Tar-Tar |
A rather steadfast rule, nothing can be made out of non-permanent conjured material unless otherwise specifically stated by spell/ability (or if you can, it will only last till the spell/ability ends). In particular your example would produce nothing since once you use the material it no longer exists and thus you made nothing. And in general is bad practice to even try making something for "free" unless it is temporary. For game balance if nothing else, and the world would be littered with all the best stuff if people could do that, so you must consider the effects such has on the world at large.
I don't disagree that it's stupidly powerful to be able to craft magic items for free, but it doesn't specify that you can't as far as I can see. Given the wording, you could technically argue that you can use the ability to craft for free, unless I missed something. Even if not with the flotsam domain ability, souldrinkers can use their energy drain as much as they want to get free crafting. Both of these methods would be slow, but it's still free crafting.

Tar-Tar |
Some other random things:
Cacodaemons can trap souls in gems. Can these gems be used for crafting, like it talks about for Souldrinkers and the Soul Trade? If so, can any caster use them, or only souldrinkers? There's a second level spell that can be used to summon cacodaemons; would these be able to use their ability to trap gems for the caster?
Can only one extra person assist in crafting an item with the cooperative crafting feat?
Is +6 the maximum bonus an item can give to an ability score?
For things like Robes of Arcane Heritage and other items that improve class abilities, is there a maximum increase? (I've seen boosts of 4 or 5 levels, so I'm wondering if a higher price could cover larger boosts).
Is there a maximum spell resistance, caster level increase, saving throw bonus, etc?
There aren't really any requirements for crafting an intelligent item, just that it has an increase in base cost of 500 gp. Is there supposed to be a level requirement? Is Impart Mind supposed to be a requirement? I assume the spells that the item can use are required as part of the crafting, but can you give an intelligent any number of those abilities?
Can an intelligent item use spells like shield other, which would cause it to take damage? What if an intelligent item uses a spell that involves ranged touch attacks? What is an intelligent item's BAB and Dex? Can it use melee touch abilities at all?
Bladebound Magi get an intelligent item at level 3. Can this item be modified using the crafting rules? Can it be given intelligent item abilities?
Can a wizard's bonded object be made into an intelligent item?
Can intelligent items make perception checks to notice stealthy rogues and the like?
I have an interpretation and/or GM ruling for most of these questions, but official stuff would be nice for these things. I think that's all the annoying, off-the wall questions.

ohako |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Yeah, I'm with some of the posters on page 1 about Master Craftsman. I decided that there should be some divisions (so you can't craft everything with just 'Craft (stuff)', but not so many that the feat wouldn't be appealing.
Craft (weapons) - for all weapons, including bows
Craft (armor) - for all armor, whatever material it is
Craft (clothing) - for wondrous items that are made of cloth or leather, such as boots, belts, cloaks, etc.
Craft (jewelry) - for all wondrous items that involve jewels or precious metals in some way (except rings), such as amulets, ioun stones, headbands, magic parures, and because there's nowhere else to put this, crab robots
Craft (alchemy) - for wondrous items that are liquid in some way, such as elixirs, magic paste, magic ink, etc.
It's not a perfect solution, but I like it.

Mapleswitch |

(a) Multiclassing casters:
If someone wants to go Mystic Theurge: 3 levels of cleric, 3 levels of wizard, do they add their Caster Levels together to determine items they can create or do they get the shaft on item creation, always being 3 levels behind their straight caster class companions?
(b) Can you make a Masterwork Artisans Tool that gives you a +2 to spell craft for the purposes of creating magical items?
(c) Eversmoking Bottle: creates smoke at a 50 foot radius that slowly increases to a 100 foot radius. Is this item really meant to be the new warlock darkness of haha I have scent/blind sight/whatever; I can see through it, but everyone else is blind item?
(d) As of now, making Poisons is unclear. How much is their base price? Are they all free and I just need to meet the DC to make them?
(e) Can you clarify the "This item only works for me and my class and my alignment" additional 10% and 30% reduction in cost? Are they multiplied into the 50% base reduction or are they subtracted? Thus, is an Item made for me and my class and my alignment item is only 10% of the base cost?
(f) Why does spell craft use Int instead of the casters primary casting stat?
(g) Are gold/platinum coins considered masterwork for the purpose of adding Command Word/Continuous effects to them?

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(a) Multiclassing casters:
If someone wants to go Mystic Theurge: 3 levels of cleric, 3 levels of wizard, do they add their Caster Levels together to determine items they can create or do they get the shaft on item creation, always being 3 levels behind their straight caster class companions?
They're not getting the shaft as stacking them would make them have ridiculously high caster levels. You made a choice to split focus in magic, and that's part of the price you pay. On the other hand, you do get the ability to craft and use staves that no single class caster can use to their fullest extent.

