Dante_spardanian |
we had some 3.5 campaing... we suddenly switched master then we switched rules too... that caught me offguard... i had a perfect gish duskblade/wiz/spellsword/abjurant champion...
well now that's all in the past... ya can't imagine the number of manuals i had to read before getting exactly what i wanted... i was going to use my spells throught my sword, i don't like the magus only 6 level spells (and the list is just a little better than the one from the warmage...and the warmage SUCK) cleric bab... also the new gm said that multiclassing and prestige classes are not powerful as the core classes... but i have a sorcerer in another campaing in pathfinder... so i really wanted to play a gish...please help

spalding |

First off -- don't panic. I understand the frustration of having to rebuild in mid-stride and not getting exactly what you had back but we can work with you to get you an excellent character with lots of strong options.
I understand that you like specific pieces of the magus -- namely the full attack and spell casting as well as the spell strike ability. I would like to assure you that the magus has no problems hitting and casting if you build with an eye to doing so.
IF you don't want the magus that's fine too -- the eldritch knight is a solid prestige class and there are lots of options to again give you a solid character.
HOWEVER -- before we can really get started we need to know the ground rules:
1. What point buy are you using?
2. Are traits being used?
3. What level are you starting at?
4. What races are allowed?

Wasum |

Well in general there are 3 major options you have.
The Magus, the EK and the DD. Even bards could be an option - but probbably not the best one.
While the EK is the best caster of those, getting up to 9th level, the DD will have stronger defense and Melee-DPR. The Magus is somewhere in between. He depends more on NOVA than the other two builds.
And yes, sure, you can make DD-c-/bl-asters as well or more Melee-focused EK's but what I mentiond is just where the classes shine.
Well, thats just a very, very fluffy overview but yea - would be helpful to get some more information!

Rasmus Wagner |

A Bard or Magus build will get you 3rd level spells and 5 BAB now, 5th level spells and 9 BAB within 6 levels.
A Wizard/Eldritch Knight build will get you 3rd level spells and 4 BAB now, 6th level spells and 10 BAB within 6 levels, but has no built-in attack bonus or gish synergy.
A sorcerer/Dragon Disciple build will get you 3rd level spells and 3 BAB now, 5th level spells and 8 BAB within 6 levels.
All of these are valid options. I like the Magus, and dislike the EK (wizard giving up two levels of casting for better BAB and HP? No thank you).

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Since you are starting at level 7 and you want as high spell level as possible, I would suggest an Eldritch Knight. At high levels you will be both a melee powerhouse and cast high level spells (I am speaking from the experience of seeing a high level EK in action for a long time).
I would suggest a Wizard, probably Universalist for metamagic mastery, which would allow you to apply Still Spell to the Eldritch Knight's Spell Critical ability at level 10, which will help you bypass any arcane spell failure issues from armor (the Arcane Armor Training feats require a swift action, and Spell Critical ALSO requires a swift action, so you can't use both on the same turn. Still spell is thus needed if you don't want to worry about Arcane Spell Failure when casting the spell with Spell Critical).
Alternately you can go sorcerer with the Arcane Bloodline for the similar metamagic abilities for the same effect. The downside to sorcerers is that you have to have more sorcerer levels before taking Eldritch Knight because they don't get 3rd level spells until 6th level, instead of 5, meaning your 7th level character would be a level 1 fighter (or ranger or barbarian or paladin) and a 6th level sorcerer and you would not actually get into EK until your 8th level (whereas with wizard you can actually be at your 1st level of EK when you start playing). The upside to sorcerer is of course the spontaneous spell spam--I GMed someone who played a sorcerer EK and convinced me through example it could be very effective (but the arguments for wizard are also extremely good, so it's up to you).
In either case, you can pick your arcane bond to be a weapon (if you think you'll gain 9-10 more levels in the campaign, I would suggest scimitar or rapier or other single handed weapon that has a high critical chance, to work with Spell Critical when you eventually get there). While there's no mechanical effects that allow you to "cast through your sword" I imagine that's what it looks like with an arcane bonded weapon (plus you can enchant your own weapon, etc.).
If you ARE allowed to use traits (from the back of the Advanced Player's Guide), definitely grab Magical Knack, which boosts your caster level for determining spell effects by 2 (not exceeding hit dice), which will reduce or eliminate caster level loss from the multiclassing/prestiging.
As for your GMs comment about prestige classes and multiclassing--the core prestige classes are all generally more powerful than their 3.x counterparts (the APG prestige classes leave a lot to be desired, but they don't include any gish PrCs among them). Multiclassing can be effective or not, it just depends on how you do it. Multiclassing a caster is always tricky -- that's why you'll see people advising you to do bard or magus instead, despite their 6th level spell cap, because folks don't like the idea of multiclassing a caster -- but it is doable if you are good at picking your spells and don't let your caster level drop too much (a difference of 1-3 or so is not a big deal in my personal experience, despite claims I have seen to the contrary).
Most importantly, play what looks fun to you and good luck.
ETA: Synthesist summoner is a possibility if you are allowed APG and Ultimate Magic, but personally I think summoners are hard to play well and not mess up the eidolon rules, and it's not a class I'd recommend for a newcomer to Pathfinder (even if experienced with 3.x). The fluff is also VERY different from the character you mentioned you were trying to convert. Synthesist summoner is sort of playing the Hulk-as-mage--you transform into a powerful monster to fight.

