The_Scourge |
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A couple friends are putting together a big 4 part Pathfinder game this summer. 4 "modules" one each at levels 4, 8, 16, and 20.
I'm no stranger to Pathfinder but I want to give myself a challange. I'm looking to see if I can make a Tetori monk work through all four modules.
I'm thinking a Pro-Wrestler style personalty for him, a kind of cross between Zangief and that red haired guy from Jackie Chan Adventures. A-la Los Tiburon, I shall grapple ALL THE THINGS.
Here's my feat progression so far broken up by each round, let me know what you think/how I can improve/why this is a dumb idea etc.
Round 1
1: [blank]
B1: Improved Grapple
B2: Stunning Pin
3:Snapping Turtle Clutch
Round 2
B6: Greater Grapple
7: Jawbreaker
Round 3
B10: Pinning Knockout
11: Bonebreaker
Round 4 and five are open as far as feats go. The one thing I'm really concerned about is the few occasions where I'll be unable to grapple. How do I keep him useful in these situations?
Theoretical Grapple numbers are looking like this:
Level 8: +23=8(level)+6(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+1(amulet of MF) +4(grab)
Level 12: +29=12(level)+7(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+2(amulet of MF) +4(grab)
Level 16: +36=16(level)+9(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+3(amulet of MF) +4(grab)
Level 20: +45=20(level)+12(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+5(amulet of MF) +4(grab)
An additional floating +6 can be factored in from a few spells that add to grapple cmb.
Pathfinder Core Material is allowed [Core, APG, UC, and UM] Tetori archetype is here
This has been stumping me for a while, I hope you guys and gals can see something I've overlooked.

Raje |
First of all, it's not a dumb idea. But I personally don't really have much experience with grappling at higher levels, so you'll find out how effective it actually is.
Round 1 build: not too much to say, it's not like you can get the good grappling things either way.
Round 2 build: Don't bother with Jawbreaker, it's not really good, and you get Chokehold at a later point and better uses for Stunning Fist attempts. I'm not too sure how Combat Reflexes will become handy either. In what way are you planning on getting multiple AOOs?
Round 3 build: Not worth it with Bonebreaker either (it's only Neckbreaker which is good in that feat chain, and you get that as a bonus feat later). I'd probably pick up Sleeper Hold (not a part of Core, but if you can you should consider it, there's not many good grappling feats really) instead. Body Shield is probably a better choice also as it's one potential way to increase your damage per round.
For damage when you can't grapple I'm not too sure. Vital Strike? Tiger Claws? Not too many options due to no Flurry. If you got enough int you could pick up Combat Expertise, Improved Trip and such feats - rather feat intensive though.
Get abilities on your amulet, not flat bonus. Get a permanent Greater Magic Fang cast on you instead for that. Much cheaper (unless you plan on getting dispelled a lot and have to get a new one), and holy and stuff is better and more damage.
For your lvl 16 or lvl 20 round you might want to get the Final Embrace chain of feats for extra damage when you're doing constrict during grapples.

The_Scourge |

I want options for takedowns in each round. Jawbreaker works great as a wizard incapacitator early on or if I need to stop their casting and move on to juicier targets or stop them from casting some Verbal only spells (Blasphemey et. al. and Disjunction being two of the biggest jerk moves). And while neckbreaker is great I'm only getting that for the final round. I'd rather take bonebreaker and be able to do some ability damage in round 3 and 4.
Combat reflexes is mostly for making attacks of opportunity against the creatures I'm grappling. Tetori can still make AoOs in grapples and anyone without greater grapple who makes a grapple check (including one to escape) will provoke. But chances are they won't be doing that more than once per turn except in fringe cases. I could be persuaded to swap it for something else.
Sleeper Hold is nifty, but out since it's not core. Body shield is pretty sweet though, I overlooked it for some reason.
The Final Embrace chain is actually not that useful and would take moare feats than available. Tetori gets constrict at 15, and I'd need to take ability focus (constrict) which doesn't actually do anything.
Thanks for the advice though, it's got some wheels turning, keep it coming.
I thoughtabout something like that but there are just to many win-switches against grapples at higher levels that no one except Tetori can get around (DD, FoM, Polymorphing etc.)

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Combat reflexes is mostly for making attacks of opportunity against the creatures I'm grappling. Tetori can still make AoOs in grapples and anyone without greater grapple who makes a grapple check (including one to escape) will provoke.
Bruno rolled bad on initiative and only now can reply. Stupid dice no like Bruno.
Tetori can not make AOO on creature trying to escape Tetori's tender and gentle embrace.
If you are grappled, you can attempt to break the grapple as a standard action by making a combat maneuver check (DC equal to your opponent's CMD; this does not provoke an attack of opportunity) or Escape Artist check (with a DC equal to your opponent's CMD). If you succeed, you break the grapple and can act normally.
Counter-Grapple (Ex)
At 4th level, a tetori wrestler may make an attack of opportunity against a creature attempting to grapple him....
While awesome tetori do get ability to make AOOs they do not get opportunity to make AOO on silly monster breaking/escaping grapple attempt. Improved or Greater Grapple no state otherwise. RAW Bruno say you only get AOO on creature trying to grapple you via the combat maneuver.

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AoO with Turtle style allows you to grapple as an AoO with a -2 penalty to the roll... as an immediate action. Also, grab ability to grapple on an AoO.
*Playing a 16th level tetori*
Initiating grapple normally standard action and that not allowed on an AoO.
Improved Turtle Clutch allows Bruno to take immediate action to start grapple after stupid monster miss melee attack on Bruno. Improved Turtle Clutch not benefit from Combat Reflexes as it not AoO.
(However, if smart Tetori with ranks in acrobatics go total defense in front of stupid bad guy, then smart Tetori get +6 AC, make stupid bad guy miss and you get immediate action to grapple because while total defense prevents AoO, it no stop immediate actions like turtle clutching!)
Grab is a free action that allows you to start a grapple after a successful melee strike. Bruno agree with you that this benefits from Combat Reflexes because if you hit stupid monster with fist on an AoO, then you can go for a grab. So, more AoOs equals more chances to squeeze stupid weak wizard magicking your face off.

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Improved Turtle Clutch allows Bruno to take immediate action to start grapple after stupid monster miss melee attack on Bruno. Improved Turtle Clutch not benefit from Combat Reflexes as it not AoO.
Durr, indeed. Intelligence was (how strange !) my dump stat.
In any way, you wouldn't have benefited from Combat Reflexes since even if you had to use an AoO, you only get one immediate action per round.