Continual Flame and high fashion

Pathfinder Society

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Continual Flame on a small silver disc (like a coin almost) then place it in an area of removed skin on the back of the hand. Carefully regrow the skin around it, being sure to prune the skin back in such a way that, with the aid of magical healing, it appears like a natural part of the body. A little creepy, but unless someone closely examines you you'd appear to actually be on fire.

Have a backstory of it being the identifying mark for members of a particular monastic cult. Bonus points if you get a +1 flaming AoMF.

Continual Flame on a glass eye.

Shadow Lodge

Finished up season 3 special and one of the retiring characters cast this on my gloves of dueling for my archer. 6th level heightened spell CL11. Fits really well into my characters backstory of a human who learned archery while living amongst the dwarves underground. Now I'm not picked on for not having dark vision!

Grand Lodge 3/5

I'm thinking of having it cast on my scarf for my dance performances.....

Who doesn't love a flashy show at the end of a day of gross adventuring?

Dark Archive

There is of course the option to cast it on a helmet, for a flaming skull type effect.

On gauntlets, call yourself a member of the Flaming Fist.

Or a bard having it cast on her instrument.

Would a pair of shoes count as one item or two?

On a bra if you don't mind having flaming tits.

On a wand of Continual Flame - just in case you forget which one it is.

Cast it on a cloud and set fire to the rain (yeah, that's pushing the definitions a bit, but some GM's will let you blow 50gp on that just for the rule of cool).

... Would a building count as a single object? Make your house a flaming fortress, or cast it on the house of someone you don't like to see if they can sleep through it, or simply for unlocking the achievement of setting an orphanage on fire.

To stop the candle on the Druid's birthday cake going out, because the tree-hugging hippy refused to hold the party indoors.

To stop the candle on the Barbarian's birthday cake going out - but don't tell him, wait for him to figure it out for himself.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

We've often wondered the effects of casting light or continual flame on a whip. with 15' reach, does it mean when it's out it extends through the length of the whip.

My bard realized she invented rhythm gymnastics when she used her whip in bardic performance. :-)

Scarab Sages 5/5

Nice to see a fun thread pop back up...

I now have it cast on a suit of MistMail - and each game I start by asking the judge, "If she turns her armor into mist, is the mist 'flameing'? or does the spell go away until it turns back into armor?" Either way is fine, just need to have each judge make a ruling.

One way is a real Kewl visual effect - the other is lots of fun when someone hits me with a flame effect and I appear to catch fire ("Flaming armor" appears).

The Exchange 5/5 *****

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Whilst I am retired from active duty now I used to offer people heightened continual flames cast on small chelaxian coinage. Each had the head of our glorious queen on one side and the holy symbol of our father Asmodeus on the other. They were even free due to the false focus feat and yet I had a number of people turn them down.

Most puzzling.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I wanted to make my hair continual flame to simulate a glamour but was told no. );

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Hima Flametinker III wrote:
I wanted to make my hair continual flame to simulate a glamour but was told no. );

but darlin', we can do a hairnet, created from the finest silk threads, colored the same as your hair, that can be worn against your scalp with your natural hair passing thru it, with the continual flames cast on silk. That should give you the same effect yes? In fact, the flames would appear to come from your scalp!

We here at the exclusive design house "The Pleasure of Fashion" do try to make our clients happy...


Hima Flametinker III wrote:
I wanted to make my hair continual flame to simulate a glamour but was told no. );

now if your GM was female you could have asked for "flame extensions" and got them.


it's always handy to cast your Continual Flame on a bit of string, strong thread, or even a thong. This way you can tie it to various things or wear it as appropriate... it might help distract the succubus when you're in a grapple...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Stephen Ross wrote:
it's always handy to cast your Continual Flame on a bit of string, strong thread, or even a thong. This way you can tie it to various things or wear it as appropriate... it might help distract the succubus when you're in a grapple...

"What?! I thought that was a target!"

Though simple, perhaps a glove?

Or are you telling me challenging someone to a duel in style isn't something you'd love?


kinevon wrote:
Stephen Ross wrote:
it's always handy to cast your Continual Flame on a bit of string, strong thread, or even a thong. This way you can tie it to various things or wear it as appropriate... it might help distract the succubus when you're in a grapple...
"What?! I thought that was a target!"

never fear... they make various creams for the burning sensation you get afterwards... that reminds me, is an animated hibachi with 4 arms called a "grill-on"?...

Grand Lodge 5/5

Does a +1 Cruel Heavy Mace top with a Heightened CF named Diplomacy count? How about if it's wielded by a Hellknight Intimidator who worships Asmodeus? (This is not mine but one of my players)

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