Grizzly the Archer |

Supposedly the arrows from elves of Golarion aren't in it. There are a couple of new arrows, one of which is a hush arrow supposedly and a frost and fire steel special material that can work like a flame arrow ( if a fire spell hits it or is placed over a fire for a round).
Also, I meant to say in my last post darkwood buckler, not dangerous buckler.

Ashram |

From all that I've heard of this book, it's a terrible reprint with no errata or balancing and that Paizo seriously needs to stop printing their "Ultimate" series if they're not going to actually take them seriously. All three "Ultimate" books to date are very disappointing in terms of sheer content.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

From all that I've heard of this book, it's a terrible reprint with no errata or balancing and that Paizo seriously needs to stop printing their "Ultimate" series if they're not going to actually take them seriously. All three "Ultimate" books to date are very disappointing in terms of sheer content.
For you, perhaps.
I have not been disappointed in any of the Advanced or Ultimate books. I do not have Ultimate Equipment in hand yet but I expect to not be disappointed with this one either.
Grizzly the Archer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ultimate magic was ok, ultimate combat was good, ultimate equipment so far seems to be meh, from many peoples opinions and views on it.
When I was thinking ultimate equipment I think all of us were expecting a MiC similar type book, and if not at least something similar to compare it too. With Lots of nice new stuff for all of us to play with and fall in love with as well as have a type of compendium of a majority of the items already published. So far, it has only really been the latter of that, and even then not a whole lot made it in.
Typos like crazy, copy paste entries from previous books ( which later received corrections) still not corrected. Not happy at all.
Edit: smoke and blunt arrows are from the APG, nothing new. And crafting such arrows aren't even mentioned yet smoke would be a dc 15 craft alchemy, and blunt craft dc12 fletching it seems.

Steve Geddes |

I think all of us were expecting a MiC similar type book, and if not at least something similar to compare it too. With Lots of nice new stuff for all of us to play with and fall in love with as well as have a type of compendium of a majority of the items already published.
I'm only one, but I expected it to be pretty much just a compilation with the odd new thing here and there.
.It's probably a lesson in expectation management/marketting for Paizo if people were expecting something different from what they got. Maybe "Ultimate" is a loaded term which means different things to different people or maybe this offering just didnt quite fit the theme of the other books in the line (ie not many, if any optional rules systems and so forth).

Odraude |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I haven't received my copy yet... its in transit... but you all have me very distraught. i sure hope i didn't waste my money... are the arrows from elves of golarion in it at least? I cant believe the pirate gear didn't make it. damn it damn it damn it.
I feel........ cheated
I wouldn't. Many of the pirate weapons are just reskinned weapons.
Brass Knife is a fragile dagger, so essentially worse.
Boarding Pike is a longspear that is 3 gold too expensive. Mediocre.
Cutlass is a scimitar mechanically.
Grapping hook is already in the book.
Harpoon also exists although this version doesn't have the fragile property. Might be different enough for you, but not me.
Some of the items like the hook would have admittedly been cool to see. But honestly, I think the reason why they didn't include the Pirates weapons and items might be from the following. Remember that this is just speculation and you're probably better off asking the devs.
Cost: Cost of adding everything can get expensive I'd imagine. I remember when they said that they wouldn't add artifacts because of room for the book. So imagine how much it would be to start adding every little items from every AP, Player's Companion, or Campaign Setting book and I think you can imagine that it would start to get a little too much for printing. And they can't really play favorites either. If they add in the pirate equipment, suddenly someone is going to complain why they didn't add the magic items from Jade Regent. Advanced Armory was a bit of an exception since it's fairly old and 3.5, so it's a treat to see it updated.
Invalidating the Original: Let's face it. As awesome as fluff and plot hooks are, players and GMs love crunch. Monsters, weapons, armor, and magic trinkets are what people really love the most about these kind of books. When you have all of those items in a compendium, however, you may lose some of the people that would buy the Player's Companion books. You don't really see this with the core books because they have archetypes, spells, and etc that people still want. APs have full on adventures, so it's okay if some of their monsters are put in the next bestiary. However, by design, Player Companions are not setting neutral, so even if they have archetypes that are cool, they are more niche to a certain theme of game. Now admittedly, one argument against this is that the rules are available online for free, so this point is probably moot.
Honestly, the complaints about it being purely copy pasted aren't completely true and to me, make little sense. For one thing, it is a compendium so things are going to be put in there that already exist. This was a given and frankly, there's not much else you can really say about the weapons we have that hasn't already be mentioned. We don't need new material describing longswords and shortbows. That said, I do agree that the erratad versions of some items should have been printed instead. I hope they rectify this soon because it is a complaint I share with others.
Furthermore, there are new items in this book. Intelligent weapons, artifacts, magic items, alchemical items. The magic item section in general has some awesome stuff in it (the "TARDIS" is wicked rad). The generation tables are also great for GMs, especially myself because I am terrible at giving out treasure beyond gold coins. I can't give you an exact percentage right now because I'm still looking through my roommate's copy. But, with the new items, treasure generator, and the compendium aspect of it, I think that the book is worth the price. But I wouldn't listen to the fanboy hype nor the nerdrage. When it becomes available on d20PFSRD, check it out for yourself. It's your money and you shouldn't let some stranger on the internet tell you how to spend it.
Including me.

