Disappointed In Gen Con

Local Play

The Exchange

I'm looking through the event catalog, and there is only one 7-11 adventure...and the special is only level 1-5?

I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping for them to perhaps push the level cap up with the new convention mods...but I don't follow this website/forum hardly at all. Is there no plans to increase the level cap from 12?

Is anyone else disappointed that everything on the gencon schedule is low to mid level?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'm running both "King of Storval Stairs" and "Portal of the Sacred Rune" Both of them are for Tier 7-11.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

I'm hoping to get into the 7-11 scenarios and use my Cleric in the Special. There aren't very many tickets available for the 7-11 scenarios, so I hope I can get them.

The Exchange

For whatever reason I missed the 4-04 (king) on the list. I did see Portal, which was the one I referenced.

I'll probably try to get 4-04 inas well then, thanks.

But still...the special is only 1-5. =(

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tayosis wrote:
But still...the special is only 1-5. =(

That is incorrect.

Here is the Special, as you can see the levels are 1–12+.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Tayosis wrote:

For whatever reason I missed the 4-04 (king) on the list. I did see Portal, which was the one I referenced.

I'll probably try to get 4-04 inas well then, thanks.

But still...the special is only 1-5. =(

The special is actually 1-12+....

Grand Lodge 4/5

Natertot wrote:
Tayosis wrote:

For whatever reason I missed the 4-04 (king) on the list. I did see Portal, which was the one I referenced.

I'll probably try to get 4-04 inas well then, thanks.

But still...the special is only 1-5. =(

The special is actually 1-12+....

Dragonmoon = Ninja



I can assure you that the Special event is designed for levels 1 to 12 and beyond. BEEEEEYOND!


*chuckles softly, imagining a party of level 5 PCs playing the highest sub-tier*


1) The 7-11 tables usually only fill at about 60%, so the number of tables/tickets offered were reduced to allow more tables of the scenarios that tend to completely sell out. Nobody wants to turn away players.
2) There are no multi-part scenarios offered at Gen Con this year. This is mostly because they're a pain to schedule, but also because some of the new ones offer special boons for playing them in sequence. Unfortunately for the 7-11's out there, some of the newest 7-11's are multi-parters.
3) Play in the Special at tier 10-11 if you can. The top 3 tables of each tier get invited to Part 2 on Saturday. Historically the number of 10-11 tables has been really low and the odds of making it to Part 2 will be greater than any other tier (except 12+).

The Exchange

Thank you all. I appreciate the info and the tips.

Dark Archive 2/5

Last year at Gen Con, there were a lot of unfilled 7-11 scenarios and evne a few 7-11 tables that needed 5 level 7 pre-gens so people can play. It was also difficult to get into a low level game due to the number of players and lack of low level tables.

So Paizo is responding to that.

The special is 1-12+


Did GenCon game lists go up? Did I miss sign up already? I would have thought I would have caught the massive forum postings about that.

2/5 *

Tayosis wrote:
Is anyone else disappointed that everything on the gencon schedule is low to mid level?

It's definitely a change from prior years. In prior years, there were too many games in tier 5-9 and 7-11 range, and these were the only tables that weren't 100% booked. A lot of pregens (with new players) were used at these tables. It wasn't ideal.

Now it seems like it's gone to the opposite extreme. There are several 5-9 tables but limited 7-11 tables. I understand why they're doing it however, to introduce new players to the game (lots of tables for beginners box, child tables, etc), and to also limit the amount of scenarios that are GMed (which is a good thing for everyone imo).

I'd probably complain too if I planned on levelling a 10+ PC, but there's so much to do at Gencon, it's hard to complain.

Hopefully every year they'll have a few tables of Eyes of the Ten.

Grand Lodge 4/5

There are actually 3 scenarios in the Tier 7-11 range. Those are:

#3-17: Red Harvest
#3-26: Postral of the Sacred Rune
#4-04: King of the Storval Stairs

In addition, the Special Parts 1 and 2 are for Tier 1-12+. So, if you advance to the second round of the special, there are 5 play opportunities for Level 10+ PCs.

