Let's Talk About Anime


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Well This looks neat

Little lady certainly has a winning smile

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Video is unavailable.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Video is unavailable.

weird it worked yesterday


I'll include the Crunchyroll article link as well

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Yeah, Princess Tutu is a great anime. I wish they would release it on Blu-ray.

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I normally prefer science fiction anime such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Banner of the Stars, or Space Battleship Yamato; but a friend just started getting me to watch Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. I was reluctant at first because it looked like the typical Anime Japanese magic high school trope driven stories. So far I've been pleasantly surprised.

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ErlTyriss wrote:
I normally prefer science fiction anime such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Banner of the Stars, or Space Battleship Yamato; but a friend just started getting me to watch Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. I was reluctant at first because it looked like the typical Anime Japanese magic high school trope driven stories. So far I've been pleasantly surprised.

The Fate series is one of my favorites, I like the concept and the action scenes are just amazing. If you like it you should check out the prequel series Fate/Zero

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Well damn

looks like you picked a good time to start in on the Fate series. 2017 is gonna give us Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Extra-Last Encore and Fate/Apocrypha

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Aww man, they're making an adaptation of Fuuka. It's going to crush souls.

Fortunately I was spoiled on that one and can stay well away from it.

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First Episode of Youjo Senki; Tanya the Evil did not disappoint

Fairly brutal WW1 trench warfare with Mages, psychotic 10 year old commander, good action, interesting character moments and hints at a lot of things. plus uniforms are practicle common sense with no fan-service which honestly is kind of nice to see.

Studio NUTS I gather is fairly new but they did a great job here. Introduced us to the setting and the characters nicely. Gives us more a view of Tanya from outside, this is how she is seen by allies and enemies, without letting us into her head or real backstory yet.

There are a couple of hints if you pay attention.

Seeing Tanya in action was just brutal, but worse is the realization at the end of just how nasty this kid is mentally. I've seen her described as a high end Lawful Evil and that works for me, but to have a ten year old thinking the way she dose is a little disturbing.

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I enjoyed Youjo Senki for about 1m 30s, at which point the mages showed up. Great War era action and trench warfare on the western front: good.
The rest: meh.

First episode of Seiren is undecided. It looks like it will be a high school romance comedy, possibly a harem (crosses fingers), slice of life sort of thing, but the humor is very understated for this type of show. Less the sort meant to force a laugh out of you and more the sort that gets a wry smile. We'll see if it goes anywhere.

I'm reading Masamune-kun's Revenge, so watching it is a no-brainer. It's entertaining.

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Interviews with Monster girls is a very nice relaxing show. Not fanservicy like other monster girl shows, this is about a biology teacher who is doing his colledge thesis on Demi-humans. For this world Demi-humans seem to be an occasional mutation that shows up among normal humans. In the past a lot of myths and predjudice grew up around them but in the modern world they are more like humans with special requierments.

unfortunately he's never actually met one because they are so rare, but he has always wanted to interview one for his thesis.

Surprise the new school year begins with him running into 4 of them at his school. 3 students and 1 teacher.

This is a nice slow pace slice of life show. The characters are nice and likable and it's interesting learning about the different Demis and their everyday problems. We focused mostly on the Vampire girl with the first episode but the Dullahan looks like she's next

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I'm enjoying the manga, and happy to see an anime version. They padded the first episode a bit, but that just made it work better than the first chapter of the manga.

I also tried Spiritpact, which was sort of like Noragami if Yato was the bonded spirit/weapon rather than the boss. Pretty unimpressive so far but I may bother to keep watching.

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Anyone seen any thing about the Little Witch Academia TV run? All I can find is a vague mention that Netflix has the license. Which to my understanding means that there will be no simulcast. I was hoping that someone else had it and we didn't' have to wait till the end of the run to see it.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.

Sadly, this season seems slow to me, what with them splitting the party and introducing so much more of the world.

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atheral wrote:
Anyone seen any thing about the Little Witch Academia TV run? All I can find is a vague mention that Netflix has the license. Which to my understanding means that there will be no simulcast. I was hoping that someone else had it and we didn't' have to wait till the end of the run to see it.

Yeah Netflix has it locked down but people are finding it on the Darkside

there is always the darkside.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.

This season actually saw me picking up a Rooster Teeth account to keep current, I really want to see where this is going to go. I hope for a big "Getting the Band Back Together" episode as a season finale. Though it may take another season to get to they way its going now.

Greylurker wrote:

Yeah Netflix has it locked down but people are finding it on the Darkside

there is always the darkside.

