Qwijoma |
Some great series mentioned here. I started watching anime when it first came over in late 70s and early 80s. So if you don't mind all the bell bottoms:
Star blazers. Aka space battleship yamato. All 3 series are on Netflix. There are 5 movies as well that are similar to series. And recent live action movie is amazing!
Gatchaman. Aka g force or battle of the planets.
Galaxy express 999/captain Harlock
More recently..
Full metal panic. All 3 series are good. Fumofu is hysterical
Basilisk. Romeo and Juliet if families were super powered ninja!
Macross frontier. Newest one. Fantastic animation

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Basilisk. Romeo and Juliet if families were super powered ninja!
Ah, the neverending quarrel of the Iga and Koga. Have you seen the live action movie of it? It's called "Shinobi". Not very accurate, but fun enough.
As always I love the manga over the Anime. Read Y+M too, it's pretty good, same author.

Caineach |

Started watching season 2 of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Season 1 was interesting, though took a little while to pick up. You can tell that its the company's first show, since they didn't get the pacing quite right and they experiment a little early on with animation styles. I was amused by the lack of panty shots or fanservice, considering it is inspired by an h-game. As far as magical girl plots go, its fairly solid, and the world is neat. It picks up once the interdementional police show up because of the transdimentional disturbances.
I think my favorite character is Arf.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Didn't feel like checking to see if it was already mentioned, but Azumanga Daioh is one of my favorite anime shows of all time. Based on the Manga of the same title, Azumanga Daioh is a comedy anime following the exploits of several female high school students (and their teachers).
It's about as cliched a premise as you can have, but the show is so delightfully charming that it far exceeds your expectations. The laughs are good, the animation is good, the character development is great, and the show never feels contrived or OVERLY silly.
I've compared it to Peanuts several times, and I think the comparison holds true. It's the Japanese Peanuts.

QXL99 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Will look for Azumanga on the roku, but I haven't been watching anime since Eden of the East. I'm on a news kick currently; it might blow over shortly, or I may be...*shudder*...growing up.
The trouble with watching too much news:
It's depression/aggravating
There's virtually nothing you can do to solve most of the problems reported on
You end up wasting time fretting over things that don't even directly impact your life.
Watch more anime!

Orthos |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:Will look for Azumanga on the roku, but I haven't been watching anime since Eden of the East. I'm on a news kick currently; it might blow over shortly, or I may be...*shudder*...growing up.The trouble with watching too much news:
It's depression/aggravating
There's virtually nothing you can do to solve most of the problems reported on
You end up wasting time fretting over things that don't even directly impact your life.
Pretty much this. I've found my solution though. Yay apathy!

Tequila Sunrise |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:Will look for Azumanga on the roku, but I haven't been watching anime since Eden of the East. I'm on a news kick currently; it might blow over shortly, or I may be...*shudder*...growing up.The trouble with watching too much news:
It's depression/aggravating
There's virtually nothing you can do to solve most of the problems reported on
You end up wasting time fretting over things that don't even directly impact your life.
Watch more anime!
Haha, this is exactly why I've never watched much news until recently. It just tends to inspire hopelessness. For example:
Last night I learned that Sheldon Adelson, a casino mogul who bribed a Chinese official in order to open two casinos there and then fired several of his subordinates when they pointed out that U.S. law makes bribery illegal even in other countries, is now pouring virtually unlimited funds into the Romney presidential campaign. The implication being that if Romney gets elected, he can install justices who will acquit Adelson when he's finally taken to court over the bribery thing.
Which is f$@@ing scary, because it makes me feel like there's no point in voting because Adelson's donations will win more than enough hearts and minds to compensate for my vote. And that's the beauty of these super PACs -- they win the votes of the ignorant, and inspire apathy in the informed. The only way that we of the American masses lose our power is by giving it up.
So I refuse the total apathy that I've lived with until recently. I'm just one person, but now I've informed you, and anyone reading this. If we of the masses keep each other informed and positive, it doesn't matter how much money Adelson throws around because it can only buy ignorant minds.
But all things in moderation. I'll never give up anime!

VM mercenario |

QXL99 wrote:Pretty much this. I've found my solution though. Yay apathy!Tequila Sunrise wrote:Will look for Azumanga on the roku, but I haven't been watching anime since Eden of the East. I'm on a news kick currently; it might blow over shortly, or I may be...*shudder*...growing up.The trouble with watching too much news:
It's depression/aggravating
There's virtually nothing you can do to solve most of the problems reported on
You end up wasting time fretting over things that don't even directly impact your life.
My solution is getting all my news from comedians. John Stewart adn Bill Maher, mostly.
That the news happens in another country also helps. Like they say 'when it happens to me it's a tragedy, when it happens to others it is comedy".
Freehold DM |

The UC Gundam plot lines made more sense to me. And War in the Pocket is one of the few to feature a strong female lead character who's role isn't to be killed off as a traumatic event for a male lead.
hey, Nina wasn't killed off...but she wasn't strong either. I truly loved Karen from MS08 team, and Kiki as well.