I'm not sure why you thought the Special was Tier 1-5. I just checked the Gen Con site and found the Special is listed as 1-12+.

Dark Archive 2/5

There was a really crazy instance of 6 players at the Flesh Collector. 1 player had a real character. The other 5 were all using level 7 pre-gens. 2 of those 5 was with their boyfriends and was disinterested in the game. My friend with the real character also died because PFS could not afford to turn away people interested in the game and interested in playing.

Hopefully there will be less of that this year.

Dark Archive 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:

There are actually 3 scenarios in the Tier 7-11 range. Those are:

#3-17: Red Harvest
#3-26: Postral of the Sacred Rune
#4-04: King of the Storval Stairs

In addition, the Special Parts 1 and 2 are for Tier 1-12+. So, if you advance to the second round of the special, there are 5 play opportunities for Level 10+ PCs.

I'm not sure why you thought the Special was Tier 1-5. I just checked the Gen Con site and found the Special HERE and it is listed as 1-12+.

Damn I already played Red Harvest!

I'll make a mental note to have my low levels ready for Gen Con.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Bruce Chung wrote:
Did GenCon game lists go up? Did I miss sign up already? I would have thought I would have caught the massive forum postings about that.

Gen Con sent a mailing to registrants yesterday, including the following:

gen con wrote:

The Gen Con Indy 2012 Event Catalog is live!

Please take the next two weeks to review and begin planning your 2012 event schedule. You will be able to register for events beginning on Sunday, May 20 at noon eastern time, provided you have purchased your 2012 Gen Con Badge.

You can find event listings at registration.gencon.com. To view the listings, you will need to log into your Gen Con account, and click the “Find Events” link in the left navigation pane. From there, you can browse events by type, day, group, and more.

Additionally, you may review the schedule online at www.gencon.com at a link that will appear under the “Attend” menu. From “Attend,” you can mouse to “Events,” then click on “Event Catalog.”

Finally to download the spreadsheet version of the catalog, you can to the Community downloads page.

Dark Archive 2/5

Vic Wertz wrote:
Bruce Chung wrote:
Did GenCon game lists go up? Did I miss sign up already? I would have thought I would have caught the massive forum postings about that.

Gen Con sent a mailing to registrants yesterday, including the following:

gen con wrote:

The Gen Con Indy 2012 Event Catalog is live!

Please take the next two weeks to review and begin planning your 2012 event schedule. You will be able to register for events beginning on Sunday, May 20 at noon eastern time, provided you have purchased your 2012 Gen Con Badge.

You can find event listings at registration.gencon.com. To view the listings, you will need to log into your Gen Con account, and click the “Find Events” link in the left navigation pane. From there, you can browse events by type, day, group, and more.

Additionally, you may review the schedule online at www.gencon.com at a link that will appear under the “Attend” menu. From “Attend,” you can mouse to “Events,” then click on “Event Catalog.”

Finally to download the spreadsheet version of the catalog, you can to the Community downloads page.

I will check my SPAM. I definitely didn't get that email. Thanks for the update.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Jason S wrote:

Now it seems like it's gone to the opposite extreme. There are several 5-9 tables but limited 7-11 tables. I understand why they're doing it however, to introduce new players to the game (lots of tables for beginners box, child tables, etc), and to also limit the amount of scenarios that are GMed (which is a good thing for everyone imo).

I wouldn't say the extreme but more emphasis was placed on lower level tables. Part of that was my own experience running Wrath of the Accursed with 5 Pre Gens and 1 real character and seeing it happen many times last year. I had a second table of Wrath of the Accursed show up with all 6 players having pregens and all 6 were brand new to Pathfinder. I changed that second game to First Steps on the spot.

The breakdown is as follows:

3 Tier 1 Scenarios (First Steps Arc)
5 Tier 1-5 Scenarios
3 Tier 3-7 Scenarios
3 Tier 5-9 Scenarios
3 Tier 7-11 Scenarios

If you want to count both rounds of the Special, add 2 to each of those above numbers.

