hellacious huni |
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For the Buster Sword I would go with an Amiri style large greatsword, but how should it include slots for Materia? That opens up a huge can of worms am I right? I had a player once ask me if they could have materia and I said, "Buddy, if you can design a materia system that we can agree on, you've got my permission." Maybe the Buster Sword (sans materia) is used in numeria by barbarians hammering together scrap starship metals?
For the Gunblade we definitely have to go to Alkenstar, but thinking about the mechanics of the gunblade, it doesn't actually shoot anything, it merely powers up the blade. So, maybe not Alkenstar? But they seem to be the only group of people that would even conceive of such a thing. It could also be alchemist style loads in the cylinder that when the trigger is pulled are jet spray syphoned into a gutter that instantly coats the blade?
Are maybe I should just throw my hands up and say it's magical.

Void Munchkin |

Realistic or DnD/Pathfinder mechanic.
Realistically many bladed weapons can make both slashing and piercing damages, But then they would be too usefull and you wouldn't need the extra weapon...
Buster Sword I would say; 3D6 slashing or 1d6 piercing (at a penality to hit) or 2D6 bludgeoning (at a penality too).

Ambrosia Slaad |

Does numeria have energy based weapons? such as lightsabers or plasma powered assault rifles?
We probably won't know till they decide to cover Numeria in detail. But it looks like maybe some of the critters do.
Edit: And apparently they already have "wand rifles" in Osiron.
Edit 2: Although later in that thread, James Jacobs says that wand rifles don't fit and won't be used ever again. :(

Thorin2011 |

I am not sure of the world you are talking about but what I wound do for the gun blade is make the trigger a crit hit option. say the player pulls the trigger and hits the target with a 19 or 20 doing bullet damage.
As for and extra damage from just shotting the gunblade a would not worry about it. As I recall you had to time that gunblade each time.

Lokie |

For the Buster Sword I would go with an Amiri style large greatsword, but how should it include slots for Materia? That opens up a huge can of worms am I right? I had a player once ask me if they could have materia and I said, "Buddy, if you can design a materia system that we can agree on, you've got my permission." Maybe the Buster Sword (sans materia) is used in numeria by barbarians hammering together scrap starship metals?
For the Gunblade we definitely have to go to Alkenstar, but thinking about the mechanics of the gunblade, it doesn't actually shoot anything, it merely powers up the blade. So, maybe not Alkenstar? But they seem to be the only group of people that would even conceive of such a thing. It could also be alchemist style loads in the cylinder that when the trigger is pulled are jet spray syphoned into a gutter that instantly coats the blade?
Are maybe I should just throw my hands up and say it's magical.
Seeing as how Cloud's attack power seems to increase depending on his emotional state I'd say a "Soldier" is pretty much a Titan Mauler Barbarian. The Materia system for the most part is sorta a alternate rod. Materia contain magic they almost anyone can take advantage of. Another variant mixed in would be the enhancement crystal things from the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium.
For the Gunblade, you could do a variant of the pistol sword cane from Ultimate Combat... just beef it up and say the gun triggers on a successful hit.

PSY850 |
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The closest thing I've seen for the buster sword is from the old arcanis setting. It was a gladiator weapon called a grand blade and had a more fancy name also. Was basically an exotic version of a greatsword with beefed up damage of 2D8. The same could work in the current rules with a large sized bastard sword.
For a gunblade the best rules I've seen for it is the combined weapon rules from the 3.5 version of the Iron Kingdoms. Same style of flintlock style weapons but with a different design principle. Instead of firearms ignoring armor, they did better damage with higher crit rates. The higher damage made the combined weapons there more dangerous than they would be with pathfinder guns. But the rules there were if you hit with the melee weapon you could make a free attack with the gun at either flat footed or touch attack, I cant remember which off the top of my head. I wouldn't have any issue applying the same rules to the axe musket or any other house ruled melee gun combos.

hellacious huni |

In one of the dnd equipment books, there was something called an augment crystal. Basically its an enchant that you can attach to any masterwork or better weapon. Never really played FFVII, but something like that might kinda work for materia or at least give the right feeling.
That seems like a really simple, direct solution. Thanks, Etsu!

