![]() Kyle Olson wrote:
Thanks for the repley. Also thanks again for the program. ![]()
![]() I am looking into a time hoping varent of pathfinders. I am wanting some sugrestions on making a arcane mech for the players to fight aganst. So far I know the mech is only large sized. It has a base ac of 17 ish with strength and perception inhansment a +7 to att both ranged and melee I also have an idea the mecha will have two baynet blades one on each hand and a rifle on one side and a shot gun on the other. The thought is simple stuff like this is starting to "drop" into the world and the players are trying to find out why + hopfuly stop it. ![]()
![]() so it is more of a bulk thing then weight. still does not stack in my head. (Yes not all the rules make sense I now still I can argue my side.) the rule says he counts as large for most things even thou he is medium size. as a medium size person he should get the bounce from the size of the shield yet being more muscle than normal he can handle the weight and with training (tower shield proficiency) should be able to hand the bulk of the shield better then most. Also a large weapon is vary unwieldy the center of balance would be way off yet the half giant can hand that with no problem. ![]()
![]() Okay here is one more idea Human rogue bard or fighter. a human can use fast learner improvisation and Improved Improvisation so a total of +4 in any none ranked skills all skills untrained basicly +1 rank & +3 class skill in everything. If I focus on feats like alertness and acrobatic as a fighter I could still be some help in a fight. + acrobatics skill will help prevent AoO on the battle field. I am sure a lot of the other skills will come in handy Think macgyver in pathfinders. maybe not a PC but a fun npc to have around. ![]()
![]() the character is a monk and other then the weapon finesse feat I am focusing on hand to hand and skill feats nothing really to ably to dex or range or perception. battle wise yes fine detail should be limited but I do not need to now how many worts are on that running blotchy goblins face to put an arrow into it. I only need to know it IS a goblin and that it is running I would thing the character can see movement more or less fine. ![]()
![]() Set wrote:
That was my first thought when I talked to the gm His replay was an enfadic yes to negatives. so here I am looking for a fair rule set to present to him. As added role play hook the ONLY equipment the players are to start with are the Hiarlome weapon of their family. My poor Adam hails from an archery hunting family and has a Family Long Bow with him at all time which he in theory Can not shot well at all. Foghammer wrote:
Hum this has potential, I am unsure of the rule you are revering to. Are you talking about perception checks? Since the GM is insisting on some sort of rule set I was hoping to avoid a flat perception negative being as the other 4 senses are fine or a little better then fine. Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
Maybe I will look that up. ![]()
![]() I am looking into the draw backs to having a slightly near sighted character. the main reason for the flaw is role-play based. We are Running a "back to basics lvl 1 campaign" and the character hails from a vary proud tradition of archers but is a book worm I thought having him a little near sighted would be a nice story hook for not fallowing the family traditions and being a noble hunter ![]()
![]() I am looking into the draw backs to having a slightly near sighted character. the main reason for the flaw is role-play based. We are Running a "back to basics lvl 1 campaign" and the character hails from a vary proud tradition of archers but is a book worm I thought having him a little near sighted would be a nice story hook for not fallowing the family traditions and being a noble hunter ![]()
![]() Call it selfish but I was looking at the brew potion feat as the alchemist back up to his extracts. Like a wizard and scribe scroll feat. I do like the idea of having stuff for the other players but at lvl 1 and two extracts per day I need a back up. PS I do not play magical wielders But the alchemist is one I can half way use. ![]()
![]() PFSRD wrote:
I checked the formulae list and could not tell what formulaes can be made into potions. Is it any formulae on his list? or did I miss something? ![]()
![]() The ONLY! reason I can think of for a player to even try this is ...
And to me I would say yes with a -2 to attack and the make shift bolt is fragle. ![]()
![]() Is there any other items that can be used as throw splash weapons. I have thus far, Caltrops, Caltrops Vicious, Acid, Alkali Flask, Grenade Fuse, Holy Water, Liquid Ice, Oil (Alchemist's Fire), Oil Keros, Oil lamp, Powder, Powder Flash, Powder Itching, Powder Sneezing, Smoke Pellet, Tanglefoot Bag, Tar Bomb,and Thunderstone. ![]()
![]() I am building a one and done lvl 5 dragon ride. I am the normal dm for my group but this week a friend of mine is guest dming so I can play for a change. I asked for suggestion on a fun one time out of the norm character and landed on the Dragon rider. Here is what I got thus far.
Character feats: Point blank shot, Precise shot, Mounted combat, Mounted Archery BRONZE DRAGON
I am looking at a death from above type of character. I am thinking of giving them two efficient quivers and having the dragon and rider stay above most combat shooting throwing and lobbing things at the monsters. with the two quivers they can have 12 spears 36 javelins and 120 arrows fully loaded. I have 10500 to spend on equipment and gear. I am also looking at a lance for the other main weapon. ![]()
![]() Void Munchkin wrote:
Yes that is it thanks