
vornn's page

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ementalor wrote:
RH wrote:

I actually really like the art style of the maps in the modules, but I'd like higher res/better maps for our vtt games.

Searching, I see several from book one and a handful for book two that are really nicely done fan works. I am not seeing much from book three onwards; has anyone seen any decent maps floating around by chance?

Thank you!

can you point me to the direction of the maps for the Trial that you found? I am currently running this part, and despite we meet in person, i print the maps in scale to use with minis.

quite a few options on Reddit in the battlemaps section. :)

BlackMASTERofEvil wrote:

Hello everyone. I started narrating this adventure to my players. They have almost completed most of the events, and are currently inside the necropolis, more precisely in the Ghoul Market. However, the players are determined that they want to give up on the adventure and flee to the desert, since after the Ka pulse the port was deactivated.

I looked in the books to see what the consequences would be if they gave up. NOTE: They defeated Pychopomb Vanth. And they convinced the high priest to stop the ritual that summoned the Pychopomb. What are the consequences for Wati if they flee? And theoretically, what would happen to them?

do a dream sequence...

you just say that they leave, the town is overtaken by the undead, and then as the skies darken over the next few months, the pyramids are seen flying over the towns and the whole of Osiria falls under the might of Hakotep.

play on the horror, the fear, give the players the desire that they are the only ones who can save the day.

For me, i think if they left town, the church would probably turn to Shepis to release the Vanth and other Pyschopomps. i might be tempted to do a Fallout 3 Megatonne town, as they head out into the desert and beyond the pulses would take place in growning frequency, they would meet with other people leaving with horror stories of that happening in the town.

memophage wrote:

Oh my god man, these are f'n amazing, thank you so much. My party is fixing to start book 6 soon - I made my own map for the Sightless Sphinx and that was a learning process, doing it again for the entirety of Hakotep's pyramid was a daunting prospect.

Could you share some about what apps/process you're using? Having not done this before I've been learning DungeonFog and have been having pretty good luck with that, but I'm finding aspects of it challenging, particularly purchasing/managing assets. The lighting effects they support are cool, but I really like the clean look of your maps, would love to emulate that more.

I exported my Sightless Sphinx maps if anyone is interested. There are some assets missing (like the pyramid in the right arm) because I used physical models along with my map. Also looks like I've lost rights to some of the purchased assets - just noticed some of them are pixellated now, but I can look into that. I can give people the link to it in DungeonFog if they want to copy it and build off it or export it differently.

Book 4 - Secrets of the Sphinx.

Hi Buddy, no problem.

I use DungeonDraft, and use the Forgotton Adventures asset packs. for me, it's about getting the walls right first, making sure that I take into account where hidden doors are, so that the players cannot see if there is evidence that there is one. I then work through each room and start building. i try to take into account the setting, and choose my walls, floors and features carefully, to make emersion a little better.
once walls, floors, assets and features are in, it's time for lights and shadows. i add the lights, as directed in the descriptions and then build in the shadows. i add a small shadow around the room walls, then add a shadow to each object and where needed, make sure that the shadows work with the lights. in some rooms, where there are columns, I block the light with the column, so that i get those nice shadows.
once i've completed that, just a case of hiding a duck in the level somewhere :D

I have the DD2VTT files, if you want them. they import directly into Foundry, walls and all. Find me on the Pathfinder Discord if you want them.


Zautos' wrote:
has anyone used these in Fundery vtt?


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Added the main temple to the gallery, got a couple more to complete before this book is finished.

Bonnocloudwolf wrote:

I've been looking at some new maps for MM after a hiatus of a few months and Osiris be praised! These are perfect. I love how clean these maps are.

You've done a fantastic job.

thanks buddy. :D

let me know how you get on with your party, see if your players find all the ducks :)

Added a few more maps from the Temple of the Peacock Spirit to the book 4 gallery.


Well, made a start on Book 4

here's the gallery:

Go to Book 4 - Temple of the Peacock Spirit


Drazon wrote:
Thank you so much for these maps! I'm currently playing with my group through the Adventure Path on Foundry VTT and your maps are great!

I hope you and your players have fun :)

vornn wrote:
Akaria TX wrote:
The maps seem to be locked behind an access request now. Are they still available?


I think I still have a copy of these maps from when I ran the adventure, I can post these for you if you want?


here's you go buddy, these are the maps I have :


Akaria TX wrote:
The maps seem to be locked behind an access request now. Are they still available?


I think I still have a copy of these maps from when I ran the adventure, I can post these for you if you want?


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realised that I hadn't created the Goblin Cave entrance from Book 1, so i knocked that up and added it to the gallery.


here's the links again:

Go to Book 1 - Secrets of Roderic's Cove
Go to Book 2 - It Came from Hollow Mountain
Go to Book 3 - Runeplague

don't forget, there are ducks hidden in all of the maps.


