How does an archer fire 6 shots a round?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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The title says it all

this video shows how

Dark Archive

Your title should say "how does a non distracted archer shoot at immobile targets"

Give a guy a big axe, armor and a shield and have her shoot at him while he is charging. Most of her arrows would probably be deflected. And she would run like the little girl she is away from scary guy with axe. He probably would not catch her but she sure would not be shooting arrows running away.

That's more like 8 so she's a zen archer using flurry of arrows. Also note that against a stationary target she still missed about 1/4th of the time.

Around of combat is 6 seconds, each person does not take 6 seconds of action they have a portion of that 6 seconds. So if she was firing at 1 shot every 1.5 seconds (about what she was doing) then that would be similar to someone using rapid shot. She was not super accurate. Actually she was not accurate at all really if you look at her hitting all over that rug that was 20 feet away.

So yes a person can shoot very quickly with limited training. But it takes a focused mind to be able to throw down range multiple shots with a high degree of accuracy.

In rifle marksman ship it is not uncommon to take a few seconds to make a highly accurate shot at a reasonable distance, and those bullets load faster than arrows do.

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alright, here's another one for moving targets and accuracy

Liberty's Edge

Took her 12 seconds (two rounds)for 8 arrows. That's only 4/rnd ;)

Dark Archive

Lythe Featherblade wrote:

alright, here's another one for moving targets and accuracy

Wow, a guy can shoot 12 arrows in 16 seconds while standing still 10 feet from the target.

Amazing!!!! the guy swinging the axe and charging him will never stand a chance.

Imagine if that charging axeman is hurling axes at the stationary bowman.

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It's a fantasy game which also explains the guy who can take down a dragon with is bare fist, and guy that launches fireballs.

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wraithstrike wrote:
It's a fantasy game which also explains the guy who can take down a dragon with is bare fist, and guy that launches fireballs.

Indeed.... or to keep it in the family....

Allows a Heavy Crossbow to be reloaded and fired multiple times a round...

Or even better...

Allows a muzzle loaded firearm to be reloaded and fired multiple times a round.

The visual of either of those things is 10 times more ridiculous to me than a highly trained fantasy archer shooting 6 arrows a round.
Hell, we have the LOTR visual of Legolas for that (for good or ill).

I've actually worked at a historic site, where the early 1800's were portrayed. I learned how to load and fire an actual musket, and I can tell you there is no way in hell a TRAINED person is getting off more than a few shots a minute. That's with flintlocks and paper cartridges.

A larger crossbow with a windlass reload mechanism (as a Heavy Crossbow is described) would reload even slower.

So yeah... shooting arrows quickly from a bow doesn't bother me, compared to that.

Still, it's MAGIC!!! *sparkles*

Yep. A player argued against the long loading times I put in for matchlocks years ago. Course I'd done a bit of research and watched a team of Japanese travelling matchlock shooter-performers, and timed them.

Quick reloads of muzzle firearms also annoys me greatly in shogun 2.

bigkilla wrote:
Lythe Featherblade wrote:

alright, here's another one for moving targets and accuracy

Wow, a guy can shoot 12 arrows in 16 seconds while standing still 10 feet from the target.

Amazing!!!! the guy swinging the axe and charging him will never stand a chance.

Imagine if that charging axeman is hurling axes at the stationary bowman.

wraithstrike wrote:
It's a fantasy game which also explains the guy who can take down a dragon with is bare fist, and guy that launches fireballs.

Exactly What wraith said. A normal human can get to what... 5th level. Anything more then that and your looking at a fantasy type super human.

At 6th level a Pathfinder archer can shoot 3 or 4 arrows a round. These vids show that's possible. For a normal guy/gal with no magic items in the real world.

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wraithstrike wrote:
It's a fantasy game which also explains the guy who can take down a dragon with is bare fist, and guy that launches fireballs.


The visual annoys me, but I don't try to push Real Life into Fantasy Roleplaying.

Even though I'm trained to reload a flintlock muzzle-loaded musket from 1815... if someone in my game wants to play a Musketmaster Gunslinger, I don't nerf them because HEY THAT'S SO NOT POSSIBLE IN REAL LIFE, DURRRR!!!

Instead, once they can attack more than 1/round, we work out the flavor of it.... which often involves either a magical or mechanical (or both) contraption which essentially turns the musket into a steampunk-ish autoloader. Now the thing effectively takes magazines of paper cartridges (which thankfully you don't have to rip open with your teeth).