If you have a 1st level character, you can play in 9 different scenarios (or 10 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

If you have a 3rd or 4th level character, you can play in 9 different scenarios (or 10 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

If you have a 5th level character, you can play in 12 different scenarios (or 13 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

If you have a 7th level character, you can play in 10 different scenarios (or 11 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

If you have a 9th level character, you can play in 7 different scenarios (or 8 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

If you have a 10th level or higher character, you can play in 4 different scenarios (or 5 if you make Round 2 of the Special)

Since there are only 10 slots at Gen Con, you could fill half of those with your 10+ character.


We also need to do a better job of mustering tables for tier 7-11, making sure as many "real" characters get a "real" experience as possible.

I'd also like to point out to those interested, there is a fair number of GMs who are signed up as "overflow" GMs for most every scenario. I know I'm one for 4-04, meaning that if we fill up those tables with tickets, we could run an extra table of it with generics. So please don't worry about tickets running out. If you want to play PFS at any tier, but don't have a ticket, buy generics and show up!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:

We also need to do a better job of mustering tables for tier 7-11, making sure as many "real" characters get a "real" experience as possible.

I'd also like to point out to those interested, there is a fair number of GMs who are signed up as "overflow" GMs for most every scenario. I know I'm one for 4-04, meaning that if we fill up those tables with tickets, we could run an extra table of it with generics. So please don't worry about tickets running out. If you want to play PFS at any tier, but don't have a ticket, buy generics and show up!

We will do a much better job of marshalling this year. If a table of 6 pregens, with brand new players with little to no experience with PFS, shows up for a Tier 7-11 game, expect that it will probably be changed to a First Steps game.


Kyle Baird wrote:
3) Play in the Special at tier 10-11 if you can. The top 3 tables of each tier get invited to Part 2 on Saturday. Historically the number of 10-11 tables has been really low and the odds of making it to Part 2 will be greater than any other tier (except 12+).

That is exactly my plan. I've been building my ranger up for three years and I'm shooting for part 2 of the special. I might even make it if I'm not at Kyle's table. But it will be a blast if I am at Kyle's table!!!!!!


Michael Brock wrote:

There are actually 3 scenarios in the Tier 7-11 range. Those are:

#3-17: Red Harvest
#3-26: Postral of the Sacred Rune
#4-04: King of the Storval Stairs

In addition, the Special Parts 1 and 2 are for Tier 1-12+. So, if you advance to the second round of the special, there are 5 play opportunities for Level 10+ PCs.

I'm not sure why you thought the Special was Tier 1-5. I just checked the Gen Con site and found the Special is listed as 1-12+.

Yes but .... some of us (by choice) have a limited number of slots we can play and there is (generally) only one table of each of these offered each slot. I expect those tickets to sell out very fast. I'll be very disappointed if I can't get into one of these slots. Also, I hope that they are sold to experienced players and don't have a lot of pre-gens.

did i miss the posting of the events?

I thoght they e-mailed everyone that registered?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Thefurmonger wrote:

did i miss the posting of the events?

I thoght they e-mailed everyone that registered?

Check your spam filter to see if the email fell in there.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

didn't see one either, and if landed in spam it went by by

Sczarni 4/5

I have found that the gencon emails go out in waves... they started sending them out yesterday, so everyone should have them by Sunday... vic posted the email higher in this thread

Grand Lodge 4/5

noswald wrote:
I'm hoping to get into the 7-11 scenarios and use my Cleric in the Special. There aren't very many tickets available for the 7-11 scenarios, so I hope I can get them.

All three tier 5-9 and 7-11 scenarios still have tickets available, as does the Special almost 5 hours after going live.

I, for one, am excited. My fiance and I have been playing for years, but we never played in a society event. We are a little bummed we need to start at level 1, but we need to start somewhere.

A friend of mine had an experience with a bunch of new players with significant others who weren't interested in the game as well: and ended up killing his favorite character to play. Terrible shame. I hope that's not a common occurrence.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

Michael Brock wrote:
noswald wrote:
I'm hoping to get into the 7-11 scenarios and use my Cleric in the Special. There aren't very many tickets available for the 7-11 scenarios, so I hope I can get them.
All three tier 5-9 and 7-11 scenarios still have tickets available, as does the Special almost 5 hours after going live.