Dante_spardanian |
g.m. said summoners are not an options cause eidolon are too strong and they do not fight themselves but they prefear let the eidolond do everithing... i see that the sinthesist is different cause he is his eidolon...(but i have to say i like it)
the real question is... there is something in the new or old manuals i did not notice (even a feat) that can be my salvation? i don't care in losing 2 level of my spellcasting class... (but something like the abjurant champion REAALLY could help)
and.... there is not a way to... cast throught my freaking sword... i hate pathfinder for not givin me something like the acane channelig of the duskblade about that... (well a guy said me EK can do it at 10 level... and the magus can do it too... BUT i want something like the wiz/sor spellist... really i do not like the magus spell list...)

Dragonchess Player |

A magus looks like the best fit for what you want to do (mix melee and casting), despite not having the entire sorcerer/wizard spell list. You should look at taking the Spell Blending arcana to add selected sorcerer/wizard spells to your spellbook. Also, the Close Range arcana lets you use ray/ranged touch spells with spellstrike.
An arcane duelist bard can also work, although you don't have as many damaging spells. You will be better at controlling and buffing.
A well-built [barbarian, cavalier, fighter, paladin, or ranger] 2-3/sorcerer 2-3/dragon disciple 4/eldritch knight can be very effective at mixing melee and casting, although you will have to invest in a spell storing weapon to get a spell effect on a weapon strike.
If you are willing to expand the "gish" concept beyond melee, the spellslinger wizard and arcane archer can give you some options on mixing spells with ranged weapon attacks.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

the real question is... there is something in the new or old manuals i did not notice (even a feat) that can be my salvation?
What is it exactly that we have not suggested already that you are still looking for?
and.... there is not a way to... cast throught my freaking sword... i hate pathfinder for not givin me something like the acane channelig of the duskblade about that... (well a guy said me EK can do it at 10 level... and the magus can do it too... BUT i want something like the wiz/sor spellist... really i do not like the magus spell list...)
The only option I think for the effect you are looking for IS magus. (Mind, I don't like the magus either, you are not alone in that. If I want to play a gish I go EK or bard. Now, if you were interested in the magus' other features, I'd still encourage you to use it, but since you've explicitly said you don't like it, and I understand why, I think it's foolish to try to coerce you into playing a class you don't want to.)
The other options I can think of are limited to:
1. The Arcane Strike feat. All this does is allow you to add enhancement bonuses to your weapon, but it's still using your arcane magic to infuse your weapon with power, so it's something.
2. The Eldritch Knight's spell critical ability -- the whole point of that is when you crit hit, you can then cast a spell that combines with the weapon damage. (I think the magus has this ability or similar too.)
3. As I mention, using arcane bond with weapon as the item. It doesn't add a whole lot mechanically, but the way I see it visualizing is you do indeed channel your spell energy through your weapon, so it has the LOOK, if you will, that you want, even if it doesn't give you more spellcasting options. The other nice thing about arcane bond, as I said, is that you can enchant your weapon easily since it's your bonded item.
4. Also not really casting a spell through your sword, but the bard arcane duelist archetype gives you an ability to infuse your weapon of choice with different enchantments as needed. So it's not spellcasting, but you could make your weapon flaming or corrosive or whatever as you like for your needs. But if you don't like being limited to 6 spell levels and not a lot of damaging/direct combat spells, the arcane duelist probably will not look any more attractive than the magus.

