Terquem |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Things you don’t want to (but often do) hear the Dungeon Master say:
1) “You don’t find any traps.”
2) “I guess you could go ahead and try to make a perception check.”
3) “You don’t hear any Goblins, but at the same time, they don’t hear you either.”
4) In response to the question, “Does it have Damage Resistance?” “You should try to hit it and find out.”
5) “What’s your touch AC again?”
Turin the Mad |
47. Huh, the stat block's math is off on the low side ... glad I caught that. *scribbles*
48. You guys did pack food and water, right?
49. Guess it's time to get acquainted with the drowning rules.
50. Too bad the flavor text omitted that detail.
51. Nat 1, oooh that's bad.
52. Did you just say "Hastur" three times?
53. Sadly, the "swingers' club" is a front for a cult of Shub-Niggurath... as you just foun out after booting open the door into the basement sanctum.
54. How's your SAN score looking?
55. While listening with your ear pressed to the door, you feel a sharp pain in your ear.
56. That bowl of pistachio pudding was not really pudding...
57. The good news is that everyone was carrying their own light source. The bad news is...
58. The Red Folder is always available, gentle critters. Just reach in and pull out a new blank character sheet.
59. The male human grapples your portly wizard and whispers in his ear: "You look just like a hog."
60. [In character] "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!"
61. You really should have rested first.
62. This is going to hurt.
63. [From me as the GM] "I am Dr. Carver. This my associate, Mr. Joshua."
64. You know that leeches have an anesthetic bite, right?
65. You wake up dead.
66. You remember that beggar you nearly beat to death? He has friends and they look a mite angry.
67. Those almond pastries the [sneaky character] chowed down on don't seem to be agreeeing with him...
68. As it turns out wolfsbane is highly poisonous. Too bad you hadn't contracted lycanthropy like you thought.
69. You know cop cars have dashboard-mounted cameras, right?
70. Maybe the Girl Scout at the door is just a Girl Scout ... or maybe she's not ...
Samnell |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
My favourite to say after a search check on a chest or door. "You don't detect the trap." even if there is no trap.
I like to say "[PC name] is reasonably sure there are no traps." or "So far as [PC name] can tell, there are no traps."
Now and then players snark back to me about it. :)
vikingson |
83. Oh, you won't like this.... ( staring at the stat block)
84. No, that is not only paralytic slime.
85. Swarms. Always a pleasure
86. You brought a six-sided box, your size ?
87. You have the unexplainable feeling of being watched...
88. Yes, that is a tentacle. (also very funny if you actually ARE in character^^)
89. Yes, that octopus does have more than one attack...
90. Yes, actually, there is a soot stain in front of the door...
91. This is gonna be...interesting.
and, recently, in reply to the ever popular "how is my character" : "Flat ?"