Seped |
Apologies if this has been posted already, but how do multiple abilities on a weapon factor into the final CL for the crafting DC?
If someone makes a +2 holy longsword of speed, is the CL just the highest from amongst the +2, holy, and speed abilities, is it the sum of all of them? or is it some other formula?
Could we get some more clarification on altering CL's of items we craft? I'm assuming metamagic rods are actually supposed to be CL 5/11/17 for lesser/normal/greater instead of just flat 17 as the book lists.

tennengar |

Two questions i'm not quite clear on I guess.
Just for me personally I seem to remember that the CL of the item wasnt a prerequisite but that the level necessary to cast the spell is a prerequisite. I also read that the actual casting of the spell can by bypassed by adding +5 to the dc of the craft...
So in regards to a tome of clear thought, for example... Lets say a character has that 25000gp diamond required for the wish spell...
1: The cl is 17 so the dc is 22 to make one... thats not so bad... but it takes a 17th level wizard to cast a wish, so does that imply that unless you're 17th level you don't even have the ability to make even a +1 tome even if you have the diamond?
2. Clearly the pricing seems to imply that for each + you need a separate 25000gp diamond, so a +5 tome would require 5 diamons worth 25000gp, however...If you use the +5dc to bypass the spell requirement does it still burn up/require the component of the spell?

tennengar |

It also occurs to me that you need to make a crafting check each day of the 137 days that it takes to craft that +5 book and if you fail any one of the 137 saves then you have to start all over... Unless you fail by 5 in which case you destroyed your ingredients...
3. Craft roll each day or is it just a single crafting roll at the end of the 137 days?

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1 single crafting roll at the end.
and you don't count the components cost in a items crafting time, so the +5 tome has a crafting time of 12 days (137.500-125.000 gp for the components = 12.000 gp and 12 days).
In addition, some items cast or replicate spells with costly material components. For these items, the market price equals the base price plus an extra price for the spell component costs. The cost to create these items is the magic supplies cost plus the costs for the components. Descriptions of these items include an entry that gives the total cost of creating the item.
Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours.

tennengar |

Thank you Diego. Quite a bit nicer than the 130+ days both in terms of the number of rolls i expect and the number of days for such a thing. Now if the +5 to bypass the spell bit overrode the need for the diamond that would put books back on the table as being more useful than belts and headbands...
On the one hand that makes sense because it should have a lower price since its not a magic item that can be passed around... It can only ever belong to you...
On the other hand the fact that its not on an object that can be destroyed or stolen means to some it would be more valuable than the belts or headbands, yet is priced far lower...
Very interesting... Cant wait to find out how this one turns out..
I'm giddy with antici.......

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Yeah, I'm with some of the posters on page 1 about Master Craftsman. I decided that there should be some divisions (so you can't craft everything with just 'Craft (stuff)', but not so many that the feat wouldn't be appealing.
Craft (weapons) - for all weapons, including bows
Craft (armor) - for all armor, whatever material it is
Craft (clothing) - for wondrous items that are made of cloth or leather, such as boots, belts, cloaks, etc.
Craft (jewelry) - for all wondrous items that involve jewels or precious metals in some way (except rings), such as amulets, ioun stones, headbands, magic parures, and because there's nowhere else to put this, crab robots
Craft (alchemy) - for wondrous items that are liquid in some way, such as elixirs, magic paste, magic ink, etc.It's not a perfect solution, but I like it.
What I do is let them define what their craft skill is but then adjust the DCs based on how general/specific they were.
I.E. Craft (Blacksmith) could be used to make metal weapons but the DCs to do so would be higher then Craft (Weapons), which would be higher then Craft (Swords).
I like this better because it gives more freedom to the player without letting them pay fewer points for the same crafting ability.
It also allows for very McGuyver type characters.

Amorgan |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Make at least some suggestions on crafting by cohorts. One leadership feat can effectively be turned into many creation feats,
Btw, anyone got a link to a thread on that topic?
Along the same lines, what about crafting by constructs? "Homunculi are little more than tools designed to carry out assigned tasks. They are extensions of their creators, sharing the same alignment and basic nature." Does that mean that homunculi can craft magic items on behalf of their creator, using the creator's crafting feats? Also, is there any limit on how many homunculi a character can have?

