Welcome to all the new folks

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The Kickstarter project has brought a lot of new faces and voices to the conversation and I want to extend a warm welcome.

If you don't already have it bookmarked, here's a link to the Goblinworks Blog, which posts new entries every other Wednesday.

I, for one, promise to be patient as you add your voices to conversations that, to many of us, will feel like they've been beaten to death already. I've been active on the forums for some time now, and have a pretty good memory, so I'll be happy to provide links to relevant prior discussions, and to any official statements I remember which might answer your questions.

Here is a list of some* of the formally announced Chartered Companies**:

And here is a more general thread in which some others may have announced intentions to form Chartered Companies: What kind of Company are you looking for?.

* - There have been other announcements, but those threads have been moved to the archives due to inactivity.
** - Chartered Companies are the Guilds you're familiar with from other games.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the warm welcome, its good to be here. Hopefully our input will be less of beating a dead horse, and more of a fresh take on old subjects (though I doubt it :P).

Paizo Employee CEO

A warm welcome to all the new folks! Ryan, Mark, Vic, myself and the rest of the team read these forums religiously. Feedback between Goblinworks and you guys is the key premise of our business plan. We plan to make Pathfinder Online in a very open environment where we are constantly showing you what we are doing and then listening to feedback and iterating from there. I think it is going to be fascinating and am looking forward to getting this ball rolling!

So, once again, welcome! Settle in for the ride and get involved in the process of making an MMO!


Goblin Squad Member

Good post idea Nihimon!

Thanks for the inclusion. :D

And, indeed, welcome to all. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I'd ask you to post the name of my actual company, but then I remembered that's insider only info.

Welcome everyone! And watch you back ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Blaeringr wrote:

I'd ask you to post the name of my actual company, but then I remembered that's insider only info.

Welcome everyone! And watch you back ;)

So sneaky!

Goblin Squad Member

BlackUhuru wrote:
Blaeringr wrote:

I'd ask you to post the name of my actual company, but then I remembered that's insider only info.

Welcome everyone! And watch you back ;)

So sneaky!

Like a billingual ballerina capuchcin monkey ninja of DEATH!! He speaks mandarin and offwhityahead.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the welcome. I've been kinda lurky since the initial announcement but figured if I'm committed enough to use Kickstarter then I should probably be a little more involved on the forums :D

Anyway, love the direction things are headed via the blogs. Keep it going!

Goblin Squad Member

Maybe it's the Abbey ale, maybe it's the moonlight, but I'm feeling warm all over.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Maybe it's the Abbey ale, maybe it's the moonlight, but I'm feeling warm all over.

It's the beer braised pork belly and the pungent yet sweet smell of Fusils SaltLik Blue!!

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings all!

It's great to be here. I just started posting recently, but I've been following PF Online since it was announced and have been playing DnD (1, 2, 3, 3.5, PF...and, ugh, tried 4 for 2 months) for 30 years now. I look forward to being in and contributing to a great community.

Goblin Squad Member

Hello everyone, this seems like a wonderful community and I am truly glad I stumbled upon Goblinworks and Pathfinder Online. I began D8D with 3.5, moved onto pathfinder (with a brief period of 4th edition [And then a brief period of chemical decontamination.]) I look forward to seeing how this game progresses, considering its amazing potential.

Goblinworks Founder

Yes welcome to the new people, pull up a chair and enjoy some brew with the rest of us.

I like that so far everyone here has different avatar icons. Makes it easier to recognize everyone :).

Goblin Squad Member

Brady Blankemeyer wrote:
I like that so far everyone here has different avatar icons. Makes it easier to recognize everyone :).

That's it... I'm stealing your avatar.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Had to join up ... was tired of watching from the sidelines.

Goblinworks Founder

You will be my archenemy then Nihimon... the evil twin!

Goblinworks Founder

Hello BraxtheSage :)

Been following PF/Golarion for some time, but haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet. However, this new venture interests me GREATLY - I have been praying for something along these lines for about 15 years now.

I plan to sign-on - this is a very important thing you are doing. Have you any idea how important this will be for people with disabilities? Not everyone can travel to find a game - this is a godsend.

Paizo, thank you for inviting us into your home.

Goblin Squad Member

Wewt. I'm in teh Goblin squad :P

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

Kryzbyn wrote:
Wewt. I'm in teh Goblin squad :P

Welcome, Goblin Squad brother!

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Hrm. I wonder about the possibility of a Kobold Squad....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The most helpful thing you guys could do for new posters would be to make a sticky thread and link all the blog threads in it.

Goblin Squad Member

Whether or not I'm on the Goblin Squad is privileged information.


Oh, and just a little clarification: Tony's isn't recruiting. If you express interest in totally LEGitimate BREAdmaKING, then I may quietly pass on a suggestion or two, but Tony's is strictly a family business.

