Traits, metamagic, and reduced levels

Rules Questions

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Simple question... what happens if you take both of these traits?

Wayang Spellhunter

When you use the chosen spell (of 3rd level or below) with a metamagic feat, it uses up a spell slot one level lower than it normally would.

Magical Lineage

Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

Generally, untyped bonuses and trait bonuses stack, so wouldn't this combination, in theory, reduce the effective level of a spell cast with metamagic to be 2 lower? One is Regional, one is Magic, so they are both fair game...

If yes, then a Shocking Grasp (level 1 spell) cast with Quicken would be a level 3 spell. At the same time, an Intensified Shocking Grasp would be a level 0 spell...

Am I missing something?

i think they stack,(PS, trait bonuses does NOT stack afaik) not sure if the traits even give a bonus (unlike the trait bonus to initiative) they just give an effect.

However, Afaik, you can not lower a spell below it's original level (so no intensified SG cantrip)

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I'd like to get an official ruling on this, with an updated FAQ entry. There are a couple traits that have non-trait-bonus effects that might stack unintentionally.

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It has been a busy work week for me! Whew...

Anyway, I looked up trait bonuses and found that I was actually incorrect about trait bonuses stacking (they don't).

However! These two traits do not identify in the text that their bonus/change is in fact a trait bonus. It is implied being that they are traits, but not stated. This to me makes these into "untyped" bonuses, which DO stack.

I also couldn't find anything in the rules (ran a search on the PRD and d2pfsrd) that stated that you cannot lower a spell below its original level.

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Actually, I suspect that one of them should be a trait "bonus" whilst the other should be a racial "bonus", except that it is not precisely a "bonus" in a +X sort of way.

RAW, however, it does look like it may be a cheesy way to cast a spell with a lower-level spell slot - I'm currently trying to find any ruling on not being able to lower a spell below its original spell level.

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yay, magus with intensified shocking grasp cantrip.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
yay, magus with intensified shocking grasp cantrip.

Precisely... That's why I identified this as a point of confusion, because there's no way that this is right.

AerynTahlro wrote:
I also couldn't find anything in the rules (ran a search on the PRD and d2pfsrd) that stated that you cannot lower a spell below its original level.

there is that bit where it does not say you can not do it, is that the same as to say you can do it ?

looking at it a different way, are there any feats or special class skills that gives you the ability to lower the original, effective or total spell level of spells ?

it depends on how "RAW lawyer" you wanna get, there's no "RAW" restrictions on what your char can do if / when it is dead (plenty of rules regarding dying though) some things is simply assumed to be logical

But yeah, as far as i know, there is no rules that say you can NOT lower a spells casting level, but neither is there any that say you CAN do it.

but a intensified Shocking Grasp Cantrip on a Magus is a VERY scary thought (and I'd guess not what the devs had intended) but in the end (except in PF society play) it is a GM's call

Liberty's Edge

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Someone on here from Paizo, I don't remember who, has specifically addressed this type of question before with magical lineage and 0 level metamagics. You can not make a spell into a cantrip.

Scarab Sages

Let's read the way the two spells interact. Wayang spell hunter says "When you use the chosen spell (of 3rd level or below) with a metamagic feat, it uses up a spell slot one level lower than it normally would." So a 3rd level fireball quickened qould normally take a 7th level spell slot, but instead takes a 6th. This lowers the final spell level.
Magical Lineage
"Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level."

So you treat your 3rd level Fireball as a 2nd level spell for determing it's final level.

When used together, you would start by counting your fireball as a level 2 spell, and then add 3 levels instead of 4 for Quicken.
I would say, RAW, these two abilities stack because they're doing two different things.

However, you can never turn a spell into a cantrip, as noted by Shadow cat. Since you have no 0 level spell slots, there is no "slot" available to memorize a 0 level spell.

Liberty's Edge

AerynTahlro wrote:

Simple question... what happens if you take both of these traits?

Wayang Spellhunter
** spoiler omitted **

Magical Lineage
** spoiler omitted **

Am I missing something?

Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage are both Traits, thus the modifcation should be listed as a trait bonus. These traits offer the same bonus and DO NOT STACK.

Dark Archive

UberPorsche wrote:
AerynTahlro wrote:

Simple question... what happens if you take both of these traits?

Wayang Spellhunter
** spoiler omitted **

Magical Lineage
** spoiler omitted **

Am I missing something?

Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage are both Traits, thus the modifcation should be listed as a trait bonus. These traits offer the same bonus and DO NOT STACK.

sure am glad you clarified this, and only 12 YEARS after it was posted

And it still didn’t counter Michael’s point that these aren’t even doing the same thing. They achieve the same ends but through different means.