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Based on your statements here you might want to first take two levels of Magus to get Martial weapons and Spell Combat/Spellstrike, then switch over to Wizard for 5 levels or Sorcerer for 6 to get 3rd level spells, and then switch to Eldritch Knight.
The Magus 'Spell Combat' and 'Spellstrike' abilities allow you to cast spells while attacking and deliver touch spells through a weapon... but only for spells "on the Magus spell list". You'd want to check with your GM whether they'd rule that includes spells you gained as a Sorcerer or Wizard which are also on the Magus spell list. If so, then you can't cast ALL of your spells with the weapon, but you've got the full assortment of spells and can use many of them while in melee. With wizard you'd eventually be able to get 9th level spells, but can't get a 16+ BAB (four attacks) with this setup. For that you'd need to swap the 2 Magus levels with 2 levels of a full BAB class.

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Based on your statements here you might want to first take two levels of Magus to get Martial weapons and Spell Combat/Spellstrike, then switch over to Wizard for 5 levels or Sorcerer for 6 to get 3rd level spells, and then switch to Eldritch Knight.
The Magus 'Spell Combat' and 'Spellstrike' abilities allow you to cast spells while attacking and deliver touch spells through a weapon... but only for spells "on the Magus spell list". You'd want to check with your GM whether they'd rule that includes spells you gained as a Sorcerer or Wizard which are also on the Magus spell list. If so, then you can't cast ALL of your spells with the weapon, but you've got the full assortment of spells and can use many of them while in melee. With wizard you'd eventually be able to get 9th level spells, but can't get a 16+ BAB (four attacks) with this setup. For that you'd need to swap the 2 Magus levels with 2 levels of a full BAB class.
If you take 3 levels of magus, there is an arcana that allows you to spellstrike other spells not on the list. But I do have to ask, what spells do you want on the Magus list?
Also, the Hexcrafter might be something you like.

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If you take 3 levels of magus, there is an arcana that allows you to spellstrike other spells not on the list.
Broad Study... but it can't be taken until 6th level. That's a bit too high a level to then be able to switch over to Wizard and then Eldritch Knight... both spellcasting and combat abilities would be nerfed. Otherwise 'broad study' would be perfect for this.

Dante_spardanian |
so... with 3 magus level can i get what i want? but... when i asked the master about combining magus and wizard then go eldritch knight he strongly disagreed... then said that the pure classes are much much better than multiclassing and prestige classes and warning me about losing some stuff of my fauvored class... is he afraid of something?
i do not mind in not having 4 attaks... 3 will be fine... and... usually if i'm forced to go melee in the place of our paladin i'd cast some buff on me (tenser transformation when the enemy is immune to magic)
i'm really interested in that trait that raises the level of my spellcasting class (look like a little bit like the spellcasting prodigy feat i had with the other char)
if i'm gonna use the EK crit ability i have to choose my weapone carefully (cause i HAVE TO CRIT every DAMN time) ...then apply on that a feat to get easier crits
so i could do magus3/wiz5/EK10/??? but like so i've lost 4 spelcasting levels... dunno if the trait u suggested could get me 9th level spells (the feat spellcasting prodigy could not)
or i could FIGHTER1/wiz5/EK10/??? in this way i lose only 2 level of spellcasting
either way... what do i do when i'm done with the EK? maybe the wiz it's the best answer... dunno

