![]() Not to mention all the stuff that screws over invisibility. Rain. Dust storms. Mud. He has to use Ki to do this. He has to spend one turn just moving up. That thing has to not move away or just own him on its turn. Then he gets to full round attack. Oh yeah, there are places he could spike some hardcore damage. But, to be honest I've always felt any rogue/ninja that relied on full round attacking was a lot like a really slow turret. Sure, it has boom but most of the time it's trying to line up shots. ![]()
![]() This is similar to 'do characters know DCs for things', values of rolls, etc. Meta understanding versus in world understanding. Gets people quibbling about meta-knowledge with skill checks and attack rolls. My understanding is this. If you make roll knowledge Arcana and get a 7
If someone rolls an attack of a 27 and someone else rolls a 26, they both look amazing but the second guy is a little slower. And if you understand the guy raging in a haze is a Barbarian, but this is distinctly different from a fighter that gets angry. Likewise, the powerful ranger, with nature magic, could serve as a warden of the woods functionally similar to the classic Druid, but it would be still a crime to teach the ranger Druidic. If the fighter acts a lot like a paladin, he might at some point just start taking levels in Paladin. Likewise, if you are concerned for plot integrity, if the fighter acts decidedly unpaladin, he shouldn't take Levels in Paladin (to get those sweet sweet resistances). ![]()
![]() Excellent. This was the way I had interpreted it, but it was vague enough to make me wonder. Now I can go back to blinding my allies in confidence as none of them have dark vision. FAQ: this was not covered by the FAQ, since it was just a clarification if the 'light level' referred to the natural light level (in which sunlight is the only meaningful factor), or the general light level. ![]()
![]() I've got a cleric with the darkness alternate channeling. Basically cast darkness with every channel, even says in the description it works as the spell 'Darkness.' Unsure if darkness negates non magical sources of light in the area or not. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness. Now, is this saying that these sources can't increase it from what it would be naturally in an area of darkness? Meaning that if there is no natural light (ie night, underground or no moon) the light level is actually 'dark' and the torches can't increase it (and darkness then drops it one lower which does nothing). or this phrased incorrectly and they do increase the light level, but it was intended for you to apply darkness afterwards. Dark, + torch = normal, - darkness = dim. ![]()
![]() Yeah. That's the conclusion I'm coming to. It's of merit to note that the Darkness Domain grants blind fight and 'eyes in the darkness' at level 8, (SU: see in darkness and magical darkness for 1/2 cleric level in rnds). As a cleric of Greteous, a little friendly fire with vision isn't out of place (I do have selective channeling so they're at least not getting neg'd). Bonus question, since it's as Darkness, take a look at this: Nightmare Weaver:
Nightmare Weaver (Combat) You can use your ability to create magical darkness to terrorize enemies. Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Nightmare Fist, Intimidate 2 ranks, ability to cast darkness. Benefit: By spending a full-round action to cast darkness, you can also make Intimidate checks to demoralize all foes in the spell's initial area. Special: This feat counts as Dazzling Display for purposes of qualifying for Deadly Stroke and Shatter Defenses.
Think you could channel as a full round action and scare the crap out of everything? ![]()
![]() I'm finding the wording... vague. Have a neutral cleric channeling negative energy. Decided, make it interesting with alternate channel: darkness. Darkness alternate channel:
Darkness: Heal—Creatures gain low-light vision until the end of your next turn. At cleric level 5, they gain darkvision 30 feet as well, increasing this range by 30 feet for every 5 cleric levels thereafter.