Added the Shrine of the Seal to the Book 3 gallery


Michael Brock wrote:
How do I print these so they are 1" squares and I can put them on the table to use?


that is a good question. you should be able to use something like Microsoft Publisher, and put a grid on the page, then make the maps bigger. you will loose some definition, but it should work.

let me nkow if you want a larger image to work with, i can export into a better DPI.

come find me on discord and I can send everything your way


Hardship Heath added to the gallery


The Blooming Caves have been added to the gallery.


CastleDour wrote:
Oh, Dungeon Draft filetype! I think I can find a converter so it can be imported into Foundry.

yes, it's called something like Battlemap importer. it imports all of the walls, doors, lights etc.

some tidy up will be required, but it's cool. Windows also show as doors, so switch those over.


Added Narikopolus Manor to the gallery


Ragnabot9000 wrote:

Here's my attempt at Tylee's Whim from Book 2. I made it a little bigger than in the book.

Deck; Upper Deck; Lower Deck; Rigging; Water

Those maps look mint, good work. I love how we've both created very different layouts of the boat. :) I think yours works way better than the one I made.


Book 2 is underway

Go to Book 2 - The Wrath of Thrune


The Tenement has been uploaded into the Book 3 Gallery.

Go to Book 3 - Runeplague

Other file types are available, along with the DD2VTT files, drop me a note if you want those.


Ziday wrote:
vornn wrote:

Gecko has been uploaded into the Book 3 Gallery.

Go to Book 3 - Runeplague

Can't thank you enough for the effort you're putting into this vornn. I feel a bit uncomfortable with just leeching off of your maps after starting this thread so I might start making random encounter maps for the different areas in this AP.

As always great work =)

haha, leech away buddy, i've no issues with you using these maps, but do keep making those maps, it's good to keep practicing. :)

i'm starting to export everything as 140dpi webp if you want those?


Gecko has been uploaded into the Book 3 Gallery.

Go to Book 3 - Runeplague

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think that's all of the main maps completed for Book One, just a couple of small additions to make for the execution event and one of the smaller events.


Go to Book 1 - The Hellfire Compact

Go to Book 3 - The Inferno Gate

Go to Book 4 - For Queen & Empire

Go to Book 5 - Scourge of the Godclaw

Go to Book 6 - Hell Comes to Westcrown

no worries buddy, hope the AP goes well.

Book 2 maps are now complete.


The Last Stand Tavern added to the gallery.

i've not tried with that level of dpi, no. webp is usually smaller that the jpg files, but the hosting I use doesn't allow webp as an image type.

i might message them and see if they will push an update to allow that.

fingers crossed.


Added a few more maps to Book 1 archive:

Longacre Jail
Castle Gate


ok, so i've exported and uploaded, so you cn pull those maps now. disclaimer though, some of the textures are not rendering correctly, and a load of the shadows are not showing now, even though the asset packs are still present in my resources folder. I'll be another 12-18 months before my game will be at this point, but I do plan to re-open the files and go over the maps and update them.

anyway, I hope you can get some use from the maps. let me know if any others are missing.

Kyrdrag wrote:
Hey, just wanted to ask if you still had the map for the second floor for citadel dinyar? I noticed it was missing in the gallery. Fantastic work for the maps btw.

Probably, I'll take a look this evening and upload. I still have the file, I would be able to re-export it if not.

quick Church Square map added to the gallery.


Added The Gauntlet into the gallery, grid and gridless, as always.

Trying to export at 140dpi, look way better and size isn't too stupid.

As always, DD2VTT files are available.


Ziday wrote:
vornn wrote:
Added the Forges of Wrath to the maps link. :)
You're honestly a complete lifesaver vornn. Started Book 2 recently and didn't find a map for the Gryphine Suite from you so I whipped one up real quick.

that looks great. nice work. :D

I've added the Dust to Dust map to the gallery.

Added the Forges of Wrath to the maps link. :)

King of Vrock wrote:

Even with significant magic resources and a tendency to go straight to the end of a dungeon, my players like to work at things backwards. As I'm running the Black Keep as a sort of corrupted genius loci and it can draw creatures from across the planes into itself, it can also stop others from entering freely via teleportation magics.

So not only will the Keep itself open and close doors or window shutters outside at inopportune times, looking into the windows only shows empty rooms (screen)to increase the creep factor it will also shunt planar travelers randomly within the Keep. The caster must make a caster level check vs DC 23, failure means the effect does not work and is expended, success means they roll 2d8 and that's the room they appear in.

