Beyond the Doomsday Door (GM Reference)

Shattered Star

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So I'm going to be running this for my group very soon, and reading through the book, I've got a couple of questions.

Firstly, with the Doomsday Locks and the Labyrinth Without Walls traps, I'm a little bit confused about how the trap functions, and in particular, what causes it to go off. Does the Labyrinth Without Walls trap go off after any attempt to open to door without a Doomsday Key and the proper combination (ie. fail your disable device check and the trap activates), or does it only go off after a they door is successfully opened without using the Doomsday Key and the correct combination (ie. if you manage to succeed on all 6 disable device checks)? The text seems to indicate that it's the first case, but the reset mechanism for the trap seems to indicate that it's the second.

Secondly, Ricle Peakes. He's a bogeyman, but bogeymen are CR 10, whereas Mr. Peakes is stated to be CR 11. Are there any modifications to him that would warrant such an increase, or is this simply a misprint?

Thirdly, the Groetan Candles. Basic Will-o'-Wisps have 40 HP and 9 Hit Dice, so these, as advanced Will-o'-Wisps, should have 58 HP. Instead, they have 76. Were they affected by the Desecrate effect in room E8, or is this also a mistake?

Fourthly, Kandamereus. His Despair ability has a DC of 18, but which makes sense given his 8 racial Hit Dice as a mummy, and his charisma of 18. However, he also has Ability Focus (Despair). Shouldn't the DC thus be 20?

Fifthly, Ardathanatus himself. His melee attack line has an attack bonus of +20/+15/+10. With his strength of 18, BAB of +11, his Weapon Focus (Halberd) and his Greater Magic Weapon at CL 15th (+3 enhancement), I'm finding a +19/+14/+9 for his attack bonus. Where is the additional +1 coming from? I could understand it if the Greater Magic Weapon stacked with his already +1 Flaying Halberd (to make it a +4), but then his damage would be wrong (he has 1d10+9, but a +4 weapon would necessitate a 1d10+10).

Finally, Yamasoth. His tactics say that, on the first round, he makes all of his attacks and exposes the PCs to his Horrific Appearance, and on the second round, he retracts his tentacles and opens his central maw, exposing everyone to his Gaze ability. However, for Qlippoth, their Horrific Appearance is a standard action (to "present" themselves), and for Yamasoth, opening his central maw is a free action. Should these two actions be reversed (opens his maw on the first turn, uses his Horrific Appearance on the second)?

Dark Archive

Not sure of the other questions, but I think I can answer this one.

Zhyth wrote:
Fifthly, Ardathanatus himself. His melee attack line has an attack bonus of +20/+15/+10. With his strength of 18, BAB of +11, his Weapon Focus (Halberd) and his Greater Magic Weapon at CL 15th (+3 enhancement), I'm finding a +19/+14/+9 for his attack bonus. Where is the additional +1 coming from? I could understand it if the Greater Magic Weapon stacked with his already +1 Flaying Halberd (to make it a +4), but then his damage would be wrong (he has 1d10+9, but a +4 weapon would necessitate a 1d10+10).

Did you count the heroes' feast into his stats? That spell provides a +1 morale bonus to attacks.

One thing I'll add (not sure if you noticed this yet) is that Ardathanatus could not have demon subdomain as it's not included in the Yamasoth's portfolio. I decided to go with it as a GM since it fit with the character.

ckdragons wrote:

Not sure of the other questions, but I think I can answer this one.

Zhyth wrote:

Did you count the heroes' feast into his stats? That spell provides a +1 morale bonus to attacks.

One thing I'll add (not sure if you noticed this yet) is that Ardathanatus could not have demon subdomain as it's not included in the Yamasoth's portfolio. I decided to go with it as a GM since it fit with the character.

I had completely forgotten what it was Heroes' Feast did, so that accounts for the mystery of the missing +1. Thanks!

And I remember thinking that it was odd that Yamasoth would have the Demon subdomain (seeing as how qlippoth hate demons so much), but I didn't look too much in to it. I'll probably keep it as-is as well. Looking at it now, Yamasoth's domains and subdomains are kind of strange. He has the Torture subdomain, but doesn't have the Destruction domain that it's associated with, and has two subdomains (Construct and Toil) for the Artifice domain while having no subdomains for his Chaos or Evil domains.

anyone here thinks Ardathanatus should be an old age elf?

being a cleric adds 10d6 years to the base elf age of 110 making him about 145 years old when he starts his adventuring career taking average rolls. (core rulebook page 169)

His backstory says he spent several years as an adventuring cleric and OUTLIVED HIS COMPANIONS.

Assuming they were human and died of natural causes we'll add a rather low 40 years to his age making him 185 when he joins the wind song abbey. we can even say he spent a very small amount of time at the abbey before the death of aroden after which he went on his rampage.

if the current year is 4711 aroden died in 4606 which adds 105 years to his age making him 290... well beyond the old age mark of 263 (again core rulebook page 169)

Your math makes sense to me. Given that his main combat activity is melee combat, however, you could work around it if you didn't want to make the fight easier. For example, you could rule that the Mark of Yamasoth negates the effects of aging.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 60 - Doomsday staff

The doomsday staff is way under-priced. I'm not sure what formula was used to calculate its price, but staves that don't have any other bells-and-whistles other than the spells they contain are extremely easy to price - it's written out in the Core Rulebook.

Price should be changed to "131,300 gp". Cost should be changed to "65,650 gp".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 61 - Soul jar

It's worth noting that this magic item shares the same name as another magic item found on page 53 of Kingmaker: The Varnhold Vanishing. It's the same price, but has different spell requirements, auras, and slightly different mechanics. It's unclear if this item is meant to replace the other.