Thanks Mike. I got all but one slot of what I hoped to get. We should have more 7-11 tables in my area soon, so what I miss, I'll get then.

Also, been 6 years since I've been to GenCon and this is the first time that I'm going to play only and not judge.

Dark Archive 2/5

LadyRabbit wrote:

I, for one, am excited. My fiance and I have been playing for years, but we never played in a society event. We are a little bummed we need to start at level 1, but we need to start somewhere.

A friend of mine had an experience with a bunch of new players with significant others who weren't interested in the game as well: and ended up killing his favorite character to play. Terrible shame. I hope that's not a common occurrence.

It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built ("the usual 10 CON, I don't do damage at all, and I don't do combat types" characters). So just have good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by yourself, and you should be fine.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bruce Chung wrote:
It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built ("the usual 10 CON, I don't do damage at all, and I don't do combat types" characters). So just have good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by yourself, and you should be fine.

I guess you haven't had Kyle DM you yet :)


The Exchange 5/5

Bruce Chung wrote:
LadyRabbit wrote:

I, for one, am excited. My fiance and I have been playing for years, but we never played in a society event. We are a little bummed we need to start at level 1, but we need to start somewhere.

A friend of mine had an experience with a bunch of new players with significant others who weren't interested in the game as well: and ended up killing his favorite character to play. Terrible shame. I hope that's not a common occurrence.

It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built ("the usual 10 CON, I don't do damage at all, and I don't do combat types" characters). So just have good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by yourself, and you should be fine.

wow... the only characters I've every had die are the ones with "good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by themselves"!

Most of my characters that have a 10 CON, and little or no combat skills seem to do just fine - they avoid combat when they can and don't do crazy things (mostly). Guess it's partly play style and partly who else you have with you.

Bruce Chung wrote:
It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built ("the usual 10 CON, I don't do damage at all, and I don't do combat types" characters). So just have good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by yourself, and you should be fine.

Good to know. If that's the case I won't worry. My fiance and I will be playing together and we are aware of dungeon rule 1: don't break up the party!

Unless you have a smelly troglodyte. Sometimes reincarnation goes wrong.


The easiest way to avoid dying is to not play up unless you are certain the party can handle it (and even then maybe not). That is, if you're playing a tier 1-5 scenario and you have a level 1 or 2 PC, don't let others convince you to play the 4-5 subtier.


Qstor wrote:
Bruce Chung wrote:
It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built
I guess you haven't had Kyle DM you yet :)

No, but I have played at Bruce's table. I think it's time to return the favor. *insert evil maniacal laugh*

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
No, but I have played at Bruce's table. I think it's time to return the favor. *insert evil maniacal laugh*

Maybe he'll be your first Venture Lt. kill :)

Locally he's not as vicious as other DMs :)


Dark Archive 2/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Qstor wrote:
Bruce Chung wrote:
It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built
I guess you haven't had Kyle DM you yet :)
No, but I have played at Bruce's table. I think it's time to return the favor. *insert evil maniacal laugh*

What are you?

*don't say Batman*

Dark Archive 2/5

nosig wrote:
Bruce Chung wrote:
LadyRabbit wrote:

I, for one, am excited. My fiance and I have been playing for years, but we never played in a society event. We are a little bummed we need to start at level 1, but we need to start somewhere.

A friend of mine had an experience with a bunch of new players with significant others who weren't interested in the game as well: and ended up killing his favorite character to play. Terrible shame. I hope that's not a common occurrence.

It's hard to die in Society unless the character is very badly built ("the usual 10 CON, I don't do damage at all, and I don't do combat types" characters). So just have good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by yourself, and you should be fine.

wow... the only characters I've every had die are the ones with "good AC, good HP, and don't go off trying to do things by themselves"!

Most of my characters that have a 10 CON, and little or no combat skills seem to do just fine - they avoid combat when they can and don't do crazy things (mostly). Guess it's partly play style and partly who else you have with you.

I'll make sure I kill you if I ever get to GM you. So you coming to Gen Con...?

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