Goblin Squad Member

Sometimes, I feel like a newb around here as there are times when I'll be a few weeks between forum posts.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member


I've been lurking for quite some time, but with the announcement of the kickstarter demo I felt it was time I joined the fray. I'm excited to be part of the Goblin Squad, and hope to be a good addition to the community.

Goblin Squad Member

Hrm... maybe I should have bumped this thread as soon as the new Kickstarter was announced.

For a more up-to-date list of Chartered Companies (Guilds), check out Gregg Reece's Chartered Companies List thread.

Goblin Squad Member

Good bump! Yeap, probably should've bumped this sooner, but live and learn =) Welcome everyone!!

I encourage everyone to check out the blogs, they have a ton of great info and they quite interesting.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome all.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to post a link to Valkenr thread The Blog Posts Everyone Should Read. It may help newcomers read and reference the blogs on Goblinworks.

Goblin Squad Member


Thank you for the welcome.. I know it's not always easy opening the doors to new folks so I much appreciate it..

Just a bit about me..

sorry to say I haven't played pathfinder (I'm an old D&D gal) but have heard much about it and keep threatening to crash the local group.. I am an avid MMO player.. my name should be MMOJunkie.. I've been play them for some 11/12 years most currently GW2 like most others..

I'm so often disappointed... how many times are we promised a sandbox yet land in a themepark.. <sigh>

It's my hope that PO (hhm you do know that's what you'll be called.. right?) coming from a company that has already created a sandbox with pnp that we'll have a better chance to see that translated into an MMO.. at any rate I'm excited to be a part of it...


Goblin Squad Member

MMOWarrior wrote:
Thank you for the welcome.

Glad to make your acquaintance. I may not always succeed, but it is my sincere desire to be friendly and informative.

MMOWarrior wrote:
PO (hhm you do know tha's what you'll be called.. right?)

I've been calling it PFO, just like Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is consistently abbreviated as PFRPG.

Hi all. I'm a longtime table top Pathfinder player as well as D&D going way back, and have played various MMORPGs going back to Asheron's Call and various others since then. I'm really looking forward to joining in the conversation and can't wait to see what lies ahead. I've backed the kickstarter and can't wait to be able to log in during the first month of beta. Here's to a long and exciting future of some awesome gaming.

Goblin Squad Member

*cough*Shadow-Haven *cough*

If I'm too subtle I'm hinting that it would be nice to add the wonderful Shadow-Haven to your list of chartered companies.

Welcome to the newbies. I too am a PFRPG virgin. Never played it, don't own any books, but very impressed with what I've seen so far.

Goblin Squad Member

@Ravening, I just sent Gregg Reece a PM asking him to add Shadow Haven to the list. I expect we'll probably see him in the forums a bit too since a lot has happened since he's been active.

Goblin Squad Member

Looking forward to exploring the game with everyone :)

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

1st post, Truly looking forward to the PFO, I did my part on Kickstarter, Thanks for the welcoming post to this community.

Goblin Squad Member

New here, first post and all. When I first found out about pathfinder online all of two days ago I decided to back it :). This is exactly what I've been looking for. Figure I'll start early with the community for once and say hello to everyone. Heres to the adventures ahead!

Goblin Squad Member

Not sure why it was not listed, but the Pax Gaming Community is also recruiting for Pathfinder Online.

The Kingdom of Aeternum Recruitment Thread


Goblin Squad Member

This is what happens when I don't pay attention to post dates.

./initiate innocent whistle protocol

Goblin Squad Member

LOL @Dak :)

I did make sure that The Kingdom of Aeternum (Pax Gaming) is indeed listed in Gregg Reece's Chartered Companies List.

I would recommend we start using that thread to say hello and to welcome new players to the community since I can't go back and update the list in this thread.

Goblin Squad Member

I've created a list that can be expanded to include different types of information, and that will hopefully serve as a one-stop launching point when new people join the community.

Pathfinder Online - Community Information

Goblin Squad Member

Hey Guys,

Nice thread, friendly place you have here. :-)

Looking forward to joining up with the Goblin Squad!


Ah ha... just the sort of thread I was looking for. Thanks!

Hello all, brand new to Pathfinder. Looking forward to figuring this out and getting to know everyone!

Nihimon wrote:

I've created a list that can be expanded to include different types of information, and that will hopefully serve as a one-stop launching point when new people join the community.

Pathfinder Online - Community Information

I wonder, Can we get a sticky post for links such as this?

Goblin Squad Member

cattu wrote:
Can we get a sticky post for links such as this?

While I certainly wouldn't mind if they did, I don't think it'll be a problem if they don't. Whenever there's a good likelihood of seeing a jump in forum activity - or shortly afterwards if I don't see it coming - I'll try to write up a nice Community Greeting that welcomes all the new folks and link the Guild Recruitment and Helpful Links stuff.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, though :)

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