[Rumor] Farewell Silver Crusade?

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusade

Heard a nasty rumor floating around the Gencon 12 Society room: Silver Crusade may be written out of future Society scenarios. A lack of interest from Pathfinder Society members was cited as a reason (apparently we have the lowest membership of any faction by far).

Has anyone heard anything similar, or was my chain being yanked?

Silver Crusade

Huh, thought if any faction were to be removed like that, it would be Lantern Lodge. Then again, they have two classes that exclusively pledge to it, as opposed to one...
This would mess up previous scenarios, so I doubt this would happen. Speaking cautiously, however.

Silver Crusade

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Noble brother,

Sadly, until our arduous but noble mission is complete, there will always be forces of darkness at work that try to break our spirit, or tempt us to follow an easier path. I believe someone with dishonest intentions is trying to lead you astray and cause you to question your most worthy calling. You must remain strong, and persevere with our aim of bringing the holiest of light to all of Golarion. Your determination will be an example to us all, and will cause yet more to join our cause.

Iomedae's Blessing Be Upon You,

Brother Magnus

Silver Crusade

The silver crusade will always exist as long as there are pathfinders trying to do the right thing. The only way they can kill the silver crusade is to kill us all...Not that I think they're going to. I didn't hear that...And thats not that thing where you specifically deny what you heard! I...."

The velociraptor sighs and bites him on the calf to shut him up.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think writing the Silver Crusade out would be a mistake. Make the Silver Crusade more interesting. There's always going to be a faction with the lowest membership. That the Silver Crusade (good-guys) is that faction doesn't surprise me.

There's a couple of Good focused player books coming out in the near future, and I'll bet characters interested in those options will join the Silver Crusade.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Having just started Dex, I'd be sorry to see the Crusade go.

I've wanted more 'grey' faction missions to put them on par with the others, but I like the idea of an organization trying to steer the society not for national glory or personal greed, but for the urge to see a greater good. Even with the Shadow Lodge, while I (and Rey) don't trust Torch any father than we could throw his tub, the goals he espouses (if not believes) are just.

Shadow Lodge

Plenty of rumors flying around about factions. Don't believe them until you see them happening.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bros and ladies,

I have died in the line of duty as a Paladin of Iomedae and as a true Silver Crusader in the bowels of Round Mountain.

This 'faction' is possibly the greatest force of good that I have been exposed to outside of Iomedae's temples.

The noble cause this collective is to ensure the well being of all. That is something the Society needs desperately to balance out the Devil devotees and gold hungry merchants.

There should be no question in this, the Silver Crusade must remain as a force of good in the Society, Silver Crusader Ollysta remains as devoted to this as I.

- Silver Crusader Orcland

Silver Crusade

Brothers and Sisters,

Please keep in mind that this was simply a rumor, although I have little reason to doubt the source. I brought this up for discuss hoping someone more highly placed in the Society might be able to confirm or dismiss this rumor. I personally hope it can be dismissed, for I do not believe I would fit in well with other factions.

Always faithful,


[[out of character]] I did here this from a Society GM. He seemed to believe it was under consideration by the top Society personnel.

Silver Crusade

As others have said, as long as we all continue to fight for what's good and noble, the Silver Crusade will never die.

OOC: There have been murmurings on these boards for a few months that a faction might go away, but someone at the top of the campaign confirmed that it would NOT be this season. So it'll be next year's GenCon or PaizoCon at the earliest, and the final decisions of which faction(s) to eliminate, if any, probably haven't been made yet.

I will stand with my brothers and sisters of the Sliver Crusade to face down this rumor. Clearly and attempt to sewn discord and uncertainty in our ranks.

They do no understand the unity of purpose shared within or ranks!

Silver Crusade


Disband my quest for redemption so soon after I began! Ohno! I need a drink... (to tail) Thank you my friend *gulp* Ah... Uh... Sarenrae, have patience.

Honor and goodness will always have a place in the society.

~Shikibu of Tian-Xia

Silver Crusade

I can think of nine other factions I would rather see go first.

Grand Archive

I do not beleive any decision has been made at this point but I have to say that it would make me very sad to see the demise of the ONLY faction that my goody, goody six shoes Cavalier/Cleric would work in. The only thing I would be able to do would be to go Grand Lodge which isn't really ideal

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Strat Spineshank wrote:
I can think of nine other factions I would rather see go first.

Cheliax, Cheliax, CheliaxCheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, and Cheliax?

Grand Archive

Doyle Taghaur wrote:
Strat Spineshank wrote:
I can think of nine other factions I would rather see go first.
Cheliax, Cheliax, CheliaxCheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, and Cheliax?

So we must work dilgently to convert those who hold to the tenets of the Cheliax faction to the light of the Crusade. We cannot expect it all to be given to us on a platter we must advance the goals of our Crusade until all see that we are in the right.