It’s like if you had 1 trait that gives you a +1 to attack and another trait that lets you count the target’s AC as 1 lower. They give the same accuracy but use different mechanics.

Liberty's Edge

Melkiador wrote:

And it still didn’t counter Michael’s point that these aren’t even doing the same thing. They achieve the same ends but through different means.

It’s like if you had 1 trait that gives you a +1 to attack and another trait that lets you count the target’s AC as 1 lower. They give the same accuracy but use different mechanics.

When you use this spell with a metamagic feat, it uses up a spell slot one level lower than it normally would.
When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

Where is the difference? They both quack as a duch and walk like a duck, to cite SKR.

They both have the spell counting as one level lower.

One uses up a slot one level lower. And the other is treated as if it were a level lower. It’s just like the example I gave. The ends are the same but the mechanism is different.

But taken a completely different way. These are not bonuses. The stacking rules only apply to bonuses.

it's an old argument so it depends on how much you want to argue with your GM. Just run it by your GM before you commit. The trait type bonus argument is used in PFS so I'd just be tasteful and avoid the contentious choice.

I'd advise choosing different spells for each trait rather than tastelessly munchkin out on one. Traits are not normally retrainable so it's a 'stuck for life' choice.
Getting them via Extra Traits is the retrainable choice. Just remember only one trait per trait category.

The reason I don’t think they work together is that both of them apply when you use a metamagic feat on a spell. That to me means that both traits operate on the level of the spell when the metamagic feat is applied. For example, when you apply heightened to shocking grasp the spell is raised by 1 to a second level spell. The book specifies that metamagic feats are cumulative which is what allows you to stack metamagic feats. Since neither of these traits specifies that they are cumulative that indicates they are not. Both traits reduce the level of the spell from 2 to 1. The fact that they put in a statement that metamagic feats are cumulative indicates that normally things that adjust a spells level are not cumulative by default.

Liberty's Edge

Melkiador wrote:

One uses up a slot one level lower. And the other is treated as if it were a level lower. It’s just like the example I gave. The ends are the same but the mechanism is different.

But taken a completely different way. These are not bonuses. The stacking rules only apply to bonuses.

The words used are different but the effect is the same.

Paizo FAQs have shown regularly that stacking isn't limited only to bonuses.
As an example:

FAQ wrote:

Channel Energy: If I have this ability from more than one class, do they stack?

No—unless an ability specifically says it stacks with similar abilities (such as an assassin's sneak attack), or adds in some way based on the character's total class levels (such as improved uncanny dodge), the abilities don't stack and you have to use them separately. Therefore, cleric channeling doesn't stack with paladin channeling, necromancer channeling, oracle of life channeling, and so on.
posted July 2011 | back to top

The order of the operations are different. They are two different processes.

And channel energy is still additive stacking, though that text is talking about the abilities advancing each other more than about them being used together. One of these traits is doing a subtraction and the other is doing a substitution. There is no bonus.

The Exchange

While these are both traits, neither one grants a “trait bonus.” So that argument is out.

I’ll see if I can dig up the link but as far as “official word,” John Compton (the head of PFS at the time) was asked if they should stack and his response was something like “I wish they didn’t but that ship has sailed.”

I didn't find any applicable statements by John Compton for Wayang Spellhunter, Magical Lineage, or metamagic.

again, 5 posts up ... arcane casters are gonna be casting more than 1 spell. BTW I agree that it's not a trait bonus but people still say it as it's a luddite sacred cow and it actually fits the category/ability. How much do you want to argue? As a regional trait your character has to be from Minatan & speak (some form of) Tian.

The Exchange

Couldn't find the Compton post, but here are Mark Seifter's thoughts on the subject. Written well after this thread died its first death.

(Basically: Should it stack? No, no, no! Does it stack per RAW? Seems like it does but really recommend GMs not allow it.)

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ADVICE: there's a practical downside to putting all your (non-retrainable) bonuses on a single spell.
The caster usually devotes many spell slots to that spell to leverage the advantage making him predictable.
All it takes is for a scenario to state the foe watches/learns about the party or the GM runs the foes with some intelligence/wisdom/strategic knowledge (remember it is only a know(local) vs party members to identify weaknesses). Then he can target that weakness and the caster's 3rd now 4-6th level spells are easily countered using a 3rd level spell (as metamagics don't benefit spells that way), energy resistance, minor globe invulnerability, spell immunity(yes - it's worse at higher levels and foes are smarter), buffs that target that spell/save, or modifying strategies and the battlefield to make it less favorable. It costs the caster higher level spell slots than the foe... so variability and casting a variety of spells is more practical as challenges change and it is best not to be too predictable.

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