Being the 6th wheel in a group


So because I'm terrible with settling on class builds before a campaign starts it seems everyone else has already chosen their classes. Which leaves me as somewhat of a 6th wheel.

Group composition
Rogue 3 (maybe Ninja)
Ranger 3
Druid 3
Alchemist 3
what ....

What's this group missing ? Or what could this group use to really tie it all together ? Or is the group pretty solid and I could put in a one trick pony to shine once per day and suck the rest of the day ?

Thoughts ?

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At a first glance, it lacks a solid front liner (fighter,paladin,cavalier).

Gandal wrote:

At a first glance, it lacks a solid front liner (fighter,paladin,cavalier).

Depending on the Ranger's and Druid's build they might have that already. Rogue is also going to be in the midst of things.

Alchemist might be.

So that said, it would help to know a bit more about their specs. Is the ranger melee or ranged, the druid a wildshape melee machine or a caster etc?

But actually I would say the groups missing an arcanist, aka sorcerer or wizard. Alchemist doesn't really fill that role.

However with 6 people, some overlap can't be avoided. So just think about what you want to play, not necessarily what is missing.

The Ranger is a 16DEX 10STR with some ranged feats already

Druid stat I don't know but has a Tiger animal companion

and as for what I want to play I've got a great goblin character concept but its class neutral for the most part and I've got too many ideas of what I'd like to play.

For example, my group is also of 6:
Magus,Sorcerer (draconic),Cleric,Rogue (melee focused),Paladin,Fighter (TWF).
They lack a dedicated arcane blaster (sorcerer is a bit underpowerd for spell casting,and magus only has six spell level but between the two of them they are doing fine in that regard).
Of course this composition is weaker than others in ranged combat,but the magus has dex 16, the fighter 17 and the rogue 18,and with good bows they usually hit when situation calls for arrows.

Sovereign Court

I'd say make a wizard, then stand in the back with the alchemist tossing spells and bombs while the kids are playing around in melee. Smoke a pipe together (alchemists can set you up with "interesting" tobacco...)

It looks like you can still squeeze in a "God" wizard (focused on battlefield shaping); if the ranger is ranged focus on slowing down charging monsters, if he's melee focus on shutting down enemy ranged attacks.

Note that the alchemist can learn some recipes from a wizard spellbook. I don't know if it works the other way around too, that could be nice. I've had good experiences with playing with two wizards, doubling the spell acquisition rate.

Some options.
two handed weapon. Reasanoble damage en against non evil and lay on hans should keep you alive. , some healing, giving the cleric and druid some space for something else.

THere is no full arane caster. Can be handy for certain spells. A Sorcerer gives you a lot of spell to cast and a wizard gives some versatality and knowledges.

A Full Bard.
The rogue, druid, cleric, and alchemist have a cleric attack line. They will welcom your bonuses and you can be the master of knowledge.

Sovereign Court

Ask the ranger, druid and rogue what kind of fighting style they're gonna do. Maybe they need a flanking buddy, or maybe a Sword & Board steady guy to keep the enemy focused while they dance around. Maybe one of them wants to be Shield Wall teamwork feat buddies? Or a different teamwork feat?

Ascalaphus wrote:
Ask the ranger, druid and rogue what kind of fighting style they're gonna do. Maybe they need a flanking buddy, or maybe a Sword & Board steady guy to keep the enemy focused while they dance around. Maybe one of them wants to be Shield Wall teamwork feat buddies? Or a different teamwork feat?

nah its not the kind of group that's going to coordinate builds, what I've posted is pretty much the extent of what I'm going to know before we start.

A magus extra hand to hand and some blasting magic always goes down well

Sovereign Court

I feel your pain.. I play a conjurer in a party with a spring attack fighter with shield wall next to a 2H GS fighter and a dwarf on a pony with spirited charge...

I'd just go with a wizard, using Treanmonk's advice on how to make a good conjurer. Don't specialize spells too much in one direction, take versatile spells for buffing/battlefield control, keeping enemies at a distance (grease, stone call) or shutting down range attacks (obscuring mist, protection from arrows).

By the time level 4 rolls around you'll have an idea of what the rest is doing and you can start making more specialistic choices.

My group 5 of is made up of

Cleric (Wargod in Golarion, cant remember his name)
TWF Rouge
Longsword fighter

Another group is made up of:
Cleric of Sarenrae
Zen Archer

We cover most of the basic needs in a party.

Liberty's Edge

I'd second going with either a full-progression arcane caster or a front-line melee; wizard and fighter would be my respective choices. Stick with battlefield control and buffs for the wizard (as opposed to blaster or conjurer), or toe-to-toe melee for the fighter. Those would be my choices; YMMV, of course.

Phasics wrote:

So because I'm terrible with settling on class builds before a campaign starts it seems everyone else has already chosen their classes. Which leaves me as somewhat of a 6th wheel.

Group composition
Rogue 3 (maybe Ninja)
Ranger 3
Druid 3
Alchemist 3
what ....

What's this group missing ? Or what could this group use to really tie it all together ? Or is the group pretty solid and I could put in a one trick pony to shine once per day and suck the rest of the day ?

Thoughts ?

None of the above synergize with Clanky McTincan Heavy Armor, meaning you won't have to compete for the Big Metal Unit when you carve an enemy out of it. Chances are good none of them are using a reach weapon, so maybe get yourself a Halberd (or the like) and make sure your gauntlets are nice and spiky, or even a Thorn Bracer (Exotic weapon), for when opponents close. Beyond that I would roll fighter or battle-cleric focused on smashing things, try to max out perception and sense motive because I'm playing the silent, observant type, and let the rest play out as it plays out.

Probably wouldn't take any weapon specialized feats yet, since I wouldn't want to go one type of weapon and find out 2 other players ALSO want those weapons.

Seems a pretty 50/50 split between a brute front liner and a god wizard back liner , from a purely racial standpoint of goblin it probably makes more sense to be a high intiative god wizard

I'd say hyper specialization is the way to go:

Two-handed fighter with 18 str power attacking and murdering monsters
Oracle of Life, out-healing every other class

A full arcane caster, such as:

Kitsune Sorcerer, using favored class bonus, taking Fey Bloodline, Spell Focus (Enchantment) etc. Best Enchanter in the game.

A wizard with Magical Lineage, Preferred Spell or Greater Spell Specialization, Spell Focus, Spell Perfection, etc. Choose a signature spell and go for it! (My current favorite being fireball.)

well if nothing else Wizard gives you a near endless choice of spells should you get bored ;)

spell focus and varisian tattoo seem a good 1st and 3rd choice to start in something like conjuration or evocation

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