Rasmus Wagner |

so... with 3 magus level can i get what i want? but... when i asked the master about combining magus and wizard then go eldritch knight he strongly disagreed... then said that the pure classes are much much better than multiclassing and prestige classes and warning me about losing some stuff of my fauvored class... is he afraid of something?
No, there's no secret stash of good stuff that he's conspiring with us to keep a secret from you.
i do not mind in not having 4 attaks... 3 will be fine... and... usually if i'm forced to go melee in the place of our paladin i'd cast some buff on me (tenser transformation when the enemy is immune to magic)if i'm gonna use the EK crit ability i have to choose my weapone carefully (cause i HAVE TO CRIT every DAMN time) ...then apply on that a feat to get easier crits
4th attack is a concern somewhere in the level 16-20 range. Tensers Transformation would be an option at level 13 at the very earliest for a gish. Eldritch Knight crit ability comes online at level 16 at the earliest.
It reads like you're suffering from the dread affliction "20itis". You're gonna start at level 7, right? That means your character needs to work at level 7.
i'm really interested in that trait that raises the level of my spellcasting class (look like a little bit like the spellcasting prodigy feat i had with the other char)so i could do magus3/wiz5/EK10/??? but like so i've lost 4 spelcasting levels... dunno if the trait u suggested could get me 9th level spells (the feat spellcasting prodigy could not)
Spellcasting Prodigy is +2 to casting stat. You might be thinking of Practised Spellcaster, which is +4 to offset lost caster levels. There's a trait in PF for +2 caster levels, but CL usually isn't the end of the world for gishes.
or i could FIGHTER1/wiz5/EK10/??? in this way i lose only 2 level of spellcastingeither way... what do i do when i'm done with the EK? maybe the wiz it's the best answer... dunno
DREAD 20ITIS! Initiate quarantine measures!
(Also, please smoke less weed before posting, it's hard to extract meaning from your stream-of-consciousness).

Zoddy |

Well everything you want is in Magus. Only reason why you don't want to play magus is cause of his spell list ? Spell Blending lets you add spell. You are starting at 7th, that means you can choose Spell Blending already twice and choose to add at 3rd level one 1st level spell (better take something else) or at 6th level 2 spells of 1st level, or one of 2nd, (still not advised) adding some spells you want that Magus don't have to his spell list. You can than do this again on 9th (This time its ok, with two 2nd level spells) and then at 12th (2x 3rd level spells), etc. Practically in your spell list you can have what ever you desire from wiz/sorc list, it just costs extra. Dunno whats not to like, in my gaming group, Magus, Inquisitor and Summoner are trio of brokenness.

Dante_spardanian |
(Also, please smoke less weed before posting, it's hard to extract meaning from your stream-of-consciousness).
first thread i post... already got someone like you. i must be lucky.
well if it's so hard to read... do not read and please... do not reply, still i will smoke whatever i want to smoke and you cannot do anything about it!
for everyone else i really appreaciate the help... i think i can do something...
for now the best choice to me looks like the EK with an elven scimitar (dunno the real name... cause i got the italian manual... yep... i'm italian)
Thanks everyone

