Elf Archer

UberPorsche's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

AerynTahlro wrote:

Simple question... what happens if you take both of these traits?

Wayang Spellhunter
** spoiler omitted **

Magical Lineage
** spoiler omitted **

Am I missing something?

Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage are both Traits, thus the modifcation should be listed as a trait bonus. These traits offer the same bonus and DO NOT STACK.

Liberty's Edge

same problem here.

Liberty's Edge

Zee_Villain wrote:
Did anyone ever get a clarification on this? We just came up against this issue last night and almost got a TPK. Can we get this clarified please.

A Wraith's CON Drain is ABSOLUTELY a negative energy effect, and YES, Death Ward ABSOLUTELY protects you.

Liberty's Edge

Green Slaads are immune to Sonic
Spine Dragons are immune to Sonic

Liberty's Edge

P.198 DM's Guide 3.5
The number of spells that sorcerers and bards can know is strictly limited; members of those classes can never exceed these limits even through the research of original spells.

Liberty's Edge

I think Dragonstar had a very good solution. The helm of the ship was enchanted with a Greater Teleport spell. Bound elementals were used as life support... air elemental provided fresh air, etc...