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I don't have the book yet, but here are my thoughts.
I know it is just a bunch of reprinted material. Paizo has been very clear that it will be. I can't complain about that. I also don't care that there are mistakes that carried over. In fact, I am just happy to have one book to look at for equipment, and not ten.
The layout of the book looks awesome. I don't have to dig for magic boots because they are called five different things and lumped in with all the other magic items.
The number one reason I am going to buy this: the random loot tables. To be honest, if this was all the book was I would still pay for it. I can put treasure together for games, but making it random and faster is so much better for me.
Oh, and there just happens to be new stuff. That is cool too.
So, do I care if there are mistakes, horrible new items, or omissions? Heck no. The reason is because this is still a great book that has solutions for problems that have exisited for a while now. Treasure tables, having (almost) everything in a single book, and having it all laid out in a way that makes sense means I am going to buy this.

chavamana |

The number one reason I am going to buy this: the random loot tables. To be honest, if this was all the book was I would still pay for it. I can put treasure together for games, but making it random and faster is so much better for me.
The treasure tables are very nice.

Joyd |

Does anyone have sort of a ballpark figure regarding what portion of the book is new material? Are we talking like a quarter of it, or are we talking like a half-dozen things scattered here and there?
Also, I think I already know the answer to this, but did they at least put in the bare minimum possible cleanup effort and put in a better writeup how the kyoketsu shoge is supposed to function mechanically, or did they stick to the flighty ambiguious wording it was published with in Ultimate Combat?

Grizzly the Archer |

Actually I really dislike the design layout. it reminds me of a guide to some 3rd generation video game, like halo or something. this is a rpg based on a rpg that's been out for over 35 years. Video games are based on IT. rpg's have a certain air or look, or rather a perception. It's not a game, it's an adventure. I don't want a fantasy book looking like another game guide, especially with stay blocks that are slightly haphazard, sorry. Someone did mention in another thread that one of the designers supposedly worked in nintendo. Guess what, it shows. Keep the two separate I say.
Ok rant finished. the good thing from the book so far that I've seen are the numerous tendon table charts, set objects, and done new weapon materials. Will wait to see what else comes out, hopefully my opinion changes, but as of right now, ehh.

Odraude |

Actually I really dislike the design layout. it reminds me of a guide to some 3rd generation video game, like halo or something. this is a rpg based on a rpg that's been out for over 35 years. Video games are based on IT. rpg's have a certain air or look, or rather a perception. It's not a game, it's an adventure. I don't want a fantasy book looking like another game guide, especially with stay blocks that are slightly haphazard, sorry. Someone did mention in another thread that one of the designers supposedly worked in nintendo. Guess what, it shows. Keep the two separate I say.
................................Ok rant finished. the good thing from the book so far that I've seen are the numerous tendon table charts, set objects, and done new weapon materials. Will wait to see what else comes out, hopefully my opinion changes, but as of right now, ehh.
I disagree. I'm all for clearer layouts and distinct sections. I like Pathfinder and 3.5 but I've always liked the layout of the 4ed books much more. I think UE is a good compromise, having a new look with a traditional feel. Hanging on to obsolete layouts for tradition sake is something I hope to not see.

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I don't know if it is too early as a lot of people must jet receive it, but I have started a Ultimate equipment errata thread here.

