Thefurmonger |

Ok, with that out of the way..
I am building a PFS character to play allong with my wife's Lore warden Pirate. (She is all about Trip and Disarm BTW)
Anyway in PFS play there is a really intresting rule.
Loot that is destroyed durring the game (For example Sundered) is still available at the end for purchace.
**No, it is not realistic**
Anyway, I have decided to do a Barbarian/Fighter.
Going the Superstition/Spell sunder route.
Planned build.....
Barbarian (Invun Rager)1/Fighter 1/Barb 2+
Str 18
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 7
1. Power Attack
H. Raging Vitality
2(F1). Improved Sunder
3. Extra Rage Power Strength Surge
5. Furious Focus
7. Greater Sunder
9. Cornugon Smash
Rage Powers
2. Superstitious
4. Witch Hunter
6. Spell Sunder
8. Sunder Enchantment
I am taking Heart of the fields Alt human Trait
Also taking the trait to give 3 extra rounds of rage.
and Indomitable, +1 saves vs enchantment.
So what should I fight with?
It will be a 2 handed weapon, but are any better for sundering?
Is there a better trait then the +1 save vs enchantment?
What glaring errors did i make?

Gauss |

Sidenote: there are rules for repairing loot that is destroyed (even magic items) so it isnt that unrealistic. One thought might be that it counts as destroyed but still is still intact enough to be repaired as if just broken. Not saying this is how PFS is running it..just some possible logic as to why it could work.
2handed weapons ARE better for sundering. Simple reason: sunder is based on the damage per hit to penetrate hardness just like DR is. In order to bypass this hardness you will want the largest bonus that you can achieve. 2handed is the best way to do this.
However, if you want to consistently use a shield you can use a one handed weapon 2handed and switch back and forth depending on purpose.
Example: I am using a long sword and shield when I spot something that needs sundering. I drop the shield and switch to a 2handed hold, then sunder away.
- Gauss

Gauss |

There is not a huge difference in sword vs hammer regarding sundering EXCEPT on Core Rulebook page 174. That is where GM adjucation comes into it. A hammer works against things like stone structures whereas a sword works for things that require cutting like rope. Perhaps have one as a backup.
Against, weapons/armor either works just fine. - Gauss

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Sidenote: there are rules for repairing loot that is destroyed (even magic items) so it isnt that unrealistic. One thought might be that it counts as destroyed but still is still intact enough to be repaired as if just broken. Not saying this is how PFS is running it..just some possible logic as to why it could work.
2handed weapons ARE better for sundering. Simple reason: sunder is based on the damage per hit to penetrate hardness just like DR is. In order to bypass this hardness you will want the largest bonus that you can achieve. 2handed is the best way to do this.
However, if you want to consistently use a shield you can use a one handed weapon 2handed and switch back and forth depending on purpose.
Example: I am using a long sword and shield when I spot something that needs sundering. I drop the shield and switch to a 2handed hold, then sunder away.
- Gauss
Repairing Magic Items
Repairing a magic item requires material components equal to half the cost to create the item, and requires half the time. The make whole spell can also repair a damaged (or even a destroyed) magic items—if the caster is high enough level.
Damaged Objects
Damaged (but not destroyed) objects can be repaired with the Craft skill and a number of spells. (eg. make whole or mending)

Gauss |

WhipShire, I know the rules. If you would read what I wrote I stated that there are rules for repairing loot that is destroyed (even magic items). What I was trying to say was a possible 'fluff' reason why PFS ignores destroyed items beyond just the damaged/destroyed rules. It was just an idea, not RAW or anything.
- Gauss

Kalavas |

Actually, alot of things (such as lucerne hammer) have bonuses to sunder specific items. Those items do not have the sunder property. The Sunder Property doesn't do anything. It shouldn't be there to be honest. - Gauss
Why not? I thought if a weapon had the Sunder property it got a +2 to sunder combat maneuvers.

Gauss |

On equipment special features Disarm has a universal property: +2 to all CMB checks to disarm an enemy. Sunder does not have a similar universal property. There are bonuses that individual weapons get but they vary from weapon to weapon. Some weapons get a bonus to sunder some things, others get a bonus to sunder other things. No universal sunder bonus.
Source: Page 144-145 of the Core Rulebook.
Btw, yes, Adventurer's Armory has 2 weapons listed (on the table) as Sunder but since there is no universal property to go with that listing the listing is meaningless. Use the definitions in the weapon descriptions themselves.
- Gauss

WerePox47 |

At base it gives +2 and an additional +1 every 4 levels, so at pfs cap of 12th level garner a +5 to saves. the human fav class option would add an additional +4 to that for a total of +9 to saves at 12th level. And ur right the will save from rage doesnt stack, but this will override and a be much higher regardless.. A side note, because the fort bonus from rage is gain threw the con bump and not a save bonus superstition will stack with it.. So with the feat raging vitality, which every barb should have, you will recieve +13 to fort saves and +9 to reflex/will saves while raging at 12th level..

Thefurmonger |

At base it gives +2 and an additional +1 every 4 levels, so at pfs cap of 12th level garner a +5 to saves. the human fav class option would add an additional +4 to that for a total of +9 to saves at 12th level. And ur right the will save from rage doesnt stack, but this will override and a be much higher regardless.. A side note, because the fort bonus from rage is gain threw the con bump and not a save bonus superstition will stack with it.. So with the feat raging vitality, which every barb should have, you will recieve +13 to fort saves and +9 to reflex/will saves while raging at 12th level..
Yep, this is pretty much 100% the plan.