Von Marshal |

Granted the magus is a nova class. The only spell limitation I can see you having is damage (energy type). Don't let the spell levels fool you the Magus can do just as much damage as a wizard. Spells that are not combate related are lacking tho.
To fix the damage type look at the feat elemental spell.
Look into your advanced players guid and look at the traits section and convince your dm to give you the standard two traits.
Out of the traits(if its a homebrew) take Magical Lineage(if energy type is the problem),Magical Knack(if crossclassing is the problem), or Gifted Adept (if power is the problem); you can only take one sorry.
I chose deft dodger as my other trait.
ASSUMING damage type and power are your problems I'll give you the min/max build I use in some games I play where there are those that focus on "i'm better than you". Keep in mind it has flaws. You can figure them out tho and play to the builds strengths.
() = feat [] = magus arcana <> = sorcerer bloodline arcana
trait #1 Gifteded Adept +1 caster level (shocking grasp)
Trait#2 deft dodger +1 reflex saves
level 1 magus {weapons and armor / martial and light}
level 1 magus {arcane pool}
level 1 magus {cantrips}
level 1 magus {spell combate}
human() Spell Focus (Evocation) +1dc
level 1() Spell Specialization (shocking grasp) +2Caster levels for spell
SG 4d6
level 1 sorcerer character level 2 Cross and Wild Blooded
Blood Lines Draconic (linnorm)((bronze)) and Elemental (primal)((air))
gain perception as a class skill
sorcerer {cantrips}
sorcerer {eschew materials}
level 1 sorcerer<> (linnorm) gain spell level cast (with the electric discriptor) in Natural Armor Bonus for 1d4 rounds
level 1 sorcerer<> (primal) +1 damage per damage die for spells with the electric discriptor
level 1 sorcerer {bloodline power} ray rta 1d6 electric damage 3+chr mod per day
SG 4d6+4
{spell strike}
level 3() Weapons Finesse (use dex for melee attacks)
SG 5d6+5
level 4 magus 3[] arcane accuracy (1ap= +int mod to attack rolls one round)
SG 5d6+5
level 5 magus 4 {spell recall}
level 5() intisify spell (meta +1 spell level, additional spell die per level)
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 8d6+8(intisifyed)
level 6 magus 5()bns Elemental Spell ( meta +1 spell level,
half or whole change out enery type(acid))
(only change half the damage
so the +3 against metal still makes since and
you still get sorc benifits)
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 9d6+9
level 7 magus 6[] Enduring Blade (2ap=enchant for min per level)
level 7() Weapon Focus (+1 att with rapier)
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 10d6+10
level 8 magus 7 {knowledge pool}
level 8 magus 7 {medium armor}********
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 VT 3d6(vampiric touch)
(must have spell storeing for VT)
level 9 magus 8 {imporoved spell combate}
level 9() Spell Focus (necromancy)(change spell specialization to Vampiric Touch)
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 VT 5d6
level 10 magus 9[] accurate strike (2ap= melee now touch ac for one round)
SG 5d6+5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 VT 5d6
level 11 magus 10 {fighter training}
level 11() Empowered Spell (meta +2 spell level, add half again as many damage dice)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 6d6
level 12 magus 11()bns Heighten Spell (add levels to spells)
level 12 magus 11 {imporved spell recall}
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 6d6
level 13 magus 12[] Hasten assault (ap = haste for int rounds) MAXIMIZED MAGIC
level 13() Prefered Spell (Shocking Grasp) (as good cleric heal spells)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 7d6
level 14 magus 13 {heavy armor}
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 7d6
level 15 magus 14 {greater spell combate}
level 15() Spell Perfection (free meta for Shocking Grasp)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 8d6
level 16 magus 15[] bane blade (+1ap when enchanting blade and bane ability)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 8d6
level 17 magus 16{counter strike}
level 17() Quicken Spell (+4 slvl)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 9d6
level 18 magus 17()bnsWeapon Specialization (+2 damage rapier)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 9d6
level 19 magus 18[] Quicken spell (1 per day)
level 19()Combate Expertise (-3att,+3dodge)
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 10d6
level 20 magus 19 {greater spell access}
SG 5d6=5 / (i)SG 10d6+10 / (i)(e)SG 15d6+15 VT 9d6
must have magic iteam (+1rapier of spell storeing) asap
must have spells (sheild, shocking grasp, mirrior image, vampiric touch)
sorcerer spells ( 0 level= resistance, mend, message; 1 level= True Strike (one use per day))

Crysknife |

Ahah, sucks to be you! There is nothing in pathfinder like the wraithstrike, power attacks and bites of werewhatever from 3.5. That said, it's probably a good thing.
Being the only caster of your group, I suggest going for EK. The problem of DD and magus is not their low spells per day but rather the restricted list of spells known (DD) or the restricted list from which to choose (magus).

Wasum |

Rasmus Wagner wrote:(Also, please smoke less weed before posting, it's hard to extract meaning from your stream-of-consciousness).first thread i post... already got someone like you. i must be lucky.
I dont think ge meant to offend you or something - actually he gave some good answers to your questions. Its really not that easy to get what exactly you're looking for.
Especially because you do not answer questions people asked in order to help you.What you discribed in your first post is actually what a magus gives to you. You have many options to get spells from the wiz/sorc list to the magus-list as well. So what iswrong with the magus? If we knew that we could go on thinking what could fit - but its hard without knowing why you dont like certain (and obvious) ideas.

Dante_spardanian |
I dont think ge meant to offend you or something - actually he gave some good answers to your questions. Its really not that easy to get what exactly you're looking for.
Especially because you do not answer questions people asked in order to help you.
nah... it's not the first time i see something like that... let's just drop it
i'm trying to reach my gm by facebook so i could answer your questiosn... sadly it's been two days since i've contacted him. by now i think i'll be able to ask him the day of the game!
i'm sorry but. about the questions i'm really unable to answer... but i'm really grateful for the help, i mean it!!
i'm sorry for the leak of information and all.