Monk Tactics


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Yeah, he's pretty much defensive.

But, unless your DM is "metagaming" the NPC's knowledges of this, they'll still take that first swing when he runs by, and then their butt is his.

A caster at the back won't feel like its a wet noodle, and setting up flanking/debuff options is just as important in a combat situation as the guy doing damage.

Sure, he doesn't power attack for ZOMG damage, but he can hit up to *12* times, assuming AoO on his turn/enemy misses at level 4. maybe for only a d8, that's still 12d8... name one fighter build who wouldn't like to have that on their resume.

And now, he's providing flanking for the rogue/tank without them having to provoke to get there, as he's built to provoke, and redirect it back.
This guy is not, and i mean -NOT-, built to steal the show on his own, or single combat the BBEG. But if he's in a hallway, not a lot of people get past him... and if he kicks in the door, he's covering the backdoor in the same round, and all the people who swung at the blur as he went by are holding various portions of their anatomy that are now bent in funny places.

I took that as the spirit of the thread, to see how to make a monk contribute to combat. This is yet another tactical contribution to the team that you play with. All parties should have a beatstick, a face, heals, skillmonkey, DPR, and controller. Whats cool, is that the monk can do all but the heals (and maybe face) depending on how you build yours.

Not to just to try and stack the dice up on one guy, hell... just make a normal monk for that charge, flurry, rinse repeat. Or check the last couple posts, notably SolGambit ?sp? there's the damage dealing monk. (and a damn good one)

EDIT: That was not intended to sound defensive or inflammatory, i meant it conversationally just in case it came across differently.

Soulgambit, just wanted to add to the chorus--really nice positive creative stuff. I'm playing a monk in the Council of Thieves AP, and I imagine I'll be picking up a bane (Outsiders) weapon at some point. (Not that I know what is coming up, but I have this sneaking suspicion that we'll meet infernal fiends. :D) I have the added advantage of a good DM and creative team players, so I think things will go well even when we get into the levels where a monk can..let's say...encounter difficulty.

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Something for that defense guy: Look at Archon Stance, especially in combination with Crane/Snake Style and Paired Opportunist. Stand near the party Rogue, defend him with your swift action, and suddenly the enemy has a whole lot of decisions to make.

On that note, Paired Opportunist might be a wellspring of untapped potential, in the right party. I'm mulling it over.

Oh, here's another example of how an optimized monk can contribute to the party vs a giant scary DR 10/good demon.

Quinggong Halfling Underfoot Adept:

Alternate Racial Traits: Fleet of Foot, Underfoot
STR 10 / DEX 18 / CON 13 / INT 13 / WIS 14 / CHA 9
Raise Dex at every opportunity.

Traits: Equality for All, Reactive
1. Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Trip, Weapon Finesse
2. Combat Reflexes
3. Risky Striker
5. Combat Expertise
6. Dodge
7. Fury's Fall, Trade Wholeness of Body for Barkskin
9. Greater Trip
10. Medusa's Wrath

HP: 73
AC: 28, 20 FF, 28 Touch (+4 Barkskin, +4 Mage Armor, -3 Risky, +2 Combat Expertise)
Saves: +10/+17/+12
Trip vs Large and Larger: +34 (+2 GMW)
7-Branched Trip vs Large and Larger: +23
Flurry To-Hit: +19 (+2 GMW)
To-Hit with a Net: +11
Unarmed Damage: 1d8+8 = 12.5 (+6 Risky Striker, +2 GMW)

Items: Amulet of Mighty Fists [Agility] (5k), +1 Menecing Cestus (8k), Belt of Dex +4 (16k), Greater Hat of Disguise (12k), Headband of Wisdom +2 (6k), Ring of Deflection +2 (8k), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1k), Cracked Pale Green Ioun Stone (4k), Masterwork 7-Branched Sword, Nets x3

The Situation: The Party faces down a GENERIC GIANT DEMON, named Steve. It is Huge, has DR 10/Good, a CMD of 35, an AC of 24, Touch AC of 10, 130 HP, a base +22 To-Hit. It's the boss, a solo encounter. The party consists of an incompetent Wizard who thinks wearing Fullplate makes him a Gish, a Cleric who only heals and casts minor buffs (after much begging), and a mildly competent Rogue. The Rogue isn't terribly optimized, Dex focused, TWF with daggers. Lets say a base +17 to hit, 1d4+5d6 sneak attack for damage (20 average), Crippling Strike, and Combat Expertise (7 AoO's).

