Infinite time stop! Infinite shapechange! Infinite true strike! Infinite blink! Infinite everything!

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20 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ultimate Equipment gives use the Ring of Continuation, a magical ring worth 56,000gp that allows you to cast a personal range spell, and extend it's duration to 24 hours.

There are no spell level limits, daily uses, or anything. If the spell would be dispelled prematurely (such as making an attack with true strike or via dispel magic), it is dispelled as per normal. If you cast another personal range spell into the ring, the previous one ends (provided it's normal duration would have run its course).

MY GOD THE POSSIBILITIES! Infinite time stop, infinite shapechange (or Beast Shape/Elemental Body IV used in conjunction with Multimorph), infinite whatever the hell you want.

I'm as happy as I am terrified to see such a thing exist. I will have to keep a tight lid on what spells players use it for, just to maintain a semblance of balance.

What do you think? Power creep?

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This band of braided copper wires throbs ever so slightly in

harmony with its wearer’s heartbeat. Whenever the wearer
of this ring casts a spell with a range of personal, that spell
remains in effect for 24 hours or until the wearer casts another
spell with a range of personal (whichever comes first). Spells
that usually only affect one specific action (such as making a
particular attack) are expended after that action. This does not
reduce the duration of spells that normally last longer than
24 hours. Casting a new spell does not eliminate a previous
spell if its normal duration is such that it would still be in
effect. However, attempts to dispel or otherwise eliminate a
spell kept active by the ring work normally and, if successful,
remove the spell from the ring, causing the wearer to lose all
benefits from that spell.

1) If you cast any personal spell, the previous one on the ring ends.

2) There's already the True Strike clause in it.

That's not to say there isn't a ton of omgwtf stuff allowed with this.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Isn't posting text verbatim a no no?

Just the same, it's OMG powerful. I haven't seen anything remotely on this level since Spell Perfection.

I'm VERY interested in hearing other people's ideas on how best to utilize it (and also, what kinds of combos the GM should be looking out for).

A few of my transmuter-type characters are throwing their hands up in the air and cheering and dancing right about now.

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Combos to look out for: This ring plus anything a player would like to put in it.


I see I have another item I have to modify until errata comes out, once I get the book anyway.

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Geeze...this ring deserves to simply be called The Ring. Complete with widened eyes and raised eyebrows whilst invoking its name.

I'm waiting to hear people explain why it's a good idea to allow it unmodified :D

The only reason I can think of is because it's level 15-16+, and screw balance. A wizard with arcane bond (ring) could probably grab it around level 13. Maybe even 12.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The one issue I see is that it prevents you from casting any other spells with a range of 'Personal'. Sure, you could get 24 hour long shapechange, but you won't be able to benefit from a long list of *other buffs* that have short durations.

Still, it is pretty powerful. You can do a day long time stop and walk through entire dungeons without the slightest worry of being caught as long as you don't run into an anti-magic field.

Heck, you could be about to die in mid battle, use this ring + time stop, and rest for a day. Regain your spells and full health, encircle your foes with delayed blast fireballs, and then end the timestop...

I'm totally going to have a BBEG do this. Well, if I don't decide to limit the max spell level this thing can take in at least.

Scarab Sages

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One Ring to rule them, one Ring to Bind them (them being your favorite personal range spells), One Ring to bring them all and find them permanently banned from use by your GM....

Scarab Sages

Matrixryu wrote:

The one issue I see is that it prevents you from casting any other spells with a range of 'Personal'. Sure, you could get 24 hour long shapechange, but you won't be able to benefit from a long list of *other buffs* that have

Still, it is pretty powerful. You can do a day long time stop and walk through entire dungeons without the slightest worry of being caught as long as you don't run into an anti-magic field.

Heck, you could be about to die in mid battle, use this ring + time stop, and rest for a day. Regain your spells and full health, encircle your foes with delayed blast fireballs, and then end the timestop...

I'm totally going to have a BBEG do this.

That's really cruel Matrixryu..... I kinda like it. It also ends the discussion over in the Problems With Certain Classes thread about how a wizard is balanced because he needs his 8 hours to rest and a fighter can go all day. This pretty much clinches it for the wizard.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm of the mind that this thing should be worth the ballpark of 100-120,000gp and possess additional limitations of some kind (such as one spell of your choice per day of 6th-level or lower).

