Let's Talk About Anime


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Episode 1000 of One Piece.

Like it or not, that is one heck of a milestone

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Oh man Jojo: Stone Ocean is great. the way Jolyne is animated is straight up bad ass. Once she makes up her mind on something she takes no S@%t from anyone and the way they animate her body language just screams it on every level.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Taisho Otome Fairy Tale is cute, fanservicey (not lewd, I hasten to add)

I do not understand the words that are coming out of your mouth.

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Wow...so new version of "Number One" hit me harder than I expected.

Bleach Trailer

Has it really been 20 years

I started rewatching Date A Live for some reason. What really surprises me is that I'm probably going to rewatch the whole thing.

New Season New Anime

Orient: Demons took over Japan during the warring states period. Only the Bushi were able to fight back. Now a couple of punks decide they are going to be Bushi and kill monsters. Power of Friendship abounds. Fun Shonen action

In the Land of LeadaleA young girl in the hospital's only life was a VR game. When a Power Outage shuts down her life support she finds herself in the world of the game 200 years later in the timeline. And the tales of her being the PK fiend known as the "Silver Ring Witch" are still being told. This was nice and wholesome

Tokyo 24th ward 50 minutes long. The 24th ward is an artificial island created in Tokyo Harbour that was originally owned by foreign interests and is now being re-integrated into the city of Tokyo. To deal with crime and make the tradition easier, a system known as "Hazard Cast" predicts crimes before they happen. Mayor and sponsor of the system is annoyed they can't use it to arrest people before they commit crimes but he is looking to change that.
Our lead characters are the RGB boys; The Hacker, the Suit and the Hero Boy who get a call from their dead friend warning them of a tragedy about to happen (Straight up Trolly problem. Out of control Train of people, vs. Girl stuck on the tracks.) She seems to power them up allowing them to save everyone and give the finger to philosophy majors everywhere. This was fun kind of Minority Report meet Anohana meets Samurai Flaminco.

So 2022 Anime is off to a good start with three nice shows out the gate.

Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout;.....bloody hell these titles.
SO two office workers in their 30s (Dubbed by the show as "Old Guys", so me being 48, this show has already made me feel bad in the first couple of minutes) get Isekaied after a night out at a mixer.
Now these two have been best friends since childhood. Guy A is tall, handsome and serious looking, Has no real interest in women and is just fine spending every day with his best friend. Guy B is 100% average and 0 luck with girls, because they all go for his best friend.
One mixer later he's in the depression stage of Drunkeness, and wishes he was a gorgeous blond too cute for this world that everyone would fawn over. Guy A laughs it off with "Lets get you home buddy"

Enter the Goddess who asks "Is he dead yet?".
Then promptly kills them both cause she needs to make up the numbers for the Heroes going to save her world from the local Demon Lord.
As a flavor she grants Guy B's drunken wish to be a cute blond girl.

When our two new heroes don't show any sort of gratitude for having their wish granted she lays down the only Curse a Goddess of Love can muster.

Now they must defeat the Demon Lord, before they fall in love with each other.

Read some Grappler Baki and it is a standard super-muscled guys pound on each other story. Yuujiro is very boring though sine he never loses.

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Arifureta season two has started!!!

Police in a Pod is a SOL, almost idealized look at being a policewoman in Japan. Entertaining enough that I may just watch a couple more episodes if something better doesn't come along.

"Something better" is probably not Sabikui Bisco - fantasy setting with 'rust' afflicting people and lots of mushrooms.

My dress-up darling is a cute show about a guy who likes to make traditional dolls and finds out his sewing skills also work for cosplay - with the hottest girl in school, of course.

Irodorimidori is girls starting a band for Reasons. The episodes are three minutes long, but are paces as if they are parts of normal 20 minute episodes. Not really my thing.

Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja. Generic OP protag in generic JRPG fantasy setting with generic baddies and generic love interest-chans. I think I fell asleep even while doing the dishes.

Tribe 9 I had a vain hope, based on the name alone, it was something like the excellent Tribe 8 rpg. No, it's another annoyingly edgy goodguy shounen gang thing centered around something called 'extreme baseball'. I don't think I made it 5 minutes into it.

Koroshi Ai OP dude falls in love with assassin that is trying to kill him. No, this isn't the much better Kiruru Kill Me. Possibly worth another episode but doubtful.

Silver Crusade

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Watched Shaman King and Eden's Zero on Netflix. Looking forward to more episodes to drop for those (especially Shaman King).

Also watched Way of the Househusband (Gokushufudō) on Netflix. And while I'm not really into slice of life anime, I've got to say... that series is hilarious!

Got to see the movie edition of Macross Plus in theaters last year with my son. Didn't know if he would enjoy an old school classic like that, but he loved it. Gives me hope for the future (sniff, sniff).

Need to catch up on Demon Slayer season 2 (having watched the movie in theaters, I took a pass on episodes 2-7).

Need to finish watching Cells at Work!! and and Cells at Work: Code Black.