Ilja |

Carnox wrote:Along the same lines, what about crafting by constructs? "Homunculi are little more than tools designed to carry out assigned tasks. They are extensions of their creators, sharing the same alignment and basic nature." Does that mean that homunculi can craft magic items on behalf of their creator, using the creator's crafting feats? Also, is there any limit on how many homunculi a character can have?Make at least some suggestions on crafting by cohorts. One leadership feat can effectively be turned into many creation feats,
Btw, anyone got a link to a thread on that topic?
In this case, it's simple.
No, homunculi can't craft magic stuff if they don't have the feat. Sharing alignment =/= sharing abilities; they can't cast spells either. They could of course craft mundane stuff, though their +0 skills are quite limiting.Nope, there is no limit except what time and resources you have available.
If there is a construct that can learn feats, it could learn to craft magic items, though it'd probably need a fair intelligence and/or Spellcraft rank as well.

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Oh, a clarification of the differences in crafting magic items with an alternate form (the change shape power), I really like this power for making a campanion for my character, though it at some points becomes questionable about the difference between it and a construct.
Personally I say leave as a magic item that is suppressed and reverts to it's normal form inside an antimagic field and similar, but clarification on this and other situations where contructs and intelligent items might differ or be similar.
Particularly some clarification on creating an intelligent item from a PCs standpoint, is the craft feat for the base item enough or is craft construct needed?
Could a PC have one made for her by someone else with the special purpose of assisting her? How much would that cost? (I know it would be double the base cost but others might need this answer)
I love intelligent items and I think a very hefty section on them could easily be developed, you could even have rules for having a PC be an intelligent item (probably teamed with another PC but still an interesting concept)

Khrysaor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Can we see the rules on item creation actually fixed or even an attempt at fixing?
The problems of the system have been pointed out so how about work from there.
* We are not going to change the crafting rules from how they work in the Core Rulebook, so please don't ask us to. This book isn't going to invalidate the Core Rulebook.

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Can we see the rules on item creation actually fixed or even an attempt at fixing?
The problems of the system have been pointed out so how about work from there.
I have seen questions about things, and things that need clarified, but I have yet to see things that actually need fixedthe only exception to this is a feat or ability that could theoretically make crafting free, but I believe that the entire idea is based on a false assumtion about stacking discounts, which falls under "a need for clarification" not a need for change, nor have I seen any problems posted.
So a quick summery of these problems would be nice.

Gallo |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

shallowsoul wrote:Can we see the rules on item creation actually fixed or even an attempt at fixing?
The problems of the system have been pointed out so how about work from there.
I have seen questions about things, and things that need clarified, but I have yet to see things that actually need fixedthe only exception to this is a feat or ability that could theoretically make crafting free, but I believe that the entire idea is based on a false assumtion about stacking discounts, which falls under "a need for clarification" not a need for change, nor have I seen any problems posted.
So a quick summery of these problems would be nice.
Shallowsoul has created several threads recently bemoaning the fact that magic item creation in Pathfinder is broken. But for every person who thinks that the rules desperately need fixing, there are many more who are perfectly happy with the rules or that there are issues that just need clarifying.
The problem with changing the rules to match the demands/desires of the vocal few is that you would then have lots of people complaining about the changes and that the old rules were just fine.
If you don't like the rules discuss the issues with your group and houserule to your heart's content.

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DarkLightHitomi wrote:shallowsoul wrote:Can we see the rules on item creation actually fixed or even an attempt at fixing?
The problems of the system have been pointed out so how about work from there.
I have seen questions about things, and things that need clarified, but I have yet to see things that actually need fixedthe only exception to this is a feat or ability that could theoretically make crafting free, but I believe that the entire idea is based on a false assumtion about stacking discounts, which falls under "a need for clarification" not a need for change, nor have I seen any problems posted.
So a quick summery of these problems would be nice.
Shallowsoul has created several threads recently bemoaning the fact that magic item creation in Pathfinder is broken. But for every person who thinks that the rules desperately need fixing, there are many more who are perfectly happy with the rules or that there are issues that just need clarifying.
The problem with changing the rules to match the demands/desires of the vocal few is that you would then have lots of people complaining about the changes and that the old rules were just fine.
If you don't like the rules discuss the issues with your group and houserule to your heart's content.
I certainly agree, I was just wondering what is was that some people thought needed fixing, mostly because because I didn't even know some people had a problem with item creation rules until that post.

