Tulrin Endessell

Eleder's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Both of mine are taken.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Looking for two shieldmates. I have all the dailies. PM me.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Darkrunner wrote:

I've been keeping fairly quiet on this one, but I want to throw in my two cents: So, aside from immersion breaking - which has been thoroughly covered - a memory I have was that I was once in a party that consisted of (and I don't remember the exact names, its been a couple years) Arthur Strongbow, Drizzt something-or-other, bob jones, and imabarbarian. It was immediately obvious in under 5 minutes exactly who was playing the game seriously, and who was not.

A player who is too lazy to take 30 seconds and come up with a serious name, or at least capitalize it properly, isn't terribly likely to play it seriously for the rest of the time either. In almost every game I have played, the people who put effort into everything - including the character - are the ones who I enjoyed playing with.
imabarbarian was playing the world mostly for a "openworld halo match" and spammed the chatbox with "lol"

In short, throw me in with the elitists wholeheartedly, but if we need to exclude some people because they can't bother to come up with a serious name, we probably didn't want them in the game in the first place.

I was going to reply, but this sums up exactly what I was going to say, so....


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

LotRO has something like this. You pick the region you are from, and the game gives you a range of cosmetic choices appropriate to the area, as well as some examples of names.

While LotRO makes no mechanical distinction between regions, I think a different mix of minor racial traits, by region, would be a good addition to character creation.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I have never really liked PvP either, though it's mainly because of griefing. I'm hoping they will try to reduce/minimize it. Either way, I'm going to play. The potential of this game is too great for me to pass up. I can learn to deal with PVP.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Let's not forget. There will be some theme park content in PFO at the start, and they plan to add more as they go, though it will remain largely a sandbox style game.

Quote from the first blog, A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step. https://goblinworks.com/blog/

"Focusing on the sandbox doesn't just save time and money, though—we think it's an ideal way to explore the Pathfinder world. In a sense, Paizo's own Pathfinder lines actually combine sandbox elements (by way of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line) with theme park elements (via the Pathfinder Adventure Path and Pathfinder Module lines). Though the sandbox will be our initial focus, the Pathfinder brand is known for great stories and adventures, and over time, we'll add lots of opportunities for theme-park style adventure into the fabric of the world to give depth and richness to the Pathfinder Online experience."

Only time will tell whether it will be enough for those that like theme park content, like Shifty.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

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dbass wrote:

1. Watery Grave

2. Clockwork Crux
3. Final Exam


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

You guys probably aren't used to them on this forum, but I smell a Troll. With a particularly strong carrion stench. Just throw some dirt over it, and walk away.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member


I've been lurking for quite some time, but with the announcement of the kickstarter demo I felt it was time I joined the fray. I'm excited to be part of the Goblin Squad, and hope to be a good addition to the community.