What kind of music will there be in PFO?

Pathfinder Online

Most people turn off the game music and listen to something else on the side.
But what will Goblinworks be looking for?

Emo hip-hop and grimecore. ;)

Do not follow that link.... Your ears will bleed!

Gworeth wrote:
Do not follow that link.... Your ears will bleed!

I removed that link since i was being a bit of jerk by hanging that band out to dry like that and that's against the rules.

Edited it away...but not fast enough to save your hearing Gworeth. Sorry.

Goblin Squad Member

I would love to hear Lord of the Blacksmiths every time I'm crafting at the Forge.

Spleenslitta wrote:
Gworeth wrote:
Do not follow that link.... Your ears will bleed!

I removed that link since i was being a bit of jerk by hanging that band out to dry like that and that's against the rules.

Edited it away...but not fast enough to save your hearing Gworeth. Sorry.

It's okay... Your ears need a little bleedin' once in a while. Makes you feel alive ;-P

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the way Guild Wars 2 is doing it seems to be about perfect. They will allow the player to replace the game's music files with their own selections. Not only that, they have one hell of a composer working on their own, so many will probably not even think of customizing it.

Goblin Squad Member

The only MMO I play these days, Star Trek Online, has a nice little music player in game. So I listen to a combination of Star Trek movie music and Iron Savior. But sometimes I listen to the ingame music, and to be honest, it's kinda lacking. PFO needs some really good music if they want it to be listened to at all.

Plus, since this is supposed to be one epic sandbox, I'd love to see characters compose their own tunes to play. Of course, I'd need to be able to turn player-composed music off, or select individuals, cause there will be bad music (or just be allowed to kill them without repercussions). And definitely make sure music selections are keyed to events, I want epic battle music during battles, dark, foreboding music in dark dungeons, and light-hearted music in fey areas.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

2 people marked this as a favorite.

March of the Cambreath. The only single song that is absolutely indispensable. Also, not one that should show up randomly.

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to see GW hire GWAR to do the sound track...

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll take anything from Two Steps From Hell. Amazing music, in a pretty wide variety of styles.

Goblin Squad Member

Personally, I almost always mute game music and play my own or just listen to the ambient and combat sounds as I play. One of the few games that changed this for me was SW:TOR. SWTOR's music is awesome, and actually adds to the fun of the game for me. This is a great, rare feeling.

For me, it seems a lot of resources need to go into the soundtrack to make good music and to make that wide selection of tracks play at fitting times. Most of the times the music has really engaged me in SWTOR were when I was in an instance doing part of the main storyline quest, and I'm not sure how reliably you could duplicate that experience in an open world.

My thoughts on it are to either accept that most people will simply mute the game music, or put so much effort into it that people like me will feel like they're missing out if they do.

Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
I'll take anything from Two Steps From Hell. Amazing music, in a pretty wide variety of styles.

I can imagine the tone it would set for this game if all the music was like Two Steps from Hell.


.......Sir, the hounds are asleep. We don't have any archers or mages... and even if we did do you really want to burn all the cabbage?

Lol. In all seriousness though some Two Steps From Hell style music would be epic during major battles.

I actually didn't know about Two steps from hell.
I guess that's because i practicly live under a rock because i really liked what i heard.

How about Triarii for some music that's more heavy on the feeling of doom and pomp & pride?

Sorry about the links sound quality. Couldn't find anything better.

Goblin Squad Member

I just realized I actually have Two Steps From Hell on my Pandora station. I haven't given 'em Thumbs Up or Down yet. It sounds very much like a movie soundtrack.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I loved the music in the original Neverwinter Nights game and expansion packs. So much that I found the music files in their directory, imported them into my music software (Sonar) and exported them as MP3s to listen to while I was working. Fun.

Goblin Squad Member

This music please

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I'd vote for Midnight Syndicate. They are known for the atmospheric music they make for gaming, specifically table-top RPGing. It's nice background music.

Also, I'd like to note that music is very important to me. Making good music that matches the setting really makes the difference in a game. it also sets it apart from other games that don't have the right level of polish.

It's worth it to get the music right.

Goblin Squad Member

Shawn S. wrote:

Also, I'd like to note that music is very important to me. Making good music that matches the setting really makes the difference in a game. it also sets it apart from other games that don't have the right level of polish.

It's worth it to get the music right.

I remember playing a demo of a game back in the day...

Your "friend" who you know nothing about comes across the bridge and warns you about an enemy with some weird name that are attacking... who you also know nothing about. Then he falls over and has a cheesy death without any apparent wounds anywhere on his body.