Buri |

Then you should brush up on your reading because there are a good many people who have aproblem with it.
I just think people view it as a panacea of power and wealth. The item creation rules define a sandbox and people think they have a right to play in the sand to their heart's content.
As with every single aspect of the game, this sandbox only extends as far as the GM allows. Just because you walk into a store doesn't mean you have the right to its products. But, if no one is stopping thieves then of course you're going to get robbed.
Abused item creation is the sign of a lazy GM. I've seen some simply not care about items and that's their choice. I've also seen the same be amazed when they easily roll into the upper 30's on saves and skills before level 10. It's all about the kind of game you want to play.
Crafting takes no different format compared to any other facet of the game. You do x and you gain y. This is true for skills, attacks, spells, etc. Roll a successful attack you hit. Roll a successful skill check and you do something. For crafting, you spend the gold and roll a check and you get an item.
As with attacks and skills you should assume a certain amount of reasonable limitations when you craft. Comparing the two you must ask yourself very similar questions. Are there enemies to hit?/Are there materials with which to craft? Do I have enough power or ranks to succeed?/Do I have the appropriate feats and resources to do this? Is there time to attack?/Is there time to craft? Etc.
However, if the GM isn't enforcing these types of limitations then of course abuse is going to run rampant.
I'm toying with the idea of making item crafting something like spells. You discover how to create new items as you find patterns and manuals describing them. These will be highly valued on the market. Custom items require something similar to designing a new spell. You do research and spend time before you actually get the thing.

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* Is it intentional that a 3rd level caster can open a gate with a candle of invocation and a few thousand gold?
Not to derail but a 3rd level Wizard with a Int 20 and full ranks in Spellcraft will have a +14 to his roll. The DC for the item will be 17+5+5 (for not having the gate spell) = 27. That means the crafter needs a 13 or better on his check to craft the item. The odds are in favor of him loosing his precious gp trying to craft that item...

ZZTRaider |

Not to derail but a 3rd level Wizard with a Int 20 and full ranks in Spellcraft will have a +14 to his roll. The DC for the item will be 17+5+5 (for not having the gate spell) = 27. That means the crafter needs a 13 or better on his check to craft the item. The odds are in favor of him loosing his precious gp trying to craft that item...
That Wizard could also take Skill Focus (Spellcraft) and then have a +17, allowing him to take 10 for an auto success.
(I don't know that I have a problem with that, just letting you know how it could be done reliably.)

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Removed a few posts. If changing the current Pathfinder rules is your personal hobbyhorse, please take it to Suggestions/House Rules/Homebrew.

Khrysaor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Please Don't Kill Me wrote:beej67 wrote:Not to derail but a 3rd level Wizard with a Int 20 and full ranks in Spellcraft will have a +14 to his roll. The DC for the item will be 17+5+5 (for not having the gate spell) = 27. That means the crafter needs a 13 or better on his check to craft the item. The odds are in favor of him loosing his precious gp trying to craft that item...* Is it intentional that a 3rd level caster can open a gate with a candle of invocation and a few thousand gold?
That Wizard could also take Skill Focus (Spellcraft) and then have a +17, allowing him to take 10 for an auto success.
(I don't know that I have a problem with that, just letting you know how it could be done reliably.)
WBL indicates 3000gp for a level 3 PC. The candle costs 4200gp and 9 days to create. Already this is more than the PC should have for their level. This is also a consumable item, so even at a level where you could have the wealth to spend on this by selling everything you own to make one, you will then have nothing. Nor would any gated creature be beholden to you. It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.

beej67 |

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:Not to derail but a 3rd level Wizard with a Int 20 and full ranks in Spellcraft will have a +14 to his roll. The DC for the item will be 17+5+5 (for not having the gate spell) = 27. That means the crafter needs a 13 or better on his check to craft the item. The odds are in favor of him loosing his precious gp trying to craft that item...That Wizard could also take Skill Focus (Spellcraft) and then have a +17, allowing him to take 10 for an auto success.
(I don't know that I have a problem with that, just letting you know how it could be done reliably.)
Could also be a 18 INT gnome with the collector trait. Or less if Eagle's Sight is allowed. Hey, lets ask that too..
* Do buffs like Eagle Sight apply to the spellcraft roll?
Another question, since it's been brought up:
* Is WBL seriously the only intended cap on magic item creation? If so, why have any other rules limiting it at all?

Starbuck_II |

Nor would any gated creature be beholden to you. It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.
This part seems evil/Adversary DMing.
Why do you believe that it will attack you?
It is the same alignment so if you are good it will be good.
A Noble Efreeti has 13 HD so uncontrolled, but good natured. It can only give good people like you a Wish so it will not be bad if it gives you one (since it can't benefit by saving them).
Now what are you doing with this wish?
Raising a dead friend, it is even more likely to help use its wish.
Inherent bonuses? (+3 max) Will need persausion (though since not that long a service no money required though it will like it).

beej67 |

It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.
If you were the evil villain, you light it in the courtyard of the good king's castle and run like hell.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen storylines where the evil bad guy was doing everything he could to open a Gate to Hell, and the good guys had to stop him. It's too funny to me that the evil bad guy could have just thrown a few thousand gold into a 3rd level crafting feat and skipped straight to the end.

