Does it make me a bad GM if I ensure the death of all gnome PCs?

Gamer Life General Discussion

I just hate gnomes and anytime my players attempt to play the little bastards I make sure they die horribly. Don't get me wrong they may last a few sessions out of pure luck but eventually the reaper gets his due. Luckily my players don't yet realize I am doing it on purpose. So if the players don't realize it isn't that the mark of a good GM?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

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Why not just tell your players that you don't allow gnomes instead of obsessively attempting to kill off their PCs?

No, not at all. Welcome to the Anti-Gnome League, brother.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
I just hate gnomes and anytime my players attempt to play the little bastards I make sure they die horribly. Don't get me wrong they may last a few sessions out of pure luck but eventually the reaper gets his due. Luckily my players don't yet realize I am doing it on purpose. So if the players don't realize it isn't that the mark of a good GM?

Whether or nbot your players realise doesn't change the fact that you are acting like a jerk. If you don't like gnomes that badly, just tell the players they are out of bounds as PCs. If you cannot do that then don't make your problem their burden.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Joke topic. I think.

I would tell your players that they are disalowed if you hate them that much. Destroying every one they make up and them not realizing why is you being a complete and total d!#$. If you think it makes you a better person because you can pull the woll over their eyes, that only tells me not only are ou a crappy DM, but a crappy person.

And No.

I hate Halflings and have been known to meta game against them. I also hate certain Dwarves, most Elves, virtually all of the "Planetouched" races and anything furry. Oddly I rather like Gnomes and Half Orcs.

The only races that I actively attempt to murder in an unfair fashion are the ones that are humanoid form Dragons ( except kobolds, which are cool for some reason ). This is basically due to the fact that I've yet to see one Role Played vs. Roll Played seriously. Those that have actually attempted it in my presence usually come off as douches.

Gnome Hate is as old as 2nd edition. Though Paizo Gnomes are way cooler than previous gnomes.

That your players haven't figures it out means you're either a master GM or just generally ruthless and while attempting to kill gnomes you are inadvertently killing the non gnomes as well.
Either way you're good. 8)

Wait, are you killing the gnome players or the gnome characters? I'm only okay with one of these...

EDIT: Uh... this is a joke, right? Funny laugh laugh? I was assuming nobody would do something like this, but a lot of folks seem to be taking it seriously. On the off chance this isn't a joke... please don't do this. Either version. It isn't terribly nice, and getting rid of bodies is surprisingly difficult.

Well my style of play when it comes to most encounters is the razors edge. Where the PCs get the crap kicked out of them most of the time but usually still win without retreating and continue on through innovative strategy. So a villain doing a backhand against the gnome Pc who is already hurt and killing them isn't seen as odd or vindictive.
My players for some reason like gnomes so I won't make them out of bounds for that reason. But I do make all gnome NPCs gratingly annoying or shifty untrustworthy backstabbers, so I hope that I will subtly dissuade them from choosing gnomes simply for their interaction with the gnome NPCs.

The Minis Maniac wrote:

Well my style of play when it comes to most encounters is the razors edge. Where the PCs get the crap kicked out of them most of the time but usually still win without retreating and continue on through innovative strategy. So a villain doing a backhand against the gnome Pc who is already hurt and killing them isn't seen as odd or vindictive.

My players for some reason like gnomes so I won't make them out of bounds for that reason. But I do make all gnome NPCs gratingly annoying or shifty untrustworthy backstabbers, so I hope that I will subtly dissuade them from choosing gnomes simply for their interaction with the gnome NPCs.

Wow so much hate just stop DMing or tell players no more Gnomes.

Halflings have been portrayed as annoying and kleptomaniacal for 25 years, that just makes most players like them even more.

Most players play dwarves as drunken braggarts. Thus they are popular with players that like drunken braggarts.

Some gamers are annoying, giving them an entire race that gets "annoying" as a free non mechanical trait will probably blow up in your face.

As an example, I let it slip how much I disliked what hobbits have turned into over the evolution of D&D. This was right as RotRL came out. I volunteered to run the campaign. The players showed up with 4 Halflings, just to bug me. Brilliant characters with skill points in Profession Cook and gear like masterwork sewing needles. Nonetheless they were plucky, optimistic little epicureans with an eye for larceny.

Grand Lodge

I hate gnomes as much as the next guy... maybe more. However, unless I'm going to outright ban them from my table (tempting) I don't feel it's fair to target the PC for metagame reasons.

I do a little happy dance inside when I can legitimately off one of the little buggers, however.