The party is mildly surprised. No one casts Align Weapon, the Monk doesn't even have barkskin up! Hours/day buffs are still up, so the Monk does have GMW and Mage Armor active.

Turn 1: Thanks to the Monk's excellent +10 Initiative, he goes first. He immediately uses Combat Expertise, throwing the net and -still- only missing on a 1. He tells everyone else to hang back for the turn, then pops a point of Ki for +4 AC and heads behind the creature for flanking next turn.

We'll assume the party listens, but is otherwise ineffective doing things at a range. Thanks to your good saves and AC, you actually survive a full attack / spell from the thing. The beast doesn't bother breaking the net because, seriously, it's not worth it.

Turn 2: You delay your turn, letting the Rogue go before you. You tell him to charge the thing. He does, and misses. then its your turn.

You full attack! Right now its CMD is 33, and Menacing is active. You trip it, knocking its CMD down to 29 (AC down to 18, effectively 14 when you count flanking with a menacing weapon). The Rogue attacks! Thanks to your bonuses, the Rogue hits on a 1. Your AoO is used to... utilize your 7-Branched Sword! You also hit on a 1, and make him flat-footed.

Wait, that was a trip attempt! So your Rogue gets another sneak attack and you... Use the 7-Branched Sword's super-special Trip Attempt. I'm sure you see where this is going.

At the end of the day, the Rogue will have (thanks to you) dealt 0.95*(20-10)*7 = 66.5 average damage, 14 Strength Damage. By this point your iterative attacks hit on a 1 as well, so you'll also deal 0.95*(20.5-10)*5+0.05*0.95*20.5 or 50.84 average damage.

If I am wrong, and you can't 7-Branched Sword's Super Special trip multiple times in a row then the Rogue only deals an average of 19 damage, 4 Strength Damage. Either way, by the end of next turn its at the point where it can just be picked off.

Remember: Allies are power. Also, the more I work on monks the more I become convinced that 13 Int is worth it. Greater Trip is just phenominal. Then again, maybe instead of 13 Int one could go Vicious Stomp + Paired Opportunist.

If I want to play a melee oriented monk I usually just play a druid, summoner, or an alchemist. However if it's ranged I'll play a zen archer.

Scarab Sages


Oh yeah. Another trick before going to bed: Smoke Pellets. It's what the wizard's familiar should be throwing (especially if a Monkey). They make a nice 5ft cube of concealment for a round. 20% miss-chance saves lives. You can also, via delay and other shenanigans, receive only the benefit of it and not the downsides.

That said, 20g is expensive, have someone craft it.

Tanglefoot Bags are actually better than nets for purposes of entangling, if the opponent has a higher touch AC. It's also better to use on Flying creature, although I question its usefulness at level 10.

I'll just leave these here for those interested in the upper end of Monk/Druid survivability and damage.