Bummer....as a rule I try to avoid such things but if they insist on being obstinate.... *Reaches for Vader helmet*

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atheral wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.

This season actually saw me picking up a Rooster Teeth account to keep current, I really want to see where this is going to go. I hope for a big "Getting the Band Back Together" episode as a season finale. Though it may take another season to get to they way its going now.

Greylurker wrote:

Yeah Netflix has it locked down but people are finding it on the Darkside

there is always the darkside.

Bummer....as a rule I try to avoid such things but if they insist on being obstinate.... *Reaches for Vader helmet*

this guy.... This guy gets it.

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Greylurker wrote:
plus uniforms are practicle common sense with no fan-service which honestly is kind of nice to see.



Can anyone tell me the name of the anime about a piano player who moves to a new school and becomes friends with an (I think) outcast drummer? I've only seen one scene from it (I'm guessing it's towards the end where they're playing a duet of My Favorite Things) and it intrigued me, being a musician.

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Captain Battletoad wrote:
Can anyone tell me the name of the anime about a piano player who moves to a new school and becomes friends with an (I think) outcast drummer? I've only seen one scene from it (I'm guessing it's towards the end where they're playing a duet of My Favorite Things) and it intrigued me, being a musician.

Kids on the slope

Really nice series

Greylurker wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
Can anyone tell me the name of the anime about a piano player who moves to a new school and becomes friends with an (I think) outcast drummer? I've only seen one scene from it (I'm guessing it's towards the end where they're playing a duet of My Favorite Things) and it intrigued me, being a musician.

Kids on the slope

Really nice series

Ah thanks, I've been meaning to put that on my to-watch list.

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Watched the first bit of Little Witch Academia, it's good in the way all Trigger shows are, and it keeps the feel of it's original. Don't know if I like the fact that they are starting from scratch and are seeming to put the two other entries into AU status, but I guess it makes sense not to assume that everyone has seen those and reintroduce the characters. Looks promising.

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Konosuba is


and it seems last season's Random Teleport of exploding object, did not work out in Kazuma's favor.

Kazuma is
on trial for terrorism.

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I did not expect spoilers for a show I'd just started watching when I clicked on this thread.

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Sundakan wrote:
I did not expect spoilers for a show I'd just started watching when I clicked on this thread.

sorry I thought most people had seen season one by now

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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atheral wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.
This season actually saw me picking up a Rooster Teeth account to keep current, I really want to see where this is going to go. I hope for a big "Getting the Band Back Together" episode as a season finale. Though it may take another season to get to they way its going now.

That would mean less screentime for JNR :(

I know all good things must come to pass, but I've been enjoying our time with Jaune/Nora/Ren.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Petty Alchemy wrote:
atheral wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Blerg. Must keep current on RWBY, not binge watch until 1:30 on a work night.
This season actually saw me picking up a Rooster Teeth account to keep current, I really want to see where this is going to go. I hope for a big "Getting the Band Back Together" episode as a season finale. Though it may take another season to get to they way its going now.

That would mean less screentime for JNR :(

I know all good things must come to pass, but I've been enjoying our time with Jaune/Nora/Ren.

I also like the JNR trio, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are all eventually doomed, based on their namesakes and their eventual fates. Especially since there is now a precedent.

Also I really don't like that they split the party, nothing ever good comes of splitting the party.

Silver Crusade

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That's too pessimistic of an outlook to have. The best thing that comes out of splitting a party is putting it back together again.

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My guess is that anime's got talent is not a stranger to many of you.

There is a guy starting at 1:52 - a dark haired violin player in a white suit.

He appears after Beerus (the breakdancing cat) and the girl in the costume, and immediately before Aang (the Avatar Airbender doing his spinny-air-ball-riding trick).

I've been looking for that anime.

I think he's the same guy here, but I'm uncertain.

Also, my Eldest (five years old) is into violin. Is there any anime you know that is effectively safe for work that features a guy playing the violin? Tall order, I know, and vague.

For example, Black Butler is out (despite two people playing the violin and despite how much my wife and I enjoyed it), because it's not valid for five year olds. :)

Though I'm interested in anything you think I'd like, too.

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Unfortunately I've never seen it, and all a reverse image search pulls up is a guy's avatar from an Iranian virtual music fan site.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The art style is familiar, but I don't recognize the series.

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No idea.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Also, my Eldest (five years old) is into violin. Is there any anime you know that is effectively safe for work that features a guy playing the violin? Tall order, I know, and vague.