How might you "fix" it? Indeed, do you think it even needs fixing?

Ssalarn wrote:
It also ends the discussion over in the Problems With Certain Classes thread about how a wizard is balanced because he needs his 8 hours to rest and a fighter can go all day. This pretty much clinches it for the wizard.

Yeah, but only at the highest levels. Time Stop is still a 9th-level spell. Even the lesser effects can't be obtained before 10th-level, where you're finally able to afford it.

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Ravingdork wrote:

I'm of the mind that this thing should be worth the ballpark of 100-120,000gp and possess additional limitations of some kind (such as one spell of your choice per day of 6th-level or lower).

How might you "fix" it? Indeed, do you think it even needs fixing?

With whiteout? :p

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Actually yea, as long as the wizard is immortal and very patient, he could theoretically do this as many times as he wants in a single day! He'll forever have infinite spells D:

Edit: Yea, at the very least I would ban this from being used with Time Stop for the sake of sanity, lol. I'm not sure that the other potential combos are really that overpowered.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matrixryu wrote:
Actually yea, as long as the wizard is immortal and very patient, he could theoretically do this as many times as he wants in a single day! He'll forever have infinite spells D:

OMG. If nothing else, the time stop abuse needs to be stopped.

In about a year (depending on the group's rate of accomplishment) I am scheduled to put in a guest appearance at an old friend's game to run

ancient spirits of eeeviiil cloak my spoilery words:
Karzoug against his group while he handles the other portions of that fight. If we can add this ring to his gear outlay...I'm pretty confident that a runelord will indeed rise.

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This ring could backfire horribly, for instance when casting Fire Sneeze.
"Once you cast this spell, you must sneeze each round as a standard action—you can take no other standard action as long as this spell is in effect, nor can you take full-round actions."

Ah yes this reminds me of the days of 3.0 Persistent Spell metamagic feat abuse. The big issue with it is people abusing Time Stop for gain and profit. The easiest way to slow down the abuse is not allow resting or item crafting during Time Stop. With these two things item crafting is no longer about time but rather about money. A clever wizard can deplete the party's coffers in minutes and outfit them with more gear then necessary for their level and always have spells ready for ANY situation.

Back during 3.0 a DM allowed this for a epic game he ran. Playing a wizard as soon as we had the gold and got back in town I turned to my DM and said, "I'm a lich. I just crafted my phylactery using Time Stop." "Okay," he said as he expected to waste XP and gold faster than normal. Still staring at him I said, "Now I'm a demilich." That caught his attention. Months worth of item crafting in a matter of hours to turn into a near unstoppable monster. I made my presence felt in that world.

So just say that for item crafting and resting that real time has to pass as your accelerated body doesn't allow for rest and you can't properly infuse spells or work tools at such insane speeds.

Now that's out of the way it's not as bad as it seems with casters. Persistent spell users can think of very clever stuff but we all seen it before. What you really have to watch out for is non-casters. Clever rogues with UMD and two of these rings will quickly go from nobody to nightmare. Monks would be terrifying shapeshifters showing that they're truly masters of their body. Gunslingers would suddenly turn into Cannonslingers. Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Painful Bugger wrote:
Now that's out of the way it's not as bad as it seems with casters. Persistent spell users can think of very clever stuff but we all seen it before. What you really have to watch out for is non-casters. Clever rogues with UMD and two of these rings will quickly go from nobody to nightmare. Monks would be terrifying shapeshifters showing that they're truly masters of their body. Gunslingers would suddenly turn into Cannonslingers. Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

Hmm, I wouldn't be too worried about the non-casters, because they'll have to buy one scroll for every day they intend to do this. Assuming you have the party wizard craft them for you, you'll have to pay around 2000g for each day you use a level 9 scroll to get your 24 hour long buff. That can get expensive in a long campaign, and would take a DC 37 Use Magic Device check I believe (for a level 9 spell).

Well, I guess it could be more of an issue if someone can find some 'sweet spot' with good spells that aren't too expensive to make into scrolls.

