The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Uncle Teddy's Bear, Fred wrote:

* sends out skittermander hug army to share my love for today *

Hey all!

Has anyone seen Paizo's holiday card for this year? It features a viscous battle between two groups of Paizo's most ferocious creatures for supremacy over a frozen land.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm guessing there'll be a third group that shows up and wins the day out of nowhere. After all...

There's no race like gnome for the holidays.

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VixieMoondew wrote:

I'm guessing there'll be a third group that shows up and wins the day out of nowhere. After all...

** spoiler omitted **

That's it. Game's over. Vixie wins.

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Merry Thanksgiving Eve All!

* sends out skittermanders dressed in cute little turkey costumes to spread the hugs, love, and positivity *

Stay awesome all of you! A preemptive "I am thankful" for all of you -you make this world a better place.

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I think the skittermanders would be winning until one of them got the idea that they needed to help the goblins.

And then it'd just become a wintry mess.

Happy Thanksgiving to folks doing the thing, restful days for those who are not, and may everyone have a decent enough weekend!

Silver Crusade

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I'm thankful for all of y'all ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

*sends extra for those that have to spend time around people they rather not today*

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Silver Crusade

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VixieMoondew wrote:

1d20 ⇒ 20

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Rysky wrote:
VixieMoondew wrote:

Those dice have to be fixed. No way you get a natural 20 to apply gravy on Turkey Day on the first roll!

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:
VixieMoondew wrote:
Those dice have to be fixed. No way you get a natural 20 to apply gravy on Turkey Day on the first roll!

Take it up with the Storyteller.

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Have Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I am thankful for all the great people in this thread.

Silver Crusade

Selene Spires wrote:

Have Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I am thankful for all the great people in this thread.


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* grabs everyone in a bug, soft, fluffy, protective bear hug *

It's Black Friday. For all of you daring the stores or on the road today stay safe.

For those of you staying home - lucky! ;)

For those of us working today - I feel your pain.

And always remember - be your awesome selves.

Silver Crusade

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For those shopping or having to work retail be safe!

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Happy week end all, I hope nobdy got sick on turkey day ;)

Silver Crusade

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Hope everyone had a great weekend ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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It was great. In my local game, we killed the Barghest in Thistletop in short order. And we became mythic afterward. My wizard will become as much like Gandalf as possible.

Silver Crusade

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Monday’s >_>

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Clocking out for the day. Good night, everyone.

Silver Crusade

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It's supposed to get down to 21 tonight, so I'ze excite ^w^

To everyone who's not make sure to stay snuggled up and warm okay?

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Be safe, warm, and careful out there, folks.

Freehold, you missed your target and hit nw Illinois!

And Pittsburgh. Second day of snow.

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It's cold - been below freezing every day this week. Glad I got all this fur to keep warm.

* grabs everyone in a big, soft, fluffy, warm hug *

Always remember - you all rock!

Silver Crusade

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Thankies Fred ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*


"Knee! Watch the knee!"

Overdid it a bit over the weekend, walked about five times as much as I normally do, knee is tender and sore on top of the weather doing it no favors. And no, I can't take pills for it. I haven't taken pain pills of any sort since August 2012, because I had progressed to 'addiction' levels on generally available pain meds (ibruprofen, naproxen, aspirin, acetaminophen, etc...) Using heat and cold to take the worst off.

Have a great and safe morning, folks, be careful out there.

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* sends out skittermander army to spread the hugs, handshakes, high-fives, fistbumps, thumbs-up, winks, knowing nods, love, and positive vibes *

Happy Friday Eve All!

To day feels like a good day to listen to Queen. (Then again, is there ever a bad day to listen to Queen?)

* gently picks up Wei Ji *

Allow me to serve as your personal transport today.

Silver Crusade

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Hehe, nope :3

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Be safe, warm, and careful out there, folks.

Freehold, you missed your target and hit nw Illinois!

I know. I was aiming for southern Illinois and Ohio.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Be safe, warm, and careful out there, folks.

Freehold, you missed your target and hit nw Illinois!

I know. I was aiming for southern Illinois and Ohio.

With splash damage in SW PA.

Managing Editor

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
"Knee! Watch the knee!"

Do gentle knee stretches help? I blew mine out hiking this summer, and have found some internet-recommended stretches that have helped lessen and even prevent* soreness but mileage can vary, depending on the cause of the issue.

* Well, stretching AND avoiding hikes with more than about 750 feet of elevation gain, which is a challenge out here!

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I'm so, so glad it's Friday. This week has been draaaaaggiiiinnnnggggg

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Silver Crusade

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Awww Thankies, Vixie! ^w^ *hugs*

Good day so far, I hope everyone has a great day today and a great weekend.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs one*

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It's Rysky's birthday?

* runs in wearing a party hat *

* grabs Rysky in a big hug *

Merry Birthday!

Anyone else want a hug? Just to make sure I don't miss anyone - skittermanders assemble!

* sends out skittermander army wearing party hats to spread the hugs, handshakes, high-fives, fistbumps, thumbs-up, winks, knowing nods, love, and positive vibes *

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Either it's Rysky's birthday or she lied to James Jacobs, in which case she'll be cursed to roll all 7's on her next character... :P

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Happy birthday Rysky! Hope you have a great day!

Silver Crusade

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*from within the fortress floof of Fred*

Hehe, Thankies everyone, I had a good birthday yesterday ^w^

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

happy birthday rysky.

Silver Crusade

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Hehe Thankies ^w*

Hope all y’all are having a great weekend.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Happy Birthday! :)

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

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Hope everyone had a great weekend :3

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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* wanders in, shakes off the snow, and plops down in front of the fire to dry off *

Ugh, Monday.

One moment, folks, and I'll be ready to personally give hugs. In the meanwhile...

* sends out skittermander army to spread the hugs, handshakes, high-fives, fistbumps, thumbs-up, winks, knowing nods, love, and positive vibes *

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Who else out here being gay and cute on this beautiful Monday morning?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
VixieMoondew wrote:
Who else out here being gay and cute on this beautiful Monday morning?

Aren't you always gay and cute?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Uncle Teddy's Bear, Fred wrote:
VixieMoondew wrote:
Who else out here being gay and cute on this beautiful Monday morning?
Aren't you always gay and cute?

Yep! That's why I'm asking who else is :P

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I am neither gay nor cute! I am heterosexual and approachable!

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
VixieMoondew wrote:
Uncle Teddy's Bear, Fred wrote:
VixieMoondew wrote:
Who else out here being gay and cute on this beautiful Monday morning?
Aren't you always gay and cute?
Yep! That's why I'm asking who else is :P

Trying :3

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs some*

3 people marked this as a favorite.
VixieMoondew wrote:
Who else out here being gay and cute on this beautiful Monday morning?

Not me, since I'm neither, but please ignore this straight guy and pursue being cute and gay, that's how you're at your best.

Silver Crusade

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Yes! Being cute and gay shall continue!

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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