For example, Black Butler is out (despite two people playing the violin and despite how much my wife and I enjoyed it), because it's not valid for five year olds. :)

Though I'm interested in anything you think I'd like, too.

There is Brook from One Piece, although he dosen't show up till much later. Show is heavy on Action and can get a bit brutal sometimes but it's mostly fairly cartoony with rubber people and other crazy powers. Brook shows up with the Thriller Bark arc (episode 326) featuring silly Zombies, Ghosts, Dr. Moreau, and Vampire shadow guy who looks like an Onion.

only other one that comes to mind is the Violinist of Hamlin, but that's got monsters.

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One Piece is good for a 5 year old, yeah, but you're basically 2/3 through the series by the time he shows up in the dub.

Also iffy on whether the episodes that have villagers mistaking him for actual Satan and praying to him to save them would go over in Tacticslion's household. I found them hilarious though.

Also in the process of looking for another character, I think I may have found your original request: Nodame Cantabile.

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Oof, that is a stumper, isn't it? Well, all the source series are linked to on the YouTUbe page. The character might be a bit part, in which case there'll be basically no information on them.

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Ah, I was looking at TC's picture. On a second look, that's definitely not the same guy as the video.

After a bit of further research, that guy at 1:52 is Kou, the main character of Arakawa Under The Bridge. That is a scene from episode 6, about 3 minutes in, where he plays the violin in a musical battle against a guy playing a guitar. The guy's head is literally a star.

The actual zoom-in with the violin takes place at 4:05.

Silver Crusade

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1.saga of Tanya the evil
2. Sin Nanatsu no Taizai/7 of Deadly Sins
3.Kakuchou Shoujo Kei Trinary
5.Granblue Fantasy
6.Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul
8.Zero Kara Hajimaru Mahou no Sho
9.Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
11.SAO Ordinal Scale
12.Trinity Seven Movie
13.Hirunehime~Shiranai watashi no Monogatari~
14.Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Magical Nanoha Reflection
15.Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel(Adaptation of the Third Route from the Original FSN VN consisting 3 movie parts, Fate/Extra Last Encore anime also announced along with this plus the end of the year they will give us Fate/Grand Order OVA)

They threw us a new sneak peak at Dragon Ball Super's upcoming Universe Survival arc

Joker as God of Destruction, with Harley Quin Angel attendant


Female Broly

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Tacticslion wrote:

Also, my Eldest (five years old) is into violin. Is there any anime you know that is effectively safe for work that features a guy playing the violin? Tall order, I know, and vague.

You just can't go wrong when you mix up some Ghibli, Violin-playing, and John Denver song covers into one completely sfw moment (dubbed version).

Unless somebody twisted has already decreed all John Denver song covers to be forbidden, that is (subbed version).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sundakan wrote:

Ah, I was looking at TC's picture. On a second look, that's definitely not the same guy as the video.

After a bit of further research, that guy at 1:52 is Kou, the main character of Arakawa Under The Bridge. That is a scene from episode 6, about 3 minutes in, where he plays the violin in a musical battle against a guy playing a guitar. The guy's head is literally a star.

The actual zoom-in with the violin takes place at 4:05.

You guys are all super-awesome! Thank you, Su! That's awesome! XD

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Also, my Eldest (five years old) is into violin. Is there any anime you know that is effectively safe for work that features a guy playing the violin? Tall order, I know, and vague.

You just can't go wrong when you mix up some Ghibli, Violin-playing, and John Denver song covers into one completely sfw moment (dubbed version).

Unless somebody twisted has already decreed all John Denver song covers to be forbidden, that is (subbed version).

Oh my word, Whispers of the Heart is probably my favorite Ghibli film, even though I know it's not exactly their normal fair. I just... I heart it so daggum much...~!

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Crosspost Stravaganza:
Though my computer must be shut down from storms, I will post to keep this in "recent posts" to be able to easily find it again!

Do you ever do similar weird strategies to keep things you might otherwise "lose" in computer tabs or similar?

I'm cheating a bit, by adding this link into this one! Suck that, storm!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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This week's RWBY (V4C10) was very good, in my opinion. Perhaps my favorite episode of the season.

Space Battleship Yamato 2202

I am so ready for this.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Oh my word, Whispers of the Heart is probably my favorite Ghibli film, even though I know it's not exactly their normal fair. I just... I heart it so daggum much...~!

I truly, truly hate that movie.

So many bad memories.

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I have no idea how you even human, bro?

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Tacticslion wrote:



I have no idea how you even human, bro?

I have no idea how you could have liked the film.

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