Walking the line with evil... Undead Lord


Liberty's Edge

Ive rolled up a new character Undead Lord. I know a lot of the actions he does walks the line with evil but I am trying to play him neutral and sympathic (maybe even pathetic). He follows the NE goddess Urgathoa in a misguided way.

A bit of his backstory, he lost family members to a plague and now seeks to find the cures to various ailments. However his research has led him to near successes - undead. He is also a grave digger by profession and often walks about with the old Monty Python, "bring out your dead" call. Loads of fun.

So Im concerned that other players and GMs in our RPG community might react to him as evil. What are some bits of advice I can use to balance the alignment of the character as True Neutral while often engaged in activity so often associated as evil?

Liberty's Edge

The party is probably going to be either open to persuasion, or not. If they are, all you should have to do is use the undead for good/value neutral goals, and not kill anyone. If they aren't, probably nothing you can say will change their mind.

Don't tell anyone you worship Urgathoa. She's more of a "hiden" kind of Deity anyway (except in Geb)

Have your undead horde rescue kittens from trees. Pay every bard the party meets handsomely to sing your praises. Disguise your zombies as clumsy followers. Leave the occasional skeleton behind, shackled to a stone and ordered to keep a mill turning forever. Let the simple folk speak with their long dead lost ones. Form your walking dead into a marching band.

Maybe your character and the party see's the undead as lost souls who havent earnt their place in the afterlife, and must prove themselves to be worthy of heaven. etc.

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