Forward my friends, let us spread the word

Cavalier Merisa, Member of the Silver Crusade, Order of the Dragon, and Cleric of Kurgess

Silver Crusade

Wendy-Ann wrote:
Doyle Taghaur wrote:
Strat Spineshank wrote:
I can think of nine other factions I would rather see go first.
Cheliax, Cheliax, CheliaxCheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, Cheliax, and Cheliax?

So we must work dilgently to convert those who hold to the tenets of the Cheliax faction to the light of the Crusade. We cannot expect it all to be given to us on a platter we must advance the goals of our Crusade until all see that we are in the right.

Forward my friends, let us spread the word

Cavalier Merisa, Member of the Silver Crusade, Order of the Dragon, and Cleric of Kurgess

I like to think that the Chelaxians are halfway there. At least they respect the law, even if the law is laid down by an accursed devil. Of course, it could just be that damned optimism of mine...

Jedidiah Kilgrave, Inquisitor of the Inheritor

Silver Crusade

Aye lads, there will be Nine-Hells to pay if the Silver Lodge is uprooted! I for one will always swing my claymore for the Crusade, don't ye doubt! Naysayers be damned!

Silver Crusade

A toast to the Crusade! May its light shine brightest! Anyone have a problem with it, you have 35 pounds of rage right here!

Silver Crusade

Jedidah Kilgrave wrote:

I like to think that the Chelaxians are halfway there. At least they respect the law, even if the law is laid down by an accursed devil. Of course, it could just be that damned optimism of mine...

Jedidiah Kilgrave, Inquisitor of the Inheritor

The law's irrelevant. If people were doing the right thing all the time we wouldn't even need it.

Look, I've seen how much better things are when everyone's following the rules set in place by a good person. I don't think you have ANY idea how crazy this world is. There's poor people dying in the streets, people stabbing each other in taverns over nothing, people wandering the streets with rabid dogs, temples being taken over by evil, undead crawling everywhere and everyone's sitting around going "eh.. what can I do about it..." or "not my problem."

But look how much WORSE things are when that kind of unity is put to a bad end. If there was a tribe of orcs snatching halflings off the street and forcing them into slavery we'd be charging into their lairs and putting an end to it before dinner. With an entire nation behind them we're forced to work with the chelaxians. When someone goes and tries to free the slaves they become a fugitive: the person doing the right thing HAS to go against the law, and the law is against him.

Silver Crusade

Raises an immaculately trimmed eyebrow at Doyle's comment.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, no matter how misguided some of the Lady's followers may be.

"We should serve by example after all, whether it be under a united banner or representing the Lodge itself."

Silver Crusade

Gulps and looks at the tiefling

Well ahh right... Are you agreeing or dis.. agreeing with me?

I mean freedoms great but its not enough. Look at Galt. Individuals are free from government but their neighbors can turn on them in a lynch mob in a heartbeat. How free can anyone be when there's no restraints on anyone?

Look downtown at the puddles... the place floods with the tides, people are getting sick from the damp. I can only fix two of them a day, and they're getting sick faster than that. How much better off would it be if they could build a villiage outside of walls and just move the entire population there?

*he fishes out a holy symbol of Saranrae*

The lady is the Saranrae? A lot of folks here seem to be in her cul...service.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He smiles warmly

I am a lawyer by trade, some might joke it is in my blood.

The meaning to my words is simple. We determine our paths, not our heritage, nor others. While the Crusade is a common banner to unite us, I will not stop doing what is just and right if that banner is taken down. My blade is in the Lady's service, and will defend the innocent.

He stares intently at Doyle, sizing him up. She wears many faces across the world, that symbol is but one of them.

Why do I get the image of Benny pulling out half a dozen holy symbols from The Mummy when you described that? :-)

If I had to guess that a faction would go away due to lack of interest - based on membership within my local lodge group - I'd say Cheliax would be the first to go. The Shadow Lodge worker's union members are often annoyed at being spoken to as if they're some dominatrix's BDSM sub when they play older scenarios. Really, regardless of their ominous-sounding name, if the Shadow's purpose is looking out for the little guy within the Society, then they should get the Andoran missions.

I can appreciate that the Silvers are trying to help, but using the word 'Crusade' shows an inherent tendency for cultural imperialism that I just can't agree with. The Andorans are rather more popular because they know that you can often do a lot more good without so much 'righteousness'. But hey... I'm just your average humanist that wants to see people treated decently; maybe I'd understand why all the religious trappings are important if I heard voices in my head that I believed came from some divine superparent.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

@Keovar (spoilered because it's very off topic)

The Crusade as a whole doesn't follow one religion (even if it seems online that Saranae is popular) and Andoran may say they want to see people treated decently, but the actions of the faction missions (from "Kill this guy" to "We don't care that Taldan commoners are being enslaved and experimented on, here's a chance to screw over Taldor!") and the nation itself are anything but 'treating people decently.' Hells, part of the appeal of playing Dexios is that he's not "Convert or die" but reflects more of his player's view on faith. "Here's what I believe. My job is to witness to you. You can take it or leave it. I'm not going to burn you at the stake if you disagree."

