Krisam |
My DM is running us through the War of the Burning Sky AP, and I have a greatsword-wielding fighter that just hit 2nd level. His feats are Cavalry Errant (a background feat from WotBS), Dodge, Weapon focus: greatsword, Mobility and Power Attack. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what feats I should take through lvl.20? Obviously I'll be taking the weapon specialization and focus tree, and I'd like to take improved critical and weapon supremacy (from PHB2), but other than that I don't know. The DM said I probably won't need the mounted feats.
Any 'official' source is probably OK.
Diffan |
Ok, good feats for Two-Handed are-
Power Attack (you have covered)
Improved Bull Rush
This sets up for......
Shock Trooper (Complete Warrior, prereqs: level 6) which allows you to allocate your penalty to from Power Attack to your AC instead of Attack Bonus. This also includes your -2 from Charging and you can't go below a 0 AC. But still, I doubt that'll ever be an issue.
Couple of other feats:
•Greater Cleave
•Spring Attack (your already half-way there now)
•Improved Buckler Defense (Complete Warrior, for shield use that can pump AC)
•Improved Sunder (don't attack the mage, sunder his spell component pouch or destroy the Quiver so the Archer can't shoot people)
•Powerful Charge (nice for extra damage)
And there are a bunch of Tome of Battle feats that you can nab some decent Maneuvers and Stances from, depending on level. One tip is to take a feat that grants you a maneuver at even levels and preferrabily at 6th, 10th, 14th. It keeps your Initiate Level up.
wraithstrike |
Leaping attack(complete adventurer or complete warrior) is also a nice feat. It increases your power attack damage by a lot.
There are also feats which allow you to lock the battlefield down in 3.5
The stand still from the expanded psionics hand, which is also in the 3.5 SRD is a lot better than the PF version.
Diffan |
Leaping attack(complete adventurer or complete warrior) is also a nice feat. It increases your power attack damage by a lot.
There are also feats which allow you to lock the battlefield down in 3.5
The stand still from the expanded psionics hand, which is also in the 3.5 SRD is a lot better than the PF version.
+1 to Leap Attack, even after the Errata it's still pretty good.
As for Stand Still, I'm a fan of it except for the Saving Throw to negate the effect. That part is really stupid. Your basically giving up damage to keep your foe in place, I see no balancing reason to then require a Fortitude save.
To the OP: Are you against the idea of multiclassing to Barbarian?? If your not, then a whole new world of options just became available to you for Two-Handed weapon shenannigans.
Krisam |
Wow, thanks for the replies! I'd almost given up on checking this thread. :) I took Cleave for my lvl.3 feat, and I'll probably go for Spring Attack too. Leap Attack looks really good, and Powerful Charge too. But wouldn't Shock Trooper leave me too open to counterattacks?
To the OP: Are you against the idea of multiclassing to Barbarian?? If your not, then a whole new world of options just became available to you for Two-Handed weapon shenannigans.
Barbarian doesn't make much in-game sense for my character, so I think I'll stick with straight fighter. On the chance that I can convince my DM to allow it, though, what did you have in mind?
Diffan |
Wow, thanks for the replies! I'd almost given up on checking this thread. :) I took Cleave for my lvl.3 feat, and I'll probably go for Spring Attack too. Leap Attack looks really good, and Powerful Charge too. But wouldn't Shock Trooper leave me too open to counterattacks?
Diffan wrote:Barbarian doesn't make much in-game sense for my character, so I think I'll stick with straight fighter. On the chance that I can convince my DM to allow it, though, what did you have in mind?
To the OP: Are you against the idea of multiclassing to Barbarian?? If your not, then a whole new world of options just became available to you for Two-Handed weapon shenannigans.
Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a while, but this---->
Rage Variant: Whirling FrenzyA barbarian with this variant form of rage doesn't gain the normal bonuses when he enters a rage. Instead, when a barbarian with whirling frenzy enters a rage, he temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves. While in a whirling frenzy, the barbarian may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the barbarian might make before his next action.
Whirling frenzy is otherwise identical to the standard barbarian rage in all other ways. At 11th level (when a standard barbarian gains greater rage), the Strength bonus increases to +6, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +3. At 20th level (when a standard barbarian gains mighty rage), the Strength bonus increases to +8, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +4.
A barbarian using this variant doesn't gain indomitable will at 14th level. Instead, he gains evasion, but only while in a whirling frenzy.
A character can't use whirling frenzy at the same time that he uses any other form of rage (or similar ability). always awesome to have. The extra attacks can be used on a Charge if you go Spiritual Totem Barbarian (Complete Champion, p.46) you get the Lion Totem: Regal and intimidating, the powerful lion is a symbol of nobility among the races of the wild. By selecting him as your spiritual totem, you gain the pounce ability (MM 313). It replaces fast movement, haha which is glorious. So on a Charge while Whirling Raging, you can make an extra attack at your highest BAB (with all the attacks gaining a -2 penalty). But that penalty is negated by the Shock Trooper feat......
wraithstrike |
wraithstrike wrote:Leaping attack(complete adventurer or complete warrior) is also a nice feat. It increases your power attack damage by a lot.
There are also feats which allow you to lock the battlefield down in 3.5
The stand still from the expanded psionics hand, which is also in the 3.5 SRD is a lot better than the PF version.
+1 to Leap Attack, even after the Errata it's still pretty good.
As for Stand Still, I'm a fan of it except for the Saving Throw to negate the effect. That part is really stupid. Your basically giving up damage to keep your foe in place, I see no balancing reason to then require a Fortitude save.
To the OP: Are you against the idea of multiclassing to Barbarian?? If your not, then a whole new world of options just became available to you for Two-Handed weapon shenannigans.
Tome of Battle can also help you lock people down. Then there is a feat in the PHB2 that allows you free attacks if they don't move. Basically you lock them down so it is almost impossible for them to move, and you get free attacks for them not moving.
Alejandro Acosta |
If you're gonna stay in their face you should dual wield oversized weapons:
F1: 2 weapon fighting, oversized 2 weapon fighting, monkey grip. now your Great swords are light weapons. dual wield.
F2 weapon focus
F3: your choice (or maybe exotic weapon bastard. now you can dual wield large bastard swords, which means this should be your 2nd level feat)
F4 weapon specialist
F6: 2 weapon pounce, power attack. Use the charge bonus for the power attack if you like.
F8 greater weapon focus bastard sword hehehe
F9: critical focus (don't use improved critical, make them keen if you can otherwise that's your level 10 feat).
F10: your choice
F12: greater weapon specialization.
the rest you can do what you want except:
level 21: WIELD OVERSIZED WEAPON. Now you can dual wield huge bastard swords that your specialized in.
Have fun. By the way I do the same with my monk and his oversize Kamas (d10). except I 2 weapon pounce and throw in a snap kick with my superior unarmed stikes, improved natural attacks. this makes me 2 sizes larger for my unarmed strikes. If I had oversized Scorpion Kamas it would be a 4 size difference. that's buffy.