Thanks for the price correction on the staff! I have made a note of that for when my PCs get to chapter four.

I'm not sure I understand your question for the jar. Are you asking if GMs running Kingmaker should use the Shattered Star stat block? (I mean, even if I answered your question it would just be my opinion; I'm just curious what it is you're actually asking.)

Grand Lodge

tbug wrote:

Thanks for the price correction on the staff! I have made a note of that for when my PCs get to chapter four.

I'm not sure I understand your question for the jar. Are you asking if GMs running Kingmaker should use the Shattered Star stat block? (I mean, even if I answered your question it would just be my opinion; I'm just curious what it is you're actually asking.)

I wasn't asking anything, just making everyone aware that two items with the same name exist, have a similar function, are priced the same, and yet have calculable differences. In case any GMs or players try to look up the item online, they should be careful as to which source its referencing.

I originally found it because I've been creating a database of all player and GM options from Pathfinder for the last 10 years, and my spreadsheet returned this as a duplicate when I added it.

Now that It Came From Hollow Mountain is out, do we have any additional insights into what Ardathanatus experienced before his return to Windsong Abbey? Are there any fun tie-ins we can make (or at least foreshadow)?

A "trivial but important to my group" question:

Beyond the Doomsday Door wrote:

A4. Lighthouse Entrance

The stem of this tall, white tower seems built out of a smooth, marble-like substance, very hard and uncannily flawless. A spiral staircase built on the surface of the wall leads up to the top.

To both me and my players, this makes it sound like the staircase is on the outside of the lighthouse. This matches neither the map nor the descriptions of the interior.

So I'm assuming the staircase is on the interior, and they don't actually see it when they approach, so I just shouldn't mention it?

So, I'm trying to work something out, and just not finding an answer. How does Zolerim have Hand of the Apprentice (a Universalist ability), and Intense Spells (an Evoker ability). How can a wizard have abilities from two Specialist Schools (yeah, Universalist is the LACK of a school, but you get the meaning)?

Probably just a mistake.

Shadow Lodge

My PCs are just heading into this chapter, which I'd foreshadowed at the start of the previous one (mentions of some wierd exodus of monsters from Hollow Mountain).
I got an idea: what if Adrathanatus was the representative of Aroden instead of Pharasma?

He, like so many other followers of Aroden, was stricken with despair when his god died on the day of his prophecized Second Coming, but when Iomedae inherited his mantle, he over-reacted.

That way, his belief that Iomedae murdered Aroden as part of a coup becomes more personal. I also want to have bits of information revealed slowly to the PCs:

In their initial research, they find out that Windsong has lost some status ever since the Arodenite murdered the Iomedan and stormed out in a violent rampage (he's been somewhat of a bogeyman ever since). If they do enough research, they'll find out the man was an elf.

When they get there, maybe Kob-Kog or Sufestra name-drops Adrathanatus.

Other minions will confirm he follows Yamasoth.

Then, Rickle Peakes will be all like, "Hi, I'm Adrathanatus! Didja know that Iomedae's actually Evil and Yamasoth is actually Good?"

Hopefully, by the time Kandamerus mentions that Adrathanatus built all the constructs in the place, the PCs will fit it all together and shout out something like, "OH NO he's the guy who went on the murderous rampage here like a hundred years ago!"

This way, his redemption could involve asking him, "Is this what the Last Azlanti would have wanted?"

Curious what the consensus might be on this (or maybe it's a stupid question): Would Yamasoth's Gaze affect Kandamereus?

Being undead, Kanda is immune to "any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)".

Yamasoth's Gaze "has a range of 30 feet, and polymorphs creatures affected by it into giant vermin, animals, or magical beasts (Fortitude DC 37 resists)." And "otherwise functions as polymorph any object (CL 20th), and is a polymorph effect".

So, it initially seems to me that it probably wouldn't affect Kandamereus, because the gaze mentions that it polymorphs creatures. But, it also works like Polymorph Any Object...which would affect a corpse. I'm inclined to rule it doesn't, though I want it to, and could GM fiat make it effective (this of course would be dependent on the party getting Kanda's help, and Kanda failing the save).

Just curious if others ran into this scenario, and how they handled it. Also curious what Yamasoth polymorphed your players into. I'm thinking Ostovites, since they're Magical Beasts from the Abyss. I think that'll take a week to wear off.

Patrick "Varg" Meade wrote:

Curious what the consensus might be on this (or maybe it's a stupid question): Would Yamasoth's Gaze affect Kandamereus?

Being undead, Kanda is immune to "any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)".

Yamasoth's Gaze "has a range of 30 feet, and polymorphs creatures affected by it into giant vermin, animals, or magical beasts (Fortitude DC 37 resists)." And "otherwise functions as polymorph any object (CL 20th), and is a polymorph effect".

So, it initially seems to me that it probably wouldn't affect Kandamereus, because the gaze mentions that it polymorphs creatures. But, it also works like Polymorph Any Object...which would affect a corpse. I'm inclined to rule it doesn't, though I want it to, and could GM fiat make it effective (this of course would be dependent on the party getting Kanda's help, and Kanda failing the save).

Just curious if others ran into this scenario, and how they handled it. Also curious what Yamasoth polymorphed your players into. I'm thinking Ostovites, since they're Magical Beasts from the Abyss. I think that'll take a week to wear off.

i would rule no it does not have any effect. undead does fall into the Object category either.

it didn't come up in my game, as the party just slaughtered him, even though he was being nice to them. they were a very lawful bunch.


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