Best Class for Electro-mancer?


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I want to build a dedicated spell-blaster build, that is as focused on electricity damage as possible, and gets immunity to it eventually, if possible.

Two different version I'm considering are:

1) Druid with both the Storm Druid and Storm Lord archetypes, and taking both the Air and Storm domains, thanks to the Storm Druids Wind Lord ability at 9th. This would provide me with plenty of selection of spells, and would allow me to fill in for when our healer isn't around (a possible concern)

2) Sorcerer with Elemental (Air) bloodline. I like this version, because it is a spontaneous caster, which I prefer, but it would be slightly less versatile due to its lower selection of spells. It gives me more versatility on what spells to choose though, since I turn them all into electricity (so I can take Fireball and still deal electrical damage). It does, however, have fewer spell-like abilities, as the Druid gets numerous abilities from it two domains and from the Storm Lord series.

Which is more highly suggested, if either? If neither, what would be the suggested build for an Electromancer?

If going the sorcerer route, I'd suggest crossblooding the Elemental (air) bloodline with Draconic (blue/bronze) so you can add damage to electricity spells - successful blasting requires some investment. You can offset having fewer spells known using the human alternate favored class ability.

As to the druid - I assume you mean the Super Genius Storm Lord, which I'm not that impressed with. The UM Storm Druid is very nice, though, if only for the domain spontaneity and the (eventual) second domain - though you won't get any blasting spells to convert into until at least 5th level.

Overall, for the concept you're going for I think the sorcerer is stronger. The druid has a lot of neat tricks, though, in exchange for being less versatile in the lightning blasting department, and will play very differently. All depends on how much you want to invest in that concept.

There was an alternate rule in 3.5 D&D that allowed invokers to eventually switch any evocation spell into any energy type they wanted.

Maybe a similar thing exists in PF through a wizard archetype or some such.

I had an Acetomancer myself.

Acid Ball
Acid Bolt

I was artillery and a skeleton key.

Evoker (admixture) wizards can change energy types, although a limited number of times per day.

Other options:
A primal (air) sorcerer, for better damage but no energy switching.
A blue/bronze draconic sorcerer.
A 1-level crossblooded draconic/elemental sorcerer, and then evoker. Can substitute energy types and gets +1 die per bonus. Your spells get delayed a bit, but not any worse than a regular sorcerer's.
A magus, using Shocking Grasp to deal boffo damage.

A cross-blooded Elemental/Draconic was also one of my considerations, however I didn't feel the loss of spells/day was worth the few points of extra damage, and the other abilities didn't appeal all that much to me.

The one exception was when I looked into going into the Dragon Disciple prestige class, as it has a very synergistic interaction with the Crossblooded archetype.

I didn't really like the loss of the spell-casting levels though, so that route would have been primarily for flavor (as I love dragons, and anything that allows my character to become one is top notch in my book).

EDIT: Also, as to the Storm Lord: I'm only giving up Wild Shape, which I don't see as fitting the flavor of a blaster anyway, and in exchange I get some extra blasting abilities, in the form of a very versatile Spell-Like Ability.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Or get one of those funky Equalist gloves.

In my opinion, the best "blaster" is a magus. He can sustain his damage for the long haul, or he can nova. His staple spell is shocking grasp, and you'll be casting a whole lot of them with spell recall available to you.

I'm not a fan of the Magus for this build due to only getting 6th level spells. I also didn't plan on meleeing at all, so all of the warrior side of the gishiness that is the Magus is kind of wasted. Also, it's a prepared spellcaster instead of spontaneous. If I was going to go prepared, it would definitely be as a Wizard.

Then I think you already know exactly what you want.

An Air Elemental Sorcerer. You can't get a better dedicated electricity blaster than that.

If you play a human, you'll actually have a ton of spells to choose from at higher levels, so it's still possible to have a bit more versatility.

As for the Druid, you /may/ be disappointed with your options. You already said you wanted to be a dedicated blaster... so back-up healing isn't needed. Just get a couple wands of Cure Light Wounds and anyone can heal if they have it on their spell list. If there are absolutely no other casters around, then pump UMB for yourself.

The Druid list just doesn't have the same amount of 'Blaster'-type spells on it's roster, and the Call Lightning spells are rather underwhelming. And Air Elemental Sorcerer not only has access to all the amazing Wizard spells, but you can convert ANY elemental spell to Lightning, which hugely expands your lightning options if that is really your schtick.

(Storm) druid gets the coolest powers, and bonus points for being able to be an Air Elemental all the time fairly early on (while still slinging spells without trouble).
Druids are also more durable, and as you mentioned can be backup healers. They get way better saves than sorcerors, with high base in the two core ones, and wild shape that often buffs dex and/or con.

Sorceror gets much better spells for blasting, and can start throwing around lightning very early on. Druid catches up on the spells later in the game, though.

Yeah, I was mainly just checking to see if there was some Electromancer class or prestige class that I may have missed.

I think I'm going to end up going with a Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, and maybe just skipping the last two leves of DD, so that I can have 9th level spells by 20th level. It's just really hard for me to not take DD when I get the chance.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Druids also get Wildshape so, with natural spell, you can be a very impressive Storm Eagle.

Personally I'd think about taking a one level dip into Spellslinger.
It allows you not only to pump up your spells DC but also gives you a fall back plan if you ever run into a creature that is resistant to your element.

Secondly I'd defiantly look at one of the genie bloodlines from UM instead of the Elemental Bloodline. The bonus spells are much better in my opinion.
Elemental bloodline bonus spells are your basic blasting spells but in your element. Which is a waste since the strengths of the Elemental is the ability to change the energy type of those spells.

LazarX wrote:
Or get one of those funky Equalist gloves.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

For race you should take a look at Sylphs. They start with Electrical resistance, and one of their alternate Race Traits provides for minor healing when attacked by electrical energy.

Also, Air element Sorcerors get to treat their Charisma as 2 higher, and Air Domain Druids and Clerics get a bonus to Caster Level and DCs.

Liberty's Edge

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Take one level in Sorcerer w/ Elemental (Elec) Bloodline.

Then go Druid the rest of the way.

Bloodline Arcana affects all the spells you cast, regardless of class. Evidence

All your Druid spells can now be converted to lightning. Produce Lightning? Yes, please. Shock Sphere? Yes, please. Electric Blade? Yes, please.


Awesome concept.

The strike against the Druid, as has been stated, is that they don't get many blaster-type spells; at least not as many as the Sorcerer.

Liberty's Edge

If going Sorcerer, I'd like to throw in a reccomendation for the Genie Bloodline. Same Arcana as the Elemental one, but better spells, IMO, and the ability to take spells like scorching ray then actually pick which damage type you wish to deal.

And no need to wait around till odd levels for your blasty spells.

A properly domained druid gets call lightning, lightning storm, Chain Lightning, and most importantly:

Gozreh's Trident

Sprinkle in spell perfection and dazing spell you have an amusing melee combatant starting at 9th level. An Air elemental wielding a lightning bolt that dazes people while shooting lightning bolts in a lightning storm.

Nobody has mentioned the storm born bloodline, which lets you turn into an actual bolt of lightning. Is that bloodline out of favor these days?

If it's allowed, Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed could be what you are looking for. All the elemental damage powers can be switched between the four basic elements(and occasionally sonic damage) so you could deal all kinds of electricity damage.

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