Caineach |

Caineach wrote:I just started watching Legend of Legendary Heroes (yeah, I know, a terrible name). It is awesome. A fantasy series with a strong political bent. 1st episode isn't great, but it picks up very quickly.That anything like Legend of Galactic Heroes?
Never heard of Legend of Galactic Heroes, so I couldn't say. But Legendary Heroes is a fantasy series instead of a space opera

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The movie Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works was awesome. What makes it even more so is the fact that many of the voice actors from the TV series returned to do the movie. Always love it when that happens.
I've also started watching Dream Eater Merry. So far a very surreal series.
After 13 episodes, Deadman Wonderland ended last Saturday. I'm saddened as it was a great series. However, Toonami's picking up Samurai 7 (to replace DW) and Eureka 7 (assuming Casshern Sins will be coming to an end soon).

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Definitely excellent series mentioned so far. Agree with Read or Die and ROD TV and Azumanga Daioh and Cowboy Bebop and Rurouni Kenshin... ^_^
I do enjoy Slayers, obviously. =P Particularly Slayers Next.
Man, I feel old. =P Some other old-timey stuff:
Ranma 1/2 was Viz's first major series hit in the US, and a surprising number of anime clubs were founded with that release.
Marmalade Boy was a relatively popular shoujo series.
Kimagure Orange Road was a relatively popular shonen romantic comedy.
Tenchi Muyo was Pioneer's big series hit (the other being the aforementioned El Hazard). The original OAV series was finally re-released last year after more than a decade. There's also the tv series version Tenchi Muyo Ryo-ohki! and various other versions.
Let's see... other interesting stuff that may not have been mentioned:
Banner of the Stars/Crest of the Stars for some space opera.
Serial Experiments Lain
Dennou Coil (even more fun now that Google Glasses are out!)
Fushigi Yuugi (girl transported to fantasy world)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (one of my wife's all-time favorites)
Natsume's Book of Friends
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (awesome first season, plays with many anime tropes; watch in airing order and avoid the Endless Eight second season if at all possible :P)
Anything by Satoshi Kon or Studio Ghibli (although those are very different experiences. =P)
A really interesting (albeit violent) show is Higuarhi No Naku Koro Ni (When They Cry/When the Cicadas Cry). Unfortunately, the first season is out of print in the US and so now really difficult to pick up, and the second season has yet to be licensed- and you MUST see the second season for the first season to be resolved.
The companion series, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni was just released and is interesting, with two seasons out, but unfortunately only covers about half the story.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

I watch a lot, but I can't find any more interesting that Neon-Genesis (both). I also like a lot of clasics like Akira, Guyver (Both), and Ghost in a Shell. I liked Cowboy Bebop and No Need for Tenchi.
I have sort of fallen out of Anime since I saw Full Moon, Negima, and other horrible Funimation BS. I all of a sudden realized all I was watching what was nothing but under-age fan-service and became rather hyper sensitive to that fact and started avoiding it to the point where I have about stopped watching new anime all together with the exception of Neon-Genesis. I just can relate to Shinji too much.
I like Ultimate Hellsing a lot for right now.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

I've never understood all the love for Neon-Genesis. Or Ghost in the Shell (SAC especially) for that matter.
I did forget Miyazaki, love his as well.
Neon-Genesis was an experience in torment and the testament of the human soul. While it did end badly, it showed that humans were faulable. However the new movie series I think has started winning me over.

Caineach |

I've never understood all the love for Neon-Genesis. Or Ghost in the Shell (SAC especially) for that matter.
Ghost in the Shell is an interesting science fiction series that explores a near future. It is well done. It plays with some themes that I feel are outdated and play off people's fears of technology, but overall it works.
Neon-Genesis is trash. I have no idea why people like it other than it was giant robots fighting and dark, as opposed to all the "for the greater good" themes of other giant robot shows.

Aranna |

Evangelion was trash... but you have to admit it was well animated and had a great theme song and good action scenes. I imagine the horde of fanboys for the show are some of the same people who don't want story in their RPGs. Not that that is wrongbadfun but it isn't the way I like to play.
I LOVE Ghost in the Shell all of it and CAN'T wait for the new series they are making for it right now. But then I did a lot of Cyberpunk GMing and this show is like the game come to life for me. If you want to watch it in proper time line order then they occur as follows:
GitS: SAC 2nd gig
GitS movie
GitS movie 2
GitS OAV Solid State Society
I don't think you could find someone who doesn't like Miyazaki.