Offspring of the gods?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion time! In the back of CC: Shadows of Gallowspire its mentioned that Urgathoa has a daughter. This started a conversation between my players and I on the topic of kids of the gods and what their powers would be and if they would be half-celestial or something more. What with Cayden Cailean not being able to resist the cute young novices and all of those Chelish chics hot for ol' Asmodeus...there has to be more of these indiscretions walking around someplace ;) (mind you, I don't own every thing ever published by Paizo...too poor, darn it! So I don't know if this topic is discussed any where else or not)

So...subject : offspring of the gods and what role would they play on Golarion and what would be their powers/abilities =D

Too much time on my hands? YUP!

Annika - Goddess of the demi-plane of dark Chocolate

Well then my goddess of the demi plane of dark chocolate.

If they had offsprings, each of them would have the birthmark trait and thy would be considered the champions of their faiths. They would also be sought out as targets of assassination, kidnaping, sacrifice victims, etc...( anything else would be considered mature)

They would likely be considered half celestials or half fiends( for big evil A) and their powers would be off of their parents and that is considering that the other parent was infact a mortal.

if per say, Cayden and Iomedae hooked up, then the offspring would be considered a godling and would be likely covered underneath the mythic rules or a beastiary or the book of the holy.

They would have the powers granted to each angel/etc.

The guidlines for such in Deities and Demigods for 3.5 should still work for assigning divine ranks and such. It covers Demigods all the way up to major deities.

the seven sisters from the FR setting could be a guideline, they have divine rank 0 i think and the chosen template, (and like at least 18 class lvls) so if you are familiar with that setting there you got some guidelines

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There is a child of Mammon as a BBEG in an adventure in print. He is just a Tiefling, though a tough one.

Ragathiel, an Empyreal Lord, is the son of Dispater and another being of fire.

Desna, Shelyn and Zon Kuthon are the children of proto gods.

I don't think from that list that there is a hard and fast rule for godlings.

Also depends on the god/goddess, the child of a minor god/dess might not be very powerful, the child of a major god/dess might be very powerful, but this is without taking their potential into account.

Thanks for the replies =) When one considers that the children of deities of the various Earth mythos were often very powerful beings, having just a few of these high powered kiddos running around doing either their own thing or mom/dads bidding should give the players' characters a nervous twitch *evil grin*

Deskari (a demon lord) is said to be the son of Pazuzu (also a demon lord), though it wasn't exactly a sexual birth.

Aren't the Nephilim from Bestiary 3 considered to be the product of a God and a mortal? That would probably cover any dalliances with mortals

I would imagine if a God had a child with another God, than it would be born a God, unless that God had it's start as a Demon like Lamashtu.

I've always considered the Oracle class as a good representation of a demigod. That is, the mortal offspring of a deity. They have inborn divine abilities beyond your average mortal. He'd still be flesh and blood, doomed to age and die, but he'd have some awesome abilities.


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You may want to look at the Godling class from Super Genius Games. Sounds like it's just the thing you're looking for.

to me anyclass that makes you this from that, such as wotc's demi-god and chosen epic destinies and the archamge prc from 3.x kind of blow mega chunks.

I'm pretty unimpressed with wotc's stuff these days and the FR was ridiculously unbalanced and over worked to the point that it was dull to me.

Steelfiredragon - It DID blow mega chunks. Not wanting to start a war with FR fans, just my opinion.
Thank you Liz, I went to look at the Godling and may end up buying it if I decide that I want to make up a godling or two.

Annika wrote:

I'm pretty unimpressed with wotc's stuff these days and the FR was ridiculously unbalanced and over worked to the point that it was dull to me.

Steelfiredragon - It DID blow mega chunks. Not wanting to start a war with FR fans, just my opinion.
Thank you Liz, I went to look at the Godling and may end up buying it if I decide that I want to make up a godling or two.

This is just my unasked for opinion but I would suggest using a plane touched race and some appropriate base class (Oracle, sorcerer, even synthesist summoner) if you're going to go the PC child of a god route. The Godling stuff is a bit off. The mystic godling stuff at the very least any way. Just my two cents as it were.

the Godling classes are good, especially if your group plays as per gestalt rules and you pick a Godling class and a more usual one as combination.

oh no, I wasnt bashing anything of the FR.. or dnd it is my opinion and just that.

Annika wrote:

I'm pretty unimpressed with wotc's stuff these days and the FR was ridiculously unbalanced and over worked to the point that it was dull to me.

Steelfiredragon - It DID blow mega chunks. Not wanting to start a war with FR fans, just my opinion.
Thank you Liz, I went to look at the Godling and may end up buying it if I decide that I want to make up a godling or two.

Take a look at the Godling at, before buying

@ SFD - I know that YOU weren't, but I didn't want to start a doo-doo throwing war over who's world was the bestest. ;P I have a wonderful habit of inadvertently p'ing people off....should have been a lawyer in rl, yes? =D

I.m sory I read it quickly...

your not the only one who does that though, I've had my share of doing that and being rude without realising it...

Grand Lodge

This thread is exactly what I need for my home game. In the first adventure the PCs were hired to deliver a package they had to pick up from a temple. The "package" turned out to be a human infant. Unknown to the players, this child happened to be blessed/a godling/child of Shelyn. We haven't really developed much more on this 'cause i'm kinda at a loss where to go from here. The PCs were attacked by cultists of Zon-Kuthon immediately after the baby was given to them. They were told to deliver the baby to a druid in a small coastal village. When they got to the town, the druid who was the town's lighthouse keeper was killed by a sea hag. The sea hag took over the lighthouse and the PCs had to defeat her to get the light working again. As you can see, I got sidetracked from the main story of what to do with the godling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I'd pull a Golden Child. Shelyn's the goddess of inner and outer beauty. Let the godling touch the sea hag (or her corpse, depending on what you meant by "defeat her") and let her be transformed into a beautiful--and good--water nymph whose job it will be to guard the golden child (and if she's dead, let her be resurrected for this purpose). Let her thank the adventurers and reward them with the swag she's been looting from the corpses of drowned sailors lo these many years.

Basically, let there be a miracle so the PCs aren't stuck with diaper duty, and do it in a way that highlights Shelyn's goodness and mercy. Giving a sea had a water nymph makeover seems right up her alley, and a nymph makes a plenty good guardian for a godling of Shelyn.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:

I'd pull a Golden Child. Shelyn's the goddess of inner and outer beauty. Let the godling touch the sea hag (or her corpse, depending on what you meant by "defeat her") and let her be transformed into a beautiful--and good--water nymph whose job it will be to guard the golden child (and if she's dead, let her be resurrected for this purpose). Let her thank the adventurers and reward them with the swag she's been looting from the corpses of drowned sailors lo these many years.

Basically, let there be a miracle so the PCs aren't stuck with diaper duty, and do it in a way that highlights Shelyn's goodness and mercy. Giving a sea had a water nymph makeover seems right up her alley, and a nymph makes a plenty good guardian for a godling of Shelyn.

I dont know, touching turns you into an 'angel' ?

Maybe if she was cursed to start with, and even then maybe just turn her into a neutral guardian, touch of attonement fits better than you will obey shelyn and be good from now on..

Otherwise it seems a fair solution, you can think about a plothook and ontroduce them back to it later if you want.

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