I think part of the reason they haven't caught on is the open rolls for combat. They see my rolls during combat, so they think all is legit. But they have stopped making nearly as many gnome PCs since they think gnomes are unlucky now :P So I think the tactic may work as long as I don't voice my gnome hate in front of them. Yay for GM manipulation!!

Wow, it just occurred to me that I think it's been 4 years since I've seen a "Gnome Hate Thread". So obviously Paizo did a pretty good job.

And a question;
With a name like Minis Maniac, is the reason you hate gnome a result of the generally lame Gnome sculpts and slapdash paint jobs that gnome minis get?
Or is it something more primal?
Like a deep aversion to blue haired women? Or a dislike of a species that is genetically certain to get "crazy eyes"?

The best thing ever was when I had a PC gnome rogue who was super proud of their long purple hair, and they got captured during a bad combat. I made sure the gnome was tortured and had its hair shaved off, and during the escape attempt he got poisoned and died before meeting up with the other PCs :)
Nah the hatred is just more primal than the bad minis. The reason the gnome minis look so bad is only a result of how terrible gnomes are.

Shadow Lodge

zagnabbit wrote:
Halflings have been portrayed as annoying and kleptomaniacal for 25 years, that just makes most players like them even more.

Not quite true. Before 2000, they were Tolkien hobbits. They only became watered-down kender with 3rd edition.

Why do people hate gnomes?

Dark Archive

lalallaalal wrote:
Why do people hate gnomes?

I love gnomes. They're delicious, you have to braise them just right though with the proper spices.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, these actions (and attitude)make you a bad DM. A terrible one, actually. Glad I don't play with you.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

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Moved thread, let's leave the Advice forum for actual questions.

This is beyond funny as I too share a hatred of Gnomes. I would not tell the players that I would kill their gnome characters out right, but if they can't figure it out after a while...

Tell us how you kill them off, I would love to hear a few examples. Don't listen to whiny players on this thread, when they don't get thier way they tend to get poopy.

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As soon as I would suspect your hatred, I would play along. I would inform you of my suspicion and then crank out gnomes with the friendly PCGen. At some time in the future, you would either ban me or gnomes from the table...

And yes, you are a bad GM. In fact, I've never met, in 13 years of RPG Games, a worse GM. Even in my teenage years, the GMs were nicer.

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Is it a funny sentiment? Yes

Is it also stupid/make you a bad dm? Absolutely

I love to hate unnecessarily, it makes for a great punch line, but in actual play it is wholly rediculous to carry it through to your players.... kill off gnomish npcs, or give the players cohorts to slaughter wholesale while they still gain some benefit to having them

You GMs can't tell me you haven't killed off a truly annoying PC?
I have also witness players kill each other off for things that annoy them.
It isn't really any different. Besides gnomes are a terrible race, and players understand sometimes PCs die.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:

You GMs can't tell me you haven't killed off a truly annoying PC?

I have also witness players kill each other off for things that annoy them.
It isn't really any different. Besides gnomes are a terrible race, and players understand sometimes PCs die.

Yeah there's no difference except that the GM is supposed to be somewhat impartial and not single out specific players PC's for destruction. If NPC's and monsters in game are doing that then well let the bodies fall where they may. But the difference here is that YOU the DM are targeting them because you dont like a PC race.

This and by extension YOU as a GM are full of FAIL.

Hand over the GM reins to someone who actually wants to either take a stand and ban the hated race outright or/and be impartial. What youre doing is the passive agressive to the max.

"Oh I hate the race! But I dont want to ban it because it might upset my players! So I'll just unfairly target any PC gnome for destruction instead! Because THAT wont upset them NEARLY as much!"

Step away from the table and hand in your GM card.

"No Gm impartiality? NO GM POWERS!"

Since Treerazer ignored my questions, perhaps you might answer them?

Have you considered writing your own Ridley Scott/Giger-inspired scifi/horror AP, Gnometheus?

[quote=]What happens when you have a ginger gnome? Do you apply the lack of soul from being ginger or being a gnome first? Does the non-soul-ness stack (a soul vacuum, and possible danger to those possessing souls)? Or are ginger gnomes actually made of gingerbread, which would explain their scarcity to predation by cookie monsters?

(Note: Soulless comment intended, success or fail, for humorous effect. No real insult intended to actual gingers of friends & family of gingers.)

Also, is Peter Dinklage so irresistibly awesome, could his portrayal of a gnome redeem gnomes in Minis Maniac's immovable heart? Would Dinklage Awesomeness cause Minis Maniac's head to explode? Would surrounding PCs have to roll for splash damage?