You stand up, pull out a knife, and this song starts playing.

I immediately knew I was going to buy the game.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I was thinking something like "Team America" soundtrack. Seriously though, I liked Oblivion's once I turned it down to a volume that didn't "get in the way".

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Delzoon wrote:
I loved the music in the original Neverwinter Nights game and expansion packs.


Call me old fashioned but I still like chant music in the background when in a temple.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not aware of many people who keep the in-game music on for any length of time, but I guess that's because after the first couple of play-throughs it gets to be the same old stuff.

Goblin Squad Member

I expect there are a lot of people who really enjoy the game music as background/mood music while they play.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anything like Nightwish would be awesome.

Goblin Squad Member

@Kryzbyn, are you talking older Nightwish? Or newer? I absolutely love the new singer, but Tarja sounds too operatic for me.

Amaranth and Sahara totally won me over, and that's one of the bands that makes me truly thankful for Pandora :)

Goblin Squad Member

I won't knock Tarja, she has a beautiful voice. That having been said, I like the newer stuff more. Way more. Bye Bye Beautiful and Master Passion Greed are a couple of my favs :)

Goblin Squad Member

I hear ya. I actually like some of Tarja's solo stuff. But yeah, Bye Bye Beautiful is just a little awesome :)

Goblin Squad Member

Can't help but think that song was for Tarja...

Goblin Squad Member

Kryzbyn wrote:
Can't help but think that song was for Tarja...

It was, undoubtedly. "Did you ever read what [he] wrote [her]?"

Saving this thread to look up the bands I'm not familiar with when I get home.

As much as I love Nightwish - both singers, like 'em for different reasons and feel they're too different to truly compare - I can't say I'd care for too much of their music in a game like this as I prefer my background music not have lyrics.

Props up for Two Steps from Hell, listening to United We Stand, Divided We Fall as we speak. B]

Ditto for March of Cambreadth.

Will have to look up the rest =D

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Can't help but think that song was for Tarja...
It was, undoubtedly. "Did you ever read what [he] wrote [her]?"

LOL ironicly no I never "read what he wrote her", even though the song suggested that I do so. Wow, though...just...wow.

Liberty's Edge

Nihimon wrote:
I expect there are a lot of people who really enjoy the game music as background/mood music while they play.

I'm one of them

Goblin Squad Member


Dark Archive

ITT: Necromancy

Goblin Squad Member

Heinous. Guilty as charged, but Nihimon made me do it.

How could I refuse?

Dark Archive

Hey, I'm all for some Goblin Death Metal in during my PFO experience.


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
I'll take anything from Two Steps From Hell. Amazing music, in a pretty wide variety of styles.

Oh, I love them! No one I know seems to have a clue who they are, though.

I usually turn off in-game music and put appropriate instrumental playlists on my iPod. Vince Guaraldi is really good for taverns, Grieg's a good choice for adventuring, etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Major necro, but I suppose that's partially my fault for linking to this from PFO Soundtrack, who's doing it?

However, there's something incredibly amusing to me that Being revived an old thread - exactly one year later to the day - to simply post "Ditto."

I'm still chuckling :)

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

<blush> I am very bad about never looking at post dates. If it shows up as having new posts in it, I read and post without ever looking at the dates.

Goblin Squad Member

I am embarrassingly familiar with most of the threads in this forum, so it's usually pretty easy for me to spot them. :)

I suspect goblin death metal would sound something like (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FWMyTCVuqc) this. Bladecatcher by Mastodon. Although this may be to complex for them.

Forgive the sad ignorance that wouldn't allow me to jus make a link.

Goblin Squad Member

Jeremy Soule has always composed great ambient music (feels so natural, especially in GW1). But he is prolly not in the budget. But some sort of music would be nice. EVE has a great soundtrack, but it wouldn't fit here at all.

That might be a tall order, but for inns and taverns there is plenty of madrigal music out there from many groups, usually tiny quartets that would love to earn some public credit.

Goblin Squad Member

Aizom the Tiefling II wrote:

I suspect goblin death metal would sound something like (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FWMyTCVuqc) this. Bladecatcher by Mastodon. Although this may be to complex for them.

Forgive the sad ignorance that wouldn't allow me to jus make a link.

I can solve for this, if you like.

First write what you wish to say, then instead of using normal parentheses use square brackets [ ].

So you can see it I will write it out using { } brackets, then link it properly so you can see what it look like.

...something like this...
...something like {url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FWMyTCVuqc}this{/url}.
...something like this. (here the word 'this' is a hyperlink)

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