Watched Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time after doing a rewatch of the previous three movies on Amazon Prime. I enjoyed it very much and loved the ending.

Need to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.

I have been enjoying the heck out of Fantasy Knockout
Tchibana, the guy who has been turned into a girl, is a total Gremlin, who enjoys using his/her new feminine whiles to bring chaos wherever he/she goes.

and now we have Shwartz, who is champion of the Goddess of Night just being a total goofy edge-lord Kirito clone.

I should not like this show as much as I do, but it has become one of my favourites this season.

Got to catch a couple episodes of Grimoire of Zero at Katsucon; light fare, entertaining though. Need to track it down.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Steins Gate has been entertaining, along with Megalobox and I'm Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years. Started up Komi-san and it's as good as expected. Kind of checked out since we're watching everything dubbed, but at least I'll get to hear AmaLee as Marin when we start watching that.

So apart from Lupin III, the three shows I've been watching this season for my make-dinner/do-the-dishes viewing have been Police in a Pod, My Dress-up Darling and Love of Kill. To round things out I've watched Genocyber. It's very 90s. Now rewatching Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, which manages to balance comedy, drama, horror and mystery rather well.

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Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Got to see the movie edition of Macross Plus in theaters last year with my son. Didn't know if he would enjoy an old school classic like that, but he loved it. Gives me hope for the future (sniff, sniff).

I have the soundtrack.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Steins Gate has been entertaining, along with Megalobox and I'm Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years. Started up Komi-san and it's as good as expected. Kind of checked out since we're watching everything dubbed, but at least I'll get to hear AmaLee as Marin when we start watching that.

You poor man.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Update: AmaLee be killing it.

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Well the Crunchyroll x Funimation merger has begun. Whole bunch of Funi titles will be dropping into the CR library, along with their Englush Dubs (and a few other languages as well).

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ah, excellent. More shows for us to struggle to watch on their atrocious Xbox app.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ah, excellent. More shows for us to struggle to watch on their atrocious Xbox app.

Old PS3 App for me

Which is pretty much "There is a 50/50 chance you can watch 1 episode before the entire system freezes up"

So I mostly just watch off my PC.

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I watch it on my phone.

So the funimation app is gone now?

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I don't think it's gone yet, but they have started moving their catalogue over to Crunchyroll

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

The former "this" of the above quote makes an ultra-colossal return as this again. For those that don't mind having a truncated subtitled version, check here then.

P.S. For those preferring a more recent "new-gen" take on the whole thing, both a subtitled version and an english-dubbed version are available. ;)

On the anime-ish adjacent, Tokusatsu front, in a bit of a callback to an 'Ultra' blast from the past, the Japanese subtitled, official translation of the entire ULTRAMAN GINGA S THE MOVIE: SHOWDOWN! THE 10 ULTRA WARRIORS! feature film is now available in it's entirety for free [unsure of how long it'll remain available though...]. ;)

In addition, the fully compiled episodes of ULTRA GALAXY FIGHT:THE ABSOLUTE CONSPIRACY, both in the subtitled original Japanese language and the English dubbed version, is available now, along with the Prologue to upcoming sequel, ULTRA GALAXY FIGHT:THE DESTINED CROSSROAD- also available both in subtitled Japanese and English dub, as well. :)

PS. Additionally, both TOEI TOKUSATSU WORLD OFFICIAL and TokuSHOUTsu also have other various Tokusatsu offerings available for your perusal; some are subtitled, others are of limited availability.

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For something based on a Phone game, Princess Connect is knocking it out of the park with their last few episodes.
Peco's "Knight in Shinning Armour" moment to rescue Karyl was an amazing fight

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Netflix is getting Bastard

Mix of both excitement and fear on this one. I mean this series is full on 80/90s Heavy Metal, Not exactly politically correct sort of thing.

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Greylurker wrote:

Netflix is getting Bastard

Mix of both excitement and fear on this one. I mean this series is full on 80/90s Heavy Metal, Not exactly politically correct sort of thing.


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Greylurker wrote:

For something based on a Phone game, Princess Connect is knocking it out of the park with their last few episodes.

Peco's "Knight in Shinning Armour" moment to rescue Karyl was an amazing fight

Also known as 'I don't want to die in such a stupid way' anime.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was an excellent movie. Animation was superb and the pacing was fairly well done. There is apparently a little bit cut out and not mentioned, but it makes sense given the focus on Suguru Geto.

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Phillip Gastone wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

For something based on a Phone game, Princess Connect is knocking it out of the park with their last few episodes.

Peco's "Knight in Shinning Armour" moment to rescue Karyl was an amazing fight

Also known as 'I don't want to die in such a stupid way' anime.

lol yeah....the whole party getting TPKed in the first episode because they ate monsters that turned out to be poisonous, just kind of tip of the iceburg.

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So...RWBY is getting an official Anime
and Gen Urobuchi is involved with it.

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Not the worst thing I've heard or seen...

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I'm just here for the H.

Liberty's Edge

Tekken: Bloodline. New Netflix anime.

