[TPK GAMES] The Bleeding Hollow Mega-Adventure (Kickstarter)

Product Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

Today we hit 100 backers! I wanted to see that level of support, and not only have we hit that number, but we have 17 more days to go!

What is especially great about all the support is that now that we have the funding we need to make this project as awesome as we wanted, we can concentrate on thanking the backers.

Starting at 6k, we will offer a miniature from the Bleeding Hollow. At 8k, 10k, etc., we will be adding another figure. We won't quit as long as people continue pouring in. Like I said, this is no longer about us, it's about the fans -- and we love you guys and want to feed your miniature addictions!

100 backers. Let's see, that's 100 GM's, and roughly 5 players per GM, so we'll be responsible for at least 500 player casualties now too right? Well, maybe not, that's entirely up to your players in the Bleeding Hollow.

Still let us say with all sincerity thank you! We truly appreciate the support. Feel free to come chat with us if you visit any of the Midwest Conventions (XenoCon, GamiCon, GeekKon, GenCon, Anime Iowa) or jump on over to Facebook and chat us up there. We are all gamers after all!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

A great bonus might be a print copy of the bonus module if that is affordable.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, that would make a last minute backer drive pretty exciting now wouldn't it... *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, that would make a last minute backer drive pretty exciting now wouldn't it... *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

TPK Games wrote:
Yeah, that would make a last minute backer drive pretty exciting now wouldn't it... *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

An idea so nice ... we said it twice! :-)

<Ducks his head back down so he can get to work writing said adventure. Cackles madly to himself.>

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

i have been in for a while

Shadow Lodge

Tom, I blame the Gremlins. Or was it Kobolds..?

Masika and everyone else that's backed this, we definitely appreciate it. We have a lot of really amazing stretch goals in the works now, so I'm hoping to see us knock a few out of the park. Mostly because I want a free mini too!

Shadow Lodge

For the Patrons: We will be unveiling a basic outline and synopsis of the adventure to you soon. We will be sharing this info via Google Docs, and then you guys can begin brainstorming your encounter/hazard submissions. The top 5 approved submissions will make it into the adventure with full credits.

We are looking forward to seeing what you can add to our already incrediby exciting and lethal adventure!

Shadow Lodge

Here's an example of the quality of miniatures we will be producing: Link

Awesome! Here's hoping we can get there!


TPK Games wrote:
Here's an example of the quality of miniatures we will be producing: Link

Nice looking miniature. I'm glad I decided to pledge my support.

Joined as a b-day present from me to myself. Congratulations on the stunning success (in spite of Rappan Athuk DRAINING massive amounts of money!), TPK Games well deserves it!

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, I'll try to time our future Kickstarters a little better, but I'm still more than pleased with how things turned out. A lot of people are saying they plan to start with our intro adventure, then go through the Bleeding Hollow, and then into Rappan Athuk.

To that I say, your players will hate you, but it sounds like a hell of a good time.

Necroblivion wrote:

Yeah, I'll try to time our future Kickstarters a little better, but I'm still more than pleased with how things turned out. A lot of people are saying they plan to start with our intro adventure, then go through the Bleeding Hollow, and then into Rappan Athuk.

To that I say, your players will hate you, but it sounds like a hell of a good time.

This is pretty much my plan as well, when I get around to this adventure and Rappan Athuk...


Liberty's Edge

Happy Birthday End!

Thank you, ShadowcatX!

Shadow Lodge

Happy birthday indeed! An excellent birthday present you have chosen End! At least pretend to be surprised when it comes in the mail! :P

Scarab Sages

Made a proposal to add the $75 to the $300 tier. You would get my funding support.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Joined as a b-day present from me to myself.

Happy Birthday!