Monk / Druid Lvl10

Humberto Lopez
Male Samsaran Druid (Menhir Savant) 7 Monk (Hungry Ghost Monk, Master of Many Styles) 3
LN Huge Humanoid
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +17
AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+1 armor, -2 size, +10 natural, +2 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 110 (10d8+30)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Evasion
Speed 60 ft.
Melee Bite (Beast Shape III - Allosaurus) +8 (4d6+4/x2) and
. . Claw x2 (Beast Shape III - Allosaurus) +8 x2 (3d6+4/x2) and
. . Rake (2 claws) (Beast Shape III - Allosaurus) +8 (3d6+4/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +15/+10 (6d8+27/6d8+15 x2)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Pounce
Spell-Like Abilities Comprehend Languages (1/day), Deathwatch (1/day), Stabilize (1/day)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 9, 13 melee touch, 5 ranged touch):
4 (2/day) Aspect of the Stag, Holy Sword (x2)
3 (3/day) Magic Fang, Greater (DC 17), Haste (DC 17), Strong Jaw (x2) (DC 17)
2 (4/day) Barkskin (x2), Animal Aspect (x2), Chameleon Stride
1 (5/day) Longstrider, Entangle (x2) (DC 15), Bristle (x2) (DC 15), Mount
0 (at will) Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance
Str 17/27, Dex 14/10, Con 12/16, Int 10, Wis 14/18, Cha 12
Base Atk +7; CMB +18; CMD 36
Feats Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Dragon Ferocity +4, 1d4+8 rds, Dragon Style, Druid Weapon Proficiencies, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Natural Spell, Punishing Kick (Push 5') (4/day) (DC 19), Shaping Focus +3
Traits Magical Knack (Druid), Quain Martial Artist
Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly -4, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +17, Perform (dance) +6, Stealth -8, Survival +17
Languages Druidic, Samsaran, Tien
SQ AC Bonus +6, Druid Domain: Plains, Fast Movement (+10'), Fuse Style (2 styles), Lifebound, Maneuver Training, Metamagic Rod, Extend, Lesser, Migrating Herd, Mystic Past Life (Druid), Place Magic (7/day), Pounce (1/day), Resist Nature's Lure, Spirit Sense, Spontaneous Casting, Still Mind, Unarmed Strike (1d10), Wild Shape (4/day), Wild Shape (Beast Shape III: Diminutive - Huge animal), Wild Shape (Elemental Body III: Small - Large elemental), Wild Shape (Plant Shape II: Small - Large plant creature)
Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength, +4, Bracers of Armor, +1, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +4, Metamagic Rod, Extend, Lesser, Ring of Protection, +2, Robe, Monk's
Spells Applied
Bears Endurance
Greater Magic Fang (Unarmed Strike)
Strong Jaw

SoulGambit0 wrote:
[ ...Halfling Underfoot Adept throwing net at huge demon... ]

While nets are a nice weapon (although I'm not envisioning them in the hands of a monk - more likely in the hands of a gladiator - but that's just me), unfortunately they are only effective against max 1 size category difference, so the halfling may net only medium, small or tiny creatures but not huge demons.

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So, I've been mulling over DR, among other things. An Oil of Bless Weapon is only 50gp and lasts a minute, and takes care of almost all the monk's DR problems. An expensive option, but a necessity if the party doesn't have a cleric / paladin willing to help the monk bypass DR (as an aside, if they have only one of such spell, casting it on the Monk is actually the best choice). At higher levels, if one is going demon hunting, I could see a Cleric/Paladins spell slots of the appropriate level filled with that spell, on top of everyone having a potion or two just in case.

Re: The Net Thing. Huh, and RAW, by the wording, getting a larger net doesn't help. Go figure, I stand corrected, and have never caught that. I'd recommend working with your team to get a medium character to throw a net in that case, or throw a tanglefoot bag. Usually I've just bought a bigger net when that became an issue and no one ever pointed it out. >_<

Another build that lulz at DR. May be playing a Tetori soonish and have been trying out builds.

Oread Tetori 10:

STR 18 / DEX 14 / CON 14 / INT 9 / WIS 16 / CHA 5

Traits: Adopted, Bred for War
1. Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Improved Grapple, Dodge
2. Stunning Pin
3. Dragon Style
4. +1 Wisdom
5. Dragon Ferocity
6. Greater Grapple
7. Power Attack
8. +1 Wisdom
9. Rapid Grapple
10. Pinning Knockout

HP = 71
AC = 23 (+4 with Barkskin, +4 with Mage Armor)
Saves = +13/+13/+15
Unarmed To-Hit = +14 (+4 if Flanking, +2 if GMW)
Unarmed Damage = 1d10+9 (+2 if GMW, +4 if Power Attack)
Grapple CMB = +28 (+4 if Flanking, +2 if GMW)
CMD = 36 (+4 vs Grapple)

Items: Belt of Physical Perfection +2 (16k), Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 (4k), +1 Menacing Cestus (8k), Amulet of Mighty Fists [Ghost-Touch] (5k), Greater Hat of Disguise (12k), Cracked Pale Green Ioun Stone (4k), Ring of Deflection +1 (2k), Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (5k), Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k)

DPR (Assuming started Grapple): 0.95*(5.5+9+4+2)*3*2+0.95*3*2 = 122.55
vs 10/-- DR = 94.05

More realistically, you're going to pin the target at least one of those actions. If you try to bind the target, you have a 84% chance to succeed against a CMD of 32.

