Ravingdork |

Aurochs are universally better than even combat horses in all ways save for speed. Better hit points, AC, damage, special attack forms, strength, etc.
Why don't people use them as mounts? You'd think they would be given 1 intelligence or something like that in order to make horses more worthwhile. In a world where the cow is better than the horse, how did the horse ever become the standard mount?

Dragonamedrake |

Sure you can train a Wolf or T-Rex or even a Cow... but those are exotic mounts that require special expertice to train.
Im sure in the Real world you could train a Cow as a Mount. In fact I think I remember an old western where a guy had a Bull as a mount. But for normal society Horses are more easily broken, eat less, are easier to maintain, and are far easier to aquire.
Just as in real life, your normal person will aquire a horse because society has used horses for the ease. An adventure, with the right connections and gold, can aquire almost any animal as a mount... Even a Bull.

Tiny Coffee Golem |
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Same as in the real world.
A bull is tougher and stronger than a horse. But we ride horses because they can be tamed more easily.
This is also the same reason we use dogs as police animals when a tiger would kick more ass.
I think tigers would make an excellent addition to the police force. I suspect crime would decrease dramatically even as tiger attacks increase.

1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No-one in their right mind uses a bull as a mount. Not while it's still a bull, anyway. But using oxen as mounts was actually fairly common, simply because most farming communities would have a few. Though given their low speed, the novelty probably wears off fast.
Real men ride sedan chairs anyway.

Ravingdork |
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...But for normal society Horses are more easily broken, eat less, are easier to maintain, and are far easier to aquire...
Ah, now that makes sense to me. I hadn't considered the other logistics beyond speed, strength, and combat. Efficiency is everything to humans. Horses still get the job done and are much easier for a variety of reasons it seems.

Pirate |
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For many, speed is not just a factor, but THE factor.
Being able to tame it and trust it is also up there, usually more so than speed. But in fantasy land, the primary reason ~I~ use a mount, is mobility/speed.
There is also the whole "cow = food. Stop riding my food" thing.
However, I also embrace fantastical mounts.
Chocobos- er, I mean, Axebeaks; Wolves; Bears; Dinosaurs; Griffins, Rocs, Giant Wasps, etc.

SwnyNerdgasm |
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SwnyNerdgasm wrote:Isn't an Aurochs basically what the Canim rode in The Codex Alera?That was my assumption too from what I remember. Codex was an OK series, but the Dresden series is one of my overall favourites!
Yeah but Steak-and-New-Boots is the greatest name for a mount ever

Gauss |

PC comes into town riding...A BULL.
NPC: Uh, mister, why are you riding a cow?
PC: Cause I can! Imagine the terror in my enemies eyes when they see this fine Bull charging them. Would you want to get in front when it charges?
NPC: Uhhh, no mister. So...what is the cow's name?
PC: My bulls' name is Steak-n-New-Boots.
NPC: Steak-n-New-Boots? Why would you name a Bull that?
PC: Well, what do you think is gonna happen to him when he dies?
Just thought I'd add that in. :)
- Gauss

SwnyNerdgasm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

PC comes into town riding...A BULL.
NPC: Uh, mister, why are you riding a cow?
PC: Cause I can! Imagine the terror in my enemies eyes when they see this fine Bull charging them. Would you want to get in front when it charges?
NPC: Uhhh, no mister. So...what is the cow's name?
PC: My bulls' name is Steak-n-New-Boots.
NPC: Steak-n-New-Boots? Why would you name a Bull that?
PC: Well, what do you think is gonna happen to him when he dies?Just thought I'd add that in. :)
- Gauss
That was probably what Max was thinking

Danny Kessler |
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I played in a game recently where another PC, a multiclass paladin, befriended an aurochs using speak with animals after we found it wounded in the snow. After he healed it, it became is faithful friend. Later, he had awaken cast on it when he took leadership and it became his cohort and mount, taking levels in ranger and paladin, and eventually became instrumental in our eventual victory over the BBEG. The point? None, really, except that having someone say, "The aurochs activates Smite Evil.", at your game table is pretty awesome.

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Black_Lantern wrote:I think tigers are now needed in the police force.A Mandrill/Baboon eats a lot less, about as fast as a Tiger with about the same teeth length and still as strong as strong humans. And it can open doors with ease.
But, just as Tigers, it can't be bothered with all this crap.
Osirion should get some. :P

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

1) Cattle especially if grass fed need to eat almost constantly while awake just to survive. That huge massive body needs alot of fuel to survive and grass is a really inefficient provider of fuel.
2) Cattle are actually quite a bit dumber than horses and would be very difficult to train to do much of anything more complicated that just move from here to there.
3) Cattle panic easier than equines.
4) Cattle have a VERY broad back. I don't think most men would be very comfortable riding one for any length of time.

Scintillae |
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Ross Byers wrote:I think tigers would make an excellent addition to the police force. I suspect crime would decrease dramatically even as tiger attacks increase.Same as in the real world.
A bull is tougher and stronger than a horse. But we ride horses because they can be tamed more easily.
This is also the same reason we use dogs as police animals when a tiger would kick more ass.
But what do we do when some of the criminals only see our new detectives as stuffed animals? Or worse, invite them to a game with unfathomable rules?

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:But what do we do when some of the criminals only see our new detectives as stuffed animals? Or worse, invite them to a game with unfathomable rules?Ross Byers wrote:I think tigers would make an excellent addition to the police force. I suspect crime would decrease dramatically even as tiger attacks increase.Same as in the real world.
A bull is tougher and stronger than a horse. But we ride horses because they can be tamed more easily.
This is also the same reason we use dogs as police animals when a tiger would kick more ass.
Or if the criminals are a bunch of girls. Law and Order: G.R.O.S.S.

Orthos |

LastNameOnEarth wrote:Yeah but Steak-and-New-Boots is the greatest name for a mount everSwnyNerdgasm wrote:Isn't an Aurochs basically what the Canim rode in The Codex Alera?That was my assumption too from what I remember. Codex was an OK series, but the Dresden series is one of my overall favourites!
This man speaks truth.

Gignere |
In terms of the game rules, there is no reason why herd, animals aurochs and bisons shouldn't be the default mount in the game.
The developers tied their own hands when they limited animal intelligence to 2 or lower. If they change the limit of tricks to 2 per point of intelligence and raised animal intelligence to 4 or lower, they can easily make the horse the preferred mount.

Scintillae |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:Or if the criminals are a bunch of girls. Law and Order: G.R.O.S.S.Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:But what do we do when some of the criminals only see our new detectives as stuffed animals? Or worse, invite them to a game with unfathomable rules?Ross Byers wrote:I think tigers would make an excellent addition to the police force. I suspect crime would decrease dramatically even as tiger attacks increase.Same as in the real world.
A bull is tougher and stronger than a horse. But we ride horses because they can be tamed more easily.
This is also the same reason we use dogs as police animals when a tiger would kick more ass.
"Your honor, we cannot allow this testimony on the grounds that the plaintiff has yet to recite the password."

Gilfalas |

Why don't people use them as mounts?
For the same reasons that people didn't ride cows and bulls into battle? The species was not nimble enough, trainable enough, fast enough or (compared to a horse) smart enough.
Some animals just cannot be battle trained. Their natural instincts simply will not be overcome when it comes to their fight or flight reaction.
Plus the Aurochs cannot read their combat entries so have no idea they would make better mounts.