Weird Al's Birthday Song:

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Well, it’s time to celebrate your birthday, it happens every year
We’ll eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot of beer
You should be good and happy that there’s something you can eat
A million people every day are starving in the street

Your daddy’s in the gutter with the wretched and the poor
Your mama’s in the kitchen with a can of cycle four
There’s garbage in the water
And there’s poison in the sky
I guess it won’t be long before we’re all gonna die

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Well, what’s the matter little friend, you think this party is the pits
Enjoy it while you can, because we’ll soon be blown to bits
The monkeys in the pentagon are gonna cook our goose
Their finger’s on the button, all they need it an excuse

It doesn’t take a military genius to see
We’ll all be crispy critters after world war III
There’s nowhere you can run to, nowhere you can hide
'Cause when they drop the big one, we all get fried

*spoken*(come on boys and girls, sing along, ok? )*spoken*

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Wow! (background screaming, sound effect)

There’s some punk in the alley and he’s looking for a fight
There’s an arab on the corner buying everything in sight
There’s a mother in the ghetto with another mouth to feed
Seems that everywhere you look today there’s misery and greed

Of course you know the earth is gonna crash into the sun
But that’s no reason why we shouldn’t have a little fun
So if you think it’s scary, if it’s more than you can take
Just blow out the candles and have a piece of cake

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

(happy birthday!)

And a pinch to grow an inch!

lyrics by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Here is your birthday present from me: Many thanks for your many reviews. I find them useful and informative. I have modeled my own review writing style loosly upon your reviews and Dark Mistress' reviews.


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now over 5k, and with 10 days and only $900 left before we can produce a custom miniature from the adventure as well!

Shadow Lodge

Only $427 dollars needed to be pledged before we hit our first miniature! Did I mention the main baddy has two major forms? Do you think we can do both?

Shadow Lodge

$112 dollars to earn the first miniature for everyone. This same BBEG, also has an alternate form, and we'd love to see that get produced as the second figurine. We have 7 days left now to reach 8k. I think it's very possible!

Shadow Lodge


Well folks, you guys have come through with flying colors. We just hit our 6k mark today, and we still have 7 days to go. It might even be possible to see a second one. Our first miniature is that of Jirak Thoole, the arch-villain of the Bleeding Hollow. He has an alternate form, and we will commission that one at 8k.

You guys have really been driving this and getting the word out for us. We truly appreciate everyone's efforts, and now that we can give away a miniature for all the $40+ backers is just tremendous. We are aiming for very cool rewards because we want to show our thanks.

Here is Jirak Thoole, from our cover art. This is to be the first miniature.

Again, you guys rock, we could not have done all this without your exceptional support. We are down to our final week. Let's see what we can do!

Shadow Lodge

4 days left to support the kickstarter. Everyone who backs at the $40+ level is now guaranteed to get a miniature on top of all the other excellent rewards. We are also closing in on a second figure as well!

Could anyone tell me how one would get in touch with michael fall - the artist who did the cover?

Approximately $1400-ish to get another miniature. Only a few days left, folks. Let's get some more pledges!

I think a lot of folks are maxed out after the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter. I know that I have to cut back on my gaming budget severely for the rest of the year.


Shadow Lodge

Stowcreek, Mr. Fall is one of our in-house artists and we generally keep him chained up working his magic for ourselves.

Aaron, I think you are probably correct. We've kept our pricing at very reasonable levels to combat that.

Also, on a related note -- we are 666% funded as of right now. Somewhere, a demon lord laughs.

Necroblivion wrote:
Aaron, I think you are probably correct. We've kept our pricing at very reasonable levels to combat that.

The reasonable pricing is the only reason I was able to pledge. You guys were my last pledge for 2012.

Necroblivion wrote:
Also, on a related note -- we are 666% funded as of right now. Somewhere, a demon lord laughs.

That's awsome and appropriate!

Somewhere = The Temple of Orcus in Rappan Athuk, of course!!


Shadow Lodge


Many of our backers have requested getting ‘The Reaping Stone’ pre-adventure in print. Initially, we weren’t able to do this due to the costs involved. Originally we also wanted to do a fun exclusive reward and distribute this as pdf only to our backers.

The responses have been overwhelming, and people are very excited about running both adventures. Since ‘The Bleeding Hollow’ is in print, the pre-adventure should be also. We’ve heard you and will be creating print copies of ‘The Reaping Stone’ as well.