Harm—The illumination level in the area drops by 1 step, as darkness, for 1 minute. At cleric level 10, the light level drops by 2 steps. At cleric level 15, it drops by 3 steps, and areas of dim light or darkness become supernaturally dark (even creatures with darkvision cannot see within it). So, normal variant rules: Always half damage, will save to negate the secondary effect. I would think this means, half damage, fail the save the channeled area appears dark. Make save, isn't dark. Similar to the darkness 1st level domain power, touch of darkness. But the 'as darkness' part concerns me. Darkness just makes darkness, in an area, no saves for anyone. Is the channel area just getting a darkness spell cast on it? In which case, even with selective channeling I'm blinding my allies? And come level 15, even with dark vision, I'll blind myself? Fire's alternate channeling doesn't effectively throw a fireball at his feet... so why would darkness? ![]()
![]() Shadow conjurations a little different from most conventional illusions, which can theoretically give you multiple opportunities to save, or even auto disbelieve. Shadow Conjuration, you just get the 1 save when you start interacting with it (like dealing damage, or it deals damage to you, tries to use a skill on you, spell, etc). ![]()
![]() Glamers are external. They do not get into your head and alter your sense of perspective, so they can't make you walk around in circles, thinking you've walked up stairs. Glamers and figments are external. If you are going to 'go up stairs', sit on something, consume something, whatever, you cannot physically do it to an illusion. Everyone sees the same thing. You can't derp around 'thinking' you've gone upstairs. Your mind will never compensate for this type of illusion. But, the illusion can compensate for you. Generally, you should get a will save every time the illusion has to compensate. So, in the case of the manor with 2 floors- the doors to the stairs are all locked. Perhaps a butler shoos you away when you approach them. If you attempt to ascend, the stairs cannot support your weight; the stairs will buckle and you'll fall through. An illusionary meal can be delicious, aromatic, have all the texture and taste of the real thing... but you'll still feel hungry. This confusing notion would once again, grant you a will save. A strong wind could wash through the halls as a sudden draft. Leaning against of wall could be ... discouraged by well placed artwork, or tables of nicknacks. Something like rain would darn near be impossible to mask. (likewise, invisibility does not universally get into everyone's head and think you're not there, it just makes it so normal vision doesn't perceive it. You can very much still bump into an invisible person, you will not auto miss because your mind believes you can't hit what's not there.) (Also, you can completely choose to fail a will save. Clerics do it to fully heal themselves all the time.) ![]()
![]() The Paladin's detect evil is spell-like, meaning it follows the spell's normal cast time unless stated otherwise (or standard action if it's not like any actual spell). Detect evil is standard action. The "move action" line gives an additional ability. You still have to cast the spell-like, but you can concentrate on a single object as a move. If this altered the cast time, it would be stated as a cast time. Another spell that functions similarly and uses pretty much the same language: Arcane Sight. Detect evil only lasts as long as concentrating. So you have to keep using standard actions to keep it up. ![]()
![]() Doesn't even matter if it makes sound or not. Everything produces an electromagical field. Everything has some small eletromagical sense which allows you to become aware of things producing it (such as the proximity to a creature, resisting a spell). If someone teleports next to you, you'd still get a perception check. If you can't see them, they get a big bonus. If they are capable of making sounds, it doesn't matter if they aren't actively making talking, they still make noises of some kind (footsteps, breathing, breaking wind, doesn't really matter). Even without sight or sound, they're is still a chance you'll detect them. Just very steep penalties. You can detect people shadow stepping. It's just the guys shadow stepping tend to be so good at stealth it ain't worth even bothering to roll. ![]()
![]() Varthanna wrote:
You just have to make an attack action. There are many attack actions ... including charge which grants an attack. If it was just the 'standard action attack action,' why wouldn't they just make vital strike a standard action, using the same language as cleave? ![]()
![]() It is the motion of the misdirection. We are becoming silly. On original question: if the purpose of your lie is to get someone to drop their guard (and the verbiage of it is about 6 seconds), the bluff is in all purposes a feint. With a good bit of role playing, I'd figure you'd warrant a circumstance bonus, at GM discretion. If you're being grilled, or you're just fast talking to by time, you'll just to have to work out something with the GM. I vaguely recall somehow using bluff to 'fascinate' non hostile creatures. But perhaps this existed only in my imagination. You're a bard right? You can essentially do that stuff with bardic performance correct? Just a variation on presentation. ![]()