Khrysaor |
Khrysaor wrote:Nor would any gated creature be beholden to you. It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.This part seems evil/Adversary DMing.
Why do you believe that it will attack you?
It is the same alignment so if you are good it will be good.
A Noble Efreeti has 13 HD so uncontrolled, but good natured. It can only give good people like you a Wish so it will not be bad if it gives you one (since it can't benefit by saving them).Now what are you doing with this wish?
Raising a dead friend, it is even more likely to help use its wish.
Inherent bonuses? (+3 max) Will need persausion (though since not that long a service no money required though it will like it).
Ummmm.... It would probably kill you if it was evil. Doesn't seem out of character for a very powerful evil entity to slay something that dragged it from its home realm.
I then went on to say that it would warn you of the folly of this plan and be on its way. This was meant for neutral or good aligned gates monsters. Nothing says that a good aligned creature gated in has to do anything for you.

Ilja |

Khrysaor wrote:Nor would any gated creature be beholden to you. It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.This part seems evil/Adversary DMing.
Why do you believe that it will attack you?
It is the same alignment so if you are good it will be good.
A Noble Efreeti has 13 HD so uncontrolled, but good natured. It can only give good people like you a Wish so it will not be bad if it gives you one (since it can't benefit by saving them).Now what are you doing with this wish?
Raising a dead friend, it is even more likely to help use its wish.
Inherent bonuses? (+3 max) Will need persausion (though since not that long a service no money required though it will like it).
First of, a question on if the RAW even allows this this way:
Are you sure you can use the candle without paying the material cost of the Gate spell? I think the wording is a bit ambigous. It says:
"In addition, burning a candle also allows the owner to cast a gate spell, the respondent being of the same alignment as the candle, but the taper is immediately consumed in the process."
I can't find any other magic items that use that language, "allows the owner to cast a *** spell". I do not think this is a case of a clear RAW allowance - from what I've found (could very well have missed something) it seems perfectly fine for a DM to rule that it allows you to cast something as if you had cast it, based on your caster level and you must pay the material component cost. The fact that the item costs less than the material component of the spell itself could also be interpreted as a sign that this is the intended use of it.
It is vague though, and only means you have to wait a few more levels (until you have 14200 gp).
While I agree having a good creature arbitrarily just kill someone sounds like unnecessarily anti from the DM, having the creature grant you a wish seems to be at least as much unnecessarily pro from the DM.
While a noble djinn (efreeti are always LE) probably won't have a wish slave engine up and running, it probably has something better to do with it's wishes than aiding your random tiny issues (unless it is an extreme case of actually needing it for the betterment of everyone, like, saving a city rather than just some friend).
I'm sure most noble djinn have great use of their wish outside of your summoning, such as aiding powerful angles or heroes of greater importance.
If someone summoned a noble djinn at 3rd level in my games, I wouldn't think this would be unfair:
The misty creature appears before you, and a booming voice pierces your mind. "Human. How cute. I do not have time for petty games, so state why you have called me, and quickly. I am needed elsewhere."
If the player asks her to resurrect their friend:
"No. My powers are needed for other tasks. Goodbye." The djinn seems to concentrate and then disappear in a puff of mist.
I would warn them beforehand out of game that trying something like that may have adverse consequences, and if they had knowledge the planes I'd let their characters know that djinns where really powerful and often a bit aloof, even if they where good-hearted.
I mean, being able to grant three wishes a day means they might change a whole battle against the legions of hell, saving the lives of hundreds of Bralanis.

Khrysaor |
Khrysaor wrote:It would likely kill you if it was evil, or warn you on the folly of this plan and quickly be on its way leaving you as an underpowered PC who wasted their wealth.If you were the evil villain, you light it in the courtyard of the good king's castle and run like hell.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen storylines where the evil bad guy was doing everything he could to open a Gate to Hell, and the good guys had to stop him. It's too funny to me that the evil bad guy could have just thrown a few thousand gold into a 3rd level crafting feat and skipped straight to the end.
Gate is instantaneous or concentration based. If you don't concentrate the gate closes the round after it is cast. The same instant you use this, the creature is gated in. Do you think it would let you run? Most extra planar creatures that get gated have greater teleport and many with telepathy. I'm sure it would know who gated it in and nothing says it would be happy to let you go while it destroys everything else in its path. You may be the first one to die.