Grizzly the Archer |

OK, I took a re-look at the preview pages, just to see it from your view Odraude. I looked at the core book and how they have the items setup there, and the new style from UE. I will give it this, the new style does at a quick glance, (without any copy in front of me, just the preview pages), seem easier to quickly scan through the book to find a particular item and it's key details (such as weight, aura, price). then it has the text, and then another block for those who want to know how to make said item. IN all, I kind of like that design idea, just maybe not the execution (or instance the specific shield preview page has 2 colors (deep red for main item name and details, lighter shade red for construction). Yet for the orange blocks from the rings section, the two shades are really close in color, so, it all quickly looks like there is about twice as much stuff, when there isn't and thus confusing me. Ehh, I get just a little nitpick I don't like, w/e. So far its ok, I guess the non-subscribers like myself will have to wait a little longer to see if it was all worth it.
I'm just a little bit enthusiastic about archery related stuff, so every time a new book comes out that has new items, I always hope they can make some new arrows, especially a non-magical arrow for setting things on fire, or even for fire damage. Not a special material (which I don't even know if it's cost worthy yet), which only lasts 12 seconds (2 rounds) b/c of heat transfer. ....... If anyone watches Game of Thrones... I'm only going to mention season 2 e 8? BLACKWATER. That right there is what I want to be able to do, but currently cannot. If you want to read the books watch the show its great, so I won't spoil it here. IF you don't care click the other spoiler.

Ravennus |

Does anyone have sort of a ballpark figure regarding what portion of the book is new material? Are we talking like a quarter of it, or are we talking like a half-dozen things scattered here and there?
Also, I think I already know the answer to this, but did they at least put in the bare minimum possible cleanup effort and put in a better writeup how the kyoketsu shoge is supposed to function mechanically, or did they stick to the flighty ambiguious wording it was published with in Ultimate Combat?
After reading through more of the book, I would hazard 20% actual new material in the entire book.... and that's being generous.
Though they often try to present older material in newer ways, such as in 'kits' and such, but that doesn't count to me.Honestly, most of the newer material is simply from new magic items.... maybe 1/3 is new. That, plus tables (if you are a DM who is into that sort of thing).
The actual mundane equipment, including arms and armor, are more a case of "a half-dozen things scattered here and there".
The Kyoketsu Shoge write-up is a straight copy and paste. Hardly anything was updated, balanced, or fixed. Very unfortunate.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have this strange feeling that some folks approach this book hoping for a "power-up for my PC" book, while the book is clearly more of a GM tool.
I guess part of the problem is the name, which suggests that it's in line with other "Ultimate" books. Should have called it "Gamemastery Item Guide" or whatanot.

Dabbler |

CalebTGordan wrote:The number one reason I am going to buy this: the random loot tables. To be honest, if this was all the book was I would still pay for it. I can put treasure together for games, but making it random and faster is so much better for me.The treasure tables are very nice.
I agree, the treasure tables are IMHO the best part of this book and the ones I will use most frequently. There is some new material, it isn't all just cut-and-paste, and the fact that it's all under one cover is actually very handy as a reference guide.
I haven't read through it yet, just looked through the PDF, but I am so-so about it so far. For one thing, the monk gets short-changed again (very little for them, and what there is works better for non-monks. Again. Sigh) and for another it's missing some Golarian content that would have been nice to include, like the agile weapon property.

Ravennus |

I have this strange feeling that some folks approach this book hoping for a "power-up for my PC" book, while the book is clearly more of a GM tool.
I guess part of the problem is the name, which suggests that it's in line with other "Ultimate" books. Should have called it "Gamemastery Item Guide" or whatanot.
Speaking for myself, I wasn't looking for a 'Power-Up'. This isn't Rifts, nor do I ever want it to be.
But I'll agree that I was approaching the book from a player's perspective, which left me very disappointed. I think it was fair to expect more new material than what was released in their Golarion-specific 33 page Equipment crunch book... or at least something on par. But I didn't get that.
Nor did we get any fixes, errata, or re-balancing.... which truthfully really shocks me.
It was released as part of the Ultimate line of books, which up until now have been aimed at players as much (or more so) than DMs. So maybe you are right that it should have just been released as part of the Gamemastery line.

Ravennus |

Ravennus wrote:I'd be very careful with blanket statements like that. Staff prices were fixed, from what I see in previews.
Nor did we get any fixes, errata, or re-balancing.... which truthfully really shocks me.
Ok, you're right again. Thanks for living on these forums 24/7 and nitpicking every word I say.
I'll amend my previous blanket statement, because I also noticed they included the errata to Brass Knuckles. Too bad there are still so many other issues left untouched.

