Curse of the Lady's Light (GM Reference)

Shattered Star

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If nudity is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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RuyanVe wrote:

Always funny to read that "nasty torture" and bloodshed in general is ok while nudity is so wrong.


While I agree on principle, given that they're doing it as part of work for an official agency, I can understand the desire to not push the boundaries. ^_^

Scarab Sages

RuyanVe wrote:

Always funny to read that "nasty torture" and bloodshed in general is ok while nudity is so wrong.


I know. Modern society, right? The point is that I'm not dwelling on the details of what that torture might be but it's a little bit more socially acceptable than rape or forcing people into things (magically) against their consent.

Dark Archive

Does the Lady's Light extinguish if Ashamintallu (the bound demon) is defeated? If not, what continues to power it? Could have sworn I read that some where in the book, but now can't find it. :(

ckdragons wrote:
Does the Lady's Light extinguish if Ashamintallu (the bound demon) is defeated? If not, what continues to power it? Could have sworn I read that some where in the book, but now can't find it. :(

Earlier in this thread (on Oct 8, 2012) James Jacobs confirmed that the light would be extinguished.

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My players got to "that trap" but it was anything but interesting. they simply saw the trap and saw that it was a clone of Sorshen. fearing a failed disable device would insta kill the trapfinder the wizard buffed his will and destroyed the clone and passed his will save.

Shadow Lodge

If an oozemorph gets hit by the trap, does the clone immediately turn into an ooze, or... something else?

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So... my party tends to leave things like sarcophagi alone for the most part, but when a Detect Magic told them there were multiple magic auras inside the sarcophagus, they decided they really should check it out.

So the party brain is going to be doing a thorough Detect Magic / Knowledge: Arcana / Spellcraft check on Sorshen's clone before they do anything.

In my opinion, the Knowledge: Arcana on the Clone and Phantasmal Killer spells should suffer a penalty because of their "intermingling"; they're not just spell effects in place: Clone is supposed to be instantaneous but is still there because it's going to grab the victim of the Phantasmal Killer. (Even the book text says there's a overwhelming strong necromantic aura there. (It's only an 8th-level spell.))

So, I plan on telling the caster that she can see that the spells have intermingled so it's making it harder for her to identify the individual spells, and I'm going to add +5 to the DC to identify each one.

Jerk GM trying to create his own Sorshen clone, or reasonable considering the circumstances?

(Unfortunately, they have a PC who took ONE level of Investigator to be able to disable magical traps, so I don't even think I'm going to get to make anyone make a Will save. Ah, well. Still my favorite trap ever.)

Have a player hit by the trap. He was a suli but now Ashanti. Does he lose all the abilities he had as a suli I.e flame on his attacks.

Yes. He is now an Azlanti human for all purposes.

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't find the answer (if there is one) anywhere. What are "Iron Rations"?

Gnaeus Gnaru has "1 week of iron rations and water" listed in his Other Gear. Are these just regular trail rations? I tend to doubt it, as otherwise they would probably be called that. I found Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Orc rations in Ultimate Equipment. But nothing within Pathfinder to describe iron rations. One Google result suggests that Halfling Rations are Iron Rations, but I don't see why. In general, I would assume Dwarven Rations, or even Orc Rations, could be nicknamed Iron Rations.

I'm building stuff out in Fantasy Grounds, and would like to know if there's an actual item for it somewhere, or how to describe them in a custom item.

(BTW, there are hundreds of posts that appear to reference Iron Rations in Paizo forums, but they primarily seem to be in the Play-By-Post area, rather than rules or everyone must know what Iron Rations are but me).

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Patrick "Varg" Meade wrote:
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't find the answer (if there is one) anywhere. What are "Iron Rations"?

Iron rations effectively are trail rations; the term is a real one that describes "a basic amount of food for a person to live on", which IIRC was more commonly-used in the 3.5 days as well.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Whatever happened to Ayandamahla after she left the Lady's Light? Did she ever appear in any other PF publications?

Grumpus wrote:
Whatever happened to Ayandamahla after she left the Lady's Light? Did she ever appear in any other PF publications?

According to a Wiki, you may want to check out Demons Revisited.

Perhaps, with New Thassilon in PF2, she could make another appearance...?

Scarab Sages

So I've got a weird question. Is there any way out of The Lady's Light if you don't have Fly or teleportation except for

swimming through the tunnel at L6? I can't find any teleports that lead back to the first level or out of the dungeon.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Yeah theres a hand you can shake on the carving at the base of the falls at L1 which teleports you back up to K14. You'd still need to fly or have a rope above K1 to fully exit.

William Sinclair wrote:

So I've got a weird question. Is there any way out of The Lady's Light if you don't have Fly or teleportation except for ** spoiler omitted **

It shouldn't be necessary to spoiler information in a GM Reference thread.

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