How does it work? Don't ask me! It's MAGIC! *tm

But mechanically, nothing changes in the rules.
That, and I no longer go into convulsions trying to picture the reloading process.

Oh well.... I'd allow advanced firearms, but touch attacks at 200+ feet scare me.... *shiver*

But yarp... as Wraithstrike said.... it's fantasy, and a game.

Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how

The same way a 10th level fighter knocks down a stone wall with his fists.

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Oh geez, this again? This exact debate was held not more than a year ago with a link to that exact video.

I linked a video then of a guy using Mongolian mounted archery techniques to fire arrows at a similar rate with a lot more force and accuracy from the back of a running horse!

You show me the human being who can swing a two-handed sword six times in six seconds and I'll show you the human who can shoot an arrow six times in six seconds...

Oh wait, I've already shown you the archer video. Now go find the two-handed sword video.

Yeeep. Kassai or go for Mongolian horse archery if you wish. Yabusame aims for a perfect shot at real high speeds, using perfect timing.

People have also broken down stone walls with their fists, weight or momentum. You didn't say how thick or what state it was in Ashiel. Some people break bricks with their hands, and can lift cars, give them some time and they will break that wall down.

I've seen the vid before of the very skilled girl, and passed it around. It actually brought a few sexists out of the works, one I know insisted it wasn't real archery, she was using a weak bow and was s@~!. Funny how people react to great speed and skill.

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Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how

No, actually this video shows how.

Shadowborn wrote:
Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how

No, actually this video shows how.

That is precisely how you have to imagine the rapid shot feat at work when you're playing. The crossbow also shows it in combination with rapid reload.

3.5 Loyalist wrote:

Yeeep. Kassai or go for Mongolian horse archery if you wish. Yabusame aims for a perfect shot at real high speeds, using perfect timing.

People have also broken down stone walls with their fists, weight or momentum. You didn't say how thick or what state it was in Ashiel. Some people break bricks with their hands, and can lift cars, give them some time and they will break that wall down.

I've seen the vid before of the very skilled girl, and passed it around. It actually brought a few sexists out of the works, one I know insisted it wasn't real archery, she was using a weak bow and was s!&&. Funny how people react to great speed and skill.

Well I was talking about standard issue D&D stone walls, like masonry walls used for castles and keeps, actually. EDIT: They have 8 hardness and a lot of hit points. Most people in D&D can't damage one with warhammer, let alone their fists. But a 10th level fighter will tear it apart with their bare hands. :3

Shadow Lodge

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This girl will show you how it's done.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Oh geez, this again? This exact debate was held not more than a year ago with a link to that exact video.

I linked a video then of a guy using Mongolian mounted archery techniques to fire arrows at a similar rate with a lot more force and accuracy from the back of a running horse!

You show me the human being who can swing a two-handed sword six times in six seconds and I'll show you the human who can shoot an arrow six times in six seconds...

Oh wait, I've already shown you the archer video. Now go find the two-handed sword video.

Nah, that post was about 12 arrows in 6 secons.

6 arrows is for amateurs.

cnetarian wrote:
That's more like 8 so she's a zen archer using flurry of arrows. Also note that against a stationary target she still missed about 1/4th of the time.

She's also maybe a level 1 character.

Dark Archive

Those videos do indeed show people shooting fast, the problem is they can shoot fast with absolutely no pressure on them.

I would like to see someone make a video where these people are shooting as fast and as accurate under some kind of combat type situations or pressure. The story would change drastically.

Kthulhu wrote:
This girl will show you how it's done.

So will this girl.

bigkilla wrote:

Those videos do indeed show people shooting fast, the problem is they can shoot fast with absolutely no pressure on them.

I would like to see someone make a video where these people are shooting as fast and as accurate under some kind of combat type situations or pressure. The story would change drastically.

Or not. That one guy was said to be emulating ancient soldiers who actually used the same techniques to kill people. Not that it matters since it's established that people shooting that many arrows in a round in a fantasy game is the same as when Bruce Willis fires 9000 bullets without reloading, it's something we allow so the hero does't look like a fool when they shoot a couple times and stand there reloading for 4 times as long.

bigkilla wrote:

Those videos do indeed show people shooting fast, the problem is they can shoot fast with absolutely no pressure on them.

I would like to see someone make a video where these people are shooting as fast and as accurate under some kind of combat type situations or pressure. The story would change drastically.

