provided the text for the FAQ that Rocky Williams mentioned, since I was a little surprised by his reaction to it. The foreshadowed update has not, in fact, been applied to my PDF of the second printing of Bestiary 2 and I prefer the current Bestiary 2 and ARG text, especially considering the consequence that Rocky Williams pointed out.

Bestiary 2, Second Printing, May 2012 wrote:

Negative Energy Affinity (Ex)

The creature is alive but is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, as if it were an undead creature. Format: negative energy affinity; Location: Defensive Abilities.

FWIW, I prefer the current Bestiary 2 wording over the Advanced Race Guide, since B2 is clearer about it only applying to heal or harm. The ARG wording is a little ambiguous on that point.

Grand Lodge

Well, you are hurt by positive energy, and cure spells.
You are healed by negative energy, and inflict spells.

That appears to be all it does, nothing else.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, you are hurt by positive energy, and cure spells.

You are healed by negative energy, and inflict spells.

That appears to be all it does, nothing else.


Just out of curiousity (actually it's out of a lack of knowledge), what does a negative energy spell (I think there's a necromancy level 1 spell that does this) that saps strength do to a dhampir/undead? No effect or.....?

Grand Lodge

cmastah wrote:
Just out of curiousity (actually it's out of a lack of knowledge), what does a negative energy spell (I think there's a necromancy level 1 spell that does this) that saps strength do to a dhampir/undead? No effect or.....?

The Strength damage harms a dhampir as normal. Undead are immune to (among other things) ability damage to their Strength, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion and effects that allow a Fortitude save (unless they also affect objects).

I need to revisit another response.

Thanks :)

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Um, Selective Channeling is a choice feat, whether your team contains a Dhampir or not.

Unless you like healing your enemies.

Not all Clerics are healbots.

I build (but not played because we already had a similar pc) a cleric specialised in channeling to harm undead for CC.
Such a build doesn't need selective channel.

Grand Lodge

I never said they were healbots.

You assume too much.

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