You can technically get the damage higher, but at that point it's kinda superfluous, and I don't like there being things immune to my grapple. You can lower your DPR by ~20 points to gain a +2 bonus to CMD/AC by using Turtle Style rather than Dragon Style. You can also get -1 AC, +2 CMD by getting Defensive Combat Training rather than Dodge.

That said, as it is now someone requires a +23 bonus to Grapple to hit you on a 19. Next level I'd buy a Monk's Robe and upgrade your Ring for another +2, and at level 12 I'd upgrade either your Headband or your belt for another +1.

Oh, make sure to always get your wizard to cast Dimensional Anchor on the big target(s). Until you get Dimensional Anchor yourself, its required to keep things from teleporting away. Also talk to your GM about what happens if you gain a specific bonus feat but already have that feat. RAW, nothing, but if s/he's lenient, then perhaps taking Chokehold early is more practical.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
So, I've been mulling over DR, among other things. An Oil of Bless Weapon is only 50gp and lasts a minute, and takes care of almost all the monk's DR problems.

Bless weapon provides a bypass to DR/magic (which the monk already has) and DR/good. So this actually only helps against ONE of the monk's DR problems. One is not the same as 'most' by a very, very long way. There's also silver, cold iron, adamantine (monks gain it way late in the game), evil and chaotic - and slashing and piercing.

Edit: and that assumes you have a round to buff.

Late to the party, but for the OP here's my rough build


Half-Orc Monk (Sacred Mountain) [could be any race with flexible +2 stat]
20 Point buy
17 Str = 7 points +2 racial
14 Dex = 5 points
14 Con = 5 points
10 Int = 0 points
14 Wis = 5 points
08 Cha =-2 points

1 Snapping Turtle Style
1 Improved Grapple (monk bonus)
2 Dodge (monk bonus)
3 Power Attack
4 +1 Str, start using power attack
5 ___
6 Deflect Arrows
7 ___
8 +1 to whatever you feel you need in prep for 12
9 ___
10 Medusa's Wrath

Low-level tactics
1) Is the target a caster or two-handed weapon user? If no, proceed to 3. If yes, is it next to you? If yes, proceed to 4. If no, is it within your move speed? If yes, proceed to 2. If no, proceed to 3.
2) Grapple it, to both debuff and immobilize. proceed to 4 on your next turn.
3) Charge it with a Greataxe. Proceed to 4 on your next turn.
4) Is your target still alive and next to you? If yes, proceed to 5. If no, return to 1.
5) Unleash Flurry of Blows. Return to 4.

I also love Cold-Iron shuriken with alchemical silver blanching.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
Oh, for unarmed damage consider the wanderer.

Where is the wanderer described?

pdwalker wrote:
SoulGambit0 wrote:
Oh, for unarmed damage consider the wanderer.
Where is the wanderer described?


It's an Archetype for the Monk, but you have to be Human to take it. It was released in the Advanced Race Guide, so it won't be up on the PRD yet.


You guys sure are a creative bunch. You've hit upon ideas I've never thought possible.

@Dabbler: Carry weapons of the appropriate metallic types if it bothers you. How many enemies do you actually fight with DR/evil or DR/chaotic? More importantly, how often does this happen when you don't have divine caster capable of laying Align Weapon on your unarmed strike?

I've also posted several builds that can punch through DR 10/-- on a fairly reliable basis and do acceptable DPR, hitting the target CMD/AC. I've posted various tactics and things the Monk can do when they are absolutely outclassed, and ways for the Monk to literally multiply their team's damage. I'm truly not sure what else you want at this point...

I'm serious. What, exactly, do you want?

@All: It's cheesy, but technically, by the wording of Ki Throw, if you are carrying a reach weapon you can deposit them at the end of your reach. If you're carrying a whip, this can technically be up to 15ft away. However, this is clearly against the intent of the rules.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
@Dabbler: Carry weapons of the appropriate metallic types if it bothers you.

...while everyone else's +3 weapon zips right through it...of course the monk could carry a +3 weapon, but it would suck like most monk weapons do, or a +3 AoMF...except it would have to wait until later levels.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
How many enemies do you actually fight with DR/evil or DR/chaotic?