In the right places, you can make far more than 2k gold with 24 hour time stop.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
In the right places, you can make far more than 2k gold with 24 hour time stop.

Well, I think many of us have already decided to ban time stop with this. I believe my house rule will state "If you try to use this ring with Time Stop, the Mantis God will come and kill you." ;)

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power creep much ?

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I'd wager that every single person who knew who RD was and saw the thread title and then who the poster was immediately thought "Oh man, what crazy rules exploit did RavingDork find this time. There's no way that would be in the game."

And then we all got here and found out that it wasn't an exploit. It was 99% the rules as written and intended.

I can't imagine anyone who would sell an adventurer a ring like this. It's powerful, and imminently practical, which would make it much more valuable than 58K. Anyone who got it would be wearing it...

...unless it were cursed.

Still, it's a neat idea. This is Aladdin's Lamp level game-breaking, plot-turning stuff, like a Ring of Greater Invisibility, say. It's something you would FIND or that would find YOU, and then you would regret having it, because your life would turn upside down.

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Ah yes, the much vaunted Ring of Bel Air.

Scarab Sages

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Cheapy wrote:
Ah yes, the much vaunted Ring of Bel Air.


+100 xp for Fresh Prince reference.
" life got flipped, turned upside down..."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matrixryu wrote:
You can do a day long time stop and walk through entire dungeons without the slightest worry of being caught as long as you don't run into an anti-magic field.

First, at the levels in which you can cast time stop, you don't go into the dungeon. You simply level the mountain.

Second, I would SO laugh at the wizard who did this and then got caught in a nasty trap. Left alone to die, apart from his comrades who can't help him. Can't stop time stop when unconscious and bleeding out. I'm sure it was that arrogant "do it yourself" attitude that ended many a powerful wizard.

Cheapy wrote:

I'd wager that every single person who knew who RD was and saw the thread title and then who the poster was immediately thought "Oh man, what crazy rules exploit did RavingDork find this time. There's no way that would be in the game."

And then we all got here and found out that it wasn't an exploit. It was 99% the rules as written and intended.


VRMH wrote:

This ring could backfire horribly, for instance when casting Fire Sneeze.

"Once you cast this spell, you must sneeze each round as a standard action—you can take no other standard action as long as this spell is in effect, nor can you take full-round actions."

Not too bad really, you are still left with move actions, right? Just use it to take off the ring, then let the spell's normal duration run out (if it hasn't already).

Get two of them, infinite timestop within an infinite timestop. Craft everything, profit.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I . . . wuh . . . buh . . . *twitch*

RD, I think you just broke me. I totally read over that item, said "oh, that's neat," and then went along my merry way.

Now I'm going to spend the rest of the evening rooting through all of my books and picking out the best spells to unhinge.

Sleep is for the weak, anywho.

Black_Lantern wrote:
Get two of them, infinite timestop within an infinite timestop. Craft everything, profit.

Why waste time crafting when you could just go to every darn shop in existance, and empty their coffers.


I have not checked out every spell with a range of personal yet, but methinks someone wasn't thinking straight on this one.

Until an Errata comes out...

HOUSERULES: Option 1: once checking all spells with a range of personal, make a spell level limit. For example: no spells above 6th level can be affected by this ring.

Option 2: Time Stop specific: caster gains 1d4+1 rounds of actions (as with the spell Time stop, so not targeting offensive actions) for every round everyone else gets.

Option 3: banned.

...but yeah. wow.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Stockvillain wrote:

I . . . wuh . . . buh . . . *twitch*

RD, I think you just broke me. I totally read over that item, said "oh, that's neat," and then went along my merry way.

Now I'm going to spend the rest of the evening rooting through all of my books and picking out the best spells to unhinge.

Sleep is for the weak, anywho.

Allow me to save you the trouble. Just click the "Range" tab, and set the filter to "personal" to see every personal range spell ever printed by Paizo.

Marthian wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:
Get two of them, infinite timestop within an infinite timestop. Craft everything, profit.
Why waste time crafting when you could just go to every darn shop in existance, and empty their coffers.

