waiph |

At 4th level, and every even numbered level, you can relearn a spell that you already know. So, you'll have to wait one more level... or just ask your DM. Hopefully s/he's not a jerk. =)
it's in the rules that you can change it at 4th. So yeah, ask your GM if you can change it cause it'd be silly to have it from 2 sources, otherwise do it at 4.

Nemitri |

It's just a shame there's no clause ot freely retrain spells once you get them from bloodline. Both for people who don't look ahead like that, and for the fact that...waiting till level 3 to get mage armor freaking sucks! :)
I totally agree, they should make a clause stating that if you get a duplicate bonus spell due to player not wanting to wait up for it or for not looking ahead of time.
It also brings in to account that for example, bonus spells are acquired at odd levels, say you wanted to change your spell specialization to a bonus spell...but you can't since you can only do that on even levels... you would have to wait about 1 other levels to specialize, and depending on the campaign's longetivity that may be 1 or more sessions from it

Drejk |

Personally I'd allow such retraining immediately upon gaining the spell (no sorcerer in party at the moment, and nothing signs for party composition change... unless someone dies tomorrow and decides to create new character instead of being raised) but it would be houserule.
EDIT: I also houseruled that bloodline bonus spells are gained at even levels to match the Oracle bonus spell progression.

Nazard |

My view has always been that, for some bloodlines, it doesn't make sense for a sorcerer to wait so many levels before taking a bloodline spell. Take fire for instance. Why would you be a sorcerer with the blood of fire creatures running brought your veins, with a strong predisposition to fire magic, without taking burning hands, the main first level fire spell, at first level? I know they have their little fire ray SLA, but really, shouldn't a guy like this be craving to know this spell, rather than saying, "I want burning hands, but I'll wait two levels to get it because otherwise I'm not optimized." waiting makes little sense from a role-playing perspective. Sure, some RP choices should be sub-optimal, but a 25% reduction in spells known is a heck of a sub.

Kybryn |

It's just a shame there's no clause ot freely retrain spells once you get them from bloodline. Both for people who don't look ahead like that, and for the fact that...waiting till level 3 to get mage armor freaking sucks! :)
Thanks for all of the replies guys. I couldn't agree more with Stream. I think that if the spell is something innate to you, why penalize you for learning it earlier? We'll see what he rule's on Saturday!