Barbarian / Monk


I'm building a barbarian/monk that is based on rend.

Is this a good idea?

Also any advice would be grate.

Additional questions--
What's the best race? I was thinking The monkey race but I hope to find something with Str and Wis.

What should I start with and move to.

I normaly don't ask others to help me build I do research but I never touched a monk and I normaly have more time to build.

It's for kingmaker adventure path.

Thank you for reading this.

Add on narural claw attacks would be nice. Don't catfolk have them? Is there other races that have them?

So what you're describing here sounds like you want to invest in the Boar style line of feats:

you might also want to go half-orc and take the toothy trait which gives you a bite attack.

I'm not sure you can multiclass Barbarians and Monks, don't you have to be chaotic to be a barbarian and lawful to be a monk?


How are you getting around the fact that you can't combine the class because of alignment restrictions?

Did the Game Master give you a special 'get out of limitations free' card, or are just hoping he or she won't notice?

I'm not sure you can multiclass Barbarians and Monks, don't you have to be chaotic to be a barbarian and lawful to be a monk?

martial artist. No alignment restriction.

from the srd


Alignment: A martial artist may be of any alignment.

Liberty's Edge

Well, go with the Martial Artist Monk Archetype, and likely the Brutal Pugilist Barbarian one. Be non-Lawful.

If you want a Str/Wis race, I believe there's at least one Tiefling variety with that, and the Oread also have it.

And Rage Powers can grant claws. I'm a big fan of Half-Orcs with a bite attack and Beast Totem for my natural weapon needs on a Barbarian.

I'm playing a Lizardfolk monk. The DM is allowing my claws to progress as per monk unarmed damage progression. With Boar Style he can cause quite a bit of damage.

Sounds good I'm going to delve into more.

I always thought that taking drunken master for 4 levels, then finding out that he's a mean drunk and gets booted from the monastery, would be a good starting place for a drunken brute/savage barbarian combo. I mean, the synergy is amazing, and the RP writes itself. Also, as far as I know, you can change your alignment just fine, but you'll never be able to take another level of monk.

prototype00 wrote:

So what you're describing here sounds like you want to invest in the Boar style line of feats:

you might also want to go half-orc and take the toothy trait which gives you a bite attack.

I'm not sure you can multiclass Barbarians and Monks, don't you have to be chaotic to be a barbarian and lawful to be a monk?


This is really cool and something I am going to look into I doubt I am required to be a Orc/goblinoid type creature.

Thanks again for all the input.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Well, go with the Martial Artist Monk Archetype, and likely the Brutal Pugilist Barbarian one. Be non-Lawful.

If you want a Str/Wis race, I believe there's at least one Tiefling variety with that, and the Oread also have it.

And Rage Powers can grant claws. I'm a big fan of Half-Orcs with a bite attack and Beast Totem for my natural weapon needs on a Barbarian.

I know barb can get claw attacks with rage power but that's a rage power invested into it

Liberty's Edge

Munkir wrote:
I know barb can get claw attacks with rage power but that's a rage power invested into it

True, but Lesser Beast Totem's also a prerequisite for Beast Totem which is a decent AC I'm inclined to say it's worth it. And, eventually, Greater Beast Totem, which grants Pounce (if you ever get to Barbarian 10).

We are playing kingmaker idk what's the cap but I'm sure it's past 10. You make a good point thank you.

Now is there any creatures that haven't been mentioned yet?

My GM is pretty open as long as its not braking the game he allows it he even said I coud take templets like ogerkin(though I don't want Ogki) . So I feel like I should really take everything into mind when building this.

This will be my main char he will ultimately be my all time fav char I have built the RP and I have deep connections with the name and background so I'm trying to take everything into account.

Is there an AL requirement for Master of many styles archetype?

I can't seem to find it.

Liberty's Edge

Munkir wrote:

Is there an AL requirement for Master of many styles archetype?

I can't seem to find it.

Archetypes only change the core class's Alignment Restrictions if they say they do. MoMS does not, so it's Lawful Only, just like the standard Monk.

However, it doesn't overlap at all with Martial Artist, so you can take both, avoiding the Alignment Restrictions that way.

Grand Lodge

What archetypes do stack with Martial Artists?

Liberty's Edge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
What archetypes do stack with Martial Artists?

Well, as mentioned, Master of Many Styles does. As does Qinggong Monk in theory. And...that's actually it. I just went through them looking and those are the only two that don't necessarily overlap.

Thank you DeadManWalking your very helpful.

Im back and forth on this really I know I want it to be monk and I like barbarians but it doesn't have to be a barbarian.

I'm probably going to stick with monk/barbarian but I don't really see anything wonderful about the Martial Artist unless I'm missing something

I really love styles I just got a look at them and it blew me away. But while styles add that flare I urn for but they don't have the bulk like rage or overhand chop. Now I'm thinking Monk of many Styles/2H fighter

Sorry for being indecisive.

Liberty's Edge

Munkir wrote:
Thank you DeadManWalking your very helpful.

You're very welcome. Always happy to be of help. :)

Munkir wrote:
I'm probably going to stick with monk/barbarian but I don't really see anything wonderful about the Martial Artist unless I'm missing something

It's alright, but basically it removes the Alignment restriction so that Barbarian/Monk actually works.

Realized It would be a waste to go Monk/2H fighter

I for some reason was thinking 2H fighter was a unarmed fighter how wrong was I.

Munkir wrote:
I'm probably going to stick with monk/barbarian but I don't really see anything wonderful about the Martial Artist unless I'm missing something

As stated, the alignment restriction (so you can progress as a monk and barbarian)

There is also this feature:

SRD wrote:

Extreme Endurance (Ex)

At 5th level, a martial artist gains immunity to fatigue. At 10th level, he also gains immunity to exhaustion. At 15th level, he gains immunity to stunning. At 20th level, he gains immunity to death effects and energy drain.

This ability replaces purity of body, diamond body, and perfect self.

Don't know about you, but immunity to fatigue might be valuable to someone who has rage...

Seriously, the Drunken Master and Drunken Brute with Savage Barbarian work incredibly well together. After 4 levels of monk, you've got your ki pool, and you can get temporary ki by drinking. Once you take barbarian at all you can rage indefinitely AND stockpile "temporary" ki, maybe burn a point a round for +4 dodge bonus to AC? Then just unload on some poor schmuck with a stunning fist and 2 or 3 more attacks while raging. Besides, with the monk's great saves, it makes the Good for what ails you rage power really nice.

MC Templar wrote:
How are you getting around the fact that you can't combine the class because of alignment restrictions?

as posted, he's using the no-alignment-restriction martial artist archetype...

but there definitely isn't a 'fact' that you can't combine the classes.
starting out monk, becoming chaotic, and progressing thru barbarian is more than viable, and you retain all monk abilities (although armor would shut down some abilities, and non-monk weapons can't be flurried, etc).

i'm planning on playing such a character who from level 1 is a chaotic monk, i.e. can't progress further in monk while he's chaotic, who was adopted/kidnapped by an evil tendency monatery and learned their ways, but eventually escaped and reverted to fully chaotic, even more than he originally was, in opposition to the strictures he had lived under. that is PFS-legal.

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