![]() Technically... it's only an animal if its int is below 3. As soon as it pops above that threshold its a magic beast. 3 is the threshold for effective sentience. Put the hat on, it's just a somewhat clever donkey for 24 hours. After that, it's effectively a magical beast... a crude Awakening. 3 int is the minimum to understand languages, and learn a single one. Doesn't teach the donkey anything. Except: the int bonus also grants skill ranks. If the skill ranks taught a language, the donkey gets it. Since the wizard probably doesn't learn common with his hat... it's probably funny but the donkey might be learning draconic, or knowledge arcana. Still can't speak the language... I don't think. But maybe it can crudely communicate if it did learn a language. ![]()
![]() Pretty simple solution: They take effects in order of precedence they were activated. If neither have been turned off/reactivated, it's in whatever order they were added no? Order of operations according to magic. Do merciful first: you end up with extra d6 nonlethal. Then this all converts to lethal. Do deadly first: damage becomes lethal. Then turns into nonlethal +d6. Treat them like running through transformers. Nothing says the magic recursively applies to itself. You could apply merciful to any weapon. Base weapon would still have to be nonlethal for deadly though. A GM could also legitimately make the call that they counter each other. ![]()
![]() Raiders of the Fever Seas: Death of "Sergeant at Arms, Hugo and acting captain of commandeered Famished Mane" location and cause: Met his end in the tiller room of the Dominator. Hugo, did some awesomeness with 2 weapon fighting, rapidly disarming the two marines. Cavalier challenged, charged, and vital striked, nearly wiping him in one blow. Hugo disarmed the cavalier next while the rest of the party took out the tiller's rope and held off the marines- but the commander soaked the attack of opportunity, retrieved his axe and slew him. Total deaths in campaign is up to 3.
![]() You could not learn directly from a wizard's spellbook. The familiar can learn from scrolls, which it more or less eats (sort of like a wizard copying from a scroll, except that the familiar can exclusively learn this way). Since wizards come with scribe scroll at level 1, they're just the most convenient to learn from, but there is no reason you can't have a magus, cleric, or even sorcerer scribe something for you, if he's got the feat. (including this alternate class being 'yourself'). A wizard can write down a spell he can't cast- but I don't believe a witch's familiar can learn one. As a side note, all familiars talk like Beaker from the Muppets. ![]()
![]() Since it was a mutual mistake, and you're basically doing a do-over, I do not see why you would lose either a charge or the spell. The GM should probably try to mix up the encounter a little, since you had a practice run. You know, since you kind of know what the big bad already has in his bag of tricks. ![]()
![]() The gestalt form is awful though. Their attack is literally only twice the damage of a single one... and it takes ... 9. Lower DR that's only marginally more likely to apply. For something that takes such a large number, a full round action, and could literally end 2 rounds later ... you'd think it'd be more impressive. Right now it's like watching 2 people tie their legs together and having them shout "BEHOLD OUR TRUE FORM!" ![]()
![]() Litmus test: correct the GM about something and ask if he was aware of it, or was it a modification you weren't aware of. IE: that whole detect evil actually ... detects evil. If the GM goes "oh I was wrong yeah you should totally be able to do that." You might just have some people that are learning, and they just kind of established this culture. Hope remains because the culture can change. If the GM gives you the "how dare you question the GM, the rules are whatever I want" then you've got some jerks... and probably should get out of there. ![]()
![]() Casting on a siege engine seems perfectly legit. "This is the siege weapon Desna used to assault the gates of the Abyss" or some such. It's hallowed. Move the siege engine too much you disturb the site and end the effect. Heck, hallowed could be a pile of rocks. You can pick just patch of dirt for the spell, as long as you have a GM approved reason for hallowing it.
![]() 99% of people will hate scourge and plugg, and want them killed. That said, this is the moment where you rise to true prowess as a GM! They want to be Plugg's men and make great pains to do so? ROLL WITH IT. The only real issue is that you still kind of want the players to be in 'charge' of the ship. So Plugg needs to pass the reigns, or at least, make one of the PC's the first mate so they have a decent say in what goes on. 3 bucks if you rescript the mutiny battle to be Sandara and the good aligned pirates trying to kill Plugg and the PCs.