Since gnomes have no souls ginger gnomes are just as soulless as regular gnomes.

And no if Peter Dinklage played a gnome it wouldn't redeem them. It would only sully Peters reputation, and since he's awesome we don't need that.
And no my head wouldn't explode since I would likely ignore the feature with the gnome in it.

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Mini, it's people like you that make me quit games.

EDIT: Seriously, if I found out you were targeting my characters, I would rage quit.

ShinHakkaider wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:

You GMs can't tell me you haven't killed off a truly annoying PC?

I have also witness players kill each other off for things that annoy them.
It isn't really any different. Besides gnomes are a terrible race, and players understand sometimes PCs die.

Yeah there's no difference except that the GM is supposed to be somewhat impartial and not single out specific players PC's for destruction. If NPC's and monsters in game are doing that then well let the bodies fall where they may. But the difference here is that YOU the DM are targeting them because you dont like a PC race.

This and by extension YOU as a GM are full of FAIL.

Hand over the GM reins to someone who actually wants to either take a stand and ban the hated race outright or/and be impartial. What youre doing is the passive agressive to the max.

"Oh I hate the race! But I dont want to ban it because it might upset my players! So I'll just unfairly target any PC gnome for destruction instead! Because THAT wont upset them NEARLY as much!"

Step away from the table and hand in your GM card.

"No Gm impartiality? NO GM POWERS!"

LOL I'm actually planning to start the local PFS chapter at my local gaming store. Hope you really don't mean it there. And yes I will likely find ways of terminating gnomes there as well, but I'll be even more subtler than usual about it :P

For some reason I hate elves and dwarve traveling together. I also hate gnomes and humans.

The greatest party of all is the Dwarf / Halfling mixer. A game about the angry races killing humans always makes me smile.

Where was I going... Oh yeah, op, you are a terrible person.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:

You GMs can't tell me you haven't killed off a truly annoying PC?

I have also witness players kill each other off for things that annoy them.
It isn't really any different. Besides gnomes are a terrible race, and players understand sometimes PCs die.

"Killing PC's" is the mark of a mediocre high-school-aged Rifts Game Master. (Yeah...I said "Rifts" are really only fit to run a "Rifts" game for high-school kids. I said it, right out there in front. I "lead with that", you might say.)

"Letting PC's kill themselves" is the mark of a skilled and subtle Dungeon Master of a Pathfinder game. I'm taking that word away from you, actually..."subtle". You don't get to use it anymore, Emperor Prosek, you're not worthy of it. There's nothing "subtle" about what you do, you just happen to be blessed (from your point of view, anyway) with players just a little to dim to suss out what you're doing. An insult to anyone who's ever taken it upon themselves to sit behind the screen and draw up a universe for their friends to vacation in.

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I have a reputation for killing off pets and watchdogs. But it really isn't my fault.

I'm sorry if the horde of dogs the PCs brought along to ensure they don't get any nighttime encounters mysteriously attracts predators that happen to like dog flesh. Or the hawk that the ranger gets to have a "second pair of eyes" happens to attract a griffon or two. Or the moneky the rogue got to fetch things through barred windows happens to trigger traps once in a while...

I really am sorry. >:)

I heartily approve. Bwahahahahaha.

Filthy stinking gnomes.

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I don't think it makes you a bad GM, you might be very good at it. however, it does add to your douchebag points. If you cant treat your players with respect for their choices, what makes you think you deserve to play with them.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
LOL I'm actually planning to start the local PFS chapter at my local gaming store. Hope you really don't mean it there. And yes I will likely find ways of terminating gnomes there as well, but I'll be even more subtler than usual about it :P

If you do it in your home game, and your player's don't mind, I can't say stop. I don't agree with it personally, but if it works for your group, great.

But I would really reconsider doing anything like that in organized play. I don't care how subtle you think are being; it will get noticed, and it may create challenges in establishing a solid group. That environment is already one that many new players find a challenge to adapt to; DM's subtly discouraging a common race is not good practice, and only makes it harder to retain new blood.

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I want to kill gnomes more if they are in a caravan.

Sovereign Court

{squeaks:} Watch it, Jezza, you lumbering oaf; you nearly stepped on me!

Shadow Lodge

I like to kill crappy GMs.

Okay guys we may want to tone done the personal attacks okay. Poor Ross works overtime trying to clean stuff like that up.
Go ahead and disagree thats fine but personal attacks will only end up in deleted posts and possibly a friendly email from Customer Service. So let's continue without the abuse violations of the messageboards okay.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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You know what, I think this thread is done.

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