

Hey all.

Is there some way around Light sensitivity?

I could have sworn there was in 3.5

Is there in PF?


Penumbra is a rare cantrip, if your GM allows it. If not, you need this.

I don't know of any items.

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well crap.....

Sadly this is for PFS (Man I seem to say that a lot) so the cantrip is a no-go.

thanks anyway.

Maybe you could find and use a darkness item, power, or spell?

Silver Crusade

Wear a hat with a large brim?

Fromper wrote:
Wear a hat with a large brim?

That doesn't help with PFS light logic. If you are standing in a light source, everything is equally lit. If you are more than X feet from a light, you can't see anything, even the light.

cranewings wrote:
That doesn't help with PFS light logic. If you are standing in a light source, everything is equally lit. If you are more than X feet from a light, you can't see anything, even the light.

Did this change from 3.5e? In 3.5e you could see a light source from any distance as long as you had line of sight.

Aranna wrote:
cranewings wrote:
That doesn't help with PFS light logic. If you are standing in a light source, everything is equally lit. If you are more than X feet from a light, you can't see anything, even the light.
Did this change from 3.5e? In 3.5e you could see a light source from any distance as long as you had line of sight.

I don't know. The plausibility of my statement illustrates a problem though.

Dark Archive

I have my dhampir wearing sunglasses in PFS, but they don't actually help with light sensitivity. I just made them a masterwork bluff tool.

A nice GM might allow you to use the smoked googles from the APG to avoid light sensitivity penalties, but as for RAW, I cannot think of a way to avoid it.

Grand Lodge

You have to be in bright sunlight for it to effect you.
How often does that happen?

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:

You have to be in bright sunlight for it to effect you.

How often does that happen?

12 hours per day, if he's outside. :p </smartass>

Grand Lodge

I am talking about adventuring.
Dark dungeons, lush forests, haunted mansions, and other such adventure worthy locations.
If someone is always saying "it's really bright out", then I have to ask what modules you are playing in PFS?
Hopefully, you, or a buddy, can cast darkness on you in those seemingly bright sunshiny adventures.

Shadow Lodge

I was wondering which race has light sensitivity in PFS. I know none of the core races do. One of the boon races?

Dark Archive

As far as boon races go, there's Dhampir. I haven't found it to be that annoying, although I make sure to hiss and hold my cape over my face when it happens.

Silver Crusade

Orc bloodline sorcerers have light sensitivity, too.

And there are actually plenty of PFS scenarios that have you wandering around during the day. Sometimes, you're traveling long distances, other times you're wandering a city or village in daylight, etc. Not all adventures are dungeon crawls. Just look at the First Steps adventures.

Grand Lodge

Mergy wrote:
As far as boon races go, there's Dhampir. I haven't found it to be that annoying, although I make sure to hiss and hold my cape over my face when it happens.

Since my Dhampir is not the primary attacker, and seldom casts touch attack spells, it doesn't much matter.

Undead Lords have their little pet to help out during combat, and Clerics don't have many spells that use to hit rather than saves.

The Exchange

There is at least one, if not several races who suffer from light sensitivity in the New Advanced Race Guide. (Drow and half-drow come to mind immediately).

The Exchange

cast darkness.

Grand Lodge

Smoked goggles ? You get extra protection from gaze attacks as a bonus.
A hood or cloak might also help. Maybe even an parasol, if you are a female character.

Screw that. Craft sunglasses! Colored glass to lessen sunlight.

Grand Lodge

Advanced Race Guide introduces a magic item that goes over eyes slot, but it costs 12000 for whatever reason. better make u immune to gaze attacks for that price.

Silver Crusade

e-terah earthenchild wrote: better make u immune to gaze attacks for that price.

If it works for cool medusas from Sigil...

Grand Lodge

Aura faint transmutation; CL3rd
Slot eyes; Price12,000 gp; Weight —
Crafted from a dark-colored crystalline material and infused with magical darkness, these lenses fit over the wearer’s eyes. When worn by a reature with light sensitivity or light blindness, these lenses protect the earer against the effect ofsunlight, the daylightspell, or similar light effects. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, darkness; Cost6,000 gp

Page 101

Silver Crusade

I wear my sunglasses of night!

Dark Archive

Those are really not worth it for a creature with light sensitivity. It's only a -1.

Grand Lodge

I have no idea why they cost that much. Someone must have been asleep at the keyboard and added a few extra zeros.

Grand Lodge

Well actually following the magic crafting rules Darkness is a level 2 spell, it's a continuous effect and it is duration 1min per level. So I mean the math is right (3x2x2000), but sheesh.

Will not help with FPS but in races of the dragon there were some sunglasses, I think.

Grand Lodge

Umbranus wrote:
Will not help with FPS but in races of the dragon there were some sunglasses, I think.

Sundark Goggles:
The smoked lenses of these goggles block light. They are typically fixed into a band of canvas that clasps together at the back to keep the goggles from falling off. Sundark goggles negate the dazzled condition experienced by a creature with light sensitivity while in bright illumination. As a side effect, they grant the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against gaze attacks. A creature wearing sundark goggles can’t use a gaze attack, since other creatures can’t see its eyes. Creatures without low-light vision or darkvision that wear sundark goggles take a –2 penalty on Search and Spot checks.

Says they are alchemical items, but I did not see a Craft DC.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Maestr0 wrote:
Well actually following the magic crafting rules Darkness is a level 2 spell, it's a continuous effect and it is duration 1min per level. So I mean the math is right (3x2x2000), but sheesh.

Wait...does this mean goggles of +1 to anything (Guidance, continuous) would be 1x1/2x2000=1,000 right? Silly rules...

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I was wondering which race has light sensitivity in PFS. I know none of the core races do. One of the boon races?

Dwarves that take Minesight suffer from a type of light sensitivity. They are Dazzled in bright light and take a -2 to STs with the light descriptor, but they get darkvision 90.

Debating taking it for my Emerald Spire Deep Walker dwarf ranger.

Brown Veemods, 200gp (Tech Guide)

Adventurer's armory 2
reduces the light level by one step within 20 feet for 1 minute. ck

25 gp for a disposable item but will probably stop the penalty at least for the duration.

Also remember that it is only bright light where you take the penalty.

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