Odraude |

Joyd wrote:Does anyone have sort of a ballpark figure regarding what portion of the book is new material? Are we talking like a quarter of it, or are we talking like a half-dozen things scattered here and there?
Also, I think I already know the answer to this, but did they at least put in the bare minimum possible cleanup effort and put in a better writeup how the kyoketsu shoge is supposed to function mechanically, or did they stick to the flighty ambiguious wording it was published with in Ultimate Combat?
After reading through more of the book, I would hazard 20% actual new material in the entire book.... and that's being generous.
Though they often try to present older material in newer ways, such as in 'kits' and such, but that doesn't count to me.Honestly, most of the newer material is simply from new magic items.... maybe 1/3 is new. That, plus tables (if you are a DM who is into that sort of thing).
The actual mundane equipment, including arms and armor, are more a case of "a half-dozen things scattered here and there".
The Kyoketsu Shoge write-up is a straight copy and paste. Hardly anything was updated, balanced, or fixed. Very unfortunate.
New content (Intelligent Items, Artifacts, Magic Items, Alchemical) I'd actually bump up to 30%. Especially since we've never really had Intelligent Items statted up in the Core Rulebook. Add in the Tables and I think new content balances out to 40%-45%. I've already said why I prefer more magic items to mundane items so I'm personally okay with that. And we can't forget the value of having all of the hardcover items in one area.
Gorbacz wrote:I have this strange feeling that some folks approach this book hoping for a "power-up for my PC" book, while the book is clearly more of a GM tool.
I guess part of the problem is the name, which suggests that it's in line with other "Ultimate" books. Should have called it "Gamemastery Item Guide" or whatanot.
Speaking for myself, I wasn't looking for a 'Power-Up'. This isn't Rifts, nor do I ever want it to be.
But I'll agree that I was approaching the book from a player's perspective, which left me very disappointed. I think it was fair to expect more new material than what was released in their Golarion-specific 33 page Equipment crunch book... or at least something on par. But I didn't get that.
Nor did we get any fixes, errata, or re-balancing.... which truthfully really shocks me.
It was released as part of the Ultimate line of books, which up until now have been aimed at players as much (or more so) than DMs. So maybe you are right that it should have just been released as part of the Gamemastery line.
I've always approached the Ultimate series as blanket material for both players and GMs. Admittedly, it actually caters a bit more to a GM because a GM can use all of the player options as well as the more esoteric options (Words of Power, Golem Crafting, allowing Performance combat, building vehicles). I've come to realize that Paizo doesn't make Player-only hardcovers or GM-only hardcovers, which I honestly applaud. And as for UE not having items from Pirates or other of the Player Companions, imagine the cost it would be to add all of that in one hardcover. Not to mention in the description its says
Thousands of items both magical and mundane, including the best weapons, armors, magic items, and gear from the Pathfinder RPG hardcover line and select other Pathfinder sources, as well as hundreds of never-before-seen items.
Also I need to start a drinking game for every time I use the word 'admittedly'.

magnuskn |

Honestly, there isn't much to offer for a 'sneak peak', as almost everything can be found in existing books or with a quick search on D20pfsrd.
I knew it would be a compilation, but I was expecting at least SOME new material... and no, the price for a house cat and a couple new alchemy items don't count.
I just started on the magic item section, however, and found this piece.
It seems they tried to solve the Monk/Unarmed enhancement dilemma, but I can't see this really helping anyone.** spoiler omitted **...
This is a horribly designed item. Geeze. Why not include the "Giant middle finger of Monk taunting", too?

ShinHakkaider |

It's a game, pretty much everything is subjective.
Never stopped gamers from griping at the top of their lungs before, why stop now?
The main usefulness in this book for me is that I dont have ALL of the PAthfinder books. ANd I hate having to search for stuff that's not in the core rulebooks. This book has most of the equipment in ONE book that I can just fire up on my ipad or pull off of my shelf. So for MY purposes this book is GREAT.

Cheapy |

Lots of cool stuff so far. Ki Intensifying enhancement could be fun, the all-tool is great, the premade kits for classes just made my life easier. Magicians hat really helps wizards out with metamagic, and is pointy too! Many items that fixed deficiencies with alchemists (the alembic is very handy!).
And the belts? They give stat boosts and have special effects. Like the belt of rage cycling (I'm guessing Jason N. Is behind that one!) that also gives +2 con

Dragon78 |

After looking through this book I can say for the most part I like this book. I like the set up, the charts, that it is well orginized, a collection of many items from different books. I am mad they didn't include the Agile weapon property, and that monk body wrap item was a joke. But if they wanted to "fix" the monk they should have given them enhancement bonuses to there unarmed strike starting 4th level and every 4 levels after to a max of +5 at level 20. There are a lot of great magic items in this book, wether they are new or not doesn't matter, it's that they are in one book. Maybe one day they will do another book like this one and we can get the missing items and magical properties that didn't make it in.