As often as you fight DR/lawful. Any DR/Alignment is ignored by a +5 weapon, but again the monk is a good couple of levels behind anyone else getting such, or has to rely on a 2nd rate weapon.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
More importantly, how often does this happen when you don't have divine caster capable of laying Align Weapon on your unarmed strike?

Ooh look! The "monk is ok if the casters cast extra buffs on him!" argument again, as bad now as when it was first suggested.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
I've also posted several builds that can punch through DR 10/-- on a fairly reliable basis and do acceptable DPR, hitting the target CMD/AC.

...not as often as other combat classes, and dying if they are sneezed on due to crappy other words, still not able to pull their weight. Your 'fairly reliable' is in fact not all that often.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
I've posted various tactics and things the Monk can do when they are absolutely outclassed...

...all of which are situational, sadly.

SoulGambit0 wrote:

...and ways for the Monk to literally multiply their team's damage. I'm truly not sure what else you want at this point...

I'm serious. What, exactly, do you want?

A monk that can function in it's stated role without a degree in system mastery or a tax in buffs on the party casters would suit me fine.

Sorry, but it doesn't change the fact that I was in a situation this week where my monk - well designed, solid build, great attribute scores, good feat selection - still couldn't do dick. Not because of bad luck, bad tactics, or any such, but because the monk's design didn't give him any option that had a cat in hell's chance of working. It was a fight, I had a combat class, and could do nothing save provide flanking in the final round when our foe stopped flapping about.

Not -quite- sure as to effectiveness as a PC, but as a card-carrying Evil DM, I've quite enjoyed throwing out villainous monks built with a level of Inquisitor or Cleric and the Domain Strike feat.

You know, for fun things like Touch of Evil (sickened without save), or Touch of Chaos (roll twice and take worst for a round - no save) with the Martial Artist archtype. So an attack like...Domain strike: Touch of chaos, scorpion style, stunning fist, punishing kick. All at once. Follow up by maybe having Dragon Style to make them shaken when the stunning goes off and Vicious Stomp if you choose to drop them prone.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
Another build that lulz at DR. May be playing a Tetori soonish and have been trying out builds.

I've been trying, but failing, to figure out how the grapple CMB of 28 is achieved. Could you please provide a full breakdown of values and sources that contribute to get that?

Scarab Sages

Dabbler wrote:

Ooh look! The "monk is ok if the casters cast extra buffs on him!" argument again, as bad now as when it was first suggested.

Why was it OK for the argument "the party can cast buffs on the _________" in the "fighters can't fly" thread, but here it's suddenly full of derision and scorn??

Its ridiculous to decry the Monk because of supposed DR issues and then immediately deride someone for coming up with ways around it.

Bomanz wrote:
Dabbler wrote:

Ooh look! The "monk is ok if the casters cast extra buffs on him!" argument again, as bad now as when it was first suggested.

Why was it OK for the argument "the party can cast buffs on the _________" in the "fighters can't fly" thread, but here it's suddenly full of derision and scorn??

Its ridiculous to decry the Monk because of supposed DR issues and then immediately deride someone for coming up with ways around it.

there was several solution to the fighters problem. Bow, potions, wing of fliying, boots of fliying, harpoon etc.

The wizard buffing the fighter is just one posibility.

Bomanz wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
Ooh look! The "monk is ok if the casters cast extra buffs on him!" argument again, as bad now as when it was first suggested.
Why was it OK for the argument "the party can cast buffs on the _________" in the "fighters can't fly" thread, but here it's suddenly full of derision and scorn??

Because no humanoids can fly (with very rare exceptions), so you would need a spell or item for any of the party regardless of who they were. In a situation where any character would need caster support to be effective, then yes, you need caster support, it's what they are for: to help you do the job you can do in exceptional circumstances. In a situation where everyone else can do their job without caster support, in normal circumstances, but the monk cannot, you have a problem with the monk.

Bomanz wrote:
Its ridiculous to decry the Monk because of supposed DR issues and then immediately deride someone for coming up with ways around it.

Because it wasn't a way around it, it was a way of transferring the monk's weaknesses onto another character for them to deal with by having them spend time buffing you when they should be doing their job.

Scarab Sages

Because it wasn't a way around it, it was a way of transferring the fighter's weaknesses onto another character for them to deal with by having them spend time buffing you when they should be doing their job.