In some cases yes, in some cases no. The study of the behavior of people under fire essentially reveals that the vast majority of people do not perform well while being shot at, or otherwise threatened.

But... and this is a big but...

There are some individuals who show virtually no difference in performance while under fire.

In many cases these are the people who end up getting medals and awards for "heroism under fire." People like Audie Murphy or Sergeant York.

And the whole point of this game is that the PCs are Audie Murphy or Sergeant York type outliers in human ability.

So in reality, it's not that much of a stretch after all that a PC could perform like that under pressure. In fact it's basically built into the game's fundamental assumptions.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
So in reality, it's not that much of a stretch after all that a PC could perform like that under pressure. In fact it's basically built into the game's fundamental assumptions.

Pretty much. That's why everyone isn't out making in an hour what the average peasant is assumed to be making in a month.

Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how


Next, find one showing how a person can turn invisible, fly and shoot fire from their hands.

Dark Archive

Mercurial wrote:
Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how


Next, find one showing how a person can turn invisible, fly and shoot fire from their hands.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

Mercurial wrote:
Lythe Featherblade wrote:

The title says it all

this video shows how


Next, find one showing how a person can turn invisible, fly and shoot fire from their hands.

You mean Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer?

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

You show me the human being who can swing a two-handed sword six times in six seconds and I'll show you the human who can shoot an arrow six times in six seconds...

Oh wait, I've already shown you the archer video. Now go find the two-handed sword video.

Well how about nine attacks with a small blade as a standard action?


It's nearly physically possible by normal human standards. Imagine what the superhumans you build in Pathfinder should be capable of.

Mmmmm yep, for sneak attack I will sometimes describe it as a vicious and fast shanking. Grab from behind shiv shiv shiv, keep hitting a sensitive spot over and over. Rogues on your back!

bigkilla wrote:

Those videos do indeed show people shooting fast, the problem is they can shoot fast with absolutely no pressure on them.

I would like to see someone make a video where these people are shooting as fast and as accurate under some kind of combat type situations or pressure. The story would change drastically.

I would like to see a video where a guy fights a dragon.

I've seen a few big lizards, fought a blue-tongue once (perhaps a small dragon).

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ImperatorK wrote:
I would like to see a video where a guy fights a dragon.

There are those too.


I want to see them work the grapple, surfboard/leg-lock that sucker.

bigkilla wrote:

Those videos do indeed show people shooting fast, the problem is they can shoot fast with absolutely no pressure on them.

I would like to see someone make a video where these people are shooting as fast and as accurate under some kind of combat type situations or pressure. The story would change drastically.

She is just doing the technique she was shown. Anyone can learn it. Not everyone can perform it under pressure. Your character in an rpg is automatically assumed to be one of the people who can.

If there are still people on here arguing tomorrow that no one can perform under pressure, I'll link to some silver star type stories where one soldier kills 30+ people. It happens.

I read one recently about a man with British forces in Aphganistan who used 400 bullets, 13 grenades I think, and final beat someone with a sandbag to kill 30 guys while alone. He said he was frozen with fear at first, but once he started shooting back all fear left him, he resigned to die and take as many as he could with him.

Some people crack under pressure. Some people accel. If I make a Pathfinder character who can shoot faster than an arrow a second I'm going to make him someone who has the mind to do it under pressure - because I'm allowed to specify that.

Shadow Lodge

ImperatorK wrote:
I would like to see a video where a guy fights a dragon.


Warning, spoilers.

Seen it. Not RL.

Shadow Lodge

You asked for a video of a guy fighting a dragon. You got it.

I don't think I would call that a fight. That is like a baby zebra fighting a lion.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ImperatorK wrote:
Seen it. Not RL.

What's so fake about my video?

You asked for a video of a guy fighting a dragon. You got it.

Not really.

What's so fake about my video?

Not a dragon.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There are a great many civilizations that would beg to differ.

Still not a dragon.

in the real world--the archer would only have to probably hit the charging barbarian or charging knight with one arrow to kill or disable him. Ask the french knights about the english longbowmen. In the real world a charging person doesnt take 4 solid arrow hits and keep charging

Dark Archive

In the real world the English longbowman is not shooting 6 arrows in 6 seconds .Hes lucky to get one off in that time.

The bow is only a super weapon in roleplay games.

Besides one arrow to the knee solves the charging guy issue just fine.

Ask the guards of skyrim.

I wish they all walked with a limp.

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