Esper Ranger |

This is the kind of thread I love to see.
Way back in the early 3e days I worked up the gunblade as an alchemy powered weapon. When the trigger was pulled an alchemic reaction produced an electrical charge that was channeled to the metal blade to do extra damage. Unfortunately I've lost or tossed the notes I made on the weapon along with my materia/magicite notes (I'm thinking about reworking those for my steampunk Pathfinder campaign).
As for Cloud's buster sword, are we talking the original simple version that Cloud took from Zack:
or the awesome 6-in-1, Advent Children version:
http://calicostonewolf.deviantart.com/art/Advent-Children-Buster-Sword-2335 8056
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LMD0hJFn4qw/TRkIgzvWwfI/AAAAAAAAAFU/WeQHhbb2M5U/s 1600/final_fantasy_vii_advent_children_-_cloud_strife.png

Belle Mythix |

This is the kind of thread I love to see.
Way back in the early 3e days I worked up the gunblade as an alchemy powered weapon. When the trigger was pulled an alchemic reaction produced an electrical charge that was channeled to the metal blade to do extra damage. Unfortunately I've lost or tossed the notes I made on the weapon along with my materia/magicite notes (I'm thinking about reworking those for my steampunk Pathfinder campaign).
As for Cloud's buster sword, are we talking the original simple version that Cloud took from Zack:
pic 1or the awesome 6-in-1, Advent Children version:
pic 2
Probably the first one.

Harrison |

Due to the utter size of the Buster Sword and that it's traditional use as a slashing weapon (Zack used it as a bludgeoning weapons, since he admitted he only hit with the flat side)...
I'd say 3d6 slashing (maybe even huge-size Greatsword damage, whatever that is), and 2d6 bludgeoning with maybe a -2 penalty to hit. The two circular holes in the blade are not actually Materia slots, so there's no need to worry about filling them with anything.
As for the Gunblade, I'd probably give it stats similar to a Bastard Sword, with one exception. The "trigger" ability of the Gunblade should be something similar to the "Stike" enhancements you can put on weapons, something that activates on a successful hit, and deals a moderate amount of damage (maybe 1d6) that isn't multiplied on a critical hit, but instead of dealing Fire, Ice, or Electricity damage, it'd deal Force damage (since you're basically channeling the explosive force of small grenade into each strike). In addition to the normal attack penalty for fighting with a weapon without proficiency, the extra force damage should not kick in upon a successful hit if you're fighting with it without proficiency.
And yeah, these would have to be Exotic Weapons.

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I'm not sure why the Buster Sword is getting such a damage boost - in reality, it is actually shorter than a Greatsword, though it is heavier. We actually own a replica of the Buster, built to speck and it weighs a good 15+ pounds (probably more) - but it's shorter than a Greatsword and more unwieldy.
I would give it a 2d6 or even a 1d12 with a good x3 crit. range. I would also not give it piercing at all, because if you held one, you would realize you're just not going to stab with it easily. I also wouldn't add any special bludgeoning damage rules, because it isn't weighted that way. It would come out to the -4 to hit/subdual damage as normal.
Gunblade I can see at a 1d8 with an 18-20/x3 crit. to reflect the blast. It doesn't actually shoot anything or coat anything, it's more of a vibration than anything.

Richard Leonhart |

gunblade, on a critical hit you fire a shot that has to be rolled as an attack of a pistol and can crit itself. The pistol and all magical upgrades cost a quarter of the normal price, but can't be used seperatly (max crit range should be about 25%).
Weirdly Squall never "shoots" except when slashing.

Lokie |

Great stuff guys! GREAT stuff!
Now for bonus points: where do you think they would fit in Golarion?
Any use of over sized weapons probably occurs where those weapons are being produced. I'd say you'd see buster swords, omega blades, what-have-you... in areas with giants.
Since the standard golarion template for guns is rarity you'd probably see gunblades only in Alkenstar.

Harrison |

Any use of over sized weapons probably occurs where those weapons are being produced. I'd say you'd see buster swords, omega blades, what-have-you... in areas with giants.
Since the standard golarion template for guns is rarity you'd probably see gunblades only in Alkenstar.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly.
The only other place I could think of adding either weapon would be the treasure hoard of a dragon. Both weapons, given their unique design, would probably enough for a dragon to consider snatching one for its collection.