--Vrock blocked

that's fantastic, and makes sense.

also proves the point that I still have a lot to learn about how the GM tells the amazing story and how the mechanics flow into making that story better.


nordsturmking wrote:
Is there a pdf or document of some form with all the notes for books 1-6?

i'm actually in the process of compiling all this into one document, only a third of the way through.

Plan is to complete it, but it's slow going, as and when I have time.

I will update progress and share over the next few weeks.


Hagi wrote:

Heyho, short question.

I am currently running part 4, the black keep.
In room C12 under development, the adventure states that the dark rider comes to check if the combat against the mastiffs lasts longer than one round.

However, in room C16 (the dark rider's room), the adventure states "chances are good that the PCs are confronted by the Dark Rider before they enter this room, for if the PCs defeat his mastiffs in area C12, he immediately moves into that room to seek revenge."

I will probably not let the rider join the fight after just one round, that would probably be way too difficult for my party - however, two or three rounds, or once one of the dogs is defeated, sounds good to me.

Question: What is the behavior James intended for the dark rider here?
The descriptions in C12 and C16 seem to contradict each other.

i believe the sound of battle against the mastiffs will alert the Dark Rider, and he will then move to investigate. i think it might be good that he makes a perception check to see if he can hear the combat. he might have some loud music on, which also poses another question, what genre of music would the dark rider listen to?

my party decided to enter the complex in reverse order, essentially dimension dooring through the wall into the last room. fun times. the dark rider was aware of this and was waiting with the mastiffs

hope this answers your question, as always other answers are available and i'm sure which ever way you go, your players will have a blast.


Added the external parts of the Hollow Mountain environments into the maps link. :)

Also, if you want the DD2VTT files, send me a DM (or hit me up on the Pathfinder discord) and I'll send over what I have completed.

Morrison_Tucson wrote:
vornn wrote:

ok, started work on Book 1. I'll update the gallery with the rest of the maps for Book 1 as and when I complete them.

Go to Book 1 - The Hellfire Compact.

Don't forget to find the ducks :D

Omg, love you for doing this!! i was thinking about running this AP and this is so useful

No worries buddy. DM me (or find me on the Pathfinder discord) if you want the DD2VTT files.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

ok, started work on Book 1. I'll update the gallery with the rest of the maps for Book 1 as and when I complete them.

Go to Book 1 - The Hellfire Compact.

Don't forget to find the ducks :D

I'm going to be running the AP again for my group, so I'll render the maps from the first two books, and update the maps for books 3 and 4.

I'll add them in as I go through.


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Here are all of the links together.

Go to Book 1 - The Half-Dead City.

Go to Book 2 - Empty Graves.

Go to Book 3 - Shifting Sands.

Go to Book 4 - Secrets of the Sphinx.

Go to Book 5 - The Slave Trenches of Hakotep.

Go to Book 6 - Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, the last map for Book 6 has been uploaded into the gallery. it's been fun creating these maps and running the campaign.


wow. i really hope that you have continued your work on this and four years later it's totally amazing.


Patrick "Varg" Meade wrote:

Curious what the consensus might be on this (or maybe it's a stupid question): Would Yamasoth's Gaze affect Kandamereus?

Being undead, Kanda is immune to "any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)".

Yamasoth's Gaze "has a range of 30 feet, and polymorphs creatures affected by it into giant vermin, animals, or magical beasts (Fortitude DC 37 resists)." And "otherwise functions as polymorph any object (CL 20th), and is a polymorph effect".

So, it initially seems to me that it probably wouldn't affect Kandamereus, because the gaze mentions that it polymorphs creatures. But, it also works like Polymorph Any Object...which would affect a corpse. I'm inclined to rule it doesn't, though I want it to, and could GM fiat make it effective (this of course would be dependent on the party getting Kanda's help, and Kanda failing the save).

Just curious if others ran into this scenario, and how they handled it. Also curious what Yamasoth polymorphed your players into. I'm thinking Ostovites, since they're Magical Beasts from the Abyss. I think that'll take a week to wear off.

i would rule no it does not have any effect. undead does fall into the Object category either.

it didn't come up in my game, as the party just slaughtered him, even though he was being nice to them. they were a very lawful bunch.


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Only two maps left to make, Earth, Fire and Water are in the gallery.

PM me if you want to DD2VTT maps

With Book one completed, I've now made a start on Book 2 maps, I'll add more as I have completed them. :D

Go to Book 2 - It Came from Hollow Mountain.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psykodemus wrote:
These are great! Any chance you have images with original resolution somewhere as some of the maps like the Cenopath and Ghoul Market have a bit of artifacting on them from compression?

Hi, sorry, missed your post. sure, PM me and I'll get the files over to you. :D

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I have uploaded the first level into a new Book 6 maps Gallery, I'll add the rest as and when I get them completed.

Go to Mummy's Mask - Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh


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