Seped's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So this topic is marked as answered in the FAQ, but neither the UM nor APG FAQs mention spell perfection or piercing. What am I missing?

Ok, fixed the initial link. I just know that thread had a lot of outstanding questions I was interested in, particularly Focused Trance + crafting.

Do we know what source book this thread made it in to, or which one it's going to?

James Jacobs wrote:
Seped wrote:
Any chance you know if the upcoming crafting source book will answer the question about the interaction between Oracle's of Lore Focused Trance ability and crafting? It was in the thread here, but it didn't seem to get much attention, although it's still a point of contention.
Crafting source book? I'm not aware of any upcoming "crafting source book."

"Sean K Reynolds

In an upcoming sourcebook, we're going to write additional material for the magic item crafting rules, further explaining and clarifying the nuances of how this works." From the link I included in my post.

Maybe he was talking about Ultimate Equipment? if so I'll need to read through again and see if it's answered, because if so I haven't seen it.

Any chance you know if the upcoming crafting source book will answer the question about the interaction between Oracle's of Lore Focused Trance ability and crafting? It was in the thread here, but it didn't seem to get much attention, although it's still a point of contention.

Apologies if this has been posted already, but how do multiple abilities on a weapon factor into the final CL for the crafting DC?

If someone makes a +2 holy longsword of speed, is the CL just the highest from amongst the +2, holy, and speed abilities, is it the sum of all of them? or is it some other formula?

Could we get some more clarification on altering CL's of items we craft? I'm assuming metamagic rods are actually supposed to be CL 5/11/17 for lesser/normal/greater instead of just flat 17 as the book lists.