Cheapy |

Ki Itensifying is the upgraded version of Ki Focus, so it includes that. It's a +2. It's for manufactured weapon using monks (just like Ki Focus), and lets them do swift action bull rushes, repositions, disarms, or trips after hitting someone by spending a ki point. These don't provoke and any bonuses applicable to the weapon add to the CMB check. Very evocative ability :D
Use stunning fist with your temple sword, then trip the enemy so they're out for at least 1.5 rounds :)

Cheapy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fighter's Fork is a boon to polearm users too. It's a trident that can get larger (and gain reach) or smaller (and become a light weapon).
As a swift action.
There's an AWESOME dagger that lets those who throw knives work *really* well. If you have quickdraw, you can split the dagger into a twin as a free action, and if you throw one, you can resplit the held dagger. As a free action. Throwing knives while threatening? Great! There's also a bandolier that does similar. You can attach some weapons, and then they appear again on it after you throw them.
Glamered for weapons will be a boon to assassins everywhere.
This next ability is pretty sweet for certain builds (and makes Orcs of Cheeselarion even more cheesy!)
courageous weapon fortifies the wielder’s courage and morale
in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws
against fear equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus. In
addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other
source is increased by half the weapon’s enhancement bonus
(minimum 1).
And the Designating line of enhancements? They're great for bows.
ammunition. Each time a ranged weapon or ammunition with
this ability hits a creature, its magic designates the target. Allies
gain a +2 morale bonus on melee attack and melee damage
rolls against the designated target for 1 round. Multiple
successful shots fired at the same target do not increase the
bonuses or their duration.
This book is awesome.

Dabbler |

Oooooh, a katana that when used treats the monk as unarmed and it's a monk weapon. Now you can use Crane Style and Two-Handed Fighting.
Interesting. So you have a single unique weapon that allows a monk to use flurry-of-blows with a half-way decent weapon. Only it's unique, not a special property you could apply to any weapon, so getting it keen or holy isn't likely to happen.
It's nice but I am underwhelmed still.

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Ravennus wrote:What does a bandolier do that a backpack or belt pouch doesn't? Besides look good that is.[
As a final spoiler, there is a Bandolier...
** spoiler omitted **
Well for one thing it defines where an item is being placed...it's not on your back or your belt. It's an additional place to store stuff.
Besides looking good is an essential pre-req for the Dramatic Swordsman!

Cheapy |

Oh, another great one are some boots that cause vegetation to instantly spring up in their square. Anywhere except for explicitly hostile locations (like lava). So now the druid can use all their spells that rely on plants anywhere they want!
And Gloves of Arcane Striking, which gives new uses for arcane strike. Mostly revolving around aid another (so nice for bard supporters), but also one that does AoE damage to adjacent enemies to the guy you struck :)
Another glove lets the wearer speak commands to creatures he summons. Yea, that's going to be a huge one.
Ok, I should stop for now.

Nicos |
There's an AWESOME dagger that lets those who throw knives work *really* well. If you have quickdraw, you can split the dagger into a twin as a free action, and if you throw one, you can resplit the held dagger. As a free action. Throwing knives while threatening? Great! There's also a bandolier that does similar. You can attach some weapons, and then they appear again on it after you throw them.

Cheapy |

Cheapy wrote:Oooooh, a katana that when used treats the monk as unarmed and it's a monk weapon. Now you can use Crane Style and Two-Handed Fighting.Interesting. So you have a single unique weapon that allows a monk to use flurry-of-blows with a half-way decent weapon. Only it's unique, not a special property you could apply to any weapon, so getting it keen or holy isn't likely to happen.
It's nice but I am underwhelmed still.
You can further enhance unique items.
(and this one is +3 and has Ki Intensifying)

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There's an AWESOME dagger that lets those who throw knives work *really* well. If you have quickdraw, you can split the dagger into a twin as a free action, and if you throw one, you can resplit the held dagger. As a free action. Throwing knives while threatening? Great! There's also a bandolier that does similar. You can attach some weapons, and then they appear again on it after you throw them.
Is there a limit on how many throwing daggers this thing can spawn? Same question for the bandolier.
If you put a magic weapon in the bandolier, are the weapons it spawns also magic?