See what I did there??

Could you please take your Monk argument to private messages or another damned thread? I'd like to not see this one derailed even further.

Sorry Tels! I'll cut the threadjack.

@Lorekeeper: +10 (Monk Level) +6 (STR) +4 (Greater Grapple) +4 (Grab) + 1 (Pale Green Ioun Stone) +1 (Bred for War) +2 (Dan Bong) = 28.

@Shadowdweller: Hrm! That's... actually brilliant. Like, really brilliant. More importantly, because of how that's worded you really only need one hit in the flurry to make it go off. It delaying Medusa's Wrath significantly is the only downside, but it's an excellent for a debuff-centric character.

@All: Looking through Ultimate Equipment. Initial purview seems... honestly, mixed. I'm not trying to derail the thread, just kinda speculate how EU affects the monk and ping anyone else who has the book to add things.

Mundane Stuff:

- Rope Darts are officially the best short-range thrown weapon in the game, by virtue of being super-returning for free.
- The Kusari-Gama / Double Chain Kama is now probably the best general Monk Weapon, having reach, trip, disarm, monk and possibly Grapple.
- I'm still not sure if proficiency in Dan Bong does anything for grappling. As an aside, if the Dan Bong's proficiency IS used in Grappling, it's a way for Weapon Finesse to apply to it.
- You can still use a Meteor Hammer while not proficient for the +1 AC.
- The Seven-Branched Sword is still king.

Armor Enhancements:

- Brawling and Adhesive are... kicks in the pants, honestly. They may be balanced, but they are definitely rubbing the salt in the wound of Monk players. That's all I'm going to say on that one. Moving on, we are Monk players, we will adapt.

Weapon Enhancements:

- The Anchoring Weapon feels like it'd be hilarious if placed on an AoMF. Turn yourself into an immovable rod. There has to be good uses for that.
- For some strange reason I remember sickened stacking to turn into Nauseated. I can't find the rule though, but if this is the case the Enforcer Feat + Cruel enhancement (which sickens targets if they are afraid) is gold. Even if not, it's gold if you want to stack penalties to saves (for say, Stunning Fist).
- Dueling is no longer the ABSOLUTE MOSTI MPORTANT ENHANCEMENT EVER. So sad.
- Menacing still is.
- Glamoured on Unarmed Strike is also hilarious. Think about it.
- Furyborn is quite possibly the best +2 Enhancement for damage for a multi-attack character. That said, a +2 Enhancement on unarmed strike costs a lot, so I'm not sure it's proportionally worth it.
- Impact (+1 Size Increase) is not worth it when compared to 2 elemental enhancements until you're level 20, unless you can routinely get Large Size (i.e. are a Drueger)
- Ki Intensifying is an excellent enhancement, but only very late game. This is especially true if you're a Monk that doesn't have Flurry of Blows.
- The +1 Enhancement "Planar" reduces all DR of outsiders by 5.


- Ring of Ki Mastery demands a re-assassment of viable Monk abilities. Something going from 2-3 Ki to 1-2 Ki is absolutely huge. I'm gonna have to look into this one.

Wondrous Items:

- Bodywraps are good for Monks who do not use Flurry of Blows, but are otherwise inefficient.
- There are a bunch of gloves that give Unarmed Strike an elemental weapon property, or an elemental property plus making them a material for purposes of DR. They run 8k/10k/13k. Note that say, having an AoMF (Shocking) + Corrosive Gloves is 13k, which is cheaper than any other type of weapon set-up that relies on GMW, except maybe for bows.
- There are special items that let the Monk bypass other alignment issues for 10k (slotless), or gain cold iron / silver for 6k (also slotless). I'd talk to your GM about making them slotted items to reduce the cost.

SoulGambit0 wrote:
@Shadowdweller: Hrm! That's... actually brilliant. Like, really brilliant. More importantly, because of how that's worded you really only need one hit in the flurry to make it go off. It delaying Medusa's Wrath significantly is the only downside, but it's an excellent for a debuff-centric character.

