Irontruth |

I ordered more Benton's bacon. Probably won't be here for another month, which gives me time to pick out a couple recipes and test/practice them.
You bacon lovers should really give this stuff a try.
When I had some last fall, I kept raving on and on about it in front of people. They'd look at me like I was crazy... until the moment they tasted it.

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My sister raises the yummist pigs that make the best bacon that I have ever had it tastes nothing like store bought bacon. FFA Pigs make the best bacon as they are fed very high quality food so they can make weight for the auction. Then they go to the great bacon factory and to my frying pan and are made into BLT's.

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My sister raises the yummist pigs that make the best bacon that I have ever had it tastes nothing like store bought bacon. FFA Pigs make the best bacon as they are fed very high quality food so they can make weight for the auction. Then they go to the great bacon factory and to my frying pan and are made into BLT's.
I like the way you think, lad! I promise, when the zombiepocalypse happens, we'll eat you last.

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My sister raises the yummist pigs that make the best bacon that I have ever had it tastes nothing like store bought bacon. FFA Pigs make the best bacon as they are fed very high quality food so they can make weight for the auction. Then they go to the great bacon factory and to my frying pan and are made into BLT's.
Hey, you remind me of somebody.

Irontruth |
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Have you tried wrapping bacon in bacon?
I make this about once a year for the past 5 years. It's always epic.

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I made sure to leave the TV on during breakfast this morning, thereby distracting the boy with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and allowing me more bacon.
My wife was not amused, hence the exasperated sighing.
Why deprive the boy of bacon? Surely you are always sufficiently well-supplied to never run out.

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Aberzombie wrote:Why deprive the boy of bacon? Surely you are always sufficiently well-supplied to never run out.I made sure to leave the TV on during breakfast this morning, thereby distracting the boy with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and allowing me more bacon.
My wife was not amused, hence the exasperated sighing.
More for me. All's fair in beer and bacon.

Irontruth |
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I just finished making my own bacon. Made a few mistakes, but it's really forgiving. Kept it simple, honey, sugar, salt and pepper. Cured it for 7 days, then loaded it into the smoker with hickory for about 4 hours. The smoker got a little hot on me, so it cooked the bacon a little and rendered some of the fat, but it still tastes delicious.
The biggest pain is the space it takes up in your fridge. Other than that, it's ridiculously easy and this is probably the 3rd best bacon I've ever had, even with all the mistakes.
Costco in our area now sells whole pork belly. It's not the highest quality pork, but it was good enough for our purposes.

Irontruth |
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Curing a second batch now with maple syrup and bourbon. When I flipped it at the half-way point I took a slice to fry up and test. It tasted off, will see if another 3-4 days improves it.
Either too much air in the container (tried a different packing method) or I *gasp* used too much bourbon. Will do a third batch to test what went wrong.

Irontruth |
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It's a friend's birthday this weekend and a bunch of us are going to a cabin to play RPG's and board games all weekend. My personal contribution to the food is I bought some Berkshire-Duroc pork belly and set it to cure last week. Maple Syrup, bourbon (good stuff too) and a touch of molasses were added to the cure. Going to let it rest and dry out tonight and tomorrow it goes in the smoker. Friday/Saturday it goes in my belly.
Next batch, I'm setting a small amount to the side and doing a pure salt, very dry cure. You rub the pork down with salt, let it sit over night. Next day, you drain any liquid, rub it down with more salt. Rinse and repeat until there is zero liquid the next day. It's supposed to be shelf-stable at room temperature for a couple weeks and is intended to be hung and air dried.

Irontruth |
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So, we got a new charcuterie cook book. Tried out their basic cure, sweet cure, savory cure and did an experiment with some chipotle chili powder. It all turned out really well and the chipotle is surprisingly good. I still like basic, no frills bacon as my favorite, but the very slight heat of the chili's is excellent.

Irontruth |

My friend is hosting his 2-day birthday party this year and I'm helping make bacon.
First, using homemade bacon to make a bacon explosion.
Second, making bacon jam which will be used for two things:
1) adult peanut-butter and jelly, and grilled cheese sandwiches
2) cupcake filler
A local bakery recently won a food network competition show and has agreed to use our bacon jam in some custom cupcakes for the party since he's been a loyal customer from before they got famous.