Kybryn |

How long is a great sword? Judging by pics of Cloud holding the sword, just the blade portion is as long as the distance between his shoulder and feet (around 5 feet?)
According to FF wiki it's supposed to be 5-6 feet. That means it's most likely longer than the greatsword. It's also thicker. To say that the damage should be the same as the greatsword doesn't make sense to me. The sword was forged specifically for Angeal Hewley.
To me this screams Exotic Weapon. It also means to me that it should be doing 2d8 damage (one step above greatsword), and should either crit 19-20/x2 or x3... not quite sure I could defend an argument one way or the other.
edit: oh, and the weapon is supposed to be mega expensive btw.

Lokie |

To me this screams Exotic Weapon. It also means to me that it should be doing 2d8 damage (one step above greatsword), and should either crit 19-20/x2 or x3... not quite sure I could defend an argument one way or the other.
Just as a FYI: One step up greatsword is 3d6. As per the chart HERE

Harrison |

Esper Ranger wrote:How long is a great sword? Judging by pics of Cloud holding the sword, just the blade portion is as long as the distance between his shoulder and feet (around 5 feet?)According to FF wiki it's supposed to be 5-6 feet. That means it's most likely longer than the greatsword. It's also thicker.
The Final Fantasy Wiki doesn't actually list official dimensions of the weapon, so we need to make some assumptions.
In FFVII, Cloud is recorded as being 5'7" in height, and the real life replicas put the Buster Sword at about the height from the ground up to about shoulder level, a rough assumption puts the blade's length at about 4 and a half feet long if you don't count the length of the grip.
That's slightly more than the length of a typical claymore.
Where the real power of the Buster Sword comes from is the fact that it's about an inch and a half thick slab of metal that weighs a ton and momentum just loves it if you swing that thing with enough force (as the characters of the series routinely demonstrate).

Kybryn |

Kybryn wrote:Just as a FYI: One step up greatsword is 3d6. As per the chart HERE
To me this screams Exotic Weapon. It also means to me that it should be doing 2d8 damage (one step above greatsword), and should either crit 19-20/x2 or x3... not quite sure I could defend an argument one way or the other.
True, and I was hoping this wouldn't get brought up. It's just on a different progression track.

Lokie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've just thought of another idea for the gunblade. Back in the 'ole 3.5 days they had a alchemical sword. You'd charge it with a alchemist fire and the next time you hit it'd explode in a burst of fire in addition to the sword damage. Perhaps you could do something like that, only with gunpowder.

hellacious huni |

Buster sword: great sword.
Gunblade (if shooting is necessary): axe-musket.
Gunblade (if shooting not necessary): longsword.
Note that Squall never fires the gunblade as a long-range weapon, so shooting is largely unnecessary.
[/fun ruiner]
Haha! Fun ruining is the name of the game!

hellacious huni |

I've just thought of another idea for the gunblade. Back in the 'ole 3.5 days they had a alchemical sword. You'd charge it with a alchemist fire and the next time you hit it'd explode in a burst of fire in addition to the sword damage. Perhaps you could do something like that, only with gunpowder.
That was the solution I was thinking too and have okayed that for one of my players.
BTW: this is all because two players wanted to be Squall and Cloud respectively and as a DM how could I say no to killing those two iconic characters? ;}

Lokie |

Lokie wrote:I've just thought of another idea for the gunblade. Back in the 'ole 3.5 days they had a alchemical sword. You'd charge it with a alchemist fire and the next time you hit it'd explode in a burst of fire in addition to the sword damage. Perhaps you could do something like that, only with gunpowder.That was the solution I was thinking too and have okayed that for one of my players.
BTW: this is all because two players wanted to be Squall and Cloud respectively and as a DM how could I say no to killing those two iconic characters? ;}
Sounds like a perfect excuse to bring Sephiroth into play! :D

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There was a sword called the Orcish Fullblade somewhere. Not sure where but those stats would be perfect for the buster blade.
I like the idea of the Gunblade using the alchemical sword style of rules...
The blade would be stats as a short sword, it fits in a though holster after all.
Gun part, use revolver rules from Ultimate Combat. Plus, the cylinder can also be loaded with special alchemical rounds that do not act as bullets, but when the trigger is pulled that quickly pulses with fiery energy causing an addition 1d4/1d6 fire damage as per alchemical fire. This decision must be decided before the attack.