You could use all of that stolen wealth to craft a hoard of magical items before anyone even noticed something was amiss. :D

Imagine what a bard with Glibness 24/7 could do. :|

Ride the lightning... yeeehawww!

Or winds of vengeance and just go back and forth over someone and ending your turn with a disintegrate or some such.

Uhm, what would happen if you wore two of these and cast a personal spell? You don't cast into the ring. You just cast!

A flying tornado lightning bolt! Hahahaha

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
Uhm, what would happen if you wore two of these and cast a personal spell? You don't cast into the ring. You just cast!

I don't believe it would do anything different than one ring would. Give the extra to a spellcasting ally, then you can ready actions to activate time stop simultaneously.

Having ethereal jaunt or fire shield 24/7 would be pretty sweet defensive buffs too.

Form of the Dragon III O.O

Now rogues wish greater invis was a personal spell.


Ravingdork wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Uhm, what would happen if you wore two of these and cast a personal spell? You don't cast into the ring. You just cast!
I don't believe it would do anything different than one ring would. Give the extra to a spellcasting ally, then you can ready actions to activate time stop simultaneously.

Yeah, looks like you can't double them up. See, that's how they keep it balanced!

New question for discussion: What are some spells where this isn't so bad?

Endure Elements.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I really liked Disguise Self or Alter Self. Any of the Beast Shapes. Greater Arcane Sight. Iron Body. Longstrider. See Invisibility. Shield is borderline.

EDIT: Heck, any of the personal polymorph spells are good. At the level you get them they're not more powerful than, say, wildshape.

I can already get 24/7 dragon shape with shapechange sans ring (a high charisma sorcerer has enough spell slots to pull it off).

All the ring does is give me back my slots.

It also closes the gap between the summoner and the transmuter a fair bit.

Marthian wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:
Get two of them, infinite timestop within an infinite timestop. Craft everything, profit.
Why waste time crafting when you could just go to every darn shop in existance, and empty their coffers.

Because you have all of the time in the world.

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This also opens up the possibility of incredibly silly things you could do with this ring.

Take the spell Light Lance. You can hold the lance aloft as a beacon of light visible at a range of 90 ft. For every round you hold it aloft the range the lance becomes visible an extra 2 miles. If you hold the lance aloft for the entire 24 hour period of 14400 rounds it will be visible from a distance of 28798 miles away. Stand at a high enough point and you can eliminate night for the entire planet.

Oh dear god thats amazingly goofy. Can anyone else find anything that hits that level of uselessy broken?

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Well that's an AP waiting to happen.

Cheapy wrote:
Well that's an AP waiting to happen.


- Dying Prophecy of Brighticus The Sun Demon.

Liberty's Edge

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The ring just needs to have a variable cost based on the level of spell it can affect similar to metamagic rods. Using this with a 1st level spell is in no way worth 50k+ gold. Using this with a max level spell is so worth it every caster will eventually have one as standard equipment along with their boring +x to y items.

EDIT: Also, I would use this to give my familiar a constant polymorph effect. I always wanted a pet dragon that could eat the dissenters! =D

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Painful Bugger wrote:


- Dying Prophecy of Brighticus The Sun Demon.

Funny thing is...

Golarion Lore:
... there actually IS a Demon God of the Sun in Golarion. His name is Nurgal, and his portfolios are Sun and Warfare. He was worshiped by the Azlanti (So sayeth the Serpents Skull AP... possibly elsewhere as well).


I wonder if you could gain extra permanent ability score bonuses with it.

Lantern Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes sir, we got trouble! Right here in River City! That starts with "T," and that rhymes with "P," and that stands for Polymorph subschool

What? You know you all love showtunes!

Anywho, combine with the Multimorph wizard discovery, and *bam* Shapechange Junior! If we're figuring on the earliest means for a wizard to nab this ring at 12th level, then you've got 6th level spells off the bat. That's all of the Beast Shape spells, Alter Self, Elemental Body I-III, Form of the Dragon I, Giant Form I, Plant Shape I & II, both of the Vermin Shape spells, the Monstrous Physique line, Undead Anatomy I-III, and Geniekind to name a few.

Oh my, yes. . .

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