Aristin76 |

3.5 had a ring of dark hidden. Not sure if you would want to use 3.5 magic items. Need to create single use magic items using obscuring mist, darkness, etc. Deeper darkness permanent on an item could be cool during daylight hours. Darkness on an item for other items. Having darkvision is a must for stalker types. With the advanced races book coming out, I bet you could create a race that has "see in darkness" ability. That would be interesting to tinker with.

Ravingdork |
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Take a level in Oracle with the Waves mystery. Pick up Water Sight. Cast obscuring mist all day long, granting you concealment while still allowing you to see.
Stack this with any other cloud-creating abilities you can find.