In order to continue to provide the great rewards we are already offering (including miniatures now), we can’t provide the print copy free of charge though. Bleeding Hollow backers can simply add $15 to their pledges if they would like a copy in print. That’s 25% off the retail price, and our thanks for the support. PDF pledges will still receive this bonus pdf as part of their deal, with no additional cost.

This way if we hit our $8000 goal, we will still make the second miniature for the adventure, AND we are able to provide print copies of ‘The Reaping Stone’ for those who want it, so everyone wins.

So again, you can get a print copy of ‘The Reaping Stone’ by increasing your pledge $15 and we are going to continue with our agreement of a miniature at 6k and every 2k thereafter. In fact, this will actually help all of you get more free minis ($40+ backers only).

Should any backers miss out on this chance for the reduced price print copy of the pre-adventure because the kickstarter has ended, you can email me at necro@tpkgames.com and I will let you know how to get that added to your kickstarter package.

Thanks again to all of you for the overwhelming support!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

TPK Games wrote:

Oh, the horrors I plan to unleash on your players' characters. I'm tingling with bloody happy glee.

I am unclear.

If I pledge the $15 PDF per order thingy do I get bleeding hollow & the reaping stone as PDF ?

If I pledge $40 do I get bleeding hollow in print & PDF of the reaping stone?

Shadow Lodge

If you pledge the $15, you will get the Bleeding Hollow and the Reaping Stone in PDF. The second pdf is part of the backer rewards for hitting our stretch goals.

If you pledge $40, you will get the Bleeding Hollow in hardback. You will also get the Reaping Stone in pdf (as per the reward).

Many people wanted the Reaping Stone in print. If you add $15 we will send you a print copy of the Reaping Stone as well. Let me know if you have any other questions. We appreciate the support!

I see we reached the 8,000 goal. Gratz.

8K!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Well it appears we toppled 8k and are still going strong. This means we will have the alternate form of the first miniature coming through too. This is excellent!

Scarab Sages

All right, all right, I am in. This sounds very awesome.

Silver Crusade

Has anyone given it any thought what setting they intend to place Reaping Stone & Bleeding Hollow in? I was just thinking about that this morning. The easiest one would be Pathfinder's Golarion, but what about Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, or how about Kobold Press' Midgard setting? Any backers have any thoughts or ideas?

Liberty's Edge

I'm working on a home brew setting I may end up setting this in if I mess around with this at all. Honestly, I'd pretty much forgotten about this until a couple weeks or so ago when I was going through all my backed campaigns.

Sovereign Court

I think this would make a fine addition to my Falcon Hollow campaign, even if I have to tweak it.

Shadow Lodge

Our prequel adventure The Reaping Stone by Tom Phillips is in layout now, and we should have that ready for PDF release in mid-July, with The Bleeding Hollow following as the next release.

I will just say that both are sick, sick adventures and if you like dark fantasy you won't be disappointed.

It should also be noted that, according to the last update, The Reaping Stone will be much bigger than anticipated and that TPK Games GET excellent dark fantasy...so yeah. I'm waiting and willing to do so for as long as it takes to produce a stellar supplement. ^^

Shadow Lodge

WHEW! For those following the release of our Bleeding Hollow adventure, the pre-release copy is in the hands of the backers. It will be coming for sale in the next week or so.

If you are a GM who loves old-school sandbox style games, this one's for you.

Any reviews , yet?

Shadow Lodge

Looks like two five-star reviews on DTRPG so far.

Megan Robertson wrote:

This is a cinematic, epic adventure, chasing the party across a wide and scary landscape as they struggle to survive with body and mind intact let alone rescue anyone else - they scarcely have time to draw breath long enough to remember why they came to Westden, a once sleepy rural town.

This is an adventure that should linger on in the memories of all those who participate in it, cinematic in scale, dramatic in scope, granting a freedom of action within a structured story in elegant style. Now to round up some players...

Another kickstarter that ended up a lie. The book did NOT have color art as promised, the bonus adventure was not exclusive, the book was not limited edition or numbered, there was no poster, no digital art, no personalized letter with art pictures, no pdf download code, and there was never a chance you could have your personalized picture appear in the book since it was not even sent to artist until after the book was finished despite the ks being 1 1/2 years late. What a waste of my money and time.

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