Oracele's Awesome Display question

Rules Questions

"Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier."

I just want to make sure I am reading this correct.
If Bob the Oracle (Cha 18) casts color spray, do I minus 4 HD from the creature before the saving throw, or only after the creature fails to see its affects?

Balin wrote:
If Bob the Oracle (Cha 18) casts color spray, do I minus 4 HD from the creature before the saving throw, or only after the creature fails to see its affects?

If the creature has, for example, 5 HD, you treat it as if it had 1 HD. This means if it fails its save, the creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round.

If the creature has 7 HD, treat it as if it had 3 HD. This means if it fails its save, the creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

"If the creature has 7 HD, treat it as if it had 3 HD."
Do I use a 7HD saving throw or a 3HD though. That is what I need to know.

The creature's saving throw remains unchanged.
In your example, all the revelation does is forcing the target to apply the (more severe) results should it fail its save.

Scarab Sages

The saving throw is the saving throw --- you don't take off levels and recalculate them because of the Awesome Display ability. It's just that if a saving throw is failed, then what is the effect? That's when you decrease the HD of each creature affected by the spell.

Color Spray forever! ... or at least it seems that way ;-). And as many bads as you can cram in your hypnotic or rainbow pattern's area of effect ... most likely, you'll be able to fascinate them all!

Bah! Scintillating Pattern FTW!

Which they don't get!

Depends. (Sorc dipping into Oracle comes to mind... and I think that Oracles were allowed to try and research new spells, as well)
On 'normal' progressions, though, you are right :)

Scarab Sages

Midnight_Angel beat me to it! One level of Heavens Oracle is all you need. Not sure about the research point.

You can either dip into oracle and go sorceror, or stay pure oracle, take eldritch heritage line for arcane and add a few arcane spells to your list.

maybe I am dense, but then what is the big deal about Awesome Display? It is a Save or Sucks spell with Illusions . And save or sucks is generally thought of as inferior.
I find monsters Will Save scale faster than the caster can increase his/her DC.

Do you find the Oracle dip/ sorcerer gets high enough spells to increase the DC to keep up with the monsters, or do you need to designate ever feat to keep up?

Grand Lodge

Samsarans can add spells from other lists to their spell list.

Balin wrote:

maybe I am dense, but then what is the big deal about Awesome Display? It is a Save or Sucks spell with Illusions . And save or sucks is generally thought of as inferior.

I find monsters Will Save scale faster than the caster can increase his/her DC.

Do you find the Oracle dip/ sorcerer gets high enough spells to increase the DC to keep up with the monsters, or do you need to designate ever feat to keep up?

At 9th level with a charisma of 26 (18 +2 race, +2 inherent, +4 headband) a couple well placed color sprays, sometimes only 1, and a heavy hitter coup de grace all the 10hd unconscious baddies while 11hd and above stood motionless and blinded would make many battles a cake walk. Sure the spell doesn't work against casters so well cause of their good will saves, that's what mantle of moonlight is for.

Edit: This is from personal experience with a heavens oracle in Curse of the Crimson Throne.

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