Yeah, another decent option for that matter is instead a level of Witch, the Evil Eye hex, and Hex strike. Fewer tricks than a level of cleric, but usable as many times per day as you'd like and also imposes fewer alignment restrictions than the good offensive domains. Gives you Mage Armor and a couple other decent spells as well.

prototype00 wrote:

So here are the tricks:

1: Monastic legacy is a feat that counts half the levels in a non-monk class as monk levels for determining unarmed damage. If you have 10 levels in a non-monk class, thats 5 effective monk levels. Hence, druid 20 is worth monk 5.

2: Shaping focus is a feat that counts up to 4 non-druid levels as druid levels for the purpose of determining wild shape. A 8 druid/4 monk character with shaping focus counts as a 12 druid for what wildshape can do.

3: Ah right the vital strike line of feats, well using the same tactics that you did in that post, this character can deal 48d8 as as standard action, but I'd rather pounce and use the janni rush style + the dragon ferocity style feat to deal:

24d8 (+3x str bonus) + 12d8 (+1.5x str bonus) + 12d8 (+1.5x str bonus) + 3x natural attacks (+ 0.5x str bonus) as a full attack action.


(you'll have to be a Master of Many Styles and give up flurry to do this, but since you can't flurry and use natural attacks, its a worthwhile trade)

prototype00 I was just wondering as to what form you are taking as a druid to get the 24d8 + 12d8+ 12d8+ 3x natural attacks? Interested in trying this type of build out so was curious as to what you were shape shifting into to see if there were any similar alternatives.

Ausimo wrote:

prototype00 I was just wondering as to what form you are taking as a druid to get the 24d8 + 12d8+ 12d8+ 3x natural attacks? Interested in trying this type of build out so was curious as to what you were shape shifting into to see if there were any similar alternatives.

The shapes for a str Monk/Druid are:

1.) Allosaurus (Huge size, pounce, 2x Claw and bite, qualifies for planar wild shape as an animal)

2.) Dire Tiger (Large size, pounce, 2x Claw and bite, qualifies for planar wild shape)

3.) Deionychus (Medium size, pounce, see above)

For all sorts of size situations (say you're in a cavern or a tunnel and need a smaller than huge size). The damage mentioned in your post is based of the Allosaurus damage, with janni style modifying the first hit in a charge.

Of course you can also take the form of elementals (huge) which is nice because they have better stat bonuses than the animal wildshapes, but don't qualify for planar wild shape.

The tendriculos plant wild shape is basically just good for regeneration if you need it.


New to the website and maybe I'm missing the point but couldn't you get around DR with a Zen Archer monk (with both special arrows and flurry with clustered shot feat)? The monk's maneuverability can get him (or her) somewhere the enemy probably can't get to (with melee attacks) and they still have unarmed attacks if they do close (plus point blank master if you want to keep using the bow).

Indeed, yes, you can do that with a Zen Archer, but not everyone wants to play a Zen Archer. Some people want to play a guy that runs around practically naked, leaps into a group of enemies, and unleashes a hail of punches, kicks and throws etc, to take out their enemies.

I myself was the person that introduced the power of archery in Pathfinder to my group of players, however, I've never played an Archer in Pathfinder. I simply made a couple builds, and it sparked off from there with people playing Archers.

As it stands, I, personally, will probably never play an Archer as I think it's just a little bit too powerful of a character concept. So it is unlikely I will ever play a Zen Archer.

But if you have any tactic for any archetype, please share them. So people don't want to play Jackie Chan, nor do they want to play a Zen Archer, maybe they want to play a wise old master that gives advice and teaches others how to be better. Maybe they want to be someone that sacrifices everything to help the party succeed.

The point of this thread is to share any tips, tricks, tactics, loopholes etc, on how to play your Monk to your enjoyment.

Well I think you could still run around naked, kicking and punching as a zen archer. You lose unarmed flurry for arrow flurry but you're only making one attack during your leap anyways.

My current favorite monk build is Maneuver Master with Spinning Throw. You can take it as early as 3rd level when you're still fighting plenty of orcs and goblins. Starting at 8th you can throw multiple people a round. For those who say the monk can't deal damage equal to that of a fighter, that's fine. Let my monk throw the enemy prone at your fighter's feet and we'll finish him off in no time!

PS Again, I'm new to posting in these forums but has anyone pointed out the absurdity of the argument: The monk is not as good at fighting as the FIGHTER?

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