Why does every character have a 90 degree shadow on their head no matter how the light is or how they are standing?

Winter 2022 was nothing much to excite me. Lupin III part VI wrapped up and while I'm a bit conflicted on trying to give him more backstory the show itself was excellent and thoroughly entertaining all the way.

86 wrapped up as well with a surprisingly happy end. I still think the end of the first season would have been a good if tragic end, but I'm also a sucker for happy ends. Other than this the only show I completed was Police in a Pod.

The first show of the new season I've tried is Aharen-san wa Hakarenai because I read the manga. Cute story about a normie and the weirdo cute girl next to him in class. The manga is running out of steam but the anime should be good until the end of the season.

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Finishing up How A Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom and Attack on Titan. Back to waiting for Rising of the Shield Hero. Though I might try to track down some of the Fate series I haven't caught, Grimoire of Love, or rewatch a few old ones.

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The new season has been a major step up from the last one. There are plenty of sequels I'm enjoying. Machikado Mazoku (The Demon Girl Next Door) is back and I'm happy to see Shamiko again. So far it's just as enjoyable as last season.
More Kaguya-sama: Love is War is good, and more Date A Live is also good.

Of new shows I've tried there is In the Heart of kunoichi Tsubaki, which is basically cute girls doing cute ninja things in ninja school. Same guy who does Teasing Master Takagi. I'm not a fan of Takagi but I like basically everything else the mangaka has done, including this.

Shikimori is not just cute is wish fulfillment romcom featuring an unlucky guy with an amazing girlfriend. Somewhat cute but so far the biggest stand out aspect is that it's a high shcool romcom where the couple are a couple at the start of the show. I may or may not finish this one.

Of the ones I've tried thus far the stand out newcomer is Spy x Family. Set in totally-not-Cold-War-Europe a spy needs to have a family to get close to a target. He picks up a orphan and girl in need of a boyfriend to show off to her family. The girls have their own secrets and comedy ensues. I suspect the general progression of the story will be pretty predictable but so far the show is funny and cute.

Healer Girl is a bland CGDCT story with the girls being bard healers. An excuse for Disney-ish songs. I doubt I'll finish it.

There are also a few I've tried but I can't remember their names or much about them without looking them up, so those are obviously a bust this season.

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Over the last couple of months I watched Vision of Escaflowne, which was good. I noticed a lot of similarities between that and War on Geminoar, but I don't know how much of WoG was take from VoE specifically and how much was just standard anime plot. Either way, I liked it. I recently started Gunbuster and it seems ok after 2 episodes.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Over the last couple of months I watched Vision of Escaflowne, which was good. I noticed a lot of similarities between that and War on Geminoar, but I don't know how much of WoG was take from VoE specifically and how much was just standard anime plot. Either way, I liked it. I recently started Gunbuster and it seems ok after 2 episodes.

You are in for a RIDE

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Freehold DM wrote:

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things

most of them are pretty much exactly that with a different extra theme tacked on; Music, Board Games, Sports, Going to the Antarctic, etc...

There are a couple that have some really neat twists though.
"School Live" had a pretty good twist.

Silver Crusade

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Well... this was an unexpected reveal.

The return of Ikki Tousen.

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Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Well... this was an unexpected reveal.

The return of Ikki Tousen.

But when will we be getting more Tenjo Tenge?

That series truly ate Ikki Tousen's lunch.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Well... this was an unexpected reveal.

The return of Ikki Tousen.

But when will we be getting more Tenjo Tenge?

That series truly ate Ikki Tousen's lunch.

Ahh... Tenjho Tenge. Had one banger of an opening.

I'd love to see them pick up where that series left off at. That tournament arc was shaping up to be epic.

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Gunbuster was good. I'll wait a wee bit before getting on to the extras and sequel, but they are definitely on the 'sooner rather than later' list. Maybe next week.

I started Vampire in the Garden which seems ok. Enough that I'll give it a few more episodes, at least. I doubt it will be a "Dance in the Vampire Bund".

Vampire in the Garden was ok, with a slightly annoying epilogue. I gave Labyrinth of Flames a try and I think Freehold would appreciate this one. I am, at least.

The Executioner and Her Way of Life started out with an amazing premise and quickly degenerated into something a bit more standard. Still a notch above most isekai in terms of concept and world building, but I would have preferred to watch an entire season of Menou killing off one annoying isekai protag after the other, in something along the lines of a Talentless Nana approach.

Silver Crusade

Actually started watching the anime version of the Netflix series Alice in Borderland on ANoD (Anime Network on Demand). There appear to be only three episodes so far, and it looks like the anime is an older one, say 20-teens if I'm judging by the style.

I think I prefer the live action series over what I've seen so far with the anime.

Not sure what I think of the Netflix Shaman King ending, but to be fair... I don't recall how the original anime series ended either. I may have to track that down and compare the two.

I'm going to have to rewatch the second half of Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. I was following it all up until the last couple of episodes and then things just got... weird.

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