Also clerics differ from Western Faiths IRL because no one deity claims to have created the universe (Well Asmodaeus might). I look at clerics/paladins/inquisitors more as contracted employees. "You follow X tennants and get Y powers."

As to the Shadows, I agree that the 'rank and file' are going for the "Pathfinder's Union" approach. That said, Mother Jones said a union has to be on guard from two threats, the business and their own leadership. Torch's faction mission overview in Season Four seems to really emphasize that.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jedidah Kilgrave wrote:

Brothers and Sisters,

Please keep in mind that this was simply a rumor, although I have little reason to doubt the source. I brought this up for discuss hoping someone more highly placed in the Society might be able to confirm or dismiss this rumor. I personally hope it can be dismissed, for I do not believe I would fit in well with other factions.

Always faithful,


[[out of character]] I did here this from a Society GM. He seemed to believe it was under consideration by the top Society personnel.

Unless you're GM was a Venture Officer such rumors are suspect. And if he is a Venture Officer, tell him to recheck the terms of the NDA he would have signed.

It would be extremely idiotic to sink a new Faction when it's barely been launched from the ways.

Silver Crusade

Keovar wrote:

I can appreciate that the Silvers are trying to help, but using the word 'Crusade' shows an inherent tendency for cultural imperialism that I just can't agree with. The Andorans are rather more popular because they know that you can often do a lot more good without so much 'righteousness'. But hey... I'm just your average humanist that wants to see people treated decently; maybe I'd understand why all the religious trappings are important if I heard voices in my head that I believed came from some divine superparent.

Wait...What?! Andoran is the poster child of cultural imperialism. Constantly trying to tell other cultures they have it wrong and they need democracy. They are a caricature of America.

You're making a non-sequitur argument and a Straw-Man. Since they have the word "crusade" then the group must be thinking they are trying to "impose" their religion on other people. Which is just a wrong presupposition. If you look at their faction missions they are trying to help out people, not nations.

Silver Crusade

These rumors as saddening, as The Crusade is a great force of Good in this weary world. However, I know that if we were to fall as an organization, I know many of our members would continue to fight the good fight.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I extremely doubt that any factions are going away this year.

However the fortunes of the various factions will rise or fall depending on what their minions do for them. Faction goals become a major issue with Season 4, and some of you are going to be at odds every now and then.

Silver Crusade

What I would love to see are more options for us in terms of prestige award purchases, the blasted devils seem to have half a dozen options and the taldan's have royalty titles to throw about yet we only get a a partial reimbursement for offering healing? We also need to promote more of the followers of good then just the lawful good ones, I have sailed across the sea from thurvia to alkenstar in order to keep the gates to my lords final judgement sealed away for as long as we can and I would love to find others here who share my conviction regardless of what laws might be put in our ways to hinder that goal.

Silver Crusade

Undoubtedly a conspiracy driven by none other than the Aspis Consortium! I'll 'sortiem' out. Be right back.

Silver Crusade

Isn't season 5 going to be about return to the Worldwound? My Bree-Bran has been training towards that all her life. Iomedae strengthen her arm and her resolve.

Silver Crusade

Jedidah Kilgrave wrote:

Heard a nasty rumor floating around the Gencon 12 Society room: Silver Crusade may be written out of future Society scenarios. A lack of interest from Pathfinder Society members was cited as a reason (apparently we have the lowest membership of any faction by far).

Has anyone heard anything similar, or was my chain being yanked?

Where there is darkness there shall always be light!

Silver Crusade

Yeah I don't think so. Cause we are already mentioned in Season 5 :D

Silver Crusade

LazarX wrote:

I extremely doubt that any factions are going away this year.

However the fortunes of the various factions will rise or fall depending on what their minions do for them. Faction goals become a major issue with Season 4, and some of you are going to be at odds every now and then.

I have to point out the irony that your own faction is the one that vanished in season 5

Shadow Lodge

Tell me about it.

Silver Crusade

My fellow Crusaders,
I doubt the crusade will be gone this year or the next. The year of the Demon is upon us and what better, more stalwart defenders of the weak and defenseless is ready to lend their blades, and blood to the cause? To remove the Silver Crusade would be a mistake and all know it.
So eat hearty tonight, face the demonic horde and be ready. We stand where others fall. We stand where others run, and we hunt the evil that comes from the Worldwound. The time is ours.

Silver Crusade

[out of character]

Guys, this is an old thread and has already been disproven. Latern Lodge and Shadow Lodge are the factions that were cut at the end of season 4. Please disregard this thread. Thanks!

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