Sissyl |

I was always partial to the orc crusher from a dragon magazine, I think... it was a flexible wooden stem with a huge metal head on top. You put the wooden end in the ground and swung the metal head around and over you to smash people.
No, I am not kidding you.
I felt a regiment of these guys would be wonderful fun.

ruemere |
Having played FFVII a bit, I seem to recall that SOLDIER formation members were strong beyond human limits (witness Cloud's sword no one can wield in the original group, witness Cloud's words that no one else could use Sephiroth's Masamune due to its size).
In game terms, the sword is probably a gargantuan katana, i.e. a katana two step's beyond medium (source:
Masamune (gargantuan katana)
-6 attack, 4d6 damage, 18–20/×2 deadly
Regarding Cloud, well, he is using an oversized meat cleaver. It is also much, much heavier than anything wieldable by human being. The closest weapon would be a greataxe with huge blade and very short handle.
Buster Sword (huge greataxe)
-4 attack, 3d8 damage, x3
For Squall's gunblade, weapon conversion is the easiest. First of all, his weapon is piercing and slashing. Secondly it is quite unwieldy (check the opening duel sequence). Thirdly, it crits pretty easily.
Gunblade (custom fusion of longsword and revolver, clumsy)
-2 attack, 1d8, 17–20/*, 6 bullets
* custom critical:
- critical confirmed as ranged touch attacks without AoO
- bonus critical damage does not benefit from high Strength
- bonus critical damage may benefit from Deadly Aim (must be declared before confirmation roll is made)
- if the confirmation scores a threat, you may immediately roll for another critical strike (you may repeat this operation as many times as you have bullets left in the revolver)

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Now that both FFXIII and FXIII-2 are out, what about the gunblades(Panem et circences, give the people what they want, etc) in that game?
Lightning, the main character of the first part routinely wields her weapon, which seems more like an oversized butterfly or flipknife than an actual sword, with one hand all the while crazily jumping around. Tends to also do backflips and shoot with it from mid-range as an attack sequence finisher as well, unlike Squall.
Give it a looksee

ruemere |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Now that both FFXIII and FXIII-2 are out, what about the gunblades(Panem et circences, give the people what they want, etc) in that game?
Lightning, the main character of the first part routinely wields her weapon, which seems more like an oversized butterfly or flipknife than an actual sword, with one hand all the while crazily jumping around. Tends to also do backflips and shoot with it from mid-range as an attack sequence finisher as well, unlike Squall.
Give it a looksee
Disclaimer: haven't played FF games beyond 8th, so my knowledge is quite limited. Gonna give it a try based on the wiki you linked and some animation videos I saw on youtube.
Blazefire Sabre (Exotic weapon proficiency) feat: gain access to additional weapon features (see below).
Blazefire Sabre (exotic fusion of long-hafted axe and pistol, two weapon modes)
- sabre mode: 1d8, x2 (requires axe and martial weapon proficiences)
- gun mode: 1d8, x2, 2 bullets
- weapon mode change: move action
- [requires Exotic weapon proficiency] +4 to Acrobatics while moving through threatened area or enemy space
- [requires Exotic weapon proficiency] free action to change weapon modes, you may freely alternate between weapon modes between attacks
- [requires Exotic weapon proficiency] if using Spring Attack, you may apply Vital Strike chain feats to your attack

Zeetle Wyrp |

Gargantuan is way to big for Masamune (or Buster sword). Rune Giants weild Gargantuan weapons, and they cleave bridges in two with one swing!
At best they are only one step up. Large sized Nodachi, and a Large sized Bastard sword. Since Masamune is enchanted in many of Square Enix releases (ChronoTrigger), and Sephiroth is a BBEG, I don't see why it wouldn't be +3 and keen. The Buster sword needn't be enchanted really. It would be fun to see it made of adamantine though!
Since the mechanic in VIII required timing I like the idea of the projectile only hitting on a critical threat, but I'd make the player announce whether he was going to try for it before he swung, making it a sacrifice to try. This makes the gunblade kinda interesting as it eats up resources over time. Of course you could alternately allow the player to get an automatic chance for a shot, by making them use an iterative attack to pull the trigger. Thus they swing, leave the blade in place, use iterative attack to shoot and repeat if they have any other iterative attacks in their BAB. The video game didn't tackle the idea of reloading. The weapon appeared to be a six shot